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Adam P. and Feofaniia V. Benningsen Papers, 1919-1957

110 items 1 box
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Papers of Adam Pavlovich Benningsen and his wife Feofanii︠a︡ Vladimirovna Benningsen. This collection contains a substantial number of letters which Adam Benningsen wrote to his wife while serving with the White armies in South Russia during 1919-1921. The bulk of the collection consists of manuscripts by Adam Benningsen: a lengthy memoir of his service in the Tsar's army in World War I and in the White armies in the Civil War; diaries and draft memoirs relating to the same period; memoirs of the fall of France in 1940 and of his own imprisonment, apparently by the Germans, during World War II; and two short manuscripts containing theological reflections. A short memoir of the Revolution by Feofanii︠a︡ Benningsen ("Iz zapisok grafini F. V. Benningsen," 1917)., a collection of White Army poems and songs, and a hand-produced satirical journal emanating from the White Army's camp at Gallipoli (1921) complete the collection. Correspondence: Series of letters from A. P. Benningsen to F. V. Benningsen (1919-1920) and other letters from A. P. Benningsen to F. V. Benningsen (1919-1921). Manuscripts: Diary of Adam P. Benningsen (22 July-4 September, 1914; "Iz zapisok grafini F. V. Benningsen" (1917); Prison diary of A. P. Benningsen (1943); "Razvei gore v golom pole", No. 15, (Gallipoli, 16 June, 1921); Religious reflections of Adam P. Benningsen. Notebooks: Memoirs of Adam P. Benningsen (1914-1921?), 4 notebooks, continuous pagination; Drafts of memoirs and diaries by Adam P. Benningsen; Memoirs of the fall of France by Adam P. Benningsen ("May 1940"); Theological reflections by Adam P. Benningsen. Songs and poems of the White army

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Adam P. and Feofaniia V. Benningsen Papers, 1919-1957 110 items 1 box

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchinskii Papers, 1912-1963

44 items 1 box
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The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Manuscripts include notes taken on a speechby General Lavr Kornilov in August 1917; Kolchinskiĭ's writings on the history of the Pavlovsk Military Academy (including a published book by him); and his diaries from the early 1950s. Also included are Kolchinskiĭ's Russian army documents; items relating to his work in the Belgian Congo during World War II; and several photographs of army officers during World War I.

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchinskii Papers, 1912-1963 44 items 1 box

Aleksandr Kallinikovich Svitich Papers, 1858-1959

600 items 3 boxes; 1 oversized folder
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Svitich's papers, which consist of manuscripts, photographs, subject files, and printed materials, chiefly concern the Orthodox church in interwar Poland. The papers also include Svitich's diaries, written in Poland between 1939 and 1940. Also included is an essay, in an unidentified hand, which Svitich attributes to V.V. Rozanov. There are photographs of Mikhail Artsybashev and Vladimir Burt︠s︡ev. Subject files concern: the Orthodox church in the Vilnius region in the late 19th century; meetings of various Russian organizations in 1917; many aspects of Orthodoxy in Poland in the 1920's and 1930's, including government persecution and in World War II. Among printed materials are issues of "Russkiĭ Golos"(Lwʹow) confiscated by the Polish government in 1939, and issues of Russian newspapers from World War II, including "Vestnik Russkago Komiteta v General-Gubernatorstve" (Warsaw).

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Aleksandr Kallinikovich Svitich Papers, 1858-1959 600 items 3 boxes; 1 oversized folder

Aleksandr Mikhailovich Nikolaev Papers, 1899-1967

10 linear feet 20 boxes
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The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, memoirs, diaries, notes, subject files, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Most of the material in the collection concerns Nikolaev's tenure as military attachʹe at the Russian embassy in Washington. Cataloged correspondents include Mikhail T. Florinsky and Geroid T. Robinson. There is a typescript by Vasiliĭ O. Kli︠u︡chevskiĭ, "Kratkoe posobie po russkoĭ istorii." Among the correspondence are cablegrams and official communications to the Russian embassy during World War I and the revolutionary period. Manuscripts, mostly by Nikolaev, concern contemporary and historical military topics. Diaries and memoirs deal with Nikolaev's travels to Europe during World War I and his activities as military attachʹe. Among orders granted to Nikolaev is the "Order of the Sacred Treasure," signed and sealed by the Japanese Emperor Meiji (1911). Printed materials include many articles by Nikolaev.

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Aleksandr Mikhailovich Nikolaev Papers, 1899-1967 10 linear feet 20 boxes

Aleksandr Vasil'evich Kuksin Papers, 1900-1966

600 items 2 manuscript boxes
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The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, diaries (1941-1966), documents, printed materials, photographs, and appointment books (1925-1965). The bulk of the material concerns Kuskin's activities in emigration. Included is a copy of a treaty drawn up in 1921 among various anti-communist political groups in Turkey, including the Vseukrains'ka natsional'na Rada (All-Ukrainian National Rada) and the Krest'ianskaia narodnaia partiia (Peasant National Party), pledging cooperation against the Communists. Several of the family photographs in the collection pre-date the Revolution.

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Aleksandr Vasil'evich Kuksin Papers, 1900-1966 600 items 2 manuscript boxes

Aleksei Alekseevich Ziablov Papers, 1883-1971

64 items 1 box
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Papers of Zi︠a︡blov. Included is a copy of a letter from Moscow in 1919 by Zi︠a︡blov to his daughter, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and other miscellaneous items. Manuscripts include Zi︠a︡blov's travel diary of a trip from Moscow to the Black Sea and the Crimea in 1886, his memoirs, and lectures on engineering. The memoirs discuss his childhood and education (he graduated from Moskovskoe Tekhnicheskoe Uchilishche (Moscow Technical Institute)) in 1887; his work as a teacher and engineer; the 1905 revolution in Kolomna, where he was director of a machine works; and his continued engineering career through World War I and the early Soviet period. There are family photographs and photographs of unidentified groups, including Zi︠a︡blov, standing around locomotives. Also included is a pamphlet by Zi︠a︡blov"K voprosu o nemet︠s︡kom zasilí: Illi︠u︡strat︠s︡ii iz parovozostroĭtelńoĭ praktiki" (Petrograd, 1919).

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Aleksei Alekseevich Ziablov Papers, 1883-1971 64 items 1 box

Aleksei Fedorovich and Liubov Aleksandrovna Girs Papers, 1913-1963

0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box
Abstract Or Scope

One letter, manuscripts, and printed materials of Aleksei Fedorovich Girs and of his wife, Liubov' Aleksandrovna Girs. The letter, dated 1914, when Girs was governor of Minsk, is addressed to N. A. Maklakov. Aleksei Gir's memoirs cover such topics as his service in Estland; Petr Stolypin; the "Jewish question;" Tsar Nicholas II; and independent Estonia, where he lived in 1918-1924. There are also two reports by Girs from the time of his service in Minsk. ́Liubov Girs is represented by diaries and memoirs from 1901-1918, particularly on Odessa in 1905-1906; Stolypin's murder in 1911; and Nizhny Novgorod in 1917.

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Aleksei Fedorovich and Liubov Aleksandrovna Girs Papers, 1913-1963 0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box

Aleksei Maksimovich Ivanov Diary, 1958

1 item 1 box
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Typescript copy of Ivanov's diary describes his service in the Caucasus and Caspian regions and the Crimea in 1919-1920.

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Aleksei Maksimovich Ivanov Diary, 1958 1 item 1 box

Alessandra Comini Diaries and Letters, 1948-1955

1 Linear Feet 2 document boxes
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This collection of letters and diaries provides a lens into the teenage and college years of American art historian, Alessandra Comini. The bulk of the letters are from her mother, writing to Comini at Barnard College. The diaries chronicle Comini's travels abroad.
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Alessandra Comini Diaries and Letters, 1948-1955 1 Linear Feet 2 document boxes

Alexander Anderson Diary, 1793-1799

0.42 linear feet 3 volumes
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Anderson's connections to Columbia are many. He received an M.D. from Columbia's College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1796, engraved Columbia's commencement ticket in 1794, and a bookplate for the College Library. As noted in his diary, he began sketching the design for the bookplate on March 14, 1795, delivered the finished work to President Johnson on March 25th, and was, after some effort on his part, paid £2, 8s on May 7th.

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Alexander Anderson Diary, 1793-1799 0.42 linear feet 3 volumes

Alexander Dallin Papers, 1934-1955

63 items 2 boxes
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Almost all the materials concern World War II in the Soviet Union. Materials include reports, two diaries, documents, and printed materials. There are photocopies of reports concerning the German occuation of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, written by German military staff, and a mimeographed research report by Alexander Dallin entitled "Kaminsky: The History of an Experiment (1941-1945)." One diary is by Otto Bräutigam, a German Foreign Ministry official who worked in the Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories; the other diary is by one Linge, apparently a secretary to Hitler, for his diary is a record of Hitler's daily appointments from 1934-1943. Both diaries are photocopies. The printed materials include issues of a number of titles published mostly in the German-occupied parts of the Soviet Union; they are mostly single issues. Two pamphlets published by the Russian Liberation Army (ROA). There are photocopies of documents, cartoons, and leaflets concerning the partisan movement in the Soviet Union.

