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Allan Nevins papers, 1912-1992
104 linear feet (205 boxes; ca.40700 items in oversize items; 207 record storage cartons of books)- Abstract Or Scope
Approximately 12,000 letters to Allan Nevins from various correspondents including James Truslow Adams, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Willa Cather, Frances Folsom Cleveland, Van Wyck Brooks, Robert Frost, Newton D. Baker, Archibald MacLeish, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Carl Sandburg, and Henry Wallace; notes and typescripts for Nevins' books including Emergence of Lincoln, The Ordeal of Democracy, Rockefeller, and History and Historians, with notes by editor Ray A. Billington; miscellaneous transcripts, clippings, newspapers, and photographs. Also, autograph letters and manuscripts by presidents, Civil War figures, financiers, politicians, and authors. There are also the Brand Whitlock World War I Diaries and letters to him by such people as Herbert Hoover, Gen. John J. Pershing, and others.
Edward William Mammen papers, 1940-1946
5.5 linear feet (11 boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, notecards, tabulation sheets, microfilms, photographs, and photostats. The bulk of the collection is made up of his Columbia University doctoral dissertation, THE OLD STOCK COMPANY SCHOOL OF ACTING; A STUDY OF THE BOSTON MUSEUM, and related research materials. The dissertation, published in 1945, uses the Bostom Museum Stock Company to exemplify the nature of American dramatic arts in the nineteenth century vis-a-vis professional theater organizations and their dual purpose of producing shows and training actors. The research materials appear in a variety of formats: chronological lists on notecards recording the actors that performed in particular plays; tabulation sheets that fulfill many purposes, such as recording each actor's experience, the roles the actors played, and the years that they were active with the company. Photographs include those taken of theater sets, actors in costume, and pictures of the Museum building. Photostats and microfilms are almost entirely reproductions of advertisements and flyers
Edward William Mammen papers, 1940-1946 5.5 linear feet (11 boxes)
- Creator
- Mammen, Edward W. (Edward William), 1907-1990
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, notecards, tabulation sheets, microfilms, photographs, and photostats. The bulk of the collection is made up of his Columbia University doctoral dissertation, THE OLD STOCK COMPANY SCHOOL OF ACTING; A STUDY OF THE BOSTON MUSEUM, and related research materials. The dissertation, published in 1945, uses the Bostom Museum Stock Company to exemplify the nature of American dramatic arts in the nineteenth century vis-a-vis professional theater organizations and their dual purpose of producing shows and training actors. The research materials appear in a variety of formats: chronological lists on notecards recording the actors that performed in particular plays; tabulation sheets that fulfill many purposes, such as recording each actor's experience, the roles the actors played, and the years that they were active with the company. Photographs include those taken of theater sets, actors in costume, and pictures of the Museum building. Photostats and microfilms are almost entirely reproductions of advertisements and flyers
- Collection Context
Eleanor M. Tilton papers, 1770-1991
68 linear feet (81 boxes 58 file drawers 88 card file boxes 1 oversized folder)- Abstract Or Scope
This collection includes nine letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson as well as letters of Louis Agassiz, Amos Bronson Alcott, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, James Russell Lowell, John Lothrop Motley, Charles Sumner, and John Greenleaf Whittier. In addition, there are two incomplete manuscripts by Emerson and one document from the Liverpool Custom-house signed by Nathaniel Hawthorne as Consul for the United States. The collection also includes the corrected typescript, index, and page and galley proofs for Thomas Franklin Currier, A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES (New York, 1953) which was edited by Professor Tilton. Also, some early correspondence and photographs of the Tilton family and friends. There are letters from the actors Annie Louise Ames, Richard J. Dillon, and Hans L. Meery to Tilton's grandfather, Bernard Paul Verne, as well as photographs, tintypes, and daguerreotypes of the Verne family and friends.
Eleanor M. Tilton papers, 1770-1991 68 linear feet (81 boxes 58 file drawers 88 card file boxes 1 oversized folder)
- Creator
- Tilton, Eleanor M (Eleanor Marguerite), 1913-
- Abstract Or Scope
This collection includes nine letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson as well as letters of Louis Agassiz, Amos Bronson Alcott, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, James Russell Lowell, John Lothrop Motley, Charles Sumner, and John Greenleaf Whittier. In addition, there are two incomplete manuscripts by Emerson and one document from the Liverpool Custom-house signed by Nathaniel Hawthorne as Consul for the United States. The collection also includes the corrected typescript, index, and page and galley proofs for Thomas Franklin Currier, A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES (New York, 1953) which was edited by Professor Tilton. Also, some early correspondence and photographs of the Tilton family and friends. There are letters from the actors Annie Louise Ames, Richard J. Dillon, and Hans L. Meery to Tilton's grandfather, Bernard Paul Verne, as well as photographs, tintypes, and daguerreotypes of the Verne family and friends.
