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Boris Vladimirovich B'erkelund Memoirs, 1955-1959

2 items 1 box
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The collection primarily consists of a typescript (477 p.) that covers B. V. B'erkelund (Björklund) prison camp experiences in the Butyrskii, Lefortovo and Intinskii prisons from 1945-1955. The memoir includes related diagrams and printed items. Also included is a typescript memoir (140 p.) on B'erkelund's service in the Imperial Navy and the early years of the Revolution (1917-1919).

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Boris Vladimirovich B'erkelund Memoirs, 1955-1959 2 items 1 box

Columbia University. Graduate School of Architecture and Planning records, 1890-1963

225 drawings 4 manuscript boxes 1 print box
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Additional materials include carbons of typescript correspondence of lectures given by Dean William A. Boring (academic year 1933-1934) and Professor Theodor Karl Rohdenburg (academic year 1946-1947). Also design problems, the earliest of which were given in conjunction with the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, from academic years 1918-1919, 1926-1927, 1936-1937, 1949-1950, and 1957-1958. Also materials for the Architecture 51 class; correspondence of Joseph Hudnut; course outlines; correspondence relating to the search for a new dean of the school, 1957-1963.

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Columbia University. Graduate School of Architecture and Planning records, 1890-1963 225 drawings 4 manuscript boxes 1 print box

Edwin H. Armstrong papers, 1886-1982, bulk 1912-1954

295.7 linear feet 297 boxes, 2 flat folders, 30 phono discs, 10 tape reels
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Professional and personal files including Armstrong's correspondence with professional associations, other engineers, and friends, his research notes, circuit diagrams, lectures, articles, legal papers, and other related materials. Of his many inventions and developments, the most important are: 1) the regenerative or feedback circuit, 1912, the first amplified radio reception, 2) the superheterodyne circuit, 1918, the basis of modern radio and radar, 3) superregeneration, 1922, a very simple, high-power receiver now used in emergency mobile service, and 4) frequency modulation - FM, 1933, static-free radio reception of high fidelity. More than half the files concern his many lawsuits, primarily with Radio Corporation of America, over infringement of the Armstrong patents. Litigation continued until 1967. Other files deal with his work in the Marcellus Hartley Research Laboratory at Columbia University, 1913-1935, and with the American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I, his Air Force contracts for communications development, Army research during World War II, the Radio Club of America, the Institute of Radio Engineers, FM development at his radio station at Alpine, N.J., the use of FM in television, his involvement in Federal Communications Commission hearings and legislation, and his work with the Zenith Radio Corporation. Also, letters to H.J. Round

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Edwin H. Armstrong papers, 1886-1982, bulk 1912-1954 295.7 linear feet 297 boxes, 2 flat folders, 30 phono discs, 10 tape reels

Hotel for D.O. Mills at West 39th Street and Seventh Avenue N.Y.C. / Copeland & Dole, 1905-1906

12 drawings
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Drawings show plans, elevations, and sections, and structural framing plan.

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Larissa Dmitrievna Zvereva Memoirs, 1913-1976

4 items 4 items
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Two typed memoirs of Zvereva. The larger (49 p.) discusses her family, childhood, and youth up to the time she emigrated. She discusses in some detail rural life around the turn of the century, including her father's estate and the 1905 revolution in the area. The shorter memoir (6 p.) concerns the aftermath of the murder of King Alexander of Yugoslavia in 1934. Also included are a handdrawn diagram and a photograph of Zvereva's father's house.

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Larissa Dmitrievna Zvereva Memoirs, 1913-1976 4 items 4 items

Taras Konstantinovich Novak Papers, 1950-1968

300 items 6 boxes
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The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, notebooks, diagrams and tables, lists of addresses, and printed materials. Correspondence is mostly drafts of letters by Novak and letters to and from Mark Weinbaum. The bulk of the collection consists of manuscripts by Novak dealing with topics in engineering and physics. Novak criticizes Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Newton's laws of mechanics in his discussions. Notebooks include drafts of articles. Diagrams and tables mostly complement his manuscripts. Printed materials include copies of a pamphlet by Novak"Fizika 3-khmernogo prostranstva.".

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Taras Konstantinovich Novak Papers, 1950-1968 300 items 6 boxes

Thomas Egleston papers, 1857-1901

4.5 linear feet 2 document boxes and 1 flat box
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Professional correspondence of Egleston, consisting of incoming letters and technical reports relating to mining engineering and metallurgy; and carbon copies of correspondence between Egleston and Seth Low for the years 1890 to 1900.

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Thomas Egleston papers, 1857-1901 4.5 linear feet 2 document boxes and 1 flat box

William McMurtrie Speer papers, 1880-1936

17 linear feet 34 boxes 3 oversize volumes 1 oversize folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts, contracts, legal briefs, patents, and other documents, music scores, cartoons, technical drawings, account books, blueprints, photographs, clippings, printed legal briefs & transcripts, proofs, scrapbooks, and other printed materials of William M. Speer.

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William McMurtrie Speer papers, 1880-1936 17 linear feet 34 boxes 3 oversize volumes 1 oversize folder