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Alexander Dallin Papers, 1934-1955 63 items 2 boxes

Alexander von Freedericksz Papers, 1936-1965

56 items 1 box
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Collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, and printed materials. There are letters and telegrams from Field Marshal Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim of Finland; two brief memoirs, one by E.L. Miller about Freederichsz and his wife, the other by the wife, entitled"Le salon de ma tante, la Baronne de Witte;" Freedericksz's diaries from 1938-40; and newspaper clippings about Mannerheim.

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Alexander von Freedericksz Papers, 1936-1965 56 items 1 box

Allan Nevins papers, 1912-1992

104 linear feet 205 boxes; ca.40700 items in oversize items; 207 record storage cartons of books
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Approximately 12,000 letters to Allan Nevins from various correspondents including James Truslow Adams, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Willa Cather, Frances Folsom Cleveland, Van Wyck Brooks, Robert Frost, Newton D. Baker, Archibald MacLeish, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Carl Sandburg, and Henry Wallace; notes and typescripts for Nevins' books including Emergence of Lincoln, The Ordeal of Democracy, Rockefeller, and History and Historians, with notes by editor Ray A. Billington; miscellaneous transcripts, clippings, newspapers, and photographs. Also, autograph letters and manuscripts by presidents, Civil War figures, financiers, politicians, and authors. There are also the Brand Whitlock World War I Diaries and letters to him by such people as Herbert Hoover, Gen. John J. Pershing, and others.

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Allan Nevins papers, 1912-1992 104 linear feet 205 boxes; ca.40700 items in oversize items; 207 record storage cartons of books

Allen Wardwell Papers, 1917-1941

5000 items 10 boxes; 1 oversized folder
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Papers of Wardwell. These papers chiefly concern the 1917-1918 American Red Cross Mission to Russia, in which Wardwell served, and his involvement in efforts to support trade with and aid to Russia in 1919-1924; he was chairman of the Russian Famine Fund in that period. There are a few items concerning the 1941 W.A. Harriman-Lord Beaverbrook mission to Russia, in which Wardwell participated. Materials on the Red Cross Mission are chiefly from May-October 1918, when Wardwell commanded it; they consist of correspondence, reports, documents, many photographs, and transcribed excerpts from Wardwell's diary and letters home. Major correspondents include Georgiĭ Chicherin, Lev Trot︠s︡kiĭ, and Raymond Robins. Records of Wardwell's efforts in regard to Russia in 1919-1924 consist of extensive correspondence files with prominent Americans, such as Robins and Herbert Hoover, manuscripts, related printed materials, and Wardwell's diary of his trip to Russia in the fall of 1922.

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Allen Wardwell Papers, 1917-1941 5000 items 10 boxes; 1 oversized folder

Anatolii Pavlovich Brailovskii Papers, 1919-1939

150 items 1 box; 1 oversized folder
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from the period of the Russian Civil War. Printed materials include posters from the Civil War Period.

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Anatolii Pavlovich Brailovskii Papers, 1919-1939 150 items 1 box; 1 oversized folder

Anatolii Petrovich Vel'min Papers, 1940-1963

3300 items 9 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, subject files and printed materials of Velḿin. The correspondence includes letters from Mark Aldanov, Mikhail Karpovich, Ekaterina Kuskova, Vasiliĭ Maklakov, Mikhail Taube, and Mark Weĭnbaum. Most of the manuscripts are by Velḿin himself and concern the Russian emigration in Poland, the 1917 Revolution and Civil War, and German concentration camps during World War II. The collection likewise contains Velḿin's diary (handwritten in eleven volumes) covering the 1900-1960 period. There are subject files devoted to Vasiliĭ Maklakov and to the activities of the Russian scouts, and there are numerous publications, such as journals, pamphlets, clippings and books.

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Anatolii Petrovich Vel'min Papers, 1940-1963 3300 items 9 boxes

Andrew Mills Jr. papers, 1933-1946

2 linear feet 4 boxes
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Diaries of Andrew Mills, Jr., containing notations, drafts of speeches and essays, newspaper clippings, printed ephemera, and letters, all of which document and reflect the problems and changes in banking during the depression and war periods.

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Andrew Mills Jr. papers, 1933-1946 2 linear feet 4 boxes

Ann Sommerich Leach Diary, 1932

29 pages 29 pages
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Carbon typescript copy of a diary by Leach concerns her trip to the Soviet Union in 1932.

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Ann Sommerich Leach Diary, 1932 29 pages 29 pages

Anton Seidl collection of musical papers, 1870-1943

30 Linear Feet 49 boxes
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Papers, letters, memoranda, memorabilia, and manuscript music scores assembled by and related to the life and musical activities of Anton Seidl. The collection includes many letters from Cosima Wagner and her children addressed to Anton Seidl and his wife, the opera singer Auguste Kraus Seidl. There are also letters from Lilli Lehman, Edvard Grieg, Antonin Dvorak, Bronislaw Hubermann, Carl Goldmark, Maud Powell, Marianne Brandt, Felix Weingartner, Lyman Abbott, and many others. The letters are chiefly concerned with musical performances, composition, and related affairs. There are journals, diaries, and memoranda in Seidl's hand, as well as photographs and clippings relating to his conducting career. Also, twenty-seven manuscript scores of Seidl's orchestrations of various works.

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Anton Seidl collection of musical papers, 1870-1943 30 Linear Feet 49 boxes

Arthur Robert Burns American Diary, 1926-1981

0.42 linear feet 1 box
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Burns' American Diary, an Englishman's view of American society, is the fruit of his Laura Spellman Rockefeller fellowship, 1926-1928. Very descriptive of his tour of U.S. and Canada (Quebec, Vancouver), numerous illustrations and clippings are laid in. In addition to his economic and social concerns, of particular interest are the architecture of major cities, their theatrical life, their politics; his visits to certain universities (Harvard, University of Chicago, Stanford), and his long visit to Washington with other Rockefeller fellows and their ongoing meetings and discussions with members of the Federal Board of Trade and professors from all over at what was to become the Brookings Institute. Competition in business was his major interest; it is discussed in the Diary, and his 1936 book, The Decline of Competition, is said to be a major influence in undergraduate teaching in the U.S. Included in the Collection is a cassette of his memorial service at Columbia, 24 April 1981.

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Arthur Robert Burns American Diary, 1926-1981 0.42 linear feet 1 box

Arthur T. Sutcliffe Papers, 1838-1962

12.5 linear feet
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The collection documents the life and activities of architect Arthur T. Sutcliffe. The collection is made up of four series: Personal Papers, Project Records, George L. Sutcliffe Papers, and Family Papers.

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Arthur T. Sutcliffe Papers, 1838-1962 12.5 linear feet

Austin Strong papers, 1890-1961

4300 items 32 boxes, includes 1 box cataloged correspondence (box A).
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Correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, commonplace books, drawings, photographs, and printed materials. The collection is a comprehensive documentation of the dramatist's career and includes manuscripts, typescripts, notes, and costume and scenic design for more than seventy of his plays and related writings; 31 diaries, commonplace books, and scrapbooks containing manuscript and typescript notes, travel sketches, original drawings, and photographs; and correspondence files including letters from Harley Granville-Barker, Sir Herbert Beerbohm-Tree, John Galsworthy, Booth Tarkington, and Thornton Wilder. Austin Strong's mother, Isobel Field, was the step-daughter of Robert Louis Stevenson. Consequently, the collection contains much Stevensoniana, including photographs and Isobel Field's letters from Western Samoa, where she was known as "Teuila." Also, correspondence and photographs relating to Cornwall Park, Auckland, New Zealand, which was designed by Austin Strong.

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Austin Strong papers, 1890-1961 4300 items 32 boxes, includes 1 box cataloged correspondence (box A).

