Collections : [Rare Book & Manuscript Library]

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library is Columbia University’s principal repository for special collections. We collect, preserve, describe, promote, and provide access to the material evidence of diverse individuals and activities in alignment with the University’s research and teaching mission. We build and steward deep collections in select subject areas and connect them to a global audience through reference, teaching, exhibitions, publications, and public programs.

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Arthur David Kemp Owen papers, 1938-1970

18 linear feet 39 boxes 1 volume
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence and professional files of Owen. Most of the materials in this collection relate to his activities at the UN. These include numerous documents and reports pertaining to the United Nations' technical assistance programs. Some of Owen's speeches and publications are also in the collection. The reports Owen received from Gunnar Myrdal and those concerning the private meetings of the Secretary General are especially interesting. A few of the people with whom Owen corresponded are Lady Astor, Clement Attlee, Chester Bowles, Sir Stafford Cripps, John Diefenbaker, Dag Hammarskjöld, Julian Huxley, B.H. Liddell Hart, Trygve Lie, Selwyn Lloyd, Gunnar Myrdal, Adlai Stevenson, and U Thant. Also, papers on regional planning and social services in Great Britain from 1938 to 1944, with emphasis on Scotland. There are manuscripts, manuscript notes, social surveys, government reports, and related correspondence on such topics as hospitals, housing, youth, and the aged. There is some correspondence regarding Owen's association with a private research group Political and Economic Planning (PEP). Among the Scotland files are Owen's manuscripts, notes, and related material for his Stevenson Lectures in Citizenship at the University of Glasgow, 1939-1944.

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Arthur E. Goldschmidt papers, 1932-1997

19 linear feet 13 boxes (box 8 was processed into box 1 and no longer exists)
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Papers of Goldschmidt, Undersecretary of the Interior, Director of Division of Power (ca. 1940s-50s), Director of the Technical Assistance Division at the UN (1950s), U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. (1980s).

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Arthur E. Goldschmidt papers, 1932-1997 19 linear feet 13 boxes (box 8 was processed into box 1 and no longer exists)

Arthur J. Allen letters, 1938-1954

1 linear feet 1 box
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The letters, usually lengthy, from all the Allens to friends and relatives in the United States deal with the social, cultural and political conditions in China, as well as with the Allen's ministerial activites.

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Arthur J. Allen letters, 1938-1954 1 linear feet 1 box

Letters, 1930s-1950s

Arthur Jeffery papers, 1920-1959

32 linear feet 62 boxes and 2 flat boxes
Abstract Or Scope
Arthur Jeffery (1892-1959) was Professor of Semitic languages at Columbia University from 1938 until his death. This collection of manuscripts, typescripts, manuscript notes and typescript notes with some related correspondence reflects Jeffery's research and writing on the vocabulary and history of the text of the Koran.
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Arthur Korn letters, 1898-1934

0.4 Linear Feet 1 manuscript box (38 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Autograph letters and postcards from European physicists and mathematicians to Korn. There are brief as well as long and technical letters, some sent to Korn as editor of PHYSIKALISCHE BERICHTE, some on the presentation of papers at French and German academies, some discussing theories of mathematical physics, and some of a personal nature. Among the correspondents are Albert Einstein, Emile Picard, Max Planck, and Wilhelm Roentgen.

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Arthur Korn letters, 1898-1934 0.4 Linear Feet 1 manuscript box (38 items)

Arthur Levitt papers, 1948-2007

30 linear feet 62 boxes 1 oversize box
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Correspondence, speeches, speech materials, news clippings, subject files, audio and videotapes relating to the professional activity of Arthur Levitt, Jr. The papers and audiovisual material deal primarily with his tenure as the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (1993-2001), but also contain earlier records, including some materials relating to Levitt's school years at the Polytechnic Preparatory Country Day School and at Williams College, and his work at Hayden Stone, the American Stock Exchange, and the New York Economic Development Corporation, and his advocacy of the National Endowment of the Arts during the 1991-1992 funding controversy. These papers also contain materials relating to his father, Arthur Levitt, Sr., who served for 24 years as New York State Comptroller.

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Arthur Livingston Venetian papers, 1400-1800

1.5 Linear Feet 3 boxes (2 manuscript boxes, 1 flat box)
Abstract Or Scope

Part I of this collection contains 140 literary and political papers and documents relating to Venice and Venetian families from the 15th through 18th centuries. The material includes a group of the Busenello family papers which are largely wills, transfers of property, laudatory verses, and Latin prose (related to Dr. Livingston's LA VITA VENEZIANA NELLE OPERE DI GIAN FRANCESCO BUSENELLO, Venice, 1913); a series of moral and political sonnets in the Venetian dialect by Angelo Mario Labia (1690-1775); and a number of other documents and papers related to the Viscordi family and tne Venetian state.

