This series contains documents related to Daniel Day Williams's research, teaching, and publishing, including material related to conferences, lectures, and presentations on science and theology, and material specifically related to the Theology-Science Discussion Group to which he belonged. Also included is correspondence from and work by some of the group's members, including the nuclear physicist and Episcopal priest William G. Pollard ("The Mystery of Matter" and "Nature and Supernature"); Harold K. Schilling, professor of Physics and Dean of the Graduate School at Pennsylvania State University ("Cosmic Mystery", as well as prints and reprints of his "On the Significance of Science for Religious Thought", "A Human Enterprise", and "Concerning the Nature of Science and = Religion"); Harmon R. Holcomb from the Department of Philosophy at the University of Kentucky; and Frederick Ferré from the University of Georgia. Other= materials include "Understanding Science" by John J. Compton, as well as Williams's personal notebook from 1935.