Barrell family papers, 1751-1929, bulk 1791-1889

1.25 linear feet 3 document boxes
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The collection consists primarily of personal correspondence between members of the Barrell family in London, the United States, Barbados, and Demerara which was then a part of British Guiana. The collection also contains several family chronicles, a diary and cashbook belonging to Theodore Barrell, autograph albums belonging to Walter Newberry Barrell and Theodora Barrell, and photographs and silhouettes.
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Barrell family papers, 1751-1929, bulk 1791-1889 1.25 linear feet 3 document boxes

Bennett Cerf papers, 1898-1977

52 linear feet 71 boxes 45 volumes 22 oversized items
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Correspondence, manuscripts, memorabilia, photographs, phonograph and tape recordings, and printed files. Included are Cerf's personal correspondence files, 1929-1945, and the diaries and scrapbooks which he maintained from his school days throughout his active career. The diaries, in date-book format, contain terse notes on Cerf's meetings with authors and friends, on his travels and publishing activities; the scrapbooks contain correspondence and photographs, as well as memorabilia and printed items, and were annotated by Cerf and his wife, Phyllis Fraser Cerf Wagner. Also in the collection are manuscripts and proofs for Cerf's books including "The Laugh's on Me""Treasury of Atrocious Puns""The Sound of Laughter""Stories to Make You Feel Better", and "At Random: the Reminiscences of Bennett Cerf", which was edited by Phyllis Cerf Wagner and Albert Erskine, 1977. The papers also include condolence letters written at the time of Cerf's death, photographs and photo albums,certificates and awards, and miscellaneous printed material, including Random House and Modern Library catalogues. Among the major correspondents are: Truman Capote, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Edna Ferber, Moss Hart, J. Edgar Hoover, Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon B. Johnson, John Lindsay, Joshua Logan, John O'Hara, Jacqueline Onassis, Richard Rodgers, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Gertrude Stein, Adlai Stevenson, Harry Truman, and Robert Penn Warren

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Bennett Cerf papers, 1898-1977 52 linear feet 71 boxes 45 volumes 22 oversized items

Bernhard Joseph Stern papers, 1859-1959

2 boxes 2 boxes
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Typescripts made by Stern of Lewis Henry Morgan's INDIAN JOURNALS, 1859-1862 (Ann Arbor, 1959), and of Morgan's correspondence with missionaries, traders, etc., pertaining to behavior in various primitive societies. This correspondence assisted Morgan in the preparation of his book ANCIENT SOCIETY (New York, 1871). The material was used by Stern in his publications, LEWIS HENRY MORGAN, SOCIAL EVOLUTIONIST (Chicago, 1931); THE FAMILY, PAST AND PRESENT (New York, 1938); and "Lewis Henry Morgan, American Ethnologist" and Lewis Henry Morgan: An Appraisal of His Scientific Contributions" in Part III of HISTORICAL SOCIOLOGY (New York, 1959). Also, photographs pertaining to Stern's THE LUMMI INDIANS OF NORTHWEST WASHINGTON (New York, 1934); typescripts made by Stern of the correspondence of Morgan with Lorimer Fison (1832-1907) and Alfred William Howitt (1830-1908) for the period 1870-1881. Fison and Howitt were prominent Australian ethnographers and used the correspondence in their work on Australian Aborigine kinship systems. There is also some evidence that the correspondence influenced a later edition of Morgan's ANCIENT SOCIETY. Stern selected and edited some of the letters for the AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST (vol. 32, nos. 2-3, April-Sept., 1930).

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Bernhard Joseph Stern papers, 1859-1959 2 boxes 2 boxes

Boris Ivanovich Bok Collection on the Siege of Port Arthur, 1904-1905

55 items 1 box
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Manuscripts and related materials on the siege of Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese War, collected by Boris Ivanovich Bok. Included are diaries and memoirs by Russian participants in the siege: Dmitrii Grigor'evich Androsov (Diary), Oskar Fabianovich Berg (Memoirs), Vladimir Ferdinandovich Berg (Memoirs), Aleksandr Viktorovich Fok ("Zametki"), Nikolai Viktorovich Ienish (Memoirs), Aleksei Mikhailovich Iuzefovich (Memoirs), Vladimir Nikoalevich Nikitin (Diary), Aleksandr Apollonovich Vorob'ev (Memoirs). Some of the memoirs and diaries were published in: "Port-Arthur, Vospominaniia uchastnikov" (New York, 1955).

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Boris Ivanovich Bok Collection on the Siege of Port Arthur, 1904-1905 55 items 1 box

Boris N. and E.N. Levenets Papers, 1916-1960

63 items 63 items
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Papers of Boris N. Levenet︠s︡, and of his wife E.N. Levenet︠s︡. Included is a typescript copy of Boris' diary of military action in Romania in the fall of 1916; a folder of copies of military telegrams and documents concerning the surrender of the Tallinn (Reval or Revel)́ fortress to the Germans in February 1918 (one of the telegrams, dated 20 February, is signed by Lenin and Trotsky); and E. N. Levenet︠s︡ memoirs, which are mostly typed and in French. The memoirs deal with her youth, World War I, the Civil War, and emigration in Egypt.

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Boris N. and E.N. Levenets Papers, 1916-1960 63 items 63 items

Burr Robbins Circus collection, 1864-1908

2 Linear Feet 4 boxes (two manuscript boxes, one 1/2 manuscript box, one flat box)
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Photographs of circus animals and camp scenes; family photographs; correspondence between members of the Burr Robbins family; advertisements; clippings; scrapbooks; diaries.

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Burr Robbins Circus collection, 1864-1908 2 Linear Feet 4 boxes (two manuscript boxes, one 1/2 manuscript box, one flat box)

Carl Remington papers, 1899-1905

1 box 1 box
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Correspondence, reports, speeches, diaries, photographs, and memorabilia of Remington, including Remington's diaries and scrabooks, and copies of some of the Governor's speeches and reports. Also, an interesting collection of correspondence pertaining to the arrival of Russian warships in Manila harbor after the battle of Tsushima Straits.

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Carl Remington papers, 1899-1905 1 box 1 box

Carter Goodrich papers, 1918-1971

34 linear feet 68 boxes
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Correspondence, notes, manuscripts, and diaries including Goodrich's diaries from 1941 when he was assistant to the Ambassador to Great Britain, providing interesting insights into economic problems of the early part of World War II. The file for the International Labour Office is also quite informative and contains correspondence from many prominent economists, Herbert Lehman, Isidor Lubin, and Frances Perkins.

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Carter Goodrich papers, 1918-1971 34 linear feet 68 boxes

Catherine S. Crary papers, 1724-1826

1 linear feet 2 boxes 3 oversize folders
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Letters, manuscripts, and documents collected by Crary primarily for use in the writing of her book on American Tories, THE PRICE OF LOYALTY (1973). Many of the items relate to the Continental Army, and especially to the Company of Captain Nathan Peirce in the Green Mountain Boys Regiment of Seth Warner (1743-1784). Also included are letters from John Quincy Adams (1767-1848), Indian agent Israel Chapin, William Harris Crawford (1772-1834), Charleston merchant and loyalist John Cruden, Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834), Woodbury Langdon (1738/9-1805); and others. Also, documents relating to the commands of Benedict Arnold, John Burgoyne, Lord Cornwallis, David Wooster, and many others; deeds to land in Montgomery County, N.Y. signed by Jeremiah Van Rensselaer (1738-1810), and others; an orderly book belonging to Ichabod Norton; and a journal kept on Gibralter, apparently by the governor, George Augustus Eliott (1717-1790). A volume of muster rolls and troop encampment data of the Army of Great Britain contains copies of letters intercepted from Alexander Hamilton and Gouverneur Morris.

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Catherine S. Crary papers, 1724-1826 1 linear feet 2 boxes 3 oversize folders

Charity Clarke Moore and Clement Clarke Moore papers, 1767-1863

1 box 2 volumes (54 items) and 1 Box
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Letters written by Charity Clarke Moore and one letter and a diary written by her son Clement Clarke Moore. Charity Moore's letters range in date from 1767 to 1834 and were written to her sister, Lady Mary Clarke Vassal Affleck and other members of her family and friends. They are personal in nature dealing with family affairs and day to day events. Of the same character is Clement Moore's letter which was written to his cousin, Lady Mary Elizabeth Fox Powys Lilford in November 1840. The diary contains brief entries from 20 November 1856 to 8 July 1863, two days before his death. It is mainly a record of the weather, the temperature, and his benefactions. The letters are all mounted on the blank leaves of one volume and the diary occupies a second volume. Also included are nine volumes from the library of Benjamin Moore.

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Charity Clarke Moore and Clement Clarke Moore papers, 1767-1863 1 box 2 volumes (54 items) and 1 Box

Charlemagne Tower papers, 1830-1889

64 Linear Feet 153 boxes
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Correspondence and letter books, 1845-1889, of Charlemagne Tower, as well as legal and business papers related to real estate transactions, coal and iron lands in Pennsylvania, and the family affairs of the Tower family.

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Charlemagne Tower papers, 1830-1889 64 Linear Feet 153 boxes

Charles Augustus Stoddard papers, circa 1750 -- 1916

0.5 linear feet 0.5 linear feet; 1 box
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Charles Augustus Stoddard was a Presbyterian clergyman, editor, and writer. The collection contains newspaper clippings and religious service bulletins, sermons and prayers, professional correspondence, genealogical materials including family trees and photographs, personal correspondence, a journal and a diary.
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Charles Augustus Stoddard papers, circa 1750 -- 1916 0.5 linear feet 0.5 linear feet; 1 box

Charles P. Sifton papers, 1968-2005

32 linear feet 32 record storage cartons
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Workfiles; Administrative Files; Model Jury Charges; Book diaries of scheduled court appearances; Criminal case status cards; Civil status cards.

