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Vladimir Nikolaevich Smirnov Papers, 1933-1959
8 items 8 items- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of manuscripts, photographic postcards and a copy of "Russkie otri︠a︡dy na frant︠s︡uzskom i makedonskom frontakh, 1916-1918 gg." by I︠U︡. N. Danilov (Paris, 1933). The manuscripts--both by Smirnov--are Smirnov's memoirs dealing with the Russian expeditionary force on the Salonika front in World War I (parts of which were published in "Vozrozhdenie" 1959) and "Vernye dolgu" about the Russian legion in France in 1918. The five photographic postcards concern the Russian expeditionary force and the Russian military cemetery at Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand.
Vladimir Nikolaevich Stefanov Memoirs, 1970-1975
1 item 1 item- Abstract Or Scope
Stefanov's memoirs about the Civil War consist of two typescript sections: "Neuvi︠a︡dai︠u︡shchie listi︠́a︡" (44 p.) and "Odesskai︠a︡ evakuatsii︠a︡" (23 p.). He recounts his service in the White Army with particular reference to Kharḱov, Ekaterinodar and Odessa.
Vladimir Nikolaevich Stefanov Memoirs, 1970-1975 1 item 1 item
- Creator
- Stefanov, Vladimir Nikolaevich
- Abstract Or Scope
Stefanov's memoirs about the Civil War consist of two typescript sections: "Neuvi︠a︡dai︠u︡shchie listi︠́a︡" (44 p.) and "Odesskai︠a︡ evakuatsii︠a︡" (23 p.). He recounts his service in the White Army with particular reference to Kharḱov, Ekaterinodar and Odessa.
- Collection Context
Vladimir Nikolaevich Timchenko-Ruban Manuscripts, 1880-1956
16 items 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts and subject files of Vladimir N. Timchenko-Ruban. Timchenko-Ruban's memoirs"Stranit︠s︡y proshlago" discusses his childhood, his service in the Preobrazhenskiĭ Regiment, World War I, the 1917 Revolution and Civil War, and his life in France from 1922 and through the period of German occupation during World War II. Timchenko-Ruban's essay "1683-1958" concerns the history of the Preobrazhenskiĭ Regiment. There are two subject files containing documents inherited by Timchenko-Ruban. One file relates to Sofi︠́a︡ Danilova and contains school and Red Cross documents while the other relates to Semen Lazarev and his wife Olǵa (nʹee Mikhaĭlova) and contains school, travel and military documents. The documents in both files primarily date from the 1880-1920 period.
Vladimir Nikolaevich Timchenko-Ruban Manuscripts, 1880-1956 16 items 1 box
- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts and subject files of Vladimir N. Timchenko-Ruban. Timchenko-Ruban's memoirs"Stranit︠s︡y proshlago" discusses his childhood, his service in the Preobrazhenskiĭ Regiment, World War I, the 1917 Revolution and Civil War, and his life in France from 1922 and through the period of German occupation during World War II. Timchenko-Ruban's essay "1683-1958" concerns the history of the Preobrazhenskiĭ Regiment. There are two subject files containing documents inherited by Timchenko-Ruban. One file relates to Sofi︠́a︡ Danilova and contains school and Red Cross documents while the other relates to Semen Lazarev and his wife Olǵa (nʹee Mikhaĭlova) and contains school, travel and military documents. The documents in both files primarily date from the 1880-1920 period.
- Collection Context
Vladimir Nikolaevich Unkovskii Papers, 1920-1958
2200 items 15 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs and printed materials of Unkovskiĭ. The correspondence includes letters from such individuals as Emile Baës, Vladimir Burt︠s︡ev, Nikolaĭ Evreĭnov, Galina Kuznet︠s︡ova, Boris Lazarevskiĭ, Alekseĭ Remizov, Ivan Shmelov, Boris Zaĭt︠s︡ev, and Leonid Zurov. Nearly all the manuscripts are by Unkovskiĭ, and include essays, stories, and excerpts from his memoirs, many of which were published in emigre journals. There are a number of scrapbooks containing clippings of his articles. In addition, the collection contains galleys of books by Unkovskiĭ, and copies of some of his full-length works, including "Ikary" (1942) and "Andreĭ Klinskiĭ" (1940).
