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Columbia University. Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation : Debates, lectures, and symposia, 2005-2010

484 DVDs
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This collection consists of 257 video recordings (from 484 dvds) capturing various GSAPP events conducted from 2005 to 2010. These events encompass lectures, debates, conferences, and symposia and feature practicing architects, architectural historians and theorists, preservationists, and other influential figures within the architectural field. Currently, we are in the process of digitizing these video recordings, and they will be accessible online to Columbia affiliates upon completion [anticipated summer 2024]. Additionally, these recordings will be made available to the public in our reading room. They have been organized chronologically, with undated recordings appearing at the end of the collection.

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Columbia University. Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation : Debates, lectures, and symposia, 2005-2010 484 DVDs

Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. Posters, publicity, and publications, 1980s-2020

199 items
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This collection contains posters and publicity materials created by the communications office of Columbia's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation (GSAPP). The bulk of the collection is in Series I, which contains posters for GSAPP exhibitions and events such as lectures, discussion panels, end of year shows and film screenings. These have been arranged by decade. Series II contains copies of Newsline, a GSAPP newsletter publication from the 1990s. Series III contains publicity materials for the school's various academic programs.

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Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. Posters, publicity, and publications, 1980s-2020 199 items

Columbia University. Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation : Wednesday Night Lecture Series audio recordings, 1973-1985

114 open reel audiotapes 52 audiocassettes
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This collection contains audio recordings for 186 different lectures, which have been digitized and are available online to Columbia affilates (and available to our public in our reading room). While the majority of the recordings are from the GSAPP Wednesday Night Lecture series, there are some recordings from other GSAPP sponosored symposiums, panels, and talks. The recordings are arranged in chronological order, with undated recording listed last. No paper records for this lecture series are included in this collection.

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Columbia University. Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation : Wednesday Night Lecture Series audio recordings, 1973-1985 114 open reel audiotapes 52 audiocassettes

Douglas Putnam Haskell papers, 1866-1979-(bulk 1949-1964).

56 Linear Feet 118 manuscript boxes 5 print boxes
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Douglas Putnam Haskellan (1899-1979) was an American writer, architecture critic and magazine editor. This collection contains correspondence, memos, articles, speeches, lectures, transcripts, clippings, notes, printed matter, photographs, audiotapes, and memorabilia mainly relating to Douglas Haskell's editorship at Architectural Forum and his professional activities. The collection includes items dating from 1866 to 1979, with the majority of materials dating from the period of 1949 to 1964.
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Douglas Putnam Haskell papers, 1866-1979-(bulk 1949-1964). 56 Linear Feet 118 manuscript boxes 5 print boxes

Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Archives : correspondence, 1885-1965

140,000 items 7 boxes microfiche
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The collection includes over 140,000 pages of correspondence, which serves as a core resource for understanding Wright's personal and professional activities, relationships, and ideas. The correspondence also includes project records such as specifications, contracts, supply orders, invoices and receipts. Letters from the 1880s through the 1920s accounts for only 2% of the total correspondence in the collection (approximately 2,000 documents). The bulk of the correspondence is from the 1930s until Wright's death in 1959.

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Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Archives : correspondence, 1885-1965 140,000 items 7 boxes microfiche

Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Archives : manuscripts, 1894-1959, bulk 1894-1959

20 linear feet
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Manuscripts of American architect Frank Lloyd Wright contain his working drafts and final versions of his writings (published and unpublished), lectures, and talks dating from 1894 until his death in 1959. The collection consists of approximately 2,785 drafts amounting to over 31,000 sheets. The manuscripts range from handwritten drafts to heavily corrected typescripts and galley proofs. Included in this comprehensive collection of writings are a large number of unpublished pieces which expand upon Wright's published ideas on architecture, art and aesthetics, and which provide further insights into the architect's views on politics, religion, morality and various other topics.
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Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Archives : manuscripts, 1894-1959, bulk 1894-1959 20 linear feet

Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Archives : Taliesin Fellowship talk transcripts and audio recordings, 1948-1956

6 manuscript boxes 261 digital audio files (Sound recordings) 353 open reel audiotapes
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"Talk to the Taliesin Fellowship" was a regular lecture series at Taliesin where Wright addressed the fellows and apprentices on a range of philosophical and personal topics. The collection consists of transcripts and audio recordings of those talks as well as additional talks given by Wright to various public audiences.
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Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Archives : Taliesin Fellowship talk transcripts and audio recordings, 1948-1956 6 manuscript boxes 261 digital audio files (Sound recordings) 353 open reel audiotapes

Henry Hope Reed papers, 1911-1998

28 document boxes 1 print box 1 rolls
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Henry Hope Reed (1915-2013) was an American author, architecture critic and advocate of classical architecture. Along with writing and giving New York City walking tours, Reed served curator of Central Park and co-founder of Classical America. This collection contains his writings, correspondence, photographs and extensive research files on classical architecture and the people, parks, buildings, streets and history of New York City.
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Henry Hope Reed papers, 1911-1998 28 document boxes 1 print box 1 rolls

James S. Russell papers, 1981-2005

9 document boxes 2 manuscript boxes 2 folders flat-file
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James S. Russell (b. 1952. Seattle, WA) is an architectural writer, critic and journalist who lives and works in New York City. He is currently the architecture columnist for Bloomberg News, and from 1998 to 2005, he was an editor of Architectural Record magazine. Russell also contributes to numerous other publications, including the the New York Times, the Harvard Design Magazine, among others. A registered architect in New York, he practiced architecture with firms in New York City, Philadelphia, and Seattle before becoming a full-time writer. Russell received his Master of Architecture (MArch) at Columbia University in 1980.
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James S. Russell papers, 1981-2005 9 document boxes 2 manuscript boxes 2 folders flat-file

Michael Sorkin papers and architectural drawings, 1952-2020, bulk 1978-2020

17 document boxes 2 manuscript boxes 2 print boxes 133 tube box 113 binders
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Michael Sorkin (1948-2020) was an American architectural critic, educator, and architectural and urban designer primarily based in New York. His design work with his firm Michael Sorkin Studio, consulting work as the president of the non-profit Terreform Center for Advanced Urban Research, academic positions in the United States and Vienna, and his extensive body of publications provided him a public platform to widely share his criticism, design pedagogy and views of architecture. The collection focuses on Sorkin's writings, lecturing, and design work produced between 1978 and 2020. It also includes correspondence, academic work, files on personal life, and consulting or institutional projects.
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Michael Sorkin papers and architectural drawings, 1952-2020, bulk 1978-2020 17 document boxes 2 manuscript boxes 2 print boxes 133 tube box 113 binders