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Charles P. Sifton papers, 1968-2005 32 linear feet 32 record storage cartons

Charles Richard Crane Papers, 1869-1967

1.5 linear feet 3 document boxes (2100 items)
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Papers include typed carbons of correspondence, memoirs, speeches, and biographical materials. The correspondence consists of letters to and from Crane, 1869-1939, and telegrams and letters to his wife upon his death. The memoirs include information on his diplomatic service and travels. The speeches, 1910-1930, are largely based on his travels and activities. There are diaries by other persons of his trips to Albania, Russia in 1921, and to the Near East. Finally, biographical materials include editorials, articles, and speeches. While a sizable amount of material concerns Russia, the collection includes information on his other activities as well.

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Charles Richard Crane Papers, 1869-1967 1.5 linear feet 3 document boxes (2100 items)

Charles S. Ascher papers, 1926-1979

68 linear feet 159 boxes 11 rolls
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Correspondence, memoranda, manuscripts, documents, photographs, printed material, and memorabilia of Ascher. Also, his notes and diary/datebooks, as well as typescripts for many of his reports, articles, and reviews. Among the major correspondents are Roger Nash Baldwin, Mary Steichen Calderone, Julian Huxley, Margaret Mead, Jo Mielziner, Lewis Mumford, Alva Myrdal, Edwin Herbert Samuel (2nd Viscount Samuel), Percy E. Sutton, and Constantine D. Tsatsos.

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Charles S. Ascher papers, 1926-1979 68 linear feet 159 boxes 11 rolls

Charles T. Cotton papers, 1850-1877

0.5 linear feet 1 box
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Cotton's 15 nonconsecutive manuscript pocket diaries for the period from 1850 to 1877. The diaries outline his life and travels. The entries for the Civil War years are especially interesting. He often describes the capital's fear of enemy invasion, recent nearby incursions, troop movements, and the general preoccupation with all aspects of the war. He called on President Lincoln, attended his second inauguration, and notes the passage of the Emancipation Proclamation. He describes the capital's joyous mood at the fall of Richmond and the gloom over the assassination of Lincoln. He attended the military court to see the conspirators. Later volumes talk about Pension Bureau affairs and his health and that of his family.

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Charles T. Cotton papers, 1850-1877 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Charles Wrey Gardiner papers, 1918-1981

2.52 linear feet 6 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials. The correspondence includes 42 letters to Derek Stanford. There are also ten volumes of his diaries covering the years from 1918 to 1981 and his autobiographical manuscripts: THE OCTOPUS OF LOVE; THE ANSWER TO LIFE IS NO; BLACK SAHARA; COFFEE FOR LAURA; PRINTERS' PIE; THE FRAIL SCREEN; and NO MONEY FOR DREAMS, as well as many unpublished poems in manuscript. Among the cataloged correspondents are: Dannie Abse, Edwin Brock, Alexander Comfort, Denise Levertov, Kenneth Patchen, and Sydney Tremayne

1 result in this collection

Charles Wrey Gardiner papers, 1918-1981 2.52 linear feet 6 boxes

C. H. Detwiller Columbia 1885 collection, 1874-1940, bulk 1881-1885

1 document box 1 manuscript box 1 print box
Abstract Or Scope

This small collection contains primarily Detwiller's student drawings, notes, course materials, books, class photographs, and graduation announcements from the period of his study at Columbia University from 1881 to 1885. These materials are supplemented by a small group of Detwiller's childhood sketchbooks, drawings and office papers created by Detwiller during his practice as a professional architect, and other scrapbooks and ephemeral items relating to Detwiller's family and personal interests, spanning the years 1874 to 1940.

1 result in this collection

C. H. Detwiller Columbia 1885 collection, 1874-1940, bulk 1881-1885 1 document box 1 manuscript box 1 print box

Chinese Diaries collection, 1930s-1980s

850 Volumes 10 cartons
Abstract Or Scope

The Chinese Diary Collection contains 850 volumes of hardbound and softbound diaries, dating from 1930s to 1980s. Some volumes are filled with writing from cover to cover; some, partially filled; and some, with brief inscriptions. It includes 81 volumes by different individuals of Republican Period (1912-1949) and 95 small volumes penned by an engineer, with scientific data and personal contents. The contents recorded in the dairies are significant, for instance, a set of 20 work diaries by a mid-rank public security cadre member during and after the Cultural Revolution offers detailed history of public security operations for two decades. A set of 10 work diaries by an officer working in a ministry of the State Council in the 1980s documented the political and daily lives before and after the Tiananmen Massacre in association with the students' pro-democracy movement.

1 result in this collection

Chinese Diaries collection, 1930s-1980s 850 Volumes 10 cartons

C. J. Bulliet papers, 1899-1952

10 linear feet 19 boxes: 16 document boxes; 1 custom made box; 1 oversize box
Abstract Or Scope
These papers contain the correspondence, photographs, press releases, programs and manuscripts of Clarence Joseph Bulliet (1883-1952) who was a prominent art and dramatic critic for the Indianapolis Star,Louisville Herald and Chicago Evening Press. The bulk of this collection is comprised of materials from the 1910s and early 1920s, when Bulliet was business manager for the touring company of Shakespearean actor Robert Bruce Mantell. Production photographs, press releases, production diaries and notes and drafts for Robert Mantell's Romance, the biography of Mantell written by Bulliet, are included in this collection. This collection also contains photographs and souvenir programs from other productions; drafts of Bulliet's literary works; printed materials and correspondence with Edward Albee, Julian Eltinge, Genevieve Hamper, Robert B. Mantell and Vera Zorina.
1 result in this collection

C. J. Bulliet papers, 1899-1952 10 linear feet 19 boxes: 16 document boxes; 1 custom made box; 1 oversize box

Clark P. Hard papers, 1863 -- 1923

2.25 linear feet 2.25 linear feet; 5 boxes
Abstract Or Scope
Clark P. Hard was a Methodist Episcopal missionary in South India beginning in 1874. The collection contains correspondence, diaries, photographs, scrapbooks, and personal items relating to Hards life and missionary work.
1 result in this collection

Clark P. Hard papers, 1863 -- 1923 2.25 linear feet 2.25 linear feet; 5 boxes

Coleman O. Parsons papers, 1716-1981

3 linear feet 7 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Letters, manuscripts, notes, memorabilia, photographs, and printed material. Cataloged letters from George Colman the Elder, English dramatist; Lord Jeffrey, Scottish judge and critic; Andrew Lang, Scottish author; Robert Montgomery, English poet; Richard Parsons Rosse,1st Earl of Rosse; George Thomson, friend of Robert Burns and music editor; Bernard De Voto, critic, and S.R. Crockett, Scottish author. Cataloged manuscripts by Thomas Campbell, Scottish poet, James Montgomery, and E.I. Powell. Cataloged diaries of June and Coleman O. Parsons of their trip around the world in 1936-37. There are also ca.700 pages of notes by Coleman O. Parsons on various Scottish authors(including Sir Walter Scott), Scottish folk-lore and history, and Scottish poetry. Most of the notes concern his research on Francis Colman, George Colman the Elder, and George Colman the Younger. In addition there is the mss. for his book "Studies in Eccentricity"; the mss. of an 18th century Scottish ghost story entitled "A Cool Dialogue between the Living and the Dead" and notes and essays on Mark Twain, as well as a poetry album kept by Elizabeth Saynor Marshall and photographs of Parsons in South Africa.

1 result in this collection

Coleman O. Parsons papers, 1716-1981 3 linear feet 7 boxes

Collection of American Civil War documents, 1850-1917

4 linear feet 9 boxes; 1 oversize box 1 bound volume
Abstract Or Scope

Materials relating to the American Civil War and the men who fought in it, chiefly of the Union Army.

1 result in this collection

Collection of American Civil War documents, 1850-1917 4 linear feet 9 boxes; 1 oversize box 1 bound volume

Columbiana Manuscripts, 1572-1986, bulk 1850-1920

39.25 linear feet 25 linear feet of bound volumes, 20 manuscript boxes, 1 half-size document box, 1 oversize box
Abstract Or Scope
An artificial collection comprised of correspondence, diaries, lecture notes, essays, administrative documents, minutes, and other documents related to Columbia University. Materials were created by or for students, alumni, faculty, administrators, staff, trustees, and honorary degree recipients.
1 result in this collection

Columbiana Manuscripts, 1572-1986, bulk 1850-1920 39.25 linear feet 25 linear feet of bound volumes, 20 manuscript boxes, 1 half-size document box, 1 oversize box

Condict W. Cutler papers, 1918-1952

2.5 linear feet 5 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of about 50 letters, chiefly from Dr. Cutler's Columbia associates, his diary of World War I period (January-April 1918), 17 diplomas and honors, clippings, pamphlets, photographs as well as his academic hood and his many honorary medals.

