This series contains a 381-page handwritten English translation, completed in 1944 by D.D. Chandekar, of Arunodaya. The Autobiography of Bãbã Padmanjí, containing a description of his former life as a Hindu and the causes which led to his conversion. Originally printed by the Anglo-Vernacular Press in Bombay in 1888 and in Bãbã Padmanjí's native language, Marathi, the book gives a brief history of his life as a Hindu, his conversion to Christianity, and details the religious, political, personal and familial struggles he endured as a result. Included in this volume are a short newspaper clipping, photograph, and list of important dates in the front cover. This copy also transcribes the letters of recommendation for Bãbã Padmanjí, which were in the original autobiography, as well as an epitaph for Rev. George Bowen, a former Union Theological Seminary student (class of 1847), Bombay missionary, and editor of the Marathi publications of the Bombay Book and Tract Society. (It should be noted that printed versions of the autobiography may not contain all that Bãbã Padmanjí originally wrote; Rev. M. P. Davis, member of the Foreign Mission Board for the German Evangelical Synod of North America and editor of the autobiography print version called My Struggle for Freedom, mentioned in his forward that "numerous unimportant incidents related by [Bãbã Padmanjí] in the original Marathi version" had been removed.)