This is an artificial collection composed of photographs and programs relating to African American Church History in New York City in the 20th century. See detailed content notes for futher description.
Elizabeth A. Clark was the John Carlisle Kilgo Professor Emerita of Religion and Professor of History at Duke University, and a scholar of Late Antiquity and early Christian history. The collection contains handwritten subject notes and working materials from Clark's research for her book "Founding the Fathers: Early Church History and Protestant Professors in Nineteenth-Century America" (2011), including notes from significant time spent at Burke Library pursuing this research; reviews and publicity about "Founding the Fathers;" as well as papers, presentations, and later work.
Roswell D. Hitchcock (1817-1887) was a Presbyterian Congregational minister, church historian, and Union Theological Seminary president. The collection contains lecture notes taken by students of Hitchcock, correspondence, and manuscript material by Hitchcock and others.