1 result in this collection

Condict W. Cutler papers, 1918-1952 2.5 linear feet 5 boxes

Corliss Lamont papers, 1891-1993

3 linear feet 6 boxes 1 phonodisc
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials of Lamont. Letters from George Santayana (1863-1952), with Lamont and others, a few early manuscripts, interviews and other notes on Santayana, and general correspondence about him. A series of letters from John Dewey to Lamont, discussing his ideas on humanism and religion. Extensive correspondence with the family of John Masefield including approximately 100 letters from Judith Masefield to Lamont, primarily written shortly after the death in 1967 of her father the poet John Masefield, and dealing with his life and work. Also, a few of her own writings; a number of the letters are descriptive of historical England and her concern for contemporary events. Among the letters from other family members are fifteen from Lamont's nephew, Jack Masefield, and 53 from his cousin Sir Peter G. Masefield, 1970-1983, conveying news about Judith as well as interest in the publication of John Masefield's letters from the World War I years and their continuing appreciation of Lamont's work on Masefield. There is discussion on the publication of Masefield's letters to Corliss' mother, Florence Lamont, printed in 1979.

1 result in this collection

Corliss Lamont papers, 1891-1993 3 linear feet 6 boxes 1 phonodisc

Cornelius Rea Agnew papers, 1851-1924

16 linear feet 13 boxes 2 flats
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, notes, and manuscripts including items that relate to most of Agnew's professional activities, are especially rich in materials that deal with the treatment of eye diseases during the latter half of the 19th century. An interesting sidelight of the collection is a group of finely detailed woodblocks and steel plates that Agnew used to illustrate his published articles.

1 result in this collection

Cornelius Rea Agnew papers, 1851-1924 16 linear feet 13 boxes 2 flats

D'Arcy Hayman papers, 1946-1992

11 linear feet 10 boxes and 4 flat boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The collection comprises materials authored by D'Arcy Hayman, including letters, invitations, essays, poetry, drawings, photographs, three monographs, proofs for one monograph, journals, and three scrapbooks. The three scrapbooks are referred to as 1, 2, and 3 (1 is a photo album, while 2 and 3 contain miscellanies: essays, drawings, poems, cards, photos, newsletters, conference materials, air travel documents, clippings, post-cards, festive cup holders, and a one-act play).

1 result in this collection

D'Arcy Hayman papers, 1946-1992 11 linear feet 10 boxes and 4 flat boxes

Dawn Powell papers, 1890s-2012, bulk 1890s-1965

40 linear feet 88 boxes (73 document boxes, 4 half-sized document boxes, 6 record cartons, 3 flat boxes, 1 cassette box, 1 oversized box)
Abstract Or Scope
Dawn Powell (1896-1965) was an American author of novels, plays, and short stories. The collection includes address books, appointment books, books, clippings, correspondence, diaries, ephemera, family materials, manuscripts, notes, notebooks, photographs, programs, research files, reviews, scrapbooks, sketches and drawings.
1 result in this collection

Dawn Powell papers, 1890s-2012, bulk 1890s-1965 40 linear feet 88 boxes (73 document boxes, 4 half-sized document boxes, 6 record cartons, 3 flat boxes, 1 cassette box, 1 oversized box)

Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Obolenskii Diary, 1853-1879

781 pages 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The diary covers 1853-58, 1861, and 1870-79, with the longest entries for 1855-56, 1870-71, and 1873. Obolenskiĭ discusses current events, personalities, and the Imperial central government.

1 result in this collection

Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Obolenskii Diary, 1853-1879 781 pages 1 box

Dmitrii Dmitrievich and Ol'ga Aleksandrovna Kuzmin-Karavaev Memoirs and Diary, 1945-1976

11 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The collection includes a three-part typescript copy of a diary by Kuzḿina-Karavaeva concerning the arrest of her husband by the Soviets and her years spent in Finland awaiting his return (1945-1954). Kuzḿin-Karavaev's memoirs include a four-part typescript memoir concerning his experiences as a prisoner in Soviet prison camps, a typescript memoir about his return to Finland, and memoirs on his childhood and Russian military education.

1 result in this collection

Dmitrii Dmitrievich and Ol'ga Aleksandrovna Kuzmin-Karavaev Memoirs and Diary, 1945-1976 11 items 1 box

Donald C. Brace Papers, 1839-1991, bulk 1901-1955

3 linear feet 1 record carton; 3 document boxes; 1 flat box; 1 Portrait of Brace
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the papers of Donald C. Brace, one of the founders of the New York publishing house Harcourt, Brace & Company. Materials include correspondence, business records, and proofs of the U.S. editions of Virginia Woolf's works Orlando, The Waves, and The Second Common Reader; the latter two proofs include the author's corrections.
1 result in this collection

Donald C. Brace Papers, 1839-1991, bulk 1901-1955 3 linear feet 1 record carton; 3 document boxes; 1 flat box; 1 Portrait of Brace

Donald Wesely Papers, 1952-2010

10.84 linear feet 5 record cartons 2 flat boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Collection contains Wesely's artistic and literary output, as well as a comprehensive set of diaries dating from the 1950s.

1 result in this collection

Donald Wesely Papers, 1952-2010 10.84 linear feet 5 record cartons 2 flat boxes

Dotson Rader papers, 1954-1989

64 linear feet 139 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Rader, a journalist (primarily as Hollywood correspondent and interviewer) and close friend of Tennessee Williams. Includes an extensive and detailed personal diary.

1 result in this collection

Dotson Rader papers, 1954-1989 64 linear feet 139 boxes

Earl I. Sponable papers, 1928-1968

125 boxes 125 boxes, 4 oversize folders, 1 pkg. nitrate film (missing as of 2018)
Abstract Or Scope
Earl I. Sponable was a chemist, Chief Engineer and Director of Research for Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation and its subsidiaries, 1926-1962. He was active in many aspects of research and development in broadcast and movie media, particularly in early sound film.
1 result in this collection

Earl I. Sponable papers, 1928-1968 125 boxes 125 boxes, 4 oversize folders, 1 pkg. nitrate film (missing as of 2018)

Earl L. Packer papers, 1910-1990

64000 items 124 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The Packer collection contains 64,000 items from the files of this American diplomat. It is complete in its representation of every aspect of his life. The papers include personal and professional correspondence, manuscripts, documents, printed materials, and Russian cartoons and illustrations, as well as original World War I posters. It also contains an array of photographs taken by Mr. Packer between 1917 and 1923, which depict scenes from the Russian Revolution and from Russian city life.

1 result in this collection

Earl L. Packer papers, 1910-1990 64000 items 124 boxes

Eda Rothstein Rapoport Papers, circa 1915-1968, 1915-1968

15 linear feet 24 music file boxes, 14 manuscript boxes, and 1 flat box
Abstract Or Scope
Eda Rapoport was a Jewish American composer and pianist. Her papers are comprised primarily of manuscripts of musical scores arranged by Rapoport, as well as commercially-printed music. The collection also features recordings of performances of Rapoport's works dating from 1939 to 1966.
1 result in this collection

Eda Rothstein Rapoport Papers, circa 1915-1968, 1915-1968 15 linear feet 24 music file boxes, 14 manuscript boxes, and 1 flat box

Edith Altschul Lehman papers, 1856-1976, bulk 1963-1976

17 linear feet 32 document boxes; 1 record carton; 2 file card boxes; 4 oversize boxes; Mapcase 15K4
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the life of Edith Altschul Lehman, a philanthropist who supported many social projects in New York City. Edith Lehman was the wife of New York Governor and Senator Herbert H. Lehman.
1 result in this collection

Edith Altschul Lehman papers, 1856-1976, bulk 1963-1976 17 linear feet 32 document boxes; 1 record carton; 2 file card boxes; 4 oversize boxes; Mapcase 15K4

Edmund Blunden papers, 1922-1986

8 linear feet circa 2600 items in 20 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs and printed material of the English poet and critic, Edmund Blunden, documenting his personal and professional activity. Blunden's letters to his second wife, Sylva Norman, and his secretary, Aki Hayashi, are particularly well represented. Also included are many letters addressed to Blunden by eminent literary figures such as John Betjeman, George Orwell, Siegfried Sassoon, Stephen Spender, and Henry Williamson. Other literary correspondents are Adrian Bell, Joyce Cary, Richard Church, C. Day Lewis, Walter de la Mare, Graham Greene, H.D., William Plomer, Kathleen Raine, and Leonard Woolf. A substantial portion of the cataloged correspondence contains drawings, verse fragments and poems by Blunden which have been analyzed. Also present are eleven of Blunden's diaries, 1936-1967, which contain drafts of a number of poems. In addition, the collection contains a small number of autograph manuscripts of Edmund Blunden's literary works.

