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A. E. Housman letters, 1922-1958

2 boxes (2 boxes)
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Correspondence by and relating to Housman and to his brother, Laurence Housman. Nearly all of the letters were written to Cyril Clemens, who was working on a proposed biography of A.E. Housman. The collection includes six letters from A.E. Housman and an important group of 94 letters from Laurence Housman, which contain comments on his brother's life and activities, religious beliefs, reading, and manuscripts. There are 45 letters from relatives and persons closely related to A.E. Housman, among them his sisters, Clemence Housman and Katharine E. Symons, his publisher, Grant Richards, and his associates at Oxford University, James T. Nance and Alfred W. Pollard. Also included in the collection are twelve manuscripts, the most noteworthy of which are two signed poems by Laurence Housman and a 4-line verse in Lord Dunsany's holograph entitled "A. E. Housman.".

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A. E. Housman letters, 1922-1958 2 boxes (2 boxes)

Alfred I. Gudeman manuscripts, 1880-1940

1 linear feet (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript copies and copyrights to seven of Gudeman's scholarly publications. These are MANUAL OF THE HISTORY OF CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY (which has had eight editions), typescript with six large envelopes of illustrative material, photographs, etchings, and various other types of reproductions; IMAGINES PHILOLOGORUM, a new edition of a biographic, bibliographic index to the field of philology; bibliography of Aristotle's DE POETICA; a manuscript in Greek of the text of Aristotle's DE POETICA; Sallust CATALINE, 4th ed., numbers 1-5 "ready for publication;" English translation of Gudeman's own work containing HISTORY OF LATIN LITERATURE; and COLLECTION OF CRITICAL ESSAYS and THE WORLD'S LITERATURE, 30 volumes. Also, various letters, lecture notes, club membership lists, and Gudeman's own lists of and notes about his works.

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Alfred I. Gudeman manuscripts, 1880-1940 1 linear feet (2 boxes)

Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum records, 1946-1985

6 linear feet (11 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts, subject files, index cards, printed materials and microfilms relating to the CATALOGUS TRANSLATIONUM ET COMMENTARIORUM. The two manuscripts are contemporary and deal with the letters of St. Basil. The subject files include correspondence, notes, and printed materials providing largely biographical information on a wide range of medieval translators and commentators. The index cards list the present day locations of many relevant medieval and renaissance books and manuscripts. The printed materials include photostatic copies and negatives of medieval texts as well as catalog listings of and articles about these texts and their authors. The microfilms, some of which are negatives, are of some of the relevant medieval and renaissance works

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Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum records, 1946-1985 6 linear feet (11 boxes)

Charles Anthon manuscripts, 1830-1875

1 Linear Feet (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection is composed of notes on classical authors made by Professor Anthon. There are three bound volumes: 1) notes on Latin authors, ca. 250 leaves; 2) commentary on seven plays by Euripides, ca. 260 leaves; and 3) lecture notes, ca. 140 leaves. Each leaf is closely written in a minute but clear 19th century hand. In addition there are several short manuscripts and one letter to Joseph Green Cogswell. Also included are some printed books written by Anthon and various classical editions with his commentaries.

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Charles Anthon manuscripts, 1830-1875 1 Linear Feet (2 boxes)

Edmund Henry Barker letters, 1827-1831

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Twenty-seven letters from Barker to Professor Charles Anthon (1797-1867) of the Classics Department of Columbia College and one letter to a Mr Blackwell. The letters were written between July of 1827 and September of 1831 and relate principally to Professor Anthon's work on a new edition of Lemprière's Classical Dictionary. The letters are all in a clear 19th-century hand.

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Edmund Henry Barker letters, 1827-1831 0.5 linear feet (1 box)

Gilbert Highet papers, 1929-1978

21.27 linear feet (51 document boxes and 1 oversize folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts, notes, photographs, and printed materials relating to his research, writing, and teaching. The correspondence relates chiefly to research for his books, articles, essays, and lectures as well as reactions, scholarly and popular, to his works. There are single letters for authors including Maxwell Anderson, Lawrence Durrell, Randall Jarrell, and Upton Sinclair; several letters each from John Masefield, James Thurber, and E.B. White; 21 letters from Clifton Fadiman; correspondence with Columbia University faculty and students; with classical scholars in the United States, Great Britain, and Europe; with publishers including Alfred A. Knopf and Oxford University Press; with his literary agent Curtis Brown, Ltd.; with HORIZON MAGAZINE, as chairman of its Advisory Editorial Board; with the Book-of-the-Month Club, as a Judge; with Encyclopedia Britannica Sound Seminars; correspondence concerning his very popular syndicated radio talks; and letters from his readers, ranging from members of women's literary clubs to headmasters of British secondary schools.

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Gilbert Highet papers, 1929-1978 21.27 linear feet (51 document boxes and 1 oversize folder)

Hans Nachod papers, 1930-1950

2 boxes (2 boxes)
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Notes, transcripts, and corrected typescripts relating to various scholarly studies of the Italian poet Petrarch, made by Nachod. The material includes both published and unpublished writings.

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Hans Nachod papers, 1930-1950 2 boxes (2 boxes)

Harry Thurston Peck papers, 1878-1933

0.5 linear feet (1 manuscript box)
Abstract Or Scope

This is a collection of material relative to the life and career of Prof. Peck. The collection centers around the breach of promise suit brought by Miss Esther Quinn against Dr. Peck and his subsequent dismissal from the university in 1910. The material includes numerous clippings and letters from, to, and relating to Peck from President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia, Dr. Robert Arrowsmith of the American Book Company, and others. There are also letters relative to Peck's early teaching career and his life after leaving Columbia. Also, correspondence and other materials relating primarily to Prof. Peck's editorship of THE BOOKMAN, 1895-1907, and of two encyclopedias, THE INTERNATIONAL CYCLOPEDIA and THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA.

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Harry Thurston Peck papers, 1878-1933 0.5 linear feet (1 manuscript box)

Helen H. Bacon Papers, 1919-2004, bulk 1958-2001

9.42 Linear Feet (15 document boxes, 1 oversize box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of the research papers and class materials of Helen H. Bacon, a former faculty member of the Greek and Latin Department at Barnard College and Columbia University. It includes materials related to her published works, lectures and talks as well as course outlines, exams and notes for classes, student papers, transcripts, diplomas, travel journals and personal correspondence.
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Helen H. Bacon Papers, 1919-2004, bulk 1958-2001 9.42 Linear Feet (15 document boxes, 1 oversize box)

John Day Collection, 1950-1960

.84 linear feet (2 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts, manuscript notes, and manuscript notebooks of John Day, consisting of 87 notebooks of his research on various Greek papyri in the Columbia University Papyrus Collection. Also, there are several manuscripts and typescripts as well as numerous sheets of manuscript notes of his papyrological research.

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John Day Collection, 1950-1960 .84 linear feet (2 document boxes)