Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, photographs, and printed materials concerning the Leĭb-Gvardiĭ Izmaĭlovskiĭ Polk (the Izmaĭlov Regiment of the Imperial Guard), and of its emigre veterans' association, the Soi︠u︡z Izmaĭlovt︠s︡ev (Union of "Izmaĭlovt︠s︡y"). There are materials concerning the War of 1812, the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, World War I, the Civil War, and the emigration. Most memoirs by veterans of the regiment cover World War I and the Civil War. There are biographical notes on members of the regiment from its formation in the 1700s into the 20th century, and also photographs and engravings. Printed materials include histories of the regiment, the oldest dating from 1830, and 14 bound volumes of the "Izmaĭlovskai︠a︡ Starina" (1930-40).