Vladimir Nikolaevich Unkovskii Papers, 1920-1958 2200 items 15 boxes
- Creator
- Unkovskīĭ, V. (Vladimīr), 1888-1964
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs and printed materials of Unkovskiĭ. The correspondence includes letters from such individuals as Emile Baës, Vladimir Burt︠s︡ev, Nikolaĭ Evreĭnov, Galina Kuznet︠s︡ova, Boris Lazarevskiĭ, Alekseĭ Remizov, Ivan Shmelov, Boris Zaĭt︠s︡ev, and Leonid Zurov. Nearly all the manuscripts are by Unkovskiĭ, and include essays, stories, and excerpts from his memoirs, many of which were published in emigre journals. There are a number of scrapbooks containing clippings of his articles. In addition, the collection contains galleys of books by Unkovskiĭ, and copies of some of his full-length works, including "Ikary" (1942) and "Andreĭ Klinskiĭ" (1940).
- Collection Context
Vladimir Nikolaevich Velikotnyi Memoirs, 1971
1 item 1 item- Abstract Or Scope
The 30-page typescript provides an account of the events of 1917 from the point of view of a cadet in the Nikolaev Cavalry School in Petrograd, where Velikotnyĭ studied in 1916 and 1917. It also describes in detail Velikotnyĭ's experiences as an officer in the Volunteer Army from late 1917 until the evacuation of the White Army in Nov. 1920.
Vladimir Nikolaevich Velikotnyi Memoirs, 1971 1 item 1 item
- Creator
- Velikotnyĭ, Vladimir Nikolaevich, 1900-
- Abstract Or Scope
The 30-page typescript provides an account of the events of 1917 from the point of view of a cadet in the Nikolaev Cavalry School in Petrograd, where Velikotnyĭ studied in 1916 and 1917. It also describes in detail Velikotnyĭ's experiences as an officer in the Volunteer Army from late 1917 until the evacuation of the White Army in Nov. 1920.
- Collection Context
Vladimir Pavlovich Kruzenshtern Manuscripts, 1959-1961
3 items 3 items- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of a typescript copy of a fragment of a diary (14 p.) by Vladimir Pavlovich dated 1903, a typescript copy of his memoirs (71 p.) dated 1910, and a typescript (15 p.) of the memoirs of I︠U︡stina Kruzenshtern, Vladimir's daughter, concerning the years 1906-1914. The memoirs primarily concern Russian military expeditions, military life in Manchuria and Russian relations with the native population.
Vladimir Pavlovich Kruzenshtern Manuscripts, 1959-1961 3 items 3 items
- Creator
- Kruzenshtern, Vladimir Pavlovich, von
- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of a typescript copy of a fragment of a diary (14 p.) by Vladimir Pavlovich dated 1903, a typescript copy of his memoirs (71 p.) dated 1910, and a typescript (15 p.) of the memoirs of I︠U︡stina Kruzenshtern, Vladimir's daughter, concerning the years 1906-1914. The memoirs primarily concern Russian military expeditions, military life in Manchuria and Russian relations with the native population.
- Collection Context
Vladimir Pavlovich Meshcherskii Letters, 1863-1913
225 items 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
Collection includes 67 letters and telegrams, by Alexander's older brother Nikolaĭ; 65 letters and notes, some copies, by Nicholas II, from 1902-1913; a drawing and notes by Alexander III; and drafts of letters by Meshcherskiĭ. Also included is a group of letters in different hands hitherto identified as having been written by Nikolaĭ, Duke of Leuchtenberg, to Meshcherskiĭ.
