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Benjamin N. Cardozo papers, 1885-1940

10 linear feet 21 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, clippings, and photographs of or relating to Cardozo, including his lecture notes as a student at Columbia, 1885-1889, and his commonplace books. Also, four boxes of printed and manuscript material collected by George S. Hellman while writing BENJAMIN N. CARDOZO, AMERICAN JUDGE; and photocopies of letters, manuscripts, and notebooks of original Cardozo papers in the Cardozo School of Law Library. Materials re. his estate and will have been added.

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Benjamin N. Cardozo papers, 1885-1940 10 linear feet 21 boxes

Cecile Starr papers, 1925-2001

15 linear feet 36 manuscript boxes
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Personal documents, correspondence, photographs, audiocassettes, and printed material of the filmmaker, film writer, and educator Cecile Starr (1921-2014).
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Cecile Starr papers, 1925-2001 15 linear feet 36 manuscript boxes

Central Files (Office of the President records), 1890-1984

927 linear feet 927 record cartons
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Central Files is composed chiefly of correspondence sent and received between Columbia University administrators and other University officers, faculty, and trustees, as well as correspondence sent and received between University administrators and individuals and organizations from outside the university.
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Central Files (Office of the President records), 1890-1984 927 linear feet 927 record cartons

Edwin H. Armstrong papers, 1886-1982, bulk 1912-1954

295.7 linear feet 297 boxes, 2 flat folders, 30 phono discs, 10 tape reels
Abstract Or Scope

Professional and personal files including Armstrong's correspondence with professional associations, other engineers, and friends, his research notes, circuit diagrams, lectures, articles, legal papers, and other related materials. Of his many inventions and developments, the most important are: 1) the regenerative or feedback circuit, 1912, the first amplified radio reception, 2) the superheterodyne circuit, 1918, the basis of modern radio and radar, 3) superregeneration, 1922, a very simple, high-power receiver now used in emergency mobile service, and 4) frequency modulation - FM, 1933, static-free radio reception of high fidelity. More than half the files concern his many lawsuits, primarily with Radio Corporation of America, over infringement of the Armstrong patents. Litigation continued until 1967. Other files deal with his work in the Marcellus Hartley Research Laboratory at Columbia University, 1913-1935, and with the American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I, his Air Force contracts for communications development, Army research during World War II, the Radio Club of America, the Institute of Radio Engineers, FM development at his radio station at Alpine, N.J., the use of FM in television, his involvement in Federal Communications Commission hearings and legislation, and his work with the Zenith Radio Corporation. Also, letters to H.J. Round

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Edwin H. Armstrong papers, 1886-1982, bulk 1912-1954 295.7 linear feet 297 boxes, 2 flat folders, 30 phono discs, 10 tape reels

Henry Beetle Hough papers, 1841-1994

24 linear feet 52 boxes 2 oversize folders
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts, research files, documents, printed materials, photographs, and memorabilia of Mr and Mrs Hough. Correspondence includes both personal and business letters, dealing with wildlife conservation, civic interests, and birding. There is some correspondence of George A. Hough, Sr., father of H.B. Hough, who was editor of the New Bedford MA Standard. Most of the correspondence is arranged alphabetically, by personal name or subject, out-going and in-coming filed together. Henry and Elizabeth Hough's correspondence, for which there are no in-coming or related letters, are filed chronologically. Cataloged correspondents include Calvin Coolidge, Max Eastman, Helen Keller, John F. Kennedy, Emily Post, and James Reston.

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Henry Beetle Hough papers, 1841-1994 24 linear feet 52 boxes 2 oversize folders

Hodder and Stoughton records, 1875-1914

3 linear feet 6 document boxes
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Correspondence and publishing agreements for many of their authors in the pre-World War I period.

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Hodder and Stoughton records, 1875-1914 3 linear feet 6 document boxes

Indian Princely States records, 1890-1960

11 linear feet 22 manuscript boxes
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These are manuscripts and typescript documents of 34 different princely states that existed as distinct political entities in pre-independence India. Although the majority of these states were tiny principalities in western India (primarily in what is now Rajasthan), some (e.g., Hyderabad) were located in other regions of India and represented major powers in the region at that time.

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Indian Princely States records, 1890-1960 11 linear feet 22 manuscript boxes

International Institute of Rural Reconstruction records, 1914-2018

163 linear feet 271 boxes; Audio Visual boxes; Flat boxes; 8 Tube boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, lectures, notes, diaries, notebooks, reports, financial records, blueprints, photographs, and printed materials of Y.C. James Yen and the IIRR concerned with the development, sharing, and financing innovative methods of teaching, improving agriculture, health and family planning, and education in impoverished villages. Among the cataloged correspondents are: Pearl Buck, William O. Douglas, Nelson Rockefeller, and DeWitt Clinton.

