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Aleksandr Zlinchenko Manuscripts, 1948-1964

5 items 5 items
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Typed poems of Zlinchenko. Included are typed copies of four groups of poems: "Teni schasti︠́a︡" "Volnui︠u︡shchai︠a︡ taĭna" "Nesbyvshai︠a︡si︠a︡ mechta" and "Vzdokhi sveta." Also in the collection is a copy of Zlichenko's book.

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Aleksandr Zlinchenko Manuscripts, 1948-1964 5 items 5 items

Boris Konstantinovich Zaitsev Papers, 1923-1964

900 items 9 boxes
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Correspondence and manuscripts of Zaĭt︠s︡ev. This collection covers from the 1920's into the 1960's. There is correspondence from many other emigre writers. The largest groups of cataloged letters are by Mark Aldanov (105 items), Ivan Bunin (161), Archimandrite Kiprian (104), Alekseĭ Remizov (48), and Nadezhda Teffi (101). There are also items by Boris Bugaev (Andreĭ Belyĭ), Vi︠a︡cheslav Ivanov, Vladislav Khodasevich, Sergeĭ Lifaŕ and Boris Pasternak. Zaĭt︠s︡ev's manuscripts in the collection include some of his major works, such as "Puteshestvie Gleba" "Dom v Passi" "Zhizn ́Turgeneva" and "Zhukovskiĭ". In addition, the collection has a book and a pamphlet, both inscribed by Zaĭt︠s︡ev.

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Boris Konstantinovich Zaitsev Papers, 1923-1964 900 items 9 boxes

Nikolai Vasil'evich Zaretskii Papers, 1795-1959

3500 items 13 boxes; 5 oversized folders; 1 crate
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, and printed materials belonging to Russian émigré artist and collector Nikolai Vasil'evich Zaretskii (1876-1959). The collection is a mixture of materials created by or for Zaretskii, and materials collected by him.
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Nikolai Vasil'evich Zaretskii Papers, 1795-1959 3500 items 13 boxes; 5 oversized folders; 1 crate

Evgenii Ivanovich Zamiatin Papers, 1914-1962

630 items 5 boxes
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Papers of E.I. Zami︠a︡tin. The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, notes, and clippings. There are 9 letters by Konstantin Fedin, 3 by Boris Grigorév, and 1 or 2 each by Henri Barbusse, Cecil B. DeMille, Andrʹe Maurois, Alekseĭ Remizov, and Zami︠a︡tin himself. The manuscripts are chiefly brief or fragmentary works, including film scenarios, summaries of plays, essays, lectures, notes, and fragments. Longer works include the "Afrikanskiĭ gost́" lectures on prose given in 1920, and the posthumously published novel "Bich bozhiĭ" and "Lit︠s︡a". Also included are clippings on Zami︠a︡tin, chiefly from Soviet, Czech, French and Russian emigre periodicals, also transcripts of selected correspondence and manuscripts in the collection.

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Evgenii Ivanovich Zamiatin Papers, 1914-1962 630 items 5 boxes

Yu Feng Tse papers, 1928-2002, bulk 1943-1996

1.67 Linear Feet 4 manuscript boxes
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The Yu Feng Tse papers (于鳳至檔案) document her family life and that of her spouse, the Young Marshall Zhang Xueliang, who was under house arrest since 1937, first in mainland China and later in Taiwan until he was free in 1992. The materials primarily consist of correspondence, writings, printed materials, photographs, as well as memorabilia, dating from 1928 to 2011, with its bulk dating from 1943 to 1996. The materials show the relationship between Yu Feng Tse who was in the United States and Zhang Xueliang who was in Taiwan at the time.
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Yu Feng Tse papers, 1928-2002, bulk 1943-1996 1.67 Linear Feet 4 manuscript boxes

Norman Witty Cinema Collection, 1917-2008

5 linear feet 4 boxes
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A collection of rare periodicals, books, and printed ephemera on topics related to cinema history, assembled by the cinema enthusiast and rare book collector Norman Witty (1941-2013).
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Norman Witty Cinema Collection, 1917-2008 5 linear feet 4 boxes

Boris Petrovich Vysheslavtsev Papers, 1920-1954

1100 items 11 manuscript boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts and printed materials of Boris Petrovich Vysheslavtsev. There are letters from Nikolai Berdiaev, Carl Jung, Anton Kartashev, Konstantin Korovin, Jacques Maritain, Aleksei Remizov, Grigol Robakidze, Theodore Strawinsky, and Ariadna Tyrkova-Williams. The manuscripts include essays and lectures on various topics including the Orthodox church, Russian literature and culture, philosophy, and the hereafter. There are numerous diaries, primarily from the 1930's and 1940's. The printed materials include clippings, off-prints, and various journals and books.

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Boris Petrovich Vysheslavtsev Papers, 1920-1954 1100 items 11 manuscript boxes

Aleksandr M. Volkonskii Manuscript, 1930-1935

4 items 4 items
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Manuscript and printed materials of Volkonskiĭ. The 22-page handwritten manuscript (unfinished) concerns the history of the Russian Orthodox Chruch. The printed materials consist of three volumes of Volkonskiĭ's book"Katolichestvo i svi︠a︡shchennoe predanie Vostoka" (Paris, 1933-1934). All three volumes are extensively annotated in Volkonskiĭ's hand.

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Aleksandr M. Volkonskii Manuscript, 1930-1935 4 items 4 items

Maksim Moiseevich Vinaver Papers, 1906-1937

59 items 2 boxes
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These papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. The correspondence consists of typed copies of letters sent by Vinaver and Ivan Petrunkevich to each other. Manuscripts include a Duma speech by Vinaver on the Białystok pogrom of 1906 and two items on Russian politics by him. There is also an essay by Petr I︠U︡renev on the Vinaver-Petrunkevich correspondence. Printed materials include bound copies of "Zveno" for 1926-1928, and six books by or about Vinaver.

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Maksim Moiseevich Vinaver Papers, 1906-1937 59 items 2 boxes

Anatolii Petrovich Vel'min Papers, 1940-1963

3300 items 9 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, subject files and printed materials of Velḿin. The correspondence includes letters from Mark Aldanov, Mikhail Karpovich, Ekaterina Kuskova, Vasiliĭ Maklakov, Mikhail Taube, and Mark Weĭnbaum. Most of the manuscripts are by Velḿin himself and concern the Russian emigration in Poland, the 1917 Revolution and Civil War, and German concentration camps during World War II. The collection likewise contains Velḿin's diary (handwritten in eleven volumes) covering the 1900-1960 period. There are subject files devoted to Vasiliĭ Maklakov and to the activities of the Russian scouts, and there are numerous publications, such as journals, pamphlets, clippings and books.

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Anatolii Petrovich Vel'min Papers, 1940-1963 3300 items 9 boxes