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Yu Feng Tse papers, 1928-2002, bulk 1943-1996

1.67 Linear Feet 4 manuscript boxes
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The Yu Feng Tse papers (于鳳至檔案) document her family life and that of her spouse, the Young Marshall Zhang Xueliang, who was under house arrest since 1937, first in mainland China and later in Taiwan until he was free in 1992. The materials primarily consist of correspondence, writings, printed materials, photographs, as well as memorabilia, dating from 1928 to 2011, with its bulk dating from 1943 to 1996. The materials show the relationship between Yu Feng Tse who was in the United States and Zhang Xueliang who was in Taiwan at the time.
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Yu Feng Tse papers, 1928-2002, bulk 1943-1996 1.67 Linear Feet 4 manuscript boxes

Vladimir Nikolaevich Unkovskii Papers, 1920-1958

2200 items 15 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs and printed materials of Unkovskiĭ. The correspondence includes letters from such individuals as Emile Baës, Vladimir Burt︠s︡ev, Nikolaĭ Evreĭnov, Galina Kuznet︠s︡ova, Boris Lazarevskiĭ, Alekseĭ Remizov, Ivan Shmelov, Boris Zaĭt︠s︡ev, and Leonid Zurov. Nearly all the manuscripts are by Unkovskiĭ, and include essays, stories, and excerpts from his memoirs, many of which were published in emigre journals. There are a number of scrapbooks containing clippings of his articles. In addition, the collection contains galleys of books by Unkovskiĭ, and copies of some of his full-length works, including "Ikary" (1942) and "Andreĭ Klinskiĭ" (1940).

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Vladimir Nikolaevich Unkovskii Papers, 1920-1958 2200 items 15 boxes

Vladimir Mikhailovich Andreevskii Papers, 1885-1954

300 items 2 manuscript boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, a subject file, and printed materials. Much of the collection consists of manuscripts and memoirs by V. M. Andreevskii: his memoirs up to 1917; memoirs of a trip to Palestine in 1881; and his diary for 1919-1931. Also included is a typescript copy of the memoirs of historian Boris Chicherin, entitled "N.I. Krivtsov." Many of the printed materials concern the Orthodox Church in emigration. Another item, dated 1885, is: "Spravochnaia kniga (instruktsiia) dlia rukovodstva gorodovym i voobshche nizhnim politseiskim sluzhiteliam."

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Vladimir Mikhailovich Andreevskii Papers, 1885-1954 300 items 2 manuscript boxes

Vladimir Ivanovich Lebedev Papers, 1900-1955

1000 items 7 boxes; 3 reels of microfilms on stack 14
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Most of the collection consists of manuscripts by Lebedev and others on Russian and East European literary and political topics from about 1914 to the 1930s. There are three microfilm reels of materials on Gavrilo Princip and the asassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo, 1914. Correspondents include Hamilton Fish Armstrong and George F. Kennan. There are several drafts of articles by Mark Slonim and materials on the Socialist Revolutionaries in the emigration from about 1930. Lebedev's personal documents cover from his army service (the Russo-Japanese War), through the 1917 Revolution and Civil War, and his later life in Europe and the United States. There are photographs from interwar Albania and Bulgaria, including ones of Aleksandŭr Stamboliski. Printed materials include a copy of Lebedev's book "Novym putem" and issues of "Voli︠a︡ Rossii.".

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Vladimir Ivanovich Lebedev Papers, 1900-1955 1000 items 7 boxes; 3 reels of microfilms on stack 14

Vladimir Fedorovich Kozlianinov Papers, 1914-1958

1100 items 5 boxes; and 1 print of 18th century tsars and military units
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The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, notebooks, and diaries (of Vladimir Kozli︠a︡ninov's brother Boris), documents, photographs and printed materials. The collection primarily concerns the monarchist movement in France and the history of the Imperial Horse Guard. Correspondents include Pavel Skoropadskiĭ and members of the Imperial family in emigration. There is a document signed by Anatoliĭ Lunacharskiĭ dated 1918, and a photostat of a decree by Catherine II granting the title of count to the Orlovs (1762). Printed material primarily concerns the monarchist movement in emigration. Included also is a copy of a book by V.F. Kozli︠a︡ninov, "Manuel Commʹemortatif de la Garde a Cheval" (1931).