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Arthur Livingston Venetian papers, 1400-1800 1.5 Linear Feet 3 boxes (2 manuscript boxes, 1 flat box)

Arthur Miller papers relating to "The Crucible", 1952-1953

0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box
Abstract Or Scope

Playscripts, notes, caricatures, rehearsal lists, playbills, a flyer, and newspaper reviews and clippings for THE CRUCIBLE by Arthur Miller. THE CRUCIBLE, a drama about the Salem witch trials of 1692, was first produced in Wilmington in January 1953 and opened in New York in June 1953. The playscripts show the working notes of Arthur Miller and of Jed Harris, the director.

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Arthur Miller papers relating to "The Crucible", 1952-1953 0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box

Arthur Mitchell Collection, 1800s-2021, bulk 1934-2019

107 linear feet 148 boxes (58 record cartons, 68 document boxes, 9 flat boxes, 3 audio boxes, 5 card files, 2 Tube Boxes) and 8 oversized items in drawers
Abstract Or Scope
Arthur Mitchell (1934-2018) was an American ballet dancer, choreographer, and founder and director of the Dance Theatre of Harlem. This collection contains materials related to his career as a dancer with the New York City Ballet, and his later professional work with the Dance Theatre of Harlem and others. The collection includes administrative records, appointment books, correspondence, invitations, notes, notebooks, photographs, posters, programs, and audio and video recordings.
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Arthur Rackham papers, 1904-1967

21 boxes 21 boxes
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The collection contains 26 letters by Rackham and nine Christmas cards either specially designed by him or incorporating designs made for his books. Letters to Rackham's biographer, Derek Hudson, from Winifred Wheeler, daughter of Walter Freeman, a friend who started Rackham on his commercial career. The manuscript notebooks, galley proofs, and a printed copy of Hudson's ARTHUR RACKHAM: HIS LIFE AND WORK are included. Also, notes, drafts, and miscellaneous material relating to the Arthur Rackham catalog published by the Friends of Columbia University Libraries in 1967. In addition, the library has a collection of 413 Rackham drawings, watercolors, and oil paintings, 30 sketch books, and about 400 printed books and ephemera.

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Arthur Rackham papers, 1904-1967 21 boxes 21 boxes

Arthur Robert Burns American Diary, 1926-1981

0.42 linear feet 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Burns' American Diary, an Englishman's view of American society, is the fruit of his Laura Spellman Rockefeller fellowship, 1926-1928. Very descriptive of his tour of U.S. and Canada (Quebec, Vancouver), numerous illustrations and clippings are laid in. In addition to his economic and social concerns, of particular interest are the architecture of major cities, their theatrical life, their politics; his visits to certain universities (Harvard, University of Chicago, Stanford), and his long visit to Washington with other Rockefeller fellows and their ongoing meetings and discussions with members of the Federal Board of Trade and professors from all over at what was to become the Brookings Institute. Competition in business was his major interest; it is discussed in the Diary, and his 1936 book, The Decline of Competition, is said to be a major influence in undergraduate teaching in the U.S. Included in the Collection is a cassette of his memorial service at Columbia, 24 April 1981.

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Arthur Robert Burns American Diary, 1926-1981 0.42 linear feet 1 box

Arthur S. Allen collection, 1900-1940

7.5 linear feet 18 boxes
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A collection of 850 booklets, leaflets, brochures and pamphlets illustrating American commercial typography from 1900 to 1940.

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Arthur T. Hamlin papers, 1967-1969

1.5 linear feet 3 boxes
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Files of Hamlin, dealing with the American Library Association's (ALA) aid to Italian libraries to help them restore book manuscripts and other library materials after the 1966 floods in Florence. These papers contain correspondence with American and Italian librarians and related memoranda and reports. In addition there are photographs, clippings, pamphlets, monographs, and serials documenting the flood, its aftermath and restoration efforts. The chief correspondents are Paul N. Banks, Chairman, Study Committee of Book Conservation, Committee to Rescue Italian Art; Emanuele Casamassima, Director of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Florence; Verner Clapp, Council on Library Resources; John Charles Finzi, Library of Congress; John Lorenz, Deputy Director, Library of Congress; Foster E. Mohrhardt, President, ALA; Peter Waters, a preservation specialist.

