The papers consist of Skobelev's correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files, and printed materials. There are awards and documents of M. D. Skobelev, his father (Dmitrii Ivanovich), and his grandfather (Ivan Nikitich), both of whom were also generals. These documents include edicts signed by Russian Tsars Paul I, Alexander I, Nicholas I, and Alexander II, and by two Kings of Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm IV and Wilhelm I. There are also patents of nobility, military service records, and documents related to various military campaigns including maps. The correspondence primarily dates from 1870-1890 and consists mainly of letters received by Mikhail Skobelev and copies of letters which he wrote. Also included are incoming and outgoing letters of D. I. Skobelev. The manuscripts include essays, notes, drafts, memos on military affairs by M. D. Skobelev and other authors. There are subject files with materials about M. D. Skobelev, including printed materials such as newspapers and clippings. There are also files with materials related to activity of the Komitet imeni General-Ad'iutanta M. D. Skobeleva dlia vydachi posobii poteriavshim na voine sposobnost' k trudu voinam, and Osobaia Komissia dlia obsuzhdeniia voprosov ob ustroistve voennago upravleniia.
Personal and professional correspondence, including 25 long letters from Professor Henry F. Herbig; manuscripts (mainly speeches); specifications for patents in electrical fields; technical and personal photographs; and memorabilia. Included is a copy of the famous "shot in hand" x-ray photograph, ca. 1896, one of the first ever to be taken. This collection also contains the correspondence, manuscripts, documents, and memorabilia of Professor Pupin's daughter, Varvara Smith, and his son-in-law, Louis Graham Smith. His daughter's letters and documents deal with her financial difficulties, her administration of Pupin's estate and her claims against Columbia University. Louis G. Smith's letters deal with his anti-Communist sentiments and his manuscripts are mainly ideas for popular songs and plays. There are three letters (photostatic copies) to Smith from Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, oral histories, photographs, audio cassettes, and printed material. Family and personal correspondence; materials related to his secondary, college, and university education; materials related to his tenure at the National Council of the Protestant Church; business correspondence of St. Philip's Episcopal Church and the St. Philip's Community Service Council; bulletins of church services; drafts of sermons and speeches, as well as numerous audio-tapes; manuscripts and publications; correspondence related to the construction and on-going maintenance of several senior-citizen and other community housing; correspondence related to various community redevelopment initives and campaigns for affordable housing; materials related to college courses including oral histories for his Black Family Research project; photographs of St. Philip's Church and of activities of the St. Philip's Community Service Council.
Correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts, research files, documents, printed materials, photographs, and memorabilia of Mr and Mrs Hough. Correspondence includes both personal and business letters, dealing with wildlife conservation, civic interests, and birding. There is some correspondence of George A. Hough, Sr., father of H.B. Hough, who was editor of the New Bedford MA Standard. Most of the correspondence is arranged alphabetically, by personal name or subject, out-going and in-coming filed together. Henry and Elizabeth Hough's correspondence, for which there are no in-coming or related letters, are filed chronologically. Cataloged correspondents include Calvin Coolidge, Max Eastman, Helen Keller, John F. Kennedy, Emily Post, and James Reston.
Correspondence, minutes of meetings, financial records, publications, notes, subject files, awards, speeches, reports and audiovisual materials document work by the Church Peace Union, its successors Council on Religion in International Affairs and Council on Ethics and International Affairs, and related organizations such as the World Alliance for International Friendship Through the Churches. The first installment of the CCEIA archival materials came to the RBML in 1974, with numerous additions over the years. A major addition in 1982 contained primarily the records of the Board of Directors and their semi-annual meetings, as well as the various programs and institutes of the Council, for the years 1972-1982, along with selected 1930s materials. 1986 addition contains presidential correspondence files, minutes of the Board of Trustees and committees, special projects, programs and conferences files, and the business and editorial files of "Worldview". Correspondents include John Foster Dulles, Jane Addams, Fiorello La Guardia, and Paul Tillich. 1990 and 2000 additions includes files of CCEIA presidents and vice presidents, paper and audiovisual materials on Merrill House Conversation Programs; Educational programs; International Monetary Fund/Lecture series; The Annals Of The Academy Of Political & Social Science; Washington Consultations; Colloquia for the Clergy; Church State Project; Asian Development & The Carribean Initiative; Korea: Year 2000 Project; fundraising files, printed materials and files of the Department of Publications.
Notes and books from the library of Frances Elizabeth Henne, including some of her own books from her childhood, and others on children's literature inscribed to her by the authors; material for her class on illustration in children's literature, 1952-1979; and memorabilia. Also, a 3,000 card bibliography of children's books cited in book dealer catalogs as well as a small group of entries for monographs and serials with references to children's literature; printed ephemera collected by Phyllis Yuill Marquart (Columbia M.L.S., 1973) relating to her collecting of and research on Helen Bannerman's LITTLE BLACK SAMBO. Included are photocopies of Bannerman's out-of-print books, a folder on commercial spinoffs, such as Sambo's Restaurants, photocopies of various editions of STRUWELPETER, which contains the Sambo story and a 1971 BBC audio tape recording and transcript of a radio program on the topic.
Collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, maps, and printed materials, mostly dealing with Gulḱevich's service in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Cataloged correspondents are Roman Gul,́ Ekaterina Kuskova (over 200 letters), Sergeĭ Prokopovich, and Petr Savit︠s︡kiĭ. Manuscripts are reports on Turkey, Armenia and Panislamism. Documents and awards are from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign governments. Printed materials consist of clippings and also printed circulars of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dating from 1886-1896.
Correspondence, notes, manuscripts, documents, photographs, audio tapes, and printed material of Louis G. Cowan. The files document Cowan's activites at CBS and Brandeis University, and in many other capacities. Approximately one-third of the collection consists of records and studies of the Broadcast Institute of North America. The papers also reflect a number of Cowan's various interests such as posters; the earliest item in the collection, a letter from General Charles P. Stone, 1885, is indicative of Cowan's active interest in the history of the Statue of Liberty. Among the prominent correspondents are Jacob Bronowski, Hubert H. Humphrey, William Phillips, and Jonas Salk.
Current results range from 1607 to 2024