Collections : [Rare Book & Manuscript Library]

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library is Columbia University’s principal repository for special collections. We collect, preserve, describe, promote, and provide access to the material evidence of diverse individuals and activities in alignment with the University’s research and teaching mission. We build and steward deep collections in select subject areas and connect them to a global audience through reference, teaching, exhibitions, publications, and public programs.

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Soviet Independent Press Collection, 1988-1992

63 linear feet (147 boxes)
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More than 2000 titles of periodicals and newspapers (many of them complete runs), as well as thousands of leaflets, broadsides and posters. Titles includes: Antisovetskaia Pravda, Armianskii Vestnik, Atmoda, Azadlyg, Baltiiskoe Vremia, Belarusskaia Tribuna, Chernoe Znamia, Demokraticheskaia Gazeta, Demokraticheskaia Rossiia, Edalet, Ekspress-khronika, Evrei i Perestroika, Evreiskaia Gazeta, Golos Kurda, Romania Libera, Carpatische Rundschau, to name just a few.

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Serge Prokofiev Archive, 1917-2012

294 linear feet
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Serge Prokofiev (1891–1953) was a Russian and Soviet composer, pianist and conductor, and seminal figure in the history of twentieth-century music. The Serge Prokofiev Archive (SPA) contains 58 original music manuscripts and over 10,000 letters and documents primarily from 1918-1936, the years Prokofiev spent in the West. The SPA also includes an expansive collection of music manuscript copies, published scores, concert programs, scholarly books and articles, photographs, and audio and video material, making it the premier research collection for studying Prokofiev's life, work and legacy.
17222 results in this collection view all

Palestinian Political Poster collection, 1966-2009

1 Linear Feet (110 posters in one folder)
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A collection of 110 Palestinian political posters ranging in date from 1978 to the mid nineties (8 from the 70s; 67 from the 80s; 27 from the 90s and 4 from 2000), and issued by various Palestinian political fractions (e.g. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine PFLP, Palestinian Liberation Organization PLO, "Palestinian National Liberation Movement" Fatah, etc.). These posters were issued and printed in Beirut, Lebanon, and plastered the walls of the city streets during the years of the civil war, and thereafter. They represent a good window onto many aspects of Palestinian culture, history, politics, art, social anthropology, etc., during the crucial years spent by the PLO and other Palestinian resistance fractions in Beirut/Lebanon.

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Benjamin Nelson papers, 1925-1977

106 linear feet (224 document boxes)
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Professional and personal correspondence, manuscripts and notes for his many publications in the social sciences and Renaissance studies, drafts and notes for his THE IDEA OF USURY and writings about Max Weber, other papers collected during his teaching career, and materials for the many professional conferences which he attended and for the academic associations and societies in which he was active.

1323 results in this collection view all

James Thomson Shotwell papers, 1896-1962

296 boxes (60000 items)
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Correspondence and other documents relating to the Paris Peace Conference, League of Nations, and Locarno Pact with which Prof. Shotwell was associated. There is material relating to Shotwell's THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR, as well as to his other writings.

1051 results in this collection view all

Yong-jeung Kim papers, 1906-1994, bulk 1940-1975

6 linear feet (12 boxes, 1 mapcase folder)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, speeches, documents, news releases, printed materials, audio recordings, and motion picture film. Of interest in the correspondence are letters from John Foster Dulles, Lieut. Gen. John R. Hodge and Maj. Gen. Archer L. Lerch, the first two U.S. military governors of South Korea, Syngman Rhee, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Kim Il Sung. His correspondence deals mainly with the issue of reunification. The manuscript series includes articles and speeches by Kim as well as unpublished manuscripts by others assigned to him. The documents are mainly those related to the Korean Affairs Institute. The press clippings and printed materials cover Korean problems from 1945 to 1975 and include Korean language newspapers and periodicals. Thera are also some books and pamphlets from his library, including printed volumes of Korean government documents and other books on Korea from the first two decades of the twentieth century, six electrical transcriptions of radio programs in which Kim was interviewed, and one motion picture film "Liberation of Korea."