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Arthur T. Hamlin papers, 1967-1969 1.5 linear feet 3 boxes

Arthur W. Diamond papers, 9999

31 linear feet 28 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Files and personal papers of Arthur W. Diamond.

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Arthur W. Diamond papers, 9999 31 linear feet 28 boxes

Arthur Whittier Macmahon papers, 1911-1977

12035 items 27 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, memoranda, notes, manuscripts, addresses, and printed materials of Macmahon, including his course outlines and lecture notes, travel logs, and extensive files of notes and manuscripts on aspects of federalism and governmental administration. Charles A. Beard and Randolph S. Bourne were both personal friends of Macmahon, and the files contain letters from them as well as notes and correspondence relating to them. Also, a three-volume bound photocopy of the typescript of Macmahon's "Conflict and Consensus in Democracies" 1969.

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Arthur Whittier Macmahon papers, 1911-1977 12035 items 27 boxes

Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy papers, 1869-1879

1 box 1 box (63 pieces)
Abstract Or Scope

Autograph manuscripts of 22 of the 34 poems published in MUSIC AND MOONLIGHT, POEMS AND SONGS, 1874. Also included is "The Song of Aloe" a lyric complete in itself, but included in the long title poem. The collection is rich in interest to the student of poetic composition by virtue of its inclusion of a large number of successive drafts of the same poem, most of them with corrections. Also, sixteen autograph letters by Eleanor Marston O'Shaughnessy written to Arthur O'Shaughnessy before and after their marriage, and to other correspondents.

1 result in this collection

Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy papers, 1869-1879 1 box 1 box (63 pieces)

Artur Georgievich Bitenbinder Memoirs, 1970

1 item 1 folder
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Manuscript memoirs of Artur Georgievich Bitenbinder concerning his military education, the 1905 Revolution, World War I, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the Civil War.

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Artur Georgievich Bitenbinder Memoirs, 1970 1 item 1 folder

Art Young drawings and cartoons, circa 1918-1964

0.25 linear feet 3 oversize folders
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This collection consists of 35 drawings, one clipping, and one copy of the Yiddish newspaper "The Big Stick" (December 24,1920 - fragile). It contains political content, as well as a drawing of Boris Bakhmeteff, another of Brander Matthews, and a cartoon referring to Florenz Ziegfeld.

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Art Young drawings and cartoons, circa 1918-1964 0.25 linear feet 3 oversize folders

Asela Rodríguez de Laguna Collection of Images and Identities Conference records, 1983

8.75 Linear Feet 7 rsc of videotapes and papers (Boxes 1-5 have videotapes)
Abstract Or Scope

The records of a conference that Manuel Ramos Otero attended in 1983

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Ashley Horace Thorndike papers, 1902-1924

3 boxes 3 boxes
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Lecture notes and bibliographical lists of Thorndike, covering the courses he taught at Western Reserve, Northwestern, and Columbia Universities. These include material on Shakespeare, Victorian Literature, Romantic Literature, Elizabethan Theater, and the Classical Period of English Literature. Also, an extended series of lectures entitled "Lecture Notes on English Literature.".

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Ashley Horace Thorndike papers, 1902-1924 3 boxes 3 boxes

Association for the Relief of Respectable Aged Indigent Females Records, 1863-1928

0.5 Linear Feet 7 volumes
Abstract Or Scope

Seven volumes of minutes and financial records including two cash books, 1874-1891 and n.d.; four secretary's minute books, 1863-1928, and one donations book, 1921-1927.

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Association of American Publishers records, 1975-1982

2 linear feet 4 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, minutes, memoranda, reports, catalogs, clippings, course plans, photographs, and printed materials.

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Association of American University Presses (AAUP) Book Collection, 1965-1991

approximately 1150 Volumes
Abstract Or Scope

Winners of the Association of American University Presses (AAUP) awards in 1965-1991, were donated on a yearly basis

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Association of American University Presses records, 1927-1975, 2013-2018

5.5 linear feet 13 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Included are correspondence, minutes of Board of Directors and committees, proceedings of annual business meetings, surveys, statistical reports, financial records, photographs, and printed materials. The correspondence files dating from 1927, contain letters from university press directors regarding meetings arrangements, cooperative programs, and other matters of mutual concern. There are no correspondence files for the years 1936 to 1943.

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Association of Book Travelers records, 1925-1984

1.67 linear feet 1 box 1 oversize folder
Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes Bev Chaney's research, notes, interviews and correspondence related to the publication The First Hundred Years: Association of Book Travelers: 1884-1984.
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Association of Hispanic Priests in the Archdiocese of New York records, 1972-1984

1.5 linear feet 1500 items in 3 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, musical scores, audio tape, cassettes, and related printed materials concerning Hispanic culture, immigration problems, parish conflicts, intercultural confrontation, and linguistic discrimination. Included are correspondence with the members, by-laws, minutes of meetings, membership lists, and records of all the organizations activities. Of particular interest are the files of the Cultura Popular Hispana-Gala de la Hispanidad, October 20, 1984, which included a competition for original manuscripts and musical scores for both religious and secular poetry.

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Association of Hispanic Priests in the Archdiocese of New York records, 1972-1984 1.5 linear feet 1500 items in 3 boxes

Association of Russian Orthodox Church in Nice records, 1860-1989

29 Linear Feet 57 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Collection of Church records and personal papers accumulated during 150 years of existence. Some materials are fragile. Consists of ledgers, administrative documents, photographs, correspondence, diaries, and manuscripts.

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Association of Young Historians of the Soviet Union records, 1988-1991

0.25 linear feet 1 half-manuscript box
Abstract Or Scope

Includes drafts and discussions related to new Law on Archives and other documents related to changing approaches to history during the last years of the Soviet regime.

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Association of Young Historians of the Soviet Union records, 1988-1991 0.25 linear feet 1 half-manuscript box

Asta Aristova Papers, 1916-2004

2 boxes 1 document box, 1 half document box
Abstract Or Scope

The collection comprises Asta Aristova's writings and materials related to scoutism. Writings include autobiographical essays and articles, mainly about Aristova's experiences travelling in the Soviet Union, and her memoirs about life in Germany 1945-1949 "Chto sokhranila pamiat'". Materials about scout movement include Organizatsiia rossiiskikh iunykh razvedchikov's records, documents and publications, as well as general publications on scoutism.

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Asta Aristova Papers, 1916-2004 2 boxes 1 document box, 1 half document box

Aubrey Drury papers, 1920-1950

11 linear feet 24 boxes
Abstract Or Scope
This collections contains correspondence, manuscripts, clippings and printed matter pertaining to Aubrey Drury's campaign for official world-wide adoption of the metric system.
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Austin P. Evans papers, 1920s

1 linear feet 2 boxes
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Mostly photostat negative copies of various medieval primary resources from the Bibliotheque Nationale de France.

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Austin P. Evans papers, 1920s 1 linear feet 2 boxes

Austin Strong papers, 1890-1961

4300 items 32 boxes, includes 1 box cataloged correspondence (box A).
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, commonplace books, drawings, photographs, and printed materials. The collection is a comprehensive documentation of the dramatist's career and includes manuscripts, typescripts, notes, and costume and scenic design for more than seventy of his plays and related writings; 31 diaries, commonplace books, and scrapbooks containing manuscript and typescript notes, travel sketches, original drawings, and photographs; and correspondence files including letters from Harley Granville-Barker, Sir Herbert Beerbohm-Tree, John Galsworthy, Booth Tarkington, and Thornton Wilder. Austin Strong's mother, Isobel Field, was the step-daughter of Robert Louis Stevenson. Consequently, the collection contains much Stevensoniana, including photographs and Isobel Field's letters from Western Samoa, where she was known as "Teuila." Also, correspondence and photographs relating to Cornwall Park, Auckland, New Zealand, which was designed by Austin Strong.

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Authors' manuscripts, 1923-1982

26 linear feet 65 boxes
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Manuscripts of books and short stories written and published by various authors, many with Columbia University connections. This collection began as the result of a letter sent to authors with Columbia connections asking if they would consider the University Libraries as a place of deposit for the manuscripts of their published works. The collection grows as new authors deposit their works and new manuscripts are added to those already on deposit

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Albertson, Dean--The Life of Claud R. Wickard, 1972

Avgusta Filippovna Damanskaia Papers, 1913-1958

450 items 2 boxes; 1 oversized folder
Abstract Or Scope

There are letters from Russian emigre writers such as Mark Aldanov, Ekaterina Kuskova, Mikhail Osorgin, and Alekseĭ Remizov, and by western authors, including Henri Barbusse and Alexander Roda Roda. Manuscripts include memoirs, stories, and notebooks of Damanskai︠a︡. Printed materials consist of clippings of her articles, and one book by her entitled "Kartochnye domiki sovetskogo stroitelśtva" (1920).

1 result in this collection

Avgusta Filippovna Damanskaia Papers, 1913-1958 450 items 2 boxes; 1 oversized folder

A.V. Lipskii Manuscript, 1947

296 pages 296 pages
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Lipskiĭ's typescript "Pod znakom perspektivnoi illiuzii. Romany gr. L.N. Tolstogo Voina i Mir i Anna Karenina" is a critical study of L.N. Tolstoĭ's novels "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina.".

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A.V. Lipskii Manuscript, 1947 296 pages 296 pages

Avrahm Yarmolinsky Papers, 1918-1967

300 items 1 box
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The collection consists primarily of correspondence and manuscripts. There are letters from Korneĭ Chukovskiĭ, Mikhail Karpovich, Andre Mazon, Vladimir Nabokov, and Evgeniĭ Zami︠a︡tin. There is also one item each from Sergeĭ Esenin, Pavel Mili︠u︡kov, Ivan Pavlov, and Nikolaĭ Roerich. Manuscripts include photocopies of poems by Korneĭ Chukovskiĭ, Sergeĭ Esenin, and Boris Pasternak. There are subject files on Dostoevskiĭ, Turgenev, Soviet education, and Slavic studies in the United Studies, and a photograph of Isaak Babel ́with his daughter.

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Avrahm Yarmolinsky Papers, 1918-1967 300 items 1 box

A. Whitney Ellsworth papers, 9999

35 linear feet 28 record cartons
Abstract Or Scope

The Ellsworth papers are an important complement to the AIUSA archives at Columbia, and will be especially valuable for the study of the early years and genesis of AIUSA's organizational and operational structures. This accession fills our collecting objective of acquiring personal papers of human rights advocates that align closely with the organizational archives in the CHRDR collections.

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A. Whitney Ellsworth papers, 9999 35 linear feet 28 record cartons

Ayaz Ishaki Memoirs, 1953

29 pages 29 pages
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The manuscript memoir "Dni moei zhizni" by Ayaz Ishaki Bey is apparently the first chapter of an unfinished work. It deals with such topics as governmental policies towards the Moslem Tatars, the author's education in Kazań his literary and political activities, and the effects of the 1905 Revolution on the Tatars and Moslems.

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Ayaz Ishaki Memoirs, 1953 29 pages 29 pages

Aymé family papers, 1844-1918

0.5 linear feet 1 box
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Miscellaneous papers of Henri Aymé and his two sons Louis Henri Aymé and Edward Lucien Emil Aymé, including manuscripts and lectures of the father; letters and clippings for Edward L. E. Aymé; the bulk of the collection pertains to Louis Henri Aymé. Also, an old prescription book which probably belonged to the father. Includes some photographs.

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Aymé family papers, 1844-1918 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Azariah C. Flagg papers, 1824-1866

1 box 1 box
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Letters to Flagg from political figures of the Jackson-Van Buren era. The correspondence is particularly useful in shedding light on the conduct of the national campaign of 1848, when Van Buren ran as an independent candidate for the presidency. There are 90 letters written to Flagg, among which are 41 from Martin Van Buren, 34 from Preston King, and nine from John A. Dix.

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Azariah C. Flagg papers, 1824-1866 1 box 1 box

Bahadur Tejani papers, 1976-1987

1 box 1 box
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Manuscripts, notebooks, photocopies, and printed materials relating to his play "Okello's Shakespeare". Also, a photocopy of Tejani's poems from various publications; 3 paperback books; a copy of "Community Review" (Fall 1985)

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Bahadur Tejani papers, 1976-1987 1 box 1 box

Bakhmeteff Archive General Manuscripts-Photographs, 1880-1960

230 items 230 items
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Photographs of various people and on various topics. There are a number of major groups: late 19th century Russian revolutionaries; the wreck of Alexander III's train in 1888; Russian families in the early 20th century; nurses in Petrograd in World War I (Kononova); Aleksandr Kerenskiĭ at the front, 1917; St. Tikhon's Monastery in Pennsylvania; and American cultural and political figures in the USSR in the 1950's (such as Van Cliburn, W.A. Harriman, Richard Nixon, Carl Sandburg, and Isaac Stern).

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Bakhmeteff Archive General Manuscripts-Photographs, 1880-1960 230 items 230 items

Bapsy Pavry Paulet Marchioness of Winchester papers, 1890-1972

0.48 linear feet 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Letters, photographs, etc.

