This collection consists of materials from the Barnard Organization of Soul and Solidarity (B.O.S.S.). The collection includes letters, notes, membership rosters, meeting minutes, speeches, reports, photographs, booklets, pamphlets, brochures, fliers, memorabilia, and newspaper clippings.
This collection consists of Sticks and Stones which is a collaborative zine created by the Barnard Zine Collective, formerly known as the Barnard Zine Club.
The collection consists of correspondence, memos, publications, reports, press clippings, press releases, sermons and speeches retained by the Rev. John D. Cannon, University Chaplain at Columbia University, 1966-1969.
This collection consists of the membership lists, constitution, certificates, publicity materials, licensing records, awards and log books of the C.U. Amateur Radio Club (W2AEE). The collection includes U.S. and international QSL cards, confirming two-way radio contact between stations, which are organized by state and by country.