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Adam P. and Feofaniia V. Benningsen Papers, 1919-1957

110 items 1 box
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Papers of Adam Pavlovich Benningsen and his wife Feofanii︠a︡ Vladimirovna Benningsen. This collection contains a substantial number of letters which Adam Benningsen wrote to his wife while serving with the White armies in South Russia during 1919-1921. The bulk of the collection consists of manuscripts by Adam Benningsen: a lengthy memoir of his service in the Tsar's army in World War I and in the White armies in the Civil War; diaries and draft memoirs relating to the same period; memoirs of the fall of France in 1940 and of his own imprisonment, apparently by the Germans, during World War II; and two short manuscripts containing theological reflections. A short memoir of the Revolution by Feofanii︠a︡ Benningsen ("Iz zapisok grafini F. V. Benningsen," 1917)., a collection of White Army poems and songs, and a hand-produced satirical journal emanating from the White Army's camp at Gallipoli (1921) complete the collection. Correspondence: Series of letters from A. P. Benningsen to F. V. Benningsen (1919-1920) and other letters from A. P. Benningsen to F. V. Benningsen (1919-1921). Manuscripts: Diary of Adam P. Benningsen (22 July-4 September, 1914; "Iz zapisok grafini F. V. Benningsen" (1917); Prison diary of A. P. Benningsen (1943); "Razvei gore v golom pole", No. 15, (Gallipoli, 16 June, 1921); Religious reflections of Adam P. Benningsen. Notebooks: Memoirs of Adam P. Benningsen (1914-1921?), 4 notebooks, continuous pagination; Drafts of memoirs and diaries by Adam P. Benningsen; Memoirs of the fall of France by Adam P. Benningsen ("May 1940"); Theological reflections by Adam P. Benningsen. Songs and poems of the White army

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Adam P. and Feofaniia V. Benningsen Papers, 1919-1957 110 items 1 box

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchinskii Papers, 1912-1963

44 items 1 box
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The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Manuscripts include notes taken on a speechby General Lavr Kornilov in August 1917; Kolchinskiĭ's writings on the history of the Pavlovsk Military Academy (including a published book by him); and his diaries from the early 1950s. Also included are Kolchinskiĭ's Russian army documents; items relating to his work in the Belgian Congo during World War II; and several photographs of army officers during World War I.

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchinskii Papers, 1912-1963 44 items 1 box

Aleksandr Kallinikovich Svitich Papers, 1858-1959

600 items 3 boxes; 1 oversized folder
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Svitich's papers, which consist of manuscripts, photographs, subject files, and printed materials, chiefly concern the Orthodox church in interwar Poland. The papers also include Svitich's diaries, written in Poland between 1939 and 1940. Also included is an essay, in an unidentified hand, which Svitich attributes to V.V. Rozanov. There are photographs of Mikhail Artsybashev and Vladimir Burt︠s︡ev. Subject files concern: the Orthodox church in the Vilnius region in the late 19th century; meetings of various Russian organizations in 1917; many aspects of Orthodoxy in Poland in the 1920's and 1930's, including government persecution and in World War II. Among printed materials are issues of "Russkiĭ Golos"(Lwʹow) confiscated by the Polish government in 1939, and issues of Russian newspapers from World War II, including "Vestnik Russkago Komiteta v General-Gubernatorstve" (Warsaw).

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Aleksandr Kallinikovich Svitich Papers, 1858-1959 600 items 3 boxes; 1 oversized folder

Aleksandr Mikhailovich Nikolaev Papers, 1899-1967

10 linear feet 20 boxes
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The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, memoirs, diaries, notes, subject files, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Most of the material in the collection concerns Nikolaev's tenure as military attachʹe at the Russian embassy in Washington. Cataloged correspondents include Mikhail T. Florinsky and Geroid T. Robinson. There is a typescript by Vasiliĭ O. Kli︠u︡chevskiĭ, "Kratkoe posobie po russkoĭ istorii." Among the correspondence are cablegrams and official communications to the Russian embassy during World War I and the revolutionary period. Manuscripts, mostly by Nikolaev, concern contemporary and historical military topics. Diaries and memoirs deal with Nikolaev's travels to Europe during World War I and his activities as military attachʹe. Among orders granted to Nikolaev is the "Order of the Sacred Treasure," signed and sealed by the Japanese Emperor Meiji (1911). Printed materials include many articles by Nikolaev.