Vladimir Pavlovich Meshcherskii Letters, 1863-1913 225 items 1 box
- Creator
- Meshcherskiĭ, V. P., kni︠a︡zʹ (Vladimir Petrovich), 1839-1914
- Abstract Or Scope
Collection includes 67 letters and telegrams, by Alexander's older brother Nikolaĭ; 65 letters and notes, some copies, by Nicholas II, from 1902-1913; a drawing and notes by Alexander III; and drafts of letters by Meshcherskiĭ. Also included is a group of letters in different hands hitherto identified as having been written by Nikolaĭ, Duke of Leuchtenberg, to Meshcherskiĭ.
- Collection Context
Vladimir Sergeevich Khitrovo Memoirs, 1950
3 items 3 items- Abstract Or Scope
Bound typescript memoirs entitled "Vospominanii︠a︡ i materialy dli︠a︡ istorii" (37 p. plus appendices). The memoirs concern the East Prussian campaign of 1914. There are photographs interspersed throughout the text, and a reel of microfilm of maps of the campaign.
Vladimir Sergeevich Khitrovo Memoirs, 1950 3 items 3 items
- Creator
- Khitrovo, V. S. (Vladimir Sergeevich), 1891-1968
- Abstract Or Scope
Bound typescript memoirs entitled "Vospominanii︠a︡ i materialy dli︠a︡ istorii" (37 p. plus appendices). The memoirs concern the East Prussian campaign of 1914. There are photographs interspersed throughout the text, and a reel of microfilm of maps of the campaign.
- Collection Context
Vladimir Stepanovich Myl'nikov Memoirs, 1957-1972
4 items 4 items- Abstract Or Scope
Mylńikov's manuscript and typescript memoirs concern World War I and the Civil War.
Vladimir Stepanovich Myl'nikov Memoirs, 1957-1972 4 items 4 items
- Creator
- Mylńikov, Vladimir Stepanovich
- Abstract Or Scope
Mylńikov's manuscript and typescript memoirs concern World War I and the Civil War.
- Collection Context
Vladimir S. Varshavskii Manuscript, 1955
235 pages 235 pages- Abstract Or Scope
Mimeographed typescript "The Revolution of 1905 as Reported in the Russian Press 50 Years Ago" compiled by Varshavskiĭ (Varsavsky) with the assistance of Donald Urquidi, edited by George Denicke. It was published by the American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism in 1955.
Vladimir S. Varshavskii Manuscript, 1955 235 pages 235 pages
- Creator
- Varshavskiĭ, V. S. (Vladimir Sergeevich), 1906-1978
- Abstract Or Scope
Mimeographed typescript "The Revolution of 1905 as Reported in the Russian Press 50 Years Ago" compiled by Varshavskiĭ (Varsavsky) with the assistance of Donald Urquidi, edited by George Denicke. It was published by the American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism in 1955.
- Collection Context
Vladimir Vasil'evich Shapkin Manuscript, 1966
1 item 1 item- Abstract Or Scope
The memoirs describe the final days, in the Fall of 1917, of the Supreme Commander's Headquarters and his own subsequent mission to the Ukrainian government in Kiev on behalf of the Cossacks, especially the Don Cossacks.
Vladimir Vasil'evich Shapkin Manuscript, 1966 1 item 1 item
- Creator
- Shapkin, Vladimir Vasilévich, 1890-
- Abstract Or Scope
The memoirs describe the final days, in the Fall of 1917, of the Supreme Commander's Headquarters and his own subsequent mission to the Ukrainian government in Kiev on behalf of the Cossacks, especially the Don Cossacks.
- Collection Context
Vladimir Venediktovich Khoromanskii Papers, 1904-1971
56 items 56 items- Abstract Or Scope
Khoromanskiĭ's manuscripts and memoirs concern such topics as his childhood and his father's work as an official in Saratov; World War I; White attempts to combat Makhno's forces; and Russian refugees on Malta and Capri. There is a subject file on the Russkoe Trudovoe Khristi︠a︡nskoe Dvizhenie, and a photograph of Petr Stolypin in 1904. Printed materials include a decree by the Ukrainian government in 1918 and several by the White army in Elisavetgrad and Ekaterinoslav in 1919. In addition, there are the memoirs of Khoromanskiĭ's father, Venedikt M. Khoromanskiĭ, concerning 1918-22.