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Vladimir Fedorovich Kozlianinov Papers, 1914-1958 1100 items 5 boxes; and 1 print of 18th century tsars and military units

Vasilii Mitrofanovich Fedorovskii Manuscripts, 1909-1932

9 items 9 items
Abstract Or Scope

Collection consists of manuscripts and printed materials. Manuscripts include two manuscripts by Fedorovskiĭ, entitled "Balturskiĭ otri︠a︡d ́sudov v 1917 g.", and "U zemnykh." Printed materials include one book, clippings from various newspapers, and two issues of "Chasovoĭ" from 1931-32, all concerning the military historian V. A. Potto.

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Vasilii Mitrofanovich Fedorovskii Manuscripts, 1909-1932 9 items 9 items

Vasilii Fedorovich Klement'ev Papers, 1915-1975

18 items 1 box
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The bulk of the papers consists of Klementév's manuscript memoirs (250 p.), which deal with such topics as the Civil War, Boris Savinkov and the Soi︠u︡z Zashchity from the 1920s, Flegont Klepikov and Leonid Shesheni︠a︡ (with a photograph of the latter); and a volume of essays on the Soviet secret police, entitled "Che-Ka" published by the Russian Socialist Revolutionaries in 1922.

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Vasilii Fedorovich Klement'ev Papers, 1915-1975 18 items 1 box

Vasilii Aleksandrovich Mikhailov Memoirs & Printed Materials, 1904-1966

63 items 1 box
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The manuscript memoirs (in all 248 p.) discuss Mikhaĭlov's education in Nezhin and at Kiev University; and the Revolution and Civil War in Siberia, particularly Orenburg in 1917 and later with Admiral Kolchak. Also included are third-person memoirs, prepared by Mikhaĭlov, of a police agent, E.F. Mishchuk (touching on the Belis case), and of General P.K. Popov (on Nicholas II). Printed materials include Russian picture postcards; a photograph book"Vidy Kryma" (Stockholm, n.d.); and K.I. Zaĭtsev, ed."Pushkin i ego vremi︠a︡" (Harbin, 1938).

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Vasilii Aleksandrovich Mikhailov Memoirs & Printed Materials, 1904-1966 63 items 1 box

Tigran Devoiants Papers, 1912-1946

15 items 1 box
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Included are texts of telegrams (1919-20) between Azerbaijan's diplomatic representatives in Armenia and their government in Baku, deciphered by Armenian military intelligence; reports (1919-20) on the military situation in the Caucasus region; and three published books on Armenians in World War I and on the "Armenian question" in general.

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Tigran Devoiants Papers, 1912-1946 15 items 1 box

Tatiana Alekseevna Smirnova-Maksheeva Papers, 1947-1976

26 items 1 box
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The correspondence includes a copy of a 1913 letter to Smirnova-Maksheeva and a 1973 letter from her. The manuscripts are primarily by Smirnova-Maksheeva and include essays on the St. Petersburg Ekaterinskiĭ Institut; the Smirnov vodka dynasty (to which Smirnova-Maksheeva's first husband belonged); the author Petr A. Zhili︠́a︡r(Pierre Gilliard); the painter Konstantin E. Makovskiĭ (whom Smirnova-Maksheeva knew) and her husband and father-in-law. In addition, there is a manuscript of a talk about Smirnova-Maksheeva's poetry given by Georgiĭ Ivit︠s︡kiĭ in Paris, 1975. The published books are "Rasskazy i povesti" (Paris, 1975)"Skazka o russkom soldate, krylatom bese i t︠s︡arevne Elene" (Paris, 1974)"Dushoĭ i serdt︠s︡em" (Souvain, 1970) and "Tain̆a kazbeka-Gruzinskai︠a︡ legenda v stikhakh 16-17 veka" (Paris, 1947).

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Tatiana Alekseevna Smirnova-Maksheeva Papers, 1947-1976 26 items 1 box