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Aleksandr Mikhailovich Nikolaev Papers, 1899-1967 10 linear feet 20 boxes

Aleksandr Vasil'evich Kuksin Papers, 1900-1966

600 items 2 manuscript boxes
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The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, diaries (1941-1966), documents, printed materials, photographs, and appointment books (1925-1965). The bulk of the material concerns Kuskin's activities in emigration. Included is a copy of a treaty drawn up in 1921 among various anti-communist political groups in Turkey, including the Vseukrains'ka natsional'na Rada (All-Ukrainian National Rada) and the Krest'ianskaia narodnaia partiia (Peasant National Party), pledging cooperation against the Communists. Several of the family photographs in the collection pre-date the Revolution.

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Aleksandr Vasil'evich Kuksin Papers, 1900-1966 600 items 2 manuscript boxes

Aleksei Alekseevich Ziablov Papers, 1883-1971

64 items 1 box
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Papers of Zi︠a︡blov. Included is a copy of a letter from Moscow in 1919 by Zi︠a︡blov to his daughter, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and other miscellaneous items. Manuscripts include Zi︠a︡blov's travel diary of a trip from Moscow to the Black Sea and the Crimea in 1886, his memoirs, and lectures on engineering. The memoirs discuss his childhood and education (he graduated from Moskovskoe Tekhnicheskoe Uchilishche (Moscow Technical Institute)) in 1887; his work as a teacher and engineer; the 1905 revolution in Kolomna, where he was director of a machine works; and his continued engineering career through World War I and the early Soviet period. There are family photographs and photographs of unidentified groups, including Zi︠a︡blov, standing around locomotives. Also included is a pamphlet by Zi︠a︡blov"K voprosu o nemet︠s︡kom zasilí: Illi︠u︡strat︠s︡ii iz parovozostroĭtelńoĭ praktiki" (Petrograd, 1919).

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Aleksei Alekseevich Ziablov Papers, 1883-1971 64 items 1 box

Aleksei Fedorovich and Liubov Aleksandrovna Girs Papers, 1913-1963

0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box
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One letter, manuscripts, and printed materials of Aleksei Fedorovich Girs and of his wife, Liubov' Aleksandrovna Girs. The letter, dated 1914, when Girs was governor of Minsk, is addressed to N. A. Maklakov. Aleksei Gir's memoirs cover such topics as his service in Estland; Petr Stolypin; the "Jewish question;" Tsar Nicholas II; and independent Estonia, where he lived in 1918-1924. There are also two reports by Girs from the time of his service in Minsk. ́Liubov Girs is represented by diaries and memoirs from 1901-1918, particularly on Odessa in 1905-1906; Stolypin's murder in 1911; and Nizhny Novgorod in 1917.

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Aleksei Fedorovich and Liubov Aleksandrovna Girs Papers, 1913-1963 0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box

Aleksei Maksimovich Ivanov Diary, 1958

1 item 1 box
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Typescript copy of Ivanov's diary describes his service in the Caucasus and Caspian regions and the Crimea in 1919-1920.