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International Institute of Rural Reconstruction records, 1914-2018 163 linear feet 271 boxes; Audio Visual boxes; Flat boxes; 8 Tube boxes

Jacques Barzun papers, 1900-1999

225 linear feet 533 boxes; 1 drawer of oversized material
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The correspondence, research, and teaching files of French-American cultural historian and Columbia University professor emeritus Jacques Barzun (1907-2012).
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Jacques Barzun papers, 1900-1999 225 linear feet 533 boxes; 1 drawer of oversized material

James Stillman papers, 1830-1955

5.5 linear feet 11 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Stillman include over 100 items pertaining to the business enterprises of his father, Charles Stillman of Brownsville, Texas, who was engaged in shipping and trade, real estate, and railroad investment. A large portion of the collection documents of James Stillman's activities in banking, in railroad financing, and in other of his business and industrial interests. The letters, legal documents, and miscellaneous papers are representative of the entire span of his career. Included in the correspondence are letters from many prominent financiers and industrialists of his day, including many from William Rockefeller; letters from President Grover Cleveland, some personal in nature and some concerned with business transactions; nine letter books of James Stillman, covering the years 1886-1897, 1906-1918; letter books of his secretary Miss K. Bredin, 1908-1916; journals for the years 1889, 1891, 1898, 1899; bank book recording Stillman's drafts, 1911-1914, on the London firm of Baring Brothers; four diaries, 1881-1884; six notebooks; one cash and journal and one ledger, 1868-1871.

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James Stillman papers, 1830-1955 5.5 linear feet 11 boxes

Joseph Dorfman papers, 1890-1983

40.5 linear feet 88 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, documents, book typescripts, photographs, and printed materials covering the time from Dorfman's early interest, as a graduate student, in the economic thought of Thorstein Veblen until his retirement. There is correspondence with his academic colleagues, students, publishers, and the family and students of Thorstein Veblen, as well as manuscripts, typescripts, drafts, revisions, notes, photographs, pamphlets, and related materials for his articles and books which include: THORSTEIN VEBLEN AND HIS AMERICA, 1934; THE ECONOMIC MIND IN AMERICAN CIVILIZATION, 1946-1959; EARLY AMERICAN POLICY, 1960; INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS, 1963; TYPES OF ECONOMIC THEORY, 1967; and NEW LIGHT ON VEBLEN, 1973

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Joseph Dorfman papers, 1890-1983 40.5 linear feet 88 boxes

Marie Mattingly Meloney Collection on Marie Curie, circa 1890-1962, bulk circa 1920-1934

3.5 linear feet 8 manuscript boxes
Abstract Or Scope
The bulk of the collection deals with Marie Curie's travels in the United States in 1921 and 1929, as a result of Marie Mattingly Meloney's fundraising campaigns to purchase radium for Curie's experiments. It includes correspondence with, photographs of, and manuscripts and printed material by and about Marie Curie. There is also an academic cap worn by Marie Curie while accepting honorary degrees in the United States, and a watch given to Meloney by Curie.
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Marie Mattingly Meloney Collection on Marie Curie, circa 1890-1962, bulk circa 1920-1934 3.5 linear feet 8 manuscript boxes

Paul R. Hays papers, 1910-1980

51 linear feet 107 boxes 9 oversized items
Abstract Or Scope

Personal, academic, and legal correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and memoranda. Among the legal files, there is particular emphasis on labor and welfare law. The files also contain materials about his judicial appointment, the American Law Institute, the Columbia University School of Law, and the Project on International Procedure. Among the major correspondents are: James A. Farley, Arthur J. Goldberg, Philip C. Jessup, Robert F. Kennedy, Harold R. Medina, James A. Pike, and Lionel Trilling

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Paul R. Hays papers, 1910-1980 51 linear feet 107 boxes 9 oversized items

Samson Raphaelson papers, 1916-1982

19.5 linear feet 41 boxes
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Correspondence, playscripts, screenplays, scenarios, short stories, and other manuscripts, drafts, photocopies, contracts and other documents, tearsheets, clippings, and other materials relating to his career as a screenwriter, playwright, and author of short stories. Correspondence with friends, students, admirers, and professional colleagues concern his teaching, playwriting, films, articles, photography, and literary topics. There are also two groups of letters from students and readers about his textbook, "The Human Nature of Playwriting" (1949). Among the cataloged correspondence are William Gibson, MacKinlay Kantor, Anna Louise Strong, Louis Untermeyer, and Carl Van Doren. Included are manuscripts, drafts, or photocopies of almost all his films, plays, and short stories, such as playscripts and drafts of his plays, "The Jazz Singer" (1922), "Skylark" (1939), "Jason" (1942), and others; screenplays and scenarios, many in photocopy, of "Trouble in Paradise" (1932), "The Merry Widow" (1934), "The Shop Aroung the Corner" (1940), "Suspicion" (1941), "Heaven Can Wait" (1943), and many other films; and manuscripts, drafts, tearsheets, and printed copies of his short stories and articles of film and television criticism. There are also many clippings and reviews, programs, and other printed materials about his plays and films.