Vladimir Venediktovich Khoromanskii Papers, 1904-1971 56 items 56 items
- Creator
- Khoromanskiĭ, Vladimir Venediktovich, b. 1889
- Abstract Or Scope
Khoromanskiĭ's manuscripts and memoirs concern such topics as his childhood and his father's work as an official in Saratov; World War I; White attempts to combat Makhno's forces; and Russian refugees on Malta and Capri. There is a subject file on the Russkoe Trudovoe Khristi︠a︡nskoe Dvizhenie, and a photograph of Petr Stolypin in 1904. Printed materials include a decree by the Ukrainian government in 1918 and several by the White army in Elisavetgrad and Ekaterinoslav in 1919. In addition, there are the memoirs of Khoromanskiĭ's father, Venedikt M. Khoromanskiĭ, concerning 1918-22.
- Collection Context
Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov Papers, 1892-1954
50 items 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs and documents of Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov. The collection consists of one letter, a handwritten memoir in the form of short sketches on specific topics, several personal and military photographs, and four personal documents.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov Papers, 1892-1954 50 items 1 box
- Creator
- Vladimīrov, Vladimīr Vladimīrovich, 1871-
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs and documents of Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov. The collection consists of one letter, a handwritten memoir in the form of short sketches on specific topics, several personal and military photographs, and four personal documents.
- Collection Context
Vladimir Vostokov Manuscripts, 1945-1953
16 items 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts of Vostokov. Following the 1917 revolution, Vostokov served as a chaplain for the White Army, and was later sent abroad by General Wrangel because he was preaching that the Jews were responsible for the revolution. The manuscripts in the collection are chiefly memoirs and pertain not only to the revolution and Civil War, but to a number of important church figures as well. The printed materials consist of two copies of Vostokov's pamphlet"Rozy i shipy" (San Francisco, 1953).
Vladimir Vostokov Manuscripts, 1945-1953 16 items 1 box
- Creator
- Vostokov, Vladimir Ignatʹevich, 1868-1957
- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts of Vostokov. Following the 1917 revolution, Vostokov served as a chaplain for the White Army, and was later sent abroad by General Wrangel because he was preaching that the Jews were responsible for the revolution. The manuscripts in the collection are chiefly memoirs and pertain not only to the revolution and Civil War, but to a number of important church figures as well. The printed materials consist of two copies of Vostokov's pamphlet"Rozy i shipy" (San Francisco, 1953).
- Collection Context
V. Linden Memoirs, 1968
64 pages 64 pages- Abstract Or Scope
Linden's manuscript memoirs discuss women's education in turn-of-the-century St. Petersburg; Russian youth in the 1890s; the Crimea and Odessa in 1917-1919; Aleksandr Kerenskiĭ; her husband and family; and the situation of Jews in the Russian Empire. With typed transcript.
V. Linden Memoirs, 1968 64 pages 64 pages
- Creator
- Linden, V., b. ca. 1885
- Abstract Or Scope
Linden's manuscript memoirs discuss women's education in turn-of-the-century St. Petersburg; Russian youth in the 1890s; the Crimea and Odessa in 1917-1919; Aleksandr Kerenskiĭ; her husband and family; and the situation of Jews in the Russian Empire. With typed transcript.
- Collection Context
Volker Berghahn papers, 1960s-2020s
2.92 Linear Feet 2 RC and 1 MsB- Abstract Or Scope
Professional files of Seth Low Emeritus Professor of History at Columbia University, Volker R. Berghahn. Materials include documents related to Columbia's Institute for the Study of Europe (now European Institute) of which he was director, records related to his professional associations, and correspondence files (in English and German). Correspondence includes many letters focused on the major debates among historians of modern Germany in which he has been involved. Also files of articles, book reviews, lectures and obituaries written by Berghahn as well as teaching evaluations from his students.