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Aleksei Maksimovich Ivanov Diary, 1958 1 item 1 box

Alessandra Comini Diaries and Letters, 1948-1955

1 Linear Feet 2 document boxes
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This collection of letters and diaries provides a lens into the teenage and college years of American art historian, Alessandra Comini. The bulk of the letters are from her mother, writing to Comini at Barnard College. The diaries chronicle Comini's travels abroad.
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Alessandra Comini Diaries and Letters, 1948-1955 1 Linear Feet 2 document boxes

Alexander Anderson Diary, 1793-1799

0.42 linear feet 3 volumes
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Anderson's connections to Columbia are many. He received an M.D. from Columbia's College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1796, engraved Columbia's commencement ticket in 1794, and a bookplate for the College Library. As noted in his diary, he began sketching the design for the bookplate on March 14, 1795, delivered the finished work to President Johnson on March 25th, and was, after some effort on his part, paid £2, 8s on May 7th.

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Alexander Anderson Diary, 1793-1799 0.42 linear feet 3 volumes

Alexander Dallin Papers, 1934-1955

63 items 2 boxes
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Almost all the materials concern World War II in the Soviet Union. Materials include reports, two diaries, documents, and printed materials. There are photocopies of reports concerning the German occuation of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, written by German military staff, and a mimeographed research report by Alexander Dallin entitled "Kaminsky: The History of an Experiment (1941-1945)." One diary is by Otto Bräutigam, a German Foreign Ministry official who worked in the Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories; the other diary is by one Linge, apparently a secretary to Hitler, for his diary is a record of Hitler's daily appointments from 1934-1943. Both diaries are photocopies. The printed materials include issues of a number of titles published mostly in the German-occupied parts of the Soviet Union; they are mostly single issues. Two pamphlets published by the Russian Liberation Army (ROA). There are photocopies of documents, cartoons, and leaflets concerning the partisan movement in the Soviet Union.

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Alexander Dallin Papers, 1934-1955 63 items 2 boxes

Alexander von Freedericksz Papers, 1936-1965

56 items 1 box
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Collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, and printed materials. There are letters and telegrams from Field Marshal Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim of Finland; two brief memoirs, one by E.L. Miller about Freederichsz and his wife, the other by the wife, entitled"Le salon de ma tante, la Baronne de Witte;" Freedericksz's diaries from 1938-40; and newspaper clippings about Mannerheim.

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Alexander von Freedericksz Papers, 1936-1965 56 items 1 box

Allan Nevins papers, 1912-1992

104 linear feet 205 boxes; ca.40700 items in oversize items; 207 record storage cartons of books
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Approximately 12,000 letters to Allan Nevins from various correspondents including James Truslow Adams, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Willa Cather, Frances Folsom Cleveland, Van Wyck Brooks, Robert Frost, Newton D. Baker, Archibald MacLeish, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Carl Sandburg, and Henry Wallace; notes and typescripts for Nevins' books including Emergence of Lincoln, The Ordeal of Democracy, Rockefeller, and History and Historians, with notes by editor Ray A. Billington; miscellaneous transcripts, clippings, newspapers, and photographs. Also, autograph letters and manuscripts by presidents, Civil War figures, financiers, politicians, and authors. There are also the Brand Whitlock World War I Diaries and letters to him by such people as Herbert Hoover, Gen. John J. Pershing, and others.

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Allan Nevins papers, 1912-1992 104 linear feet 205 boxes; ca.40700 items in oversize items; 207 record storage cartons of books

Allen Wardwell Papers, 1917-1941

5000 items 10 boxes; 1 oversized folder
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Papers of Wardwell. These papers chiefly concern the 1917-1918 American Red Cross Mission to Russia, in which Wardwell served, and his involvement in efforts to support trade with and aid to Russia in 1919-1924; he was chairman of the Russian Famine Fund in that period. There are a few items concerning the 1941 W.A. Harriman-Lord Beaverbrook mission to Russia, in which Wardwell participated. Materials on the Red Cross Mission are chiefly from May-October 1918, when Wardwell commanded it; they consist of correspondence, reports, documents, many photographs, and transcribed excerpts from Wardwell's diary and letters home. Major correspondents include Georgiĭ Chicherin, Lev Trot︠s︡kiĭ, and Raymond Robins. Records of Wardwell's efforts in regard to Russia in 1919-1924 consist of extensive correspondence files with prominent Americans, such as Robins and Herbert Hoover, manuscripts, related printed materials, and Wardwell's diary of his trip to Russia in the fall of 1922.

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Allen Wardwell Papers, 1917-1941 5000 items 10 boxes; 1 oversized folder

Anatolii Pavlovich Brailovskii Papers, 1919-1939

150 items 1 box; 1 oversized folder
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from the period of the Russian Civil War. Printed materials include posters from the Civil War Period.

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Anatolii Pavlovich Brailovskii Papers, 1919-1939 150 items 1 box; 1 oversized folder

Anatolii Petrovich Vel'min Papers, 1940-1963

3300 items 9 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, subject files and printed materials of Velḿin. The correspondence includes letters from Mark Aldanov, Mikhail Karpovich, Ekaterina Kuskova, Vasiliĭ Maklakov, Mikhail Taube, and Mark Weĭnbaum. Most of the manuscripts are by Velḿin himself and concern the Russian emigration in Poland, the 1917 Revolution and Civil War, and German concentration camps during World War II. The collection likewise contains Velḿin's diary (handwritten in eleven volumes) covering the 1900-1960 period. There are subject files devoted to Vasiliĭ Maklakov and to the activities of the Russian scouts, and there are numerous publications, such as journals, pamphlets, clippings and books.

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Anatolii Petrovich Vel'min Papers, 1940-1963 3300 items 9 boxes

Andrew Mills Jr. papers, 1933-1946

2 linear feet 4 boxes
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Diaries of Andrew Mills, Jr., containing notations, drafts of speeches and essays, newspaper clippings, printed ephemera, and letters, all of which document and reflect the problems and changes in banking during the depression and war periods.

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Andrew Mills Jr. papers, 1933-1946 2 linear feet 4 boxes

Ann Sommerich Leach Diary, 1932

29 pages 29 pages
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Carbon typescript copy of a diary by Leach concerns her trip to the Soviet Union in 1932.

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Ann Sommerich Leach Diary, 1932 29 pages 29 pages

Anton Seidl collection of musical papers, 1870-1943

30 Linear Feet 49 boxes
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Papers, letters, memoranda, memorabilia, and manuscript music scores assembled by and related to the life and musical activities of Anton Seidl. The collection includes many letters from Cosima Wagner and her children addressed to Anton Seidl and his wife, the opera singer Auguste Kraus Seidl. There are also letters from Lilli Lehman, Edvard Grieg, Antonin Dvorak, Bronislaw Hubermann, Carl Goldmark, Maud Powell, Marianne Brandt, Felix Weingartner, Lyman Abbott, and many others. The letters are chiefly concerned with musical performances, composition, and related affairs. There are journals, diaries, and memoranda in Seidl's hand, as well as photographs and clippings relating to his conducting career. Also, twenty-seven manuscript scores of Seidl's orchestrations of various works.

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Anton Seidl collection of musical papers, 1870-1943 30 Linear Feet 49 boxes

Arthur Robert Burns American Diary, 1926-1981

0.42 linear feet 1 box
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Burns' American Diary, an Englishman's view of American society, is the fruit of his Laura Spellman Rockefeller fellowship, 1926-1928. Very descriptive of his tour of U.S. and Canada (Quebec, Vancouver), numerous illustrations and clippings are laid in. In addition to his economic and social concerns, of particular interest are the architecture of major cities, their theatrical life, their politics; his visits to certain universities (Harvard, University of Chicago, Stanford), and his long visit to Washington with other Rockefeller fellows and their ongoing meetings and discussions with members of the Federal Board of Trade and professors from all over at what was to become the Brookings Institute. Competition in business was his major interest; it is discussed in the Diary, and his 1936 book, The Decline of Competition, is said to be a major influence in undergraduate teaching in the U.S. Included in the Collection is a cassette of his memorial service at Columbia, 24 April 1981.

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Arthur Robert Burns American Diary, 1926-1981 0.42 linear feet 1 box