1 result in this collection

Barbara Newhall Follett papers, 1919-1966, bulk 1919-1939

2.73 linear feet 6.5 document boxes
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Barbara Newhall Follett's papers consist primarily of personal letters, manuscripts of published and unpublished books, short stories, essays, and poems, book reviews, newspaper clippings, photographs, and notes written by her mother, Helen Follett.
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Barbara Ward papers, 1971-1973

11 boxes 11 boxes
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Correspondence, memoranda, manuscripts, audio tapes, and printed materials relating to the book ONLY ONE EARTH. The correspondence files are chiefly photocopies of letters and comments from the international committee, letters and memoranda of Jackson's staff and letters from Dubos to Jackson. There is one cataloged letter from Hubert H. Humphrey. The manuscript consists of numerous versions with corrections by the authors, the final edited manuscript for the publisher and printer and page proofs. Also, files relating to publicity, serial rights, and reviews for the book. In addition, there is an audio tape package (4 cassettes) entitled "The International Development Strategy: an In-depth Discussion" (Schloat Productions, 1973). A number of the panel members were Columbia University faculty members.

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Barbara Ward papers, 1971-1973 11 boxes 11 boxes

Bard family papers, 1600-1892

1 linear feet 2 boxes
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Correspondence, documents, and genealogical records of the Bard and related Muirson, Prime, and Sands families of New York and New Jersey. Prominent among the papers is the correspondence of William Bard, 1778-1853, to his daughter, Susan Sands, his son-in-law, Ferdinand Sands, and his grandson, Joseph Sands. Includes 18 letters from Samuel Bard, 1742-1821, physician and professor of medicine at Columbia College, to his grandson, Francis Upton Johnston, medical student at Columbia and house doctor at New York Hospital. The letters deal with personal affairs, Francis' scholastic progress and topics of interest to the medical profession. Thereis also a pastel portrait of John Bard by James Sharples.

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Barnard College Rare Book Collection, 1550-2007

436 Volumes
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The entire Barnard Rare Book Collection of 238 separate titles was temporarily moved to the RBML prior to Barnard Library renovation in 2011, and formally transfered in 2023, with the exception of 12 items returned back to Barnard. The books are individually cataloged with call number prefix BARNARDRARE and should be requested individually. This record is for informational purposes only.
1 result in this collection

Barnard College Rare Book Collection, 1550-2007 436 Volumes

Barnard Family Papers, 1807-1969, bulk 1850-1911

20 linear feet 31 manuscript boxes, 2 flat boxes, and 1 map case folder
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, financial records, and legal documents of the Barnard family of Sheffield, Massachusetts. Frederick A. P. Barnard (1809-1889) was President of Columbia College from 1864-1889. His brother John Gross Barnard (1815-1882) was a career officer in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers who served as a Brevet Major General for the Union during the Civil War. Anna Eliza Barnard was John Gross Barnard's second wife, who raised four children and managed the family's affairs during her husband's last illness, 1879-1882. Augustus Porter Barnard, the son of John G. Barnard and his first wife, was a mining engineer.
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Barnard, Frederick A. P: Manuscripts [microform], 9999

2 Reels 1 positive reel 2 copies 1 master negative reel 1 master negative reel
Abstract Or Scope

Sermons (5 volumes); Autobiography; Account of a trip from Oxford to Labrador.

1 result in this collection

Barnard, Frederick A. P: Manuscripts [microform], 9999 2 Reels 1 positive reel 2 copies 1 master negative reel 1 master negative reel

Barney Rosset papers, 1841-2011, bulk 1935-2011

69.42 linear feet 68 record cartons 1 document box; 1 tube box
Abstract Or Scope

The material in this collection was originally housed in binders in Barney Rosset's New York apartment, and cover his personal and professional endeavors as a radical publisher, intellectual, and overall man of letters. It consists of writings, letters, photographs, interviews, films, catalogs, publishing files related to both Grove Press and Evergreen Review, and extensive biographical information on Rosset. The entire collection has been rehoused into archival quality boxes and folders. Each binder had been labeled, generally with some sort of topical or chronological designation. In most cases the binder labels will be retained as file titles, and the subdivisions within binders have become folders and retained, to a great extent, the titles assigned to them by the creator. In some cases the staff of the RBML altered or elaborated on existing folder titles for general clarity and ease of research. In some cases, the collection contains both original and typed (or transcribed) copies, the latter often taking the form of computer printouts that were originally held in binders marked "Master" or "Master Disk" to indicate their contents were on computer disks. These original binder titles have been kept throughout the finding aid.

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