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Bomb Magazine records, 1978-2017

129 linear feet (56 record cartons 116 document boxes 6 flat boxes)
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This collection contains the administrative records of the interview-based arts journal, BOMB Magazine.
9833 results in this collection view all

Innokenti Nikolaevich Seryshev Papers, 1914-1970

10 linear feet (20 boxes)
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The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, and printed materials. Seryshev carried on a voluminous correspondence in Esperanto, as well as Russian and English, with individuals in many countries. This material mostly dates from the late 1920s. Photographs of Seryshev's correspondents have been left with the letters to which these photos were attached. The main manuscript is a lengthy autobiography by Father Seryshev, illustrated with photos, postcards, and documents, called "V Zemnom plane moego vechnogo bytii︠a︡", describing in five volumes and appendices his life and travels in pre-revolutionary Siberia, in Japan (1919-1922), in China (1922-1925), and in Australia, where he settled after 1926. An earlier manuscript entitled "Peshkom po i︠a︡ponskim shkolam", also covers the Japanese period in Seryshev's life. Among materials relating to Seryshev's activities as a promoter of Esperanto, mention should be made of his manuscript "Esperanto v SSSR i ee satelitakh", to which much primary material is adjoined. Printed material includes "Siberio" (1914), a collection of articles on Siberia, translated into Esperanto and edited by Seryshev; various Russian-language periodicals brought out by Father Seryshev in Australia; and Esperanto textbooks in Russian, Polish, and Lithuanian.

158 results in this collection view all

Elena Mogilat Papers, 1900-1981

4500 items (18 boxes)
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Papers include correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, and printed materials. The extensive correspondence relates to Mogilat's personal and professional activities and includes letters from many of her students and colleagues. Correspondents include Gleb Struve, Alexandra Tolstoy and Boris Unbegaun. Of special interest are letters by her first husband Baron von Taube, written from the front during World War I, and correspondence with various Russian acqaintances about the Soviet Union in the 1920s and 1930s in which they describe life in a communal apartment, and plans to rescue friends who have been arrested. Subject files concern Columbia's Russkiĭ Kruzhok and the Avtonomoff method of teaching Russian to Americans. There are letters, photographs, concert programs and music of Russian emigre composer and pianist Ariadna Mikeshina. Manuscripts are by various persons; most are by John Paul Mihaly, who had been Mogilat's student. There is also a manuscript of translations by Clarence Manning, "Four Poems by Blok." Documents and photographs concern Mogilat and her family, both before and after emigration. Printed materials consist mostly of off-prints of articles by Clarence Manning and others, primarily on literary topics. There are also books, mimeographed materials, periodicals, and clippings.

161 results in this collection view all

Leonid Leonidovich Sabaneev Papers, 1917-1950

500 items (5 boxes)
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The collection contains correspondence, manuscripts, clippings, books and periodicals. There are two letters from Aleksandr Glazunov and one each from Aleksandr Grechaninov and Nikolaĭ Metner. The manuscripts deal with both cultural affairs and the Russian Revolution. Among the cultural topics are essays on music, Isadora Duncan, Maksim Gorḱiĭ and literary affairs. There are articles about general aspects of the Revolution and about such individuals as Lenin, Stalin, Chicherin, Dzerzhinskiĭ and Kamenev. Many of the articles are memoiristic in nature, particularly those about life in Moscow and in the provinces during the Revolution, Dzerzhinskiĭ and Kamenev. There are clippings of articles written by Sabaneev and a number of books and periodicals either written by Sabaneev or containing articles by him.

61 results in this collection view all

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration records, 1943-1949

103 Reels (103 microfilm reels)
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The reports and correspondence relating to UNRRA were arranged according to the nine administrative divisions of that organization that generated the documents: Bureau of Administration (26 reels); Office of the Diplomatic Adviser (4 reels); Office of the Director General (20 reels); Office of the Economic Adviser (4 reels); Office of Far Eastern Affairs (9 reels); Office of the General Counsel (19 reels); Office of the Historian (16 reels); Office of Public Information (1 reel); and Secretariat Executive Office (3 reels). Within each division, subsidiary bodies are typically separated into subject and country files.