- Collection Context
Elliott Van Kirk Dobbie papers, 1929-1969
10 linear feet (12 boxes 8 flat boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, course materials, and printed matter relevant to the teaching and research of Elliott V. K. Dobbie, Professor of English. Correspondence files contain materials on various publications including American Speech, Modern American Usage, Word as well as letters with students and colleagues. The manuscripts include Columbia University English Department files, course materials on the history of the English language, examinations, lectures given by others and notes thereon; texts of sagas, materials on Short History of English Grammar and West Frisian language. The notes are primarily on Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records. Printed matter includes numerous offprints inscribed to Dobbie and materials used in his research.
Elliott Van Kirk Dobbie papers, 1929-1969 10 linear feet (12 boxes 8 flat boxes)
- Creator
- Dobbie, Elliott Van Kirk, 1907-1970
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, course materials, and printed matter relevant to the teaching and research of Elliott V. K. Dobbie, Professor of English. Correspondence files contain materials on various publications including American Speech, Modern American Usage, Word as well as letters with students and colleagues. The manuscripts include Columbia University English Department files, course materials on the history of the English language, examinations, lectures given by others and notes thereon; texts of sagas, materials on Short History of English Grammar and West Frisian language. The notes are primarily on Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records. Printed matter includes numerous offprints inscribed to Dobbie and materials used in his research.
- Collection Context
Ernest Victor Hollis Jr. Manuscripts, 1955-1957
3 items (1 box)- Abstract Or Scope
Two typescript copies of a Ph.D. dissertation by Hollis which he wrote as a candidate for a Ph.D. in political science at Columbia University. The early version (1955, 596 p.) is incomplete, including most of the first eight chapters of a projected eleven-chapter work. The later version (1957, 695 p.), which comprises an edited text of the original thesis and the final three chapters, appears to be Hollis' final draft. The collection also contains a microfilm of the second version.
Ernest Victor Hollis Jr. Manuscripts, 1955-1957 3 items (1 box)
- Creator
- Hollis, Ernest Victor, Jr., 1920-1958
- Abstract Or Scope
Two typescript copies of a Ph.D. dissertation by Hollis which he wrote as a candidate for a Ph.D. in political science at Columbia University. The early version (1955, 596 p.) is incomplete, including most of the first eight chapters of a projected eleven-chapter work. The later version (1957, 695 p.), which comprises an edited text of the original thesis and the final three chapters, appears to be Hollis' final draft. The collection also contains a microfilm of the second version.
- Collection Context
Frances Henne papers, 1865-1987
8.5 linear feet (14 boxes 2 oversize folders)- Abstract Or Scope
Notes and books from the library of Frances Elizabeth Henne, including some of her own books from her childhood, and others on children's literature inscribed to her by the authors; material for her class on illustration in children's literature, 1952-1979; and memorabilia. Also, a 3,000 card bibliography of children's books cited in book dealer catalogs as well as a small group of entries for monographs and serials with references to children's literature; printed ephemera collected by Phyllis Yuill Marquart (Columbia M.L.S., 1973) relating to her collecting of and research on Helen Bannerman's LITTLE BLACK SAMBO. Included are photocopies of Bannerman's out-of-print books, a folder on commercial spinoffs, such as Sambo's Restaurants, photocopies of various editions of STRUWELPETER, which contains the Sambo story and a 1971 BBC audio tape recording and transcript of a radio program on the topic.
Frances Henne papers, 1865-1987 8.5 linear feet (14 boxes 2 oversize folders)
- Creator
- Henne, Frances, 1906-1985
- Abstract Or Scope
Notes and books from the library of Frances Elizabeth Henne, including some of her own books from her childhood, and others on children's literature inscribed to her by the authors; material for her class on illustration in children's literature, 1952-1979; and memorabilia. Also, a 3,000 card bibliography of children's books cited in book dealer catalogs as well as a small group of entries for monographs and serials with references to children's literature; printed ephemera collected by Phyllis Yuill Marquart (Columbia M.L.S., 1973) relating to her collecting of and research on Helen Bannerman's LITTLE BLACK SAMBO. Included are photocopies of Bannerman's out-of-print books, a folder on commercial spinoffs, such as Sambo's Restaurants, photocopies of various editions of STRUWELPETER, which contains the Sambo story and a 1971 BBC audio tape recording and transcript of a radio program on the topic.