Volker Berghahn papers, 1960s-2020s 2.92 Linear Feet 2 RC and 1 MsB
- Creator
- Berghahn, Volker R. (Volker Rolf), 1938-
- Abstract Or Scope
Professional files of Seth Low Emeritus Professor of History at Columbia University, Volker R. Berghahn. Materials include documents related to Columbia's Institute for the Study of Europe (now European Institute) of which he was director, records related to his professional associations, and correspondence files (in English and German). Correspondence includes many letters focused on the major debates among historians of modern Germany in which he has been involved. Also files of articles, book reviews, lectures and obituaries written by Berghahn as well as teaching evaluations from his students.
- Collection Context
V. Ryndin Manuscript, 1950
240 pages 240 pages- Abstract Or Scope
This manuscript "Rabota NKVD" by V. Ryndin and an unidentified co-author, discusses the composition, functions, and methods of the Soviet state security agency. It is much more a rough draft than a finished manuscript.
V. Ryndin Manuscript, 1950 240 pages 240 pages
- Creator
- Ryndin, V
- Abstract Or Scope
This manuscript "Rabota NKVD" by V. Ryndin and an unidentified co-author, discusses the composition, functions, and methods of the Soviet state security agency. It is much more a rough draft than a finished manuscript.
- Collection Context
Vsevolod Dmitrievich Perovskii Manuscripts and Printed Materials, 1925-1933
16 items 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
The manuscripts primarily concern calendar reform, including Perovskiĭ's calculations and ideas on how to proceed with this reform. The printed materials consist of eight copies of "T︠S︡erkovnyĭ Vestnik" seven with articles by Perovskiĭ, and one with his obituary.
Vsevolod Dmitrievich Perovskii Manuscripts and Printed Materials, 1925-1933 16 items 1 box
- Creator
- Perovskiĭ, Vsevolod Dmitrievich, 1860-1923
- Abstract Or Scope
The manuscripts primarily concern calendar reform, including Perovskiĭ's calculations and ideas on how to proceed with this reform. The printed materials consist of eight copies of "T︠S︡erkovnyĭ Vestnik" seven with articles by Perovskiĭ, and one with his obituary.
- Collection Context
V. Valentinov Memoirs, 1952
70 pages 70 pages- Abstract Or Scope
Typed memoirs ""Wie ich 'Kollaborateur' wurde" by Valentinov. He primarily describes his service in the Red Army, his life as a prisoner of war, and the activities of the NKVD, the Russian Liberation Army, and the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (Komitet Osvobozhdenii︠a︡ Narodov Rossii).
V. Valentinov Memoirs, 1952 70 pages 70 pages
- Creator
- Valentinov, V
- Abstract Or Scope
Typed memoirs ""Wie ich 'Kollaborateur' wurde" by Valentinov. He primarily describes his service in the Red Army, his life as a prisoner of war, and the activities of the NKVD, the Russian Liberation Army, and the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (Komitet Osvobozhdenii︠a︡ Narodov Rossii).
- Collection Context
W. A. Dwiggins records, 1937- 1951
1 box 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes seven manuscripts by W. A. Dwiggins as well as correspondence between Dwiggins and Melbert B. Cary, Jr. of The Press of the Woolly Whale, regarding publication of Dwiggins' A TECHNIQUE FOR DEALING WITH ARTISTS. The manuscripts are "Prelude to Eden" (a play), 1939; A TECHNIQUE FOR DEALING WITH ARTISTS, 1941; "Typophiles Salutem Vobis Dico" 1937; Script No. 1, Made to write the score of a marionette ballet by Foster Trainer, ca. 1951?; Script No. 1"Elijah" n.d.; Script No. 2"Shapes of the 1/4 note heads" n.d.; and Script No. 3"A and B" n.d.
W. A. Dwiggins records, 1937- 1951 1 box 1 box
- Creator
- Dwiggins, W. A (William Addison), 1880-1956
- Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes seven manuscripts by W. A. Dwiggins as well as correspondence between Dwiggins and Melbert B. Cary, Jr. of The Press of the Woolly Whale, regarding publication of Dwiggins' A TECHNIQUE FOR DEALING WITH ARTISTS. The manuscripts are "Prelude to Eden" (a play), 1939; A TECHNIQUE FOR DEALING WITH ARTISTS, 1941; "Typophiles Salutem Vobis Dico" 1937; Script No. 1, Made to write the score of a marionette ballet by Foster Trainer, ca. 1951?; Script No. 1"Elijah" n.d.; Script No. 2"Shapes of the 1/4 note heads" n.d.; and Script No. 3"A and B" n.d.
