This series contains one 46 page bound manuscript handwritten in English by an unknown author, describing the activities of the Netherlands Missionary Society (Nederlands Zendeling Genootschap) by geographic region and sub-regions (including Indonesian Archipelago: Amboina, Timor, Ceram, Banda, Celebe, Boono, Java; Hindustan: Palliacatta, Sadras, Chinfurab; South Africa; and Suriname) and covering the period of 1823-1825. This series also contains an index and supplementary material of the Old Missionary Archives of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Netherlands Reformed Church (Raad voor de Zending der Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk). The index was compiled in Dutch by Rev. F. Slump in 1963 in an effort to publicize the materials held within the organization's archives. The index alphabetically lists materials found in the records of Dutch missionary corporations from 1797-1927, the papers of Professor Hendrik Kraemer, 1921-1947, and the records of women's missionary work from 1928-1958. The supplemental material is written in Dutch and includes a list of corrections to the original index and indexes to the papers of influential missionaries: Hendrik Kraemer, Dr. Albert C. Kruyt, Rev. J. Kruyt and Rev. I. J. Kijne. Additional material includes correspondence written in English between the Board of the Foreign Missions of the Netherlands Reformed Church and the Missionary Research Library/