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Samson Raphaelson papers, 1916-1982 19.5 linear feet 41 boxes

School of Journalism Founding Documents, 1892-1912, bulk 1903-1904

0.42 linear feet 1 document box
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, printed materials, drafts and copies of agreements relating to the establishment and initial organization of Columbia University's School of Journalism.
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School of Journalism Founding Documents, 1892-1912, bulk 1903-1904 0.42 linear feet 1 document box

Society of Authors' Representatives records, 1939-1991

6 linear feet 15 manuscript boxes
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Correspondence, by-laws, memoranda, contracts, permission forms, reports, bank statements and other legal papers, advertising, and printed materials.

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Society of Authors' Representatives records, 1939-1991 6 linear feet 15 manuscript boxes

Sydney Howard Gay papers, 1748-1931

43 linear feet 87 boxes
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Letters written to Gay from political and literary contemporaries such as Horace Greeley, Charles Sumner, and William Bryant; reports in letter form from his reporters at the front during the Civil War; and personal correspondence including many letters from his wife, Elizabeth Neall Gay. Letters written to Mrs. Gay from family friends and business associates including many from her husband. Correspondence of other members of the Gay family including Walter Gay, Sarah Gay, and Allan Gay. Diaries, notebooks, and journals of Sydney Howard Gay.

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Sydney Howard Gay papers, 1748-1931 43 linear feet 87 boxes

Thomas A. Edison papers, 1860-1903

2 boxes 2 boxes (132 items)
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This collection of contracts, patent assignments, other legal documents, and correspondence of Edison and others, deals with the development of the telegraph and the expansion of the telegraph network. There are 31 cataloged legal documents concerning his telegraphic patents, his company (Pope, Edison & Company), and its purchase by The Gold and Stock Telegraph Company in 1870. Other contracts concern the early work of Samuel F.B. Morse and other inventors, and later telegraph companies.

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Thomas A. Edison papers, 1860-1903 2 boxes 2 boxes (132 items)

V. K. Wellington Koo papers, 1906-1992, bulk 1931-1966

120.5 Linear Feet 266 full manuscript boxes, 34 half manuscript boxes, 3 record cartons, 4 flat boxes (Box 291-294), 1 index card box, 2 tall manuscript boxes
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The V. K. Wellington Koo papers document the diplomatic legacy of Wellington Koo as a Chinese statesman and diplomat of the 20th Century. The papers primarily consist of materials collected during Koo's diplomatic career, relating to the Lytton Commission, 1932-1933; the League of Nations, 1931-1940; the United Nations, 1944-1946; his ambassadorships to France, 1932-1941; to Britain, 1941-1946; to the United States, 1946-1956; as the Senior Advisor to the Republic of China from 1956; and as the Judge on the International Court of Justice, 1957-1966. The materials include correspondence, diaries, memoranda, manuscripts, documents, notes, speeches, maps, photographs, printed material, and audio visual material. The bulk of the materials emphasizes China's domestic and foreign affairs, such as the Sino-Japanese conflict, World War II and the Cold War in the Far East region, as well as the League of Nations and the United Nations.
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V. K. Wellington Koo papers, 1906-1992, bulk 1931-1966 120.5 Linear Feet 266 full manuscript boxes, 34 half manuscript boxes, 3 record cartons, 4 flat boxes (Box 291-294), 1 index card box, 2 tall manuscript boxes

Wallace K. Harrison architectural drawings and papers, 1913-1986, bulk 1930-1980

22 manuscript boxes 2 print boxes 2,031 architectural drawings
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The Wallace K. Harrison architectural drawings and papers consists of architectural drawings, photographs, correspondence, notes, speeches, manuscripts, press releases, clippings, memoranda, printed material, job lists, curriculam vitae, contracts, articles, and other material related to Harrison's architectural projects. The collection also contains a significant amount of material regarding Harrison's position as director of the Office of Inter-American Affairs, director of planning of the United Nations Headquarters and biographical material. Approximately a third of the collection is made up of photographs. Photographers include Wendy Barrows, Shirley Burden, George Cserna, Y[uzo] Nagata, and Ezra Stoller, among many others. There is also a collection of 148 art books that belonged to Harrison referred to as his "doodle books." A list of these books with brief descriptions of where Harrison drew in them is contained in the finding aid. Projects documented include Lincoln Center, Metropolitan Opera House, Rockefeller Center, Albany Mall (Empire State Plaza), United Nations, X City, ALCOA building, Corning Glass building, First Presbyterian Church, La Guardia Airport, Socony-Mobil building, Battery Park City, Radio City Music Hall, New York World's Fair (1939 and 1964), Institute for Advanced Study, National Academy of Science, Pahlavi National Library Competition, Oberlin College's Hall Auditorium, Pershing Memorial, Rockefeller University, Hopkins Center, The Anchorage, Avila Hotel, and numerous other buildings and residences.
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Wallace K. Harrison architectural drawings and papers, 1913-1986, bulk 1930-1980 22 manuscript boxes 2 print boxes 2,031 architectural drawings

Whitney M. Young Jr. Memorial Foundation records, 1971-1991

38 linear feet 99 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, financial records, photographs, memorabilia, and printed materials. The Foundation's correspondence files consist of letters from different organizations and foundations, including the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Social Change, The NAACP, the United Negro College Fund, the Studio Museum in Harlem, and the YWCA. Also included in this collection are community dialogues on race relations (1974-1975); proposed dialogues (1979) on such subjects as the Boy Scouts of America, Columbia University, and the National Council of Christians and Jews; and files on the Whitney M. Young Fellows Retreat Conferences (1980-1984). The collection contains many files on Ed Wilson's bust of Young (1991), including contracts and agreements, records of payments to Wilson, documents concerning the bust's placement in various locations, correspondence with Wilson (1983-1991), and miscellaneous photographs and pictures. The contributions files contain annual listings of contributions and records of contributions from the National Urban League, assorted organizations, corporations, individuals, foundations, and Philip Morris.

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Whitney M. Young Jr. Memorial Foundation records, 1971-1991 38 linear feet 99 boxes

William Brown Meloney collection of John Mitchel and John Purroy Mitchel materials, 1830-1942

9 linear feet 20 manuscript boxes, 5 oversized boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, memorabilia and printed materials of John Mitchel, John Purroy Mitchel, and other members of the Mitchel and Purroy families. The collection concerns Irish nationalism, family matters, Purroy family business interests in Central America, the John Purroy Mitchel Memorial and William Brown Meloney's files relating to his research and writing of "The Story of John Purroy Mitchel" along with the manuscript and typescript drafts for this unpublished biography.

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William Brown Meloney collection of John Mitchel and John Purroy Mitchel materials, 1830-1942 9 linear feet 20 manuscript boxes, 5 oversized boxes

William McMurtrie Speer papers, 1880-1936

17 linear feet 34 boxes 3 oversize volumes 1 oversize folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts, contracts, legal briefs, patents, and other documents, music scores, cartoons, technical drawings, account books, blueprints, photographs, clippings, printed legal briefs & transcripts, proofs, scrapbooks, and other printed materials of William M. Speer.

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William McMurtrie Speer papers, 1880-1936 17 linear feet 34 boxes 3 oversize volumes 1 oversize folder

William Morris Colles papers, 1888-1928

2.5 linear feet 6 boxes
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Files dealing with publishers, the editing of manuscripts, serial rights, copyright, translation rights, financial accounts, and the like. Among the correspondents are A.P. Graves, Thomas Hardy, Frederick T. Jane, W.E. Norris, Alfred Ollivant, John Pendleton, William H. Rideing, Hall Caine, Prince Peter Kropotkin, Marie Adelaide Belloc Lowndes, Douglas Sladden, and Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward).

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William Morris Colles papers, 1888-1928 2.5 linear feet 6 boxes

W.R. Grace & Co. records, 1828-1986, bulk 1861-1960

90 linear feet 167 boxes
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The records of W.R. Grace & Co. cover the rise of the Grace shipping business from 1864 until World War II. The early correspondence concerns all aspects of the shipping business in New York and South America, mining interests in Peru and Chile, the railroad in Costa Rica, the inter-ocean canal planned for Nicaragua, and political interests throughout Central and South America. There are letter books, correspondence, and scrapbooks of clippings for all aspects of W.R. Grace's career. There are minute books and other documents for more than 50 subsidiary companies owned by W.R. Grace & Co. or by family members. The papers of Joseph Peter Grace (1872-1950) continue the business, family, and philanthropic activities until 1942. There are also 20 reels of motion picture film about the Grace Co. South American interests in the 1950s.

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W.R. Grace & Co. records, 1828-1986, bulk 1861-1960 90 linear feet 167 boxes