- Collection Context
Wallace Ludwig Anderson letters on William Vaughn Moody, 1947-1949
0.5 linear feet 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
Letters from 27 English and American poets answering a request from Wallace L. Anderson, then a graduate student at the University of Chicago writing his dissertation, for opinions and assessments of the poet William Vaughn Moody. Some of the responses are simply pleas of insufficient time or knowledge to give adequate answers, but others are considered assessments or strongly expressed opinions. The respondents giving substantive answers were William Rose Benet, John Ciardi, John Gould Fletcher, John Holmes, Robert Lovett, Edgar Lee Masters, Muriel Rukeyser, George Santayana, Ferdinand Schevill, Karl Shapiro, Wallace Stevens, Allen Tate, Lawrence Thompson, Louis Untermeyer, and William Carlos Williams.
Wallace Ludwig Anderson letters on William Vaughn Moody, 1947-1949 0.5 linear feet 1 box
- Creator
- Anderson, Wallace Ludwig, 1917-
- Abstract Or Scope
Letters from 27 English and American poets answering a request from Wallace L. Anderson, then a graduate student at the University of Chicago writing his dissertation, for opinions and assessments of the poet William Vaughn Moody. Some of the responses are simply pleas of insufficient time or knowledge to give adequate answers, but others are considered assessments or strongly expressed opinions. The respondents giving substantive answers were William Rose Benet, John Ciardi, John Gould Fletcher, John Holmes, Robert Lovett, Edgar Lee Masters, Muriel Rukeyser, George Santayana, Ferdinand Schevill, Karl Shapiro, Wallace Stevens, Allen Tate, Lawrence Thompson, Louis Untermeyer, and William Carlos Williams.
- Collection Context
Wallace S. Broecker papers, 1960s-2010s
10 Linear Feet 8 record storage cartons- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists primarily of printouts of journal articles, his books (in English and Asian language translations), some correspondence, tributes, and about 14 binders he labelled as "VITA" which contain his published articles in chronological order. Material dates between the 1960s and the 2010s.
Wallace S. Broecker papers, 1960s-2010s 10 Linear Feet 8 record storage cartons
- Creator
- Broecker, Wallace S., 1931-2019
- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists primarily of printouts of journal articles, his books (in English and Asian language translations), some correspondence, tributes, and about 14 binders he labelled as "VITA" which contain his published articles in chronological order. Material dates between the 1960s and the 2010s.
- Collection Context
Walter B. Pitkin letters, 1897-1959
24 items 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
Photostatic copies of correspondence between Pitkin and Harry P. Breitenbach, chiefly of a personal nature. There are a few letters from Breitenbach to Pitkin, Jr., concerning the disposition of the original letters.
Walter B. Pitkin letters, 1897-1959 24 items 1 box
- Creator
- Pitkin, Walter B., 1878-1953
- Abstract Or Scope
Photostatic copies of correspondence between Pitkin and Harry P. Breitenbach, chiefly of a personal nature. There are a few letters from Breitenbach to Pitkin, Jr., concerning the disposition of the original letters.
- Collection Context
Walter Rautenstrauch papers, undated
18 linear feet 32 Ms Boxes, 3 flat boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Scientific, professional, and academic papers of Rautenstrauch, consisting chiefly of notes, outlines, charts, and memoranda assembled by him for his courses at Columbia, his lectures, articles, and professional consultations. There is also a group of blueprints, plans, charts, and graphs related to various American industries and a large group of miscellaneous unbound periodicals, pamphlets, reports, and other printed material.
Walter Rautenstrauch papers, undated 18 linear feet 32 Ms Boxes, 3 flat boxes
- Creator
- Rautenstrauch, Walter, 1880-1951
- Abstract Or Scