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William Wetmore Story letters, 1848-1858

1 Volumes 1 volumes
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Four letters to Story from Leigh Hunt, and one from Ralph Waldo Emerson; and one letter to Emelyn Story from Margaret Fuller. The Hunt letters are friendly notes touching on a variety of subjects including his health and Mrs. Hunt's, publication of selections of his work, etc. The Emmerson letter, 1851, is in connection with Browning's reminiscences of Margaret Fuller which had been sent to Story. He speaks also of Carlyle and Tennyson. Margaret Fuller's letter to Mrs. Story is a friendly one in which she writes chiefly of her love for Rome and her life there.

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William Wetmore Story letters, 1848-1858 1 Volumes 1 volumes

William Skinkle Knickerbocker letters, 1922-1967

1 box 1 box (108 items)
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Correspondence of Knickerbocker. Correspondents are Kenneth Burke, Oscar Cargill, Irwin Edman, Ben Ray Redman, Austin Warren, Morrie Ryskind, Bonamy Dobrée, Helen Keller, Compton Mackenzie, Merrill Moore, and Allen Tate.

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William Skinkle Knickerbocker letters, 1922-1967 1 box 1 box (108 items)

William Peterfield Trent papers, 1800-1941

2 linear feet 3 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs and printed materials. The correspondence is with American and English literary figures and Columbia faculty members. Included are 38 letters from Brander Matthews and 4 from Edmund Gosse. There are 5 letters from Trent to George Whicher, 3 to John Hart, and 180 postcards and letters to John Bell Henneman, as well as a group of miscellaneous letters to and from Trent. Also included are a holograph fair copy of Trent's poem "Germany, 1915" with his covering a.l.s. and several miscellaneous poems; and his contract with J.B. Lippincott Co. for the publication of GEORGE SAND. There are also two documents signed by George W. Maynard. Among the photographs is a photograph album, prepared by Hudson Stuck in 1899, of people and scenes from Dallas, Texas. Among the printed materials are Trent's examinations and outlines for English courses, and THE UNPOPULAR REVIEW with numerous pages of Trent's notes

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William Peterfield Trent papers, 1800-1941 2 linear feet 3 boxes

William Hawkins Ferris letters, 1850-1875

4 Volumes 4 volumes (314 Items)
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Forty-eight autograph letters signed from William Gilmore Simms to Ferris, 1859-1870, and one manuscript poem; eight letters from Paul Hamilton Hayne to William Gilmore Simms and one letter to Ferris, 1867-1870. The letters are chiefly personal dealing with contemporary events, personal matters, and literary interests. Ninety-nine autograph letters signed to Ferris and one manuscript poem, 1850-1875. A great many of these letters are from literary figures of the day in response to requests from Ferris for manuscript poems and photographs to be reproduced in a volume he was planning. Some of the letters here present were to Simms and some to W. G. Cordray. 155 autograph letters to William Gilmore Simms, 1854-1870, chiefly personal in nature and from Simms' literary friends and others concerned with his literary activity and publication of his work.

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William Hawkins Ferris letters, 1850-1875 4 Volumes 4 volumes (314 Items)

William Dean Howells papers, 1883-1919

1 Linear Feet 1 box
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Letters of a personal nature, manuscripts including a short story"The Critical Book Store" seven numbers from the "Editor's Easy Chair" a series written by Howells for "Harper's Monthly" from 1900 to 1920 which included book reviews and essays on poetry, capital punishment, Mark Twain, and the political campaign of 1912. Also included is a biographical sketch of George William Curtis from "Roundabout to Boston" in the form in which it was printed in "Literary Friends and Acquaintances" in 1900.

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William Dean Howells papers, 1883-1919 1 Linear Feet 1 box

William D. Brown letters, 1946-1968

1 linear feet 2 boxes
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Correspondence of Brown with other contemporary writers including Bernard Citroën, Malcolm Cowley, William Eastlake, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg, Jean Malaquais, Charles Olson, Gary Snyder, Philip Whalen, Jonathan Williams, and William Carlos Williams. Much of the correspondence is informal and deals with the writing and publishing of Brown's novel THE WAY TO THE UNCLE SAM HOTEL, and with other literary interests.

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William D. Brown letters, 1946-1968 1 linear feet 2 boxes

William Aspenwall Bradley papers, 1900-1966

2 linear feet 4 manuscript boxes
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This collection contains correspondence, manuscripts, notes, documents, clippings, periodicals, and books of William Aspenwall Bradley, 1878-1939.
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William Aspenwall Bradley papers, 1900-1966 2 linear feet 4 manuscript boxes

William Allen White letters, 1909-1939

1 box 1 box (73 items)
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Letters of White to his friend D.A. "Gus" Ellsworth. The letters are chiefly personal in tone although there are scattered references to White's books and articles.

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William Allen White letters, 1909-1939 1 box 1 box (73 items)

Watkins Loomis records, 1883-2007 2013-2018

205.5 linear feet 410 boxes 42 volumes 27 card file drawers
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Correspondence, manuscripts, memoranda, contracts, and other legal documents, account books, royalty statements and other financial records, photographs, printed materials, and card files of the Watkins Loomis, Inc. literary agency. The papers deal with editorial, financial, and legal aspects of publishing, magazine, theatrical and film rights, and all other personal and professional activities of their American and English clients. Among these clients have been Michael Arlen, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Theodore Dreiser, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, Carson McCullers, Ezra Pound, Ayn Rand, Dorothy Sayers, Gertrude Stein, and Dylan Thomas.

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Watkins Loomis records, 1883-2007 2013-2018 205.5 linear feet 410 boxes 42 volumes 27 card file drawers

W. A. Swanberg papers, 1927-1992

36 linear feet 77 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, memoranda, notebooks, notecards, proofs, photographs, microfilms, and printed materials. The Papers include the manuscript research materials and correspondence for each of his books except his biography of Theodore Dreiser. Among the correspondents are William Benton, Bruce Catton, Carey McWilliams, Mrs. Fremont Older (Cora Miranda Baggerly Older), and Thornton Wilder.

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W. A. Swanberg papers, 1927-1992 36 linear feet 77 boxes