1 result in this collection

Edmund Blunden papers, 1922-1986 8 linear feet circa 2600 items in 20 boxes

Edmund Clarence Stedman papers, 1840-1960

120 linear feet 87 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Personal and professional papers of Stedman, including correspondence, letter books, diaries, poetry manuscripts, scrapbooks, photographs, and genealogical materials for the Stedman and Dodge families. Correspondence and manuscripts of his mother, Elizabeth Clementine Dodge Stedman Kinney (1810-1889), poet and diarist, and of his granddaughter, Laura Stedman Gould (1881-1941), author and editor. Also, editions of Stedman's LIBRARY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE including printed materials relating to the marketing; and an album of Civil War photographs by Mathew Brady, inscribed by the photographer to Laura H.W. Stedman as well as additional loose photographs by Brady.

1 result in this collection

Edmund Clarence Stedman papers, 1840-1960 120 linear feet 87 boxes

Edward Abbott papers, 1899

0.5 linear feet 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The diary is a detailed account of Abbott's trip from Sydney, Australia to the Philippines, Hong Kong, Macao, China and Japan. There are numerous pen-and-ink sketches of landscape, architecture, historical sites, and inhabitants, and maps, some in water color. Pasted in the volume are memorabilia such as menus, hotel brochures, postcards, photographs, clippings, calling cards, etc. Of special interest are his accounts of the various native Christian communities he visited. Following the text there is a name index. In addition to the volume there are some related letters, documents, memorabilia and published maps.

1 result in this collection

Edward Abbott papers, 1899 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Edward C. Carter papers, 1851-1960

5.5 linear feet 13 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, memoranda, photographs, documents, manuscripts, wire recordings, and printed materials dealing mostly with Russian War Relief, Inc. (The American Society for Russian Relief, Inc.), 1940-1954. There are some materials on the Institute of Pacific Relations and its investigation by the McCarran Committee in the early 1950s. Also, personal and family correspondence, photographs, and other memorabilia. Correspondents include Hugo L. Black, Henry Sloane Coffin, Andrei Gromyko, John Hersey, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Arnold Toynbee.

1 result in this collection

Edward C. Carter papers, 1851-1960 5.5 linear feet 13 boxes

Edward MacDowell Papers, 1876-1964

3 Linear Feet 7 boxes 1 flat folder
Abstract Or Scope

Letters and manuscripts of MacDowell. One group was written to Arthur P. Schmidt, his publisher during MacDowell's years as professor of music at Columbia University. These letters concern the publication and distribution of his compositions and his copyright difficulties with other firms, especially Brietkopf & Härtel. There are eight letters from MacDowell to the American pianist, composer, and pedagogue William Mason. This personal correspondence deals with such things as musical pieces dedicated by each man to the other. A diary and letter book belonging to Marian N. MacDowell (Mrs. Edward) contains draft copies of letters to Nicholas M. Butler and others relating to his controversial career at Columbia University. Also, photocopies of eight letters from the Mary Flagler Cary Music Collection at the Morgan Library. Among the numerous musical scores and sketches are his INDIAN SUITE and the SONATA TRAGICA. Also, two original drawings of MacDowell by Orlando Rowland; and correspondence, manuscripts, catalogs, and other materials relating to the MacDowell Exhibition at Columbia University in 1938.

1 result in this collection

Edward MacDowell Papers, 1876-1964 3 Linear Feet 7 boxes 1 flat folder

E. James Lieberman papers, 1949-1996

3 linear feet 8 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, seminar papers, tape cassettes, and printed materials. The collection includes the first and final drafts of Lieberman's Acts of Will; The Life and Work of Otto Rank (New York: The Free Press, 1985), as well as his research files for the book. There is also a heavily annotated ms. translation by J. J. Taft of Rank's Daybooks (Diaries). Other correspondence, conference papers, lecture notes, and inscribed books have been added.

1 result in this collection

E. James Lieberman papers, 1949-1996 3 linear feet 8 boxes

Eleanor Joy papers, 1882-1891

1 box 1 box (17 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Eleven diaries which reveal a sensitive and perceptive young woman. With her family, she traveled extensively in England, the United States, and most countries of the Continent. Her diaries describe her reactions to foreign scenes and places, and contain numerous references to her father and to her visit to Columbia University early in 1889. Also, a typewritten description of the diaries of Eleanor Joy's son, Sir Douglas Busk; and a copy of THE ANCESTORS OF PATRICK AND PERONELLE KINNEL, compiled by Sir Douglas Busk in 1970.

1 result in this collection

Eleanor Joy papers, 1882-1891 1 box 1 box (17 items)

Elena Ivanovna Lakier Diary and Memoir, 1965-1967

2 items 2 items
Abstract Or Scope

Fragmentary typescript copy of a diary (34 p.) by Lakier covering the years 1917-1920 in Odessa and Sevastopol. Also included in the collection is a typescript copy of a memoir (20 p.) by Lakier's grandmother, Sofii︠a︡ Aleksandrovna Sushchinskai︠a︡, entitled "1920-i god. Begstvo iz Odessy v Sevastopol ́i evakuatsii︠a︡ iz Rossii v Egipet.".

1 result in this collection

Elena Ivanovna Lakier Diary and Memoir, 1965-1967 2 items 2 items

Elinor Rice Hays papers, 1867-196-

1 linear feet 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of copies of correspondence, articles, diaries, memoirs, and other manuscripts by and about the Blackwell family. Also, a small group of papers, including correspondence, documents, photographs, and printed papers, about the Rice family of New York.
1 result in this collection

Elinor Rice Hays papers, 1867-196- 1 linear feet 2 boxes

Elisaveta Evgen'evna Mitrofanova Manuscripts, 1952-1955

4 items 4 items
Abstract Or Scope

Mitrofanova's manuscripts consist of four bound typescripts: memoirs about her son, Oleg P. Mitrofanov, and the Preobrazhenskiĭ Regiment in World War I; and two essays on the White Cross, entitled "Beloe dvizhenie i Belyĭ Krest"́ and "Belyĭ Krest ́v izgnanii." Also included is Oleg Mitrofanov's diary, which covers his service in the Preobrazhenskiĭ guard in January-July 1917.

1 result in this collection

Elisaveta Evgen'evna Mitrofanova Manuscripts, 1952-1955 4 items 4 items

Elizaveta Alekseevna Naryshkina Diary, 1953

180 pages 180 pages
Abstract Or Scope

The diary contains information on the tsaritsa and the court. Additions to the typescript include photographs of the diary and a facsimile of a note from the tsaritsa.

1 result in this collection

Elizaveta Alekseevna Naryshkina Diary, 1953 180 pages 180 pages

Elliott M. Sanger papers, 1936-1986

3.5 linear feet 8 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Included are Sanger's personal diaries (1936-1967) relating to WQXR. Also included is a complete bound file of the WQXR PROGRAM GUIDE (June 1936-December 1963) containing a record of the broadcasting of classical music in New York City, the daily schedule, and essays on composers, music festivals, individual compositions and music in general by such writers as Irwin Edman, Will Durant, M. Lincoln Schuster, Edward Johnson, John Barbirolli, as well as by Sanger and his co-founder, John V. L. Hogan. The collection includes business letters, congratulatory and testimonial letters from listeners and advertisers, reports on the station's history, samples of newspaper clippings containing WQXR advertisements and program listings, market surveys of listeners, and promotional brochures prepared for prospective advertisers. There is a corrected typescript and galley proofs for Sanger's book Rebel In Radio (New York, Hasting House, 1972) and 6 volumes of documents in support of the station's application for "clear channel" status filed with the FCC. Also included are 49 photographs of the station's staff and musical personalities, 4 audiotapes of 1973 interviews with Sanger, and 4 audio cassettes celebrating WQXR's 50th Anniversary.

1 result in this collection

Elliott M. Sanger papers, 1936-1986 3.5 linear feet 8 boxes

Ellison family papers, 1733-1782

1 volume 1 volume (70 Items)
Abstract Or Scope

Fifty-four letters of and pertaining to members of the Ellison family, chiefly those of Colonel Robert Ellison to his brother Henry Ellison dealing with the former's military activities abroad and in America, 1733-1748, and the letters of Henry to his sons, Henry and Robert, mostly treating the political news of the day in England, 1759-1774. Also the diary of Robert, son of Henry, and various documents.

1 result in this collection

Ellison family papers, 1733-1782 1 volume 1 volume (70 Items)

Emily Jayne Oliver diaries, 1855-1909

1.5 linear feet 3 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

John Beebe inherited Emily Jayne Oliver's Diary from his mother, Louise Oliver Beebee, who inherited it from Ellen Oliver, who inherited it from Annie Oliver, Louise Oliver Beebee's mother.

1 result in this collection

Emily Jayne Oliver diaries, 1855-1909 1.5 linear feet 3 boxes

Emlen D. Evers Manuscript, 1936-1988, bulk 1936-1938

0.25 linear feet 2 folders
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of Emlen D. Evers manuscript "Moscow Diary and Letters" — her diary and letters of Moscow 1937. As she explains, "The Diary and letters ... are actual with some corrections and deletions of repetitions," with addtion of some of her father's "comments from his handwritten diary and from the two manuscripts which [she] assembled from the closed file at the Library of Congress and the letters and some recollections."

1 result in this collection

Emlen D. Evers Manuscript, 1936-1988, bulk 1936-1938 0.25 linear feet 2 folders

Erica Jong papers, 1955-2018, bulk 1965-2004

94 linear feet 102 boxes: 84 record storage cartons 16 document boxes 2 oversize boxes
Abstract Or Scope
Erica Jong (b. 1942) is an American writer and teacher whose works are often associated with sexuality and feminism. The Erica Jong Papers consist of drafts of Jong's works of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. The collection also includes project and research files, correspondence, personal memorabilia, photographs, audio-visual materials and printed matter.
1 result in this collection

Erica Jong papers, 1955-2018, bulk 1965-2004 94 linear feet 102 boxes: 84 record storage cartons 16 document boxes 2 oversize boxes

Ernest C. Ropes Papers, 1919-1949

0.5 linear feet 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of a small amount of correspondence (1942-1948) which revolves almost exclusively around Ernest Rope's efforts to teach Russian affairs at U.S. universities; one folder of personal documents, including letters of appointment, citations of merit, identity cards, and other items; manuscripts of articles and of a book length volume entitled "The Russia I have known;" and a diary, together with a photo-album, detailing his work in northern Russia and Estonia on behalf of the YMCA. The diary abounds with references to political and military events in northern Russia during the years 1919-1921.

1 result in this collection

Ernest C. Ropes Papers, 1919-1949 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Ernest Flagg papers, 1888-1972

5 document boxes 217 drawings
Abstract Or Scope
Ernest Flagg was an American architect in the Beaux-Arts style. The collection is made up of diaries, correspondence, photographs, project records, Flagg's writings, and clippings.
1 result in this collection

Ernest Flagg papers, 1888-1972 5 document boxes 217 drawings

Erwin Hart Richards correspondence, 1905 -- 1907

0.5 linear feet 0.5 linear feet; 1 box
Abstract Or Scope
Erwin Hart Richards was a Congregational missionary for thirty-three years in South East Africa. The collection consists of correspondence from the period when Richards was treasurer of the Board of Foreign Missions for the Methodist Episcopal Church.
1 result in this collection

Erwin Hart Richards correspondence, 1905 -- 1907 0.5 linear feet 0.5 linear feet; 1 box

Eugene Barry papers, 1848-1928

2.5 linear feet 5 boxes, 1 oversized volume, 2 oversized folders
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, poetry manuscripts, diaries, notebooks, address books, documents, photographs, and scrapbooks of clippings of Eugene Barry. The correspondence concerns his published poetry, the leather tanning business, and family affairs. The diaries reflect his active business life and travels from 1864 until 1926. There are photographs of members of the Barry, Clark, Wyman, and other related families, and of friends and actresses. The four scrapbooks contain clippings of poetry, obituaries, local news of Lynn, Mass., World War I, and other subjects. Among the correspondents are Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Cabot Lodge, Ellen Louise Chandler Moulton, Booker T. Washington, and John Greenleaf Whittier.

1 result in this collection

Eugene Barry papers, 1848-1928 2.5 linear feet 5 boxes, 1 oversized volume, 2 oversized folders

Evgeniia Mikhailovna and Pavel Al'fonsovich Briunelli Papers, 1891-1956

400 items 4 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials of Evgenii︠a︡ M. and Pavel A. Bri︠u︡nelli. The bulk of the collection consists of Mrs. Bri︠u︡nelli's 35 diaries, covering the years 1891-1956. The correspondence consists of letters from Mrs. Bri︠u︡nelli's sister in Leningrad from 1922 to the early 1940s. Pavel Bri︠u︡nelli's memoirs are on the emigration in France in the 1920s and 1930s. The printed materials are made up largely of his writings.

1 result in this collection

Evgeniia Mikhailovna and Pavel Al'fonsovich Briunelli Papers, 1891-1956 400 items 4 boxes

Evgenii Sergeevich Onopko Papers, 1917-1944

32 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of diaries, documents, a map of the Zmievskiĭ uezd of the Kharkov region, and printed materials. Diaries by Onopko cover the Civil War period from March 13, 1920 to March 25, 1922, and span from his service in the Kharkov area to his emigration to Prague. The diaries also concern Onopko's years in emigration in France from 1930-1944. Documents are mostly from the Civil War period. Printed materials consist of a clipping and printed drawing.

1 result in this collection

Evgenii Sergeevich Onopko Papers, 1917-1944 32 items 1 box

Ezra Hall Gillett papers, 1797 -- 1906

6.75 linear feet 6.75 linear feet; 15 boxes
Abstract Or Scope
E. H. (Ezra Hall) Gillett (1823-1875) was a UTS alum, Presbyterian minister in Harlem, N.Y., and a Professor of political science at New York University. The collection consists of sermons by Gillett and his father, other writings including diaries, and teaching and class notes.
1 result in this collection

Ezra Hall Gillett papers, 1797 -- 1906 6.75 linear feet 6.75 linear feet; 15 boxes

Fedor N. and Evdokiia N. Kosatkin-Rostovskii Papers, 1910-1950

150 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist primarily of the Kosatkin-Rostovskiĭ's memoirs. His manuscript memoirs (150 p.) discuss his life up to 1906. Her typescript memoirs (440 p.) discuss her childhood, career as an actress in St. Petersburg, 1917-1918 in Petrograd, and the emigration in France. Also included are his diary for June-July 1940; a few letters written to him; clippings of his newspaper articles (many signed with the pseudonym "Antar"); and a book with his poetry and with essays dedicated to him; "Krestnym putem k voskresenii︠u︡" (Paris, 1948).

1 result in this collection

Fedor N. and Evdokiia N. Kosatkin-Rostovskii Papers, 1910-1950 150 items 1 box

Felix Adler papers, 1830-1933

27 linear feet 86 boxes 1 oversize folder
Abstract Or Scope
Felix Adler, religious leader and educator, taught courses in social and political ethics at Columbia between 1902 and 1933. The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts, notes, photographs, and printed materials.
1 result in this collection

Felix Adler papers, 1830-1933 27 linear feet 86 boxes 1 oversize folder

Fish family papers, 1739-1860

15.5 linear feet 35 manuscript boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The papers relate chiefly to the business, financial, real estate, military, civic and personal activities of Nicholas Fish. There are letters from various military figures concerning army provisions during the Revolution, letters relating to lands given to Fish for his services during the war, twenty letters from various individuals to George Clinton (1739-1812), and ten letters to DeWitt Clinton. The Hamilton Fish letters deal with business matters of his father, Nicholas, after his death. There are a few personal letters from several family members and a diary of Nicholas Fish from 1784. The documents consist of real estate and financial matters of the family as well as various petitions on matters of a civic nature

1 result in this collection

Fish family papers, 1739-1860 15.5 linear feet 35 manuscript boxes

Francis T. P. Plimpton papers, 1901-1983

29 linear feet 33 document boxes 9 oversized boxes 7 CMI boxes 3 other boxes
Abstract Or Scope
Professional and personal papers of Francis T. P. Plimpton (1900-1983), an attorney, president of the New York City Bar Association from 1968 to 1970, and member of the American delegation to the United Nations from 1961 until 1980.
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Francis T. P. Plimpton papers, 1901-1983 29 linear feet 33 document boxes 9 oversized boxes 7 CMI boxes 3 other boxes

Frank A. Vanderlip papers, 1890-1937

49 Volumes 49 volumes 347 boxes 347 boxes 2.5 Linear Feet 2 record cartons and 1 manuscript box (unprocessed addition)
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence and business papers of Frank A. Vanderlip, chiefly related to banking and money.
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Frank A. Vanderlip papers, 1890-1937 49 Volumes 49 volumes 347 boxes 347 boxes 2.5 Linear Feet 2 record cartons and 1 manuscript box (unprocessed addition)

Frank C. Laubach papers, 1924 -- 1952

2.75 linear feet 2.75 linear feet; 3 boxes
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains correspondence, reports, and teaching materials of Frank C. Laubach, a Christian missionary and educator who played a prominent role in world literacy by establishing the "Each One Teach One" literacy teaching method and founding the Committee on World Literacy and Christian Literature (FMCNA and NCC), World Literacy, Inc., and Laubach Literacy, Inc.
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Frank C. Laubach papers, 1924 -- 1952 2.75 linear feet 2.75 linear feet; 3 boxes

Franklin Grasson Davis papers, 1876 -- 1883

0.25 linear feet 0.25 linear feet; 1 box
Abstract Or Scope
Franklin Grasson Davis was a Methodist minister from Clay, Ohio who served as a missionary in India from 1875-1884. The collection contains a diary from his time in the field.
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Franklin Grasson Davis papers, 1876 -- 1883 0.25 linear feet 0.25 linear feet; 1 box

Frank Smithwick Hogan papers, 1932-1975

18.77 linear feet 45 document boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Personal correspondence, speeches, subject files, photographs, and printed and miscellaneous material of Hogan. The correspondence, speeches, and other material relate primarily to his activities as District Attorney, and to his unsuccessful campaign for the U.S. Senate, 1958. The papers also reflect Hogan's deep concern for Columbia University, as a Trustee and a member of numerous alumni committees. Among the major correspondents are Harry J. Carman, Dwight David Eisenhower, Robert F. Kennedy, Arthur Hays Sulzburger, and Herbert Bayard Swope.

