Collections : [Rare Book & Manuscript Library]

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library is Columbia University’s principal repository for special collections. We collect, preserve, describe, promote, and provide access to the material evidence of diverse individuals and activities in alignment with the University’s research and teaching mission. We build and steward deep collections in select subject areas and connect them to a global audience through reference, teaching, exhibitions, publications, and public programs.

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William Shaw letters, 1860-1904

5 boxes 5 boxes (497 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Business and personal correspondence of Shaw. There are letters from Maxim Nordenfelt Guns and Ammunition Co. to Shaw in the 1890s concerning the sale of arms and munitions to the Greek government, and letters from Basil Zaharoff, director of Maxim Nordenfelt and personal friend of Mr. Shaw; personal letters from Plato Draculis, Greek emigré to England, a writer and some-time professor of Modern Greek at Oxford; letters from Stephen Skouloudis, Greek Prime Minister during World War I; and letters from various members of Shaw's family, friends, and business associates, written in Greek and Turkish. Of major interest in this collection is the material concerning Basil Zaharoff. This correspondence reveals much about his early career. Part of the collection also has a bearing on the international situation of Greece in a critical period. Also, transcripts of and typed quotations from various letters with other notes assembled by Plato E. Shaw for his father's biography.

1 result in this collection

William Shaw letters, 1860-1904 5 boxes 5 boxes (497 items)

William Skinkle Knickerbocker letters, 1922-1967

1 box 1 box (108 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence of Knickerbocker. Correspondents are Kenneth Burke, Oscar Cargill, Irwin Edman, Ben Ray Redman, Austin Warren, Morrie Ryskind, Bonamy Dobrée, Helen Keller, Compton Mackenzie, Merrill Moore, and Allen Tate.

1 result in this collection

William Skinkle Knickerbocker letters, 1922-1967 1 box 1 box (108 items)

William Sprague letters, 1861-1871

1 box 1 box (66 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters to Sprague from his military and political associates, dealing chiefly with the political questions of the day.

1 result in this collection

William Sprague letters, 1861-1871 1 box 1 box (66 items)

William Underhill Moore papers, 1908-1920

14 boxes 14 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Personal and professional correspondence of Moore. Cataloged Correspondence (1 Box). Uncataloged correspondence, 1908-1920, alphabetically arranged (8 boxes). "Receipts" 1908-1920, chronologically arranged (5 boxes).

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William Underhill Moore papers, 1908-1920 14 boxes 14 boxes

William Wetmore Story letters, 1848-1858

1 Volumes 1 volumes
Abstract Or Scope

Four letters to Story from Leigh Hunt, and one from Ralph Waldo Emerson; and one letter to Emelyn Story from Margaret Fuller. The Hunt letters are friendly notes touching on a variety of subjects including his health and Mrs. Hunt's, publication of selections of his work, etc. The Emmerson letter, 1851, is in connection with Browning's reminiscences of Margaret Fuller which had been sent to Story. He speaks also of Carlyle and Tennyson. Margaret Fuller's letter to Mrs. Story is a friendly one in which she writes chiefly of her love for Rome and her life there.

1 result in this collection

William Wetmore Story letters, 1848-1858 1 Volumes 1 volumes

William Wilberforce Lord papers, 1844-1899

1 box 1 box (60 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters and manuscripts including correspondence with Mrs. Elizabeth Stedman Kinney, Edmund Clarence Stedman, Arthur Stedman, and William B. Kinney. Also, some manuscript poems of Lord, a number of which are unpublished.

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William Wilberforce Lord papers, 1844-1899 1 box 1 box (60 items)

Wilma Solomon papers, 9999

8 linear feet 7 record storage cartons and 1 flat box
Abstract Or Scope

"Work - Personal": Books, files "Work and Printed Work": books, magazines, reviews, files "Wilma's Desk #1": files "Work": files "Wilma's Desk #2": files "Work and Printed Work": files "Wilma's Desk #3": files "Scrapbooks and Published".

1 result in this collection

Wilma Solomon papers, 9999 8 linear feet 7 record storage cartons and 1 flat box

Witmark Collection of Autographed Books and Musical Scores, 1872-1942

416 Volumes 290 bib records in Voyager
Abstract Or Scope

In 1941, Isidore Witmark, noted musical publisher, bequeathed to the Libraries his collection of about 400 books and musical scores, each autographed by the author, a musical artist or a friend, who presented the item to Mr. Witmark. They are classified in a special call number scheme with WITMARK prefix.