- Collection Context
Jacques Barzun papers, 1900-1999
225 linear feet (533 boxes; 1 drawer of oversized material)- Abstract Or Scope
The correspondence, research, and teaching files of French-American cultural historian and Columbia University professor emeritus Jacques Barzun (1907-2012).
Jacques Barzun papers, 1900-1999 225 linear feet (533 boxes; 1 drawer of oversized material)
- Creator
- Barzun, Jacques, 1907-2012
- Abstract Or Scope
The correspondence, research, and teaching files of French-American cultural historian and Columbia University professor emeritus Jacques Barzun (1907-2012).
- Collection Context
Nathaniel Davis Manuscript, 1960
1 item (3 folders)- Abstract Or Scope
Carbon copy of Davis's doctoral dissertation (550 p.) for the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, entitled "Religion and Communist Government in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe" (1960).
Nathaniel Davis Manuscript, 1960 1 item (3 folders)
- Creator
- Davis, Nathaniel, 1925-2011
- Abstract Or Scope
Carbon copy of Davis's doctoral dissertation (550 p.) for the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, entitled "Religion and Communist Government in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe" (1960).
- Collection Context
Oleg Iljinskii papers, 1945-1995
5 linear feet (10 boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
Iljinskii 's correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, documents, photographs, and printed material. The correspondence, primarily from the period 1945-1990, includes a large body of letters from Iljinskii to his wife and numerous letters to Iljinskii from such persons as Roman Goul, Valentina Sinkevich, Leonid Rzhevskii The manuscripts consist primarily of handwritten and typescript copies of Iljinskii's essays and humorous poems. Also included are his dissertation and notebooks. The collection includes about 100 photographs mostly of Iljinskii. The printed material consists almost exclusively of books and clippings.
Oleg Iljinskii papers, 1945-1995 5 linear feet (10 boxes)
- Creator
- Iljinskii, Oleg, 1945-1995
- Abstract Or Scope
Iljinskii 's correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, documents, photographs, and printed material. The correspondence, primarily from the period 1945-1990, includes a large body of letters from Iljinskii to his wife and numerous letters to Iljinskii from such persons as Roman Goul, Valentina Sinkevich, Leonid Rzhevskii The manuscripts consist primarily of handwritten and typescript copies of Iljinskii's essays and humorous poems. Also included are his dissertation and notebooks. The collection includes about 100 photographs mostly of Iljinskii. The printed material consists almost exclusively of books and clippings.
- Collection Context
Otto Rank papers, 1903-1988, bulk 1903-1940
21 linear feet (49 boxes, 9 flat boxes (flat 166 - flat 174), 2 mapcase folders)- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of (1) A group of early materials written between 1903-1905, before Rank met Freud. This includes 4 daybooks, a notebook of dreams, a notebook of poems, the manuscripts of "Der Kunstler;" (2) Correspondence between Freud and Rank between 1906-1924, including the controversy over THE TRAUMA OF BIRTH. 40 a.l.s. from Freud and typed copies from Rank, with a few letters to and from Ferenczi (3) Copies and some originals of the circular letters by members of the inner circle, Ernest Jones, Abraham, Eitingon, Ferenczi, Rank and Freud, 1920-1924 (4) Original handwritten manuscripts, typed copies, notes and corrections of Rank's major works (5) Rank's own listing and comments on his writings and publications (to 1930) (6) Rank's published works--20 titles.
Otto Rank papers, 1903-1988, bulk 1903-1940 21 linear feet (49 boxes, 9 flat boxes (flat 166 - flat 174), 2 mapcase folders)
- Creator
- Rank, Otto, 1884-1939
- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of (1) A group of early materials written between 1903-1905, before Rank met Freud. This includes 4 daybooks, a notebook of dreams, a notebook of poems, the manuscripts of "Der Kunstler;" (2) Correspondence between Freud and Rank between 1906-1924, including the controversy over THE TRAUMA OF BIRTH. 40 a.l.s. from Freud and typed copies from Rank, with a few letters to and from Ferenczi (3) Copies and some originals of the circular letters by members of the inner circle, Ernest Jones, Abraham, Eitingon, Ferenczi, Rank and Freud, 1920-1924 (4) Original handwritten manuscripts, typed copies, notes and corrections of Rank's major works (5) Rank's own listing and comments on his writings and publications (to 1930) (6) Rank's published works--20 titles.
- Collection Context