7730 results in this collection view all

Columbia University Press records, 1893-2000s, bulk 1923-2000s

753 linear feet (632 boxes)
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This collection contains the correspondence, editorial files and office files of the Columbia University Press, primarily from its reorganization in 1923 by Frederick Coykendall to the present.

11265 results in this collection view all

Dorothy Ethlyn Cole papers, 1953-1955

9 linear feet (21 boxes)
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Editorial files of the third edition of WHO'S WHO IN LIBRARY SERVICE, 1955.

35 results in this collection view all

Columbia University Libraries Acquisitions Department registers, 1922-1968

117 linear feet (707 registers)
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707 Acquisitions Department Registers dating from 1922-1968.

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RBML Office Files, 1917-2022

176.26 linear feet (274 document boxes and 62 record cartons) 54 Volumes (54 reading room ledger books)
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This collection contains the administrative records of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, from its days as the Department of Special Collections to the present.
4464 results in this collection view all

Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs records, 1844-2008

534 linear feet (1069 manuscript boxes)
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Correspondence, minutes of meetings, financial records, publications, notes, subject files, awards, speeches, reports and audiovisual materials document work by the Church Peace Union, its successors Council on Religion in International Affairs and Council on Ethics and International Affairs, and related organizations such as the World Alliance for International Friendship Through the Churches. The first installment of the CCEIA archival materials came to the RBML in 1974, with numerous additions over the years. A major addition in 1982 contained primarily the records of the Board of Directors and their semi-annual meetings, as well as the various programs and institutes of the Council, for the years 1972-1982, along with selected 1930s materials. 1986 addition contains presidential correspondence files, minutes of the Board of Trustees and committees, special projects, programs and conferences files, and the business and editorial files of "Worldview". Correspondents include John Foster Dulles, Jane Addams, Fiorello La Guardia, and Paul Tillich. 1990 and 2000 additions includes files of CCEIA presidents and vice presidents, paper and audiovisual materials on Merrill House Conversation Programs; Educational programs; International Monetary Fund/Lecture series; The Annals Of The Academy Of Political & Social Science; Washington Consultations; Colloquia for the Clergy; Church State Project; Asian Development & The Carribean Initiative; Korea: Year 2000 Project; fundraising files, printed materials and files of the Department of Publications.

12238 results in this collection view all

Luciano Rebay collection of Giuseppe Ungaretti, 1964-1970, bulk 1927-1989

2.1 Linear Feet (1 record storage carton; 1 document box; 1 large folder of photographs in Mapcase 15/B/1)
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Rebay and Ungaretti were close friends. Rebay held the first endowed Ungaretti chair of Italian literature and assembled this collection of recording and files.
90 results in this collection view all

Meyer Schapiro papers, 1919-2006

400 linear feet (339 document boxes; 53 record storage cartons; 23 small flat boxes (15 inch depth); 16 medium flat boxes (21 inch depth); 3 card file boxes)
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This collection encompasses the professional, personal, and artistic life of art historian Meyer Schapiro.
8079 results in this collection view all

Language and Culture Archive of Ashkenazic Jewry, 1949-1997

129 linear feet (238 document boxes 21 flat boxes 24 card file boxes. Boxes B79, B80, B81, 213 and 215 do not exist.)
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A collection of materials related to the research project of the Language and Culture Atlas of Ashkenazic Jewry (L.C.A.A.J./LCAAJ) produced from 1949 to 1997. The project was spearheaded by Columbia University's Yiddish department and the primary researchers involved in the project were Uriel Weinreich, Marvin (Mikhl) Herzog, Mordkhe Schaechter, Vera Baviskar, Robert Neumann, and Ulrike Kiefer. The materials include administrative records, fieldwork and research notes, materials relating to the publication of the second and third volume of the Atlas, as well as other research materials of Uriel Weinreich, and materials related to the publication of The Field of Yiddish. The materials are primarily in English, Yiddish and German.
1672 results in this collection view all

C.L.R. James Institute records, 1932-2003, bulk 1983-1999

20 linear feet (45 boxes)
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The C.L.R. James Institute was founded by Jim Murray to document the writing and influence of James and his circle
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