Fannina W. Halle Papers, 1911-1939 30 items (7 folders)
- Creator
- Halle, Fannina W., 1881-1963
- Abstract Or Scope
Most of the papers, which consist of correspondence and documents, concern the period 1911-1913 when Halle, then a student at the Kunsthistorisches Institut of the University of Vienna, went to Russia to study art history. The cataloged correspondence in this collection consists of letters from the following scholars: Boris Denike, Louis Rʹeau, Iakov Smirnov, Praskov'ia Uvarova, Josef Strzygowski, and Valentin Zubov. Arranged correspondence includes letters from various people and organizations, such as Imperatorskoe Moskovskoe Arkheologicheskoe obshchestvo, Imperatorskoe Stroganovskoe Tsentral'noe khudozhestvenno-promyshlennoe uchilishche, Kunsthistorisches Institut. Among documents are library IDs, including Biblioteka Istoricheskogo muzeia and Imperatorskaia Publichnaia biblioteka; member card of the Piatnadtsatyi Arkheologicheskii s"ezd v Novgorode; credential of the Vladimirskaia Dukhovnaia Konsistoriia; and list of publications provided by Imperatorskaia Akademiia Khudozhestv.
- Collection Context