This series contains three study notebooks written at different points by the three members of the Marsh family, as well as correspondence and notes dated 1978 between John M. Cox (then the seminary library archivist's assistant) and the Curator of Manuscripts at Harvard's Houghton Library, concerning the provenance of the manuscripts when they were uncovered in the Union Theological Seminary's vault in 1976. The first manuscript was written by Ebenezer Grant in 1795, and contains biographical and regional information on civic and religious leaders in New England. The Ebenezer Grant notebook is entitled, "Lists of the Governors, Lt. Governors, Counsellors/Judges and Members of Congress/ in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, as far as can be ascertained from the first settlement of the country. Likewise the names of all the Ministers in the same states – the times when they were ordained when they were dismissed or when they died and the times when the churches were first gathered. Compiled from various sources, by Eben.r G. Marsh, N Haven, Sep. 1795." The second volume consists of notes written by John Marsh the Younger entitled "Observations upon the Bible/Began June 1807/by John Marsh." The final notebook contains biographical entries of New England civic and religious leaders before and contemporaneous to John Marsh the Elder's time; this manuscript was likely written by Marsh the Elder.