1 result in this collection

Frank Smithwick Hogan papers, 1932-1975 18.77 linear feet 45 document boxes

Franz and Sally Hughes Schrader diaries, 1913-1970

2.5 linear feet 6 document boxes
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of diaries (49 vols.) kept by Franz Schrader and his wife, Sally Hughes Schrader. Much of the material relates to academic life in general, the Dept. of Zoology at Columbia University, and field trips made by the Schraders to Mexico, Guatemala, and British Honduras. Also, Franz Schrader's angling diary, 1906-1971.

1 result in this collection

Franz and Sally Hughes Schrader diaries, 1913-1970 2.5 linear feet 6 document boxes

Frederick James Eugene Woodbridge papers, 1884-1950

4.5 linear feet 9 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts of essays and course notes taken while a student at Amherst College, 1884-1889, and at Berlin University, 1892-1894. Articles, addresses, essays, lectures, lecture notes and reading notes. Also included are diaries for the years 1936-1940 and correspondence concerning Amherst College, Columbia University, and Woodbridge's stay as a visiting scholar in Berlin, 1931-1932. Among his correspondents are: Frederick S. Allis, Secretary of the Amherst Board of Trustees; Stanley King, President of Amherst; and Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia. Some photographs are also included.

1 result in this collection

Frederick James Eugene Woodbridge papers, 1884-1950 4.5 linear feet 9 boxes

Frederick Lee Barnum Diary, 1919-1920

3 Volumes 1 folder
Abstract Or Scope

Barnum's diary describes his experiences as a physician with the American Red Cross in Siberia in 1919 and 1920 during which time he treated Russian patients and was involved in food distribution. The diary includes Barnum's impressions of Siberian towns such as Irkutsk, Tomsk and Omsk and his opinions of the Russian national character. He frequently asserts that the Red Cross was not wanted in Russia and gives a long list of questions concerning their involvement there.

1 result in this collection

Frederick Lee Barnum Diary, 1919-1920 3 Volumes 1 folder

Frederick L. Hoffman Papers, 1881-1989

16 linear feet 39 boxes, 5 volumes
Abstract Or Scope
Personal and professional correspondence, publications, poetry manuscripts and diaries, and scrapbooks belonging to Prudential Insurance Company statistician, cancer researcher, and eugenicist Frederick Ludwig Hoffman (1865-1946). These items document Hoffman's career, family life, and his extensive travels.
1 result in this collection

Frederick L. Hoffman Papers, 1881-1989 16 linear feet 39 boxes, 5 volumes

Gay-Otis family papers, 1740-1900

33 linear feet 66 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Personal, business, and legal letters; manuscripts including prose, poetry, and diaries; and documents including deeds, receipts, invoices, and account books. The 18th century materials focus on the personal and business correspondence of Calvin, Jotham, and Martin Gay, sons of Ebenezer Gay who were engaged in shipping between New England and the Maritime Provinces. There are occasional letters of Jotham and Martin referring to the American Revolution. The Otis family correspondence of the 18th century, likewise, is of a purely routine and personal nature. There are only four letters of Col. James Otis, and only two of his son, James. Gay and Otis family interests intertwine during the 19th century with the marriage of Mary Allyne Otis to Ebenezer Gay, who are among the chief correspondents of this century, along with their children including Sidney Howard Gay and Winckworth Allan Gay. The Otis correspondence centers around business, real estate, and personal interests of Mary A. Otis Gay's brothers John, Joseph, and William Otis.

1 result in this collection

Gay-Otis family papers, 1740-1900 33 linear feet 66 boxes

George A. Plimpton Papers, 1634-1956

24 linear feet 58 boxes: 52 document boxes, 2 half document boxes, 1 custom-made box, 2 flat boxes, 1 shoe box; and 2 map drawers
Abstract Or Scope
The George A. Plimpton Papers consist largely of personal and professional correspondence, financial and real estate records, personal diaries and albums, writings, and lectures produced by or for George Arthur Plimpton. But the Papers also contains not only the correspondence and records of Plimpton's colleagues at Ginn and Company, the publishing house that Plimpton led for decades, but also correspondence and records relating to the dozens of other institutions and organizations that Plimpton helped lead. In addition to extensive correspondence relating to Plimpton's collecting of rare books, manuscripts, and historical artifacts, the Papers also contain such diverse items as autographs of presidents, handwriting specimens, studies of medieval manuscripts, and documents relating to the American slave trade.
1 result in this collection

George A. Plimpton Papers, 1634-1956 24 linear feet 58 boxes: 52 document boxes, 2 half document boxes, 1 custom-made box, 2 flat boxes, 1 shoe box; and 2 map drawers

George Howe papers, 1926-1974, bulk 1926-1955

11 manuscript boxes 2 print boxes 13 rolls 3 oversize folders
Abstract Or Scope

Also, correspondence with Norman Bel Geddes, Monroe Biddle, John M. Blair, Harry T. Carman, Carolyn K. Christenson, Joseph S. Clarke, Jr., Thomas H. Creighton, Paul Cret, C.C. Cunningham, F.G. Fassett, Jr., Loring Dowst, John E. Harbeson, Oliver Hall, Jared C. Ingersoll, Gaylord P. Harnwell, William Fontaine Jones, Joseph Judge, William Lescaze, John D. Morse, William F. Paris, Charles E. Peterson, Ruth C. Roberts, Henry Shapiro, Oscar Stonorov, J.J. Sweeney, James M. Willcox, Owen J. Wister, Frank Lloyd Wright, Bruno Zevi, and others. This relates to proposed development of air rights over New York City's Pennsylvania Railroad Station, 1955; architectural projects in Pennsylvania relating to mental health, 1955; proposed new Independence Mall Building in Philadelphia, 1955; the 1954 Boston Art Festival Architectural Exhibit; sculpture committee on the design of the Ella Butt McManus monument, Connecticut, 1954-1955; the Philadelphia Saving Fund Society, building designed by Howe & Lescaze (with related memoranda, manuscripts of articles and talks, press releases, and architectural analyses), 1930-1939; and the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, St. Louis (with related printed material, clippings, and photograph)

1 result in this collection

George Howe papers, 1926-1974, bulk 1926-1955 11 manuscript boxes 2 print boxes 13 rolls 3 oversize folders

George Templeton Strong Diary, 1835-1875

7 linear feet 5 flat boxes
Abstract Or Scope

A photostatic copy of the diary of Strong. The diary, running without interruption from Oct. 1835 through June 1875, contains a wealth of information about life in New York City. Its scope broadens to include the national scene with the outbreak of the Civil War. There is also a miscellaneous assortment of approximately 150 photostatic copies of personal correspondence with family and friends, correspondence during his term as treasurer of the U.S. Sanitary Commission, original drawings, caricatures and doodlings, invitations, guest lists, theater and concert programs, newspaper clippings, a family tree, and photographs. Includes typed index of Columbia references in Strong's diary.

1 result in this collection

George Templeton Strong Diary, 1835-1875 7 linear feet 5 flat boxes

George Washington Cable papers, 1882-1970

3.5 linear feet 9 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed material. Most of the correspondence is from Cable to Adelene Moffat and relates to the Home Culture Clubs. Other correspondents include Louise S. Cable. There are also typescript and handwritten drafts by Cable; manuscripts, documents, and printed matter concerning Moffat's work with the Home Culture Clubs; photostatic copies of correspondence and manuscripts concerning Cable from other libraries; transcriptions of the correspondence between Cable and Moffat; a transcription of the journal of Clarence B. Roote, an acquaintaince of Cable and Moffat; and one box of manuscripts, notes, and related items concerning Philip Butcher's book about the correspondence between Cable and Moffat, So Full a Harmony.

1 result in this collection

George Washington Cable papers, 1882-1970 3.5 linear feet 9 boxes