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Witmark Collection of Autographed Books and Musical Scores, 1872-1942 416 Volumes 290 bib records in Voyager

W. J. Strachan letters, 1954-1992

0.5 linear feet 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Strachan's correspondence with his primary publisher, Peter Owen of London relates chiefly to the nuts and bolts of translation and publication. The translations that are the subject matter of the letters are of Hermann Hesse, Caesar Pavese, Marc Chagall, Jean Cocteau, and Julien Gracq. The majority of the letters are accompanied by retained copies of the replies of Peter Owen. Included is Owen's correspondence with the American publisher George Wittenborn.

1 result in this collection

W. J. Strachan letters, 1954-1992 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Wladimir S. Woytinsky manuscripts, 1906-1907

1 box 1 box 11 records storage cartons of books
Abstract Or Scope

Typescripts in Russian and English of PETERBURGESKII SOVET BEZRABOTNYKH, 1906-1907 (THE SOVIET OF THE UNEMPLOYED IN PETERSBURG..). Both copies have handwritten corrections, probably in the hand of Woytinsky's wife, Emma S. Woytinsky. In addition there is one folder of photocopies of miscellaneous printed materials, mostly in Russian.

1 result in this collection

Wladimir S. Woytinsky manuscripts, 1906-1907 1 box 1 box 11 records storage cartons of books

World Community of Social Workers records, 9999

1.25 linear feet 1 record carton
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, photographs and printed material.

1 result in this collection

World Community of Social Workers records, 9999 1.25 linear feet 1 record carton

World Trade Center collection, 9999

32 linear feet 34 record storage cartons
Abstract Or Scope

Papers from individual students, staff, or faculty members are welcome. Secondly, the Libraries will also accept collections of materials in any language or format from any part of the world that document the crisis and the continuing its continuing effects. Photographs, e-mails, letters, pamphlets, flyers, audio-tapes and other items are all welcome. These will eventually form a World Trade Center Archive, available for research or study.

1 result in this collection

World Trade Center collection, 9999 32 linear feet 34 record storage cartons

World War II magazine covers: American Flag, 1942 & 1944

0.5 linear feet 1 box (113 items)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of magazine covers displaying the American Flag and often the motto "United We Stand.". Most of the covers are dated 1942; some are undated, and at least one is dated 1944. Included in the collection are two items from the Victory Display Committee for June, 1942.

1 result in this collection

World War II magazine covers: American Flag, 1942 & 1944 0.5 linear feet 1 box (113 items)

World War II posters, 1939-1949

42 rolls 42 rolls (Approximately 700 items)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection consisting primarily of World War II posters issued in the United States, Great Britain, Russia and in Germany during the Allied occupation. In addition, there are United Nations posters and a few issued in Canada, France, Holland and Poland

1 result in this collection

World War II posters, 1939-1949 42 rolls 42 rolls (Approximately 700 items)

World War II Russian posters, 1939-1945

6 portfolios 6 portfolios 2 trunks
Abstract Or Scope

A series of numbered Russian war posters issued by the Soviet news service, TASS. An English translation of the poster's titles, texts, authors, and artists are listed by the Tass number in a separate loose leaf binder

1 result in this collection

World War II Russian posters, 1939-1945 6 portfolios 6 portfolios 2 trunks

World War I posters, 1914-1918

10 oversize folders 10 oversize folders 30 rolls
Abstract Or Scope

A collection consisting primarily of World War I posters issued in the United States and Russia.

1 result in this collection

World War I posters, 1914-1918 10 oversize folders 10 oversize folders 30 rolls

World War I records : Ephemera, 1914-1918

0.5 linear feet 1 flat box
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of selected German, Dutch and English periodicals, newspapers and pamphlets published during and relating to World War I. Also included are approximately 150 picture postcards depicting the life of German soldiers during the War and the life of prisoners of war captured by the Germans. The majority of these cards were issued by the International Red Cross. Handwritten captions for the postcards and for other materials were written by Jeannette Unger, the donor. Also includes a selection of American, Canadian and English popular songs of the period with war or patriotic themes

1 result in this collection

World War I records : Ephemera, 1914-1918 0.5 linear feet 1 flat box

Wyles family papers, 1795-1903

1 box 125 items
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of manuscripts pertaining to the social and business history of the John Wyles family. The more important earlier letters in the collection, 1795-1805, indicate the commercial and speculative interest, largely in real estate, John Wyles had in the newly settled territory of the Western Reserve. The subsequent letters and manuscripts including deeds, receipts, and miscellaneous papers, are concerned with the financial and business history of the Wyles family throughout the several generations from 1800 through 1903.

1 result in this collection

Wyles family papers, 1795-1903 1 box 125 items

"X" - MANUSCRIPTS, bulk 1500-1900

2350 Volumes
Abstract Or Scope

The first manuscripts collected at Columbia, these 2,350 volumes of manuscript books and bound volumes of letters were classified in the regular classification scheme (Dewey) with the call number preceded by the letter "X". They were cataloged by printed book rules into the main catalog. Cards are found in RBML in the correspondence and manuscript card files, as well as the "X" shelflist. No firther additions to this collection are made since the 1960s.

1 result in this collection

"X" - MANUSCRIPTS, bulk 1500-1900 2350 Volumes

YMCA France records, circa 1930s-1960s

4 linear feet 8 boxes (7 manuscript boxes, 1 tall manuscript box)
Abstract Or Scope

YMCA Press Institutional records, correspondence with prominent public figures.

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YMCA France records, circa 1930s-1960s 4 linear feet 8 boxes (7 manuscript boxes, 1 tall manuscript box)

Yurii Gudim-Levkovich Manuscripts, 1957

3 items 3 items
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of a carbon copy and a photocopy of essays entitled"O politicheskoĭ napravlennosti i soderzhanii antibolśhevistskoĭ propagandy v svi︠a︡zi s sovremennym polozheniem kresti︠́a︡n v SSSR", and "Rost khlebnogo proizvodstva v kolkhozakh stepnykh i lesostepnykh raĭonov evropeĭskoĭ chasti SSSR." There is also a brief summary, in English, of the latter essay by one Joseph A. Baclawski.

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Yurii Gudim-Levkovich Manuscripts, 1957 3 items 3 items

Zernov Family Papers, 1919-1976

3100 items 13 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, and printed materials of members of the Zernov family, especially Nikolaĭ M. Zernov. Correspondence includes letters from Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev, Archimandrite Kiprian, Alekseĭ Remizov, Vasiliĭ Zenḱovskiĭ, and copies of many letters from Gustave Kullmann to his wife Marii︠a︡, nʹee Zernova. Manuscripts include: memoirs by Sofii︠a︡ A. Zernova about her childhood, youth, and family; Sofii︠a︡ M. Zernova's albums, poems, diaries and memoirs about the Civil War and the emigration in Europe; manuscripts by Nikolaĭ Zernov on religious and literary themes; a report by a Lt. Shokotov on his White Army detached service in 1917-1919; a brief manuscript by Vladimir M. Zernov claiming that syphillis was a contributing factor in Lenin's death; and manuscripts and speeches by Kullmann. Subject files include biographical information collected by Nikolaĭ Zernov on many emigre Orthodox churchmen and religious writers, and materials relating to Kullmann and the Zernov family.

1 result in this collection

Zernov Family Papers, 1919-1976 3100 items 13 boxes

Zinaida Aleksandrovna Rzhevskaia Manuscript, 1965

1 item 1 item
Abstract Or Scope

The recollections are primarily about her husband and contain references to his arrest, exile in Siberia and execution.

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Zinaida Aleksandrovna Rzhevskaia Manuscript, 1965 1 item 1 item

Zinaida Andreevna Melik-Ogandzhanova Papers, 1935-1961

20 items 20 items
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist of a memoir and printed materials. The memoir (22 p.) is by Melik-Ogandzhanova and covers her husband's life. Printed materials consist of uncirculated postcards from Manchuria under Japanese rule in 1935, copies of Harbin Russian newspapers from 1935, clippings, and a medical pamphlet by Melik-Ogandzhanova's daughter Tamara.

1 result in this collection

Zinaida Andreevna Melik-Ogandzhanova Papers, 1935-1961 20 items 20 items

Zinovii Ivanovich Baltushevskii (Baltusauskas) Memoirs, 1961-1970

7 items 1 folder
Abstract Or Scope

Handwritten and typescript memoirs (69 pages) of Zinovii Ivanovich Baltushevskii (Baltusauskas), describing his military education at the Vil'no Military Academy and his service in 1913-1916. There is also one issue of the journal "Voennaia Byl'" (May 1963) with Baltushevskii's article "Tragediia XX armeiskogo korpusa v Avgustovskikh lesakh" describing military events in 1914-1915.

1 result in this collection

Zinovii Ivanovich Baltushevskii (Baltusauskas) Memoirs, 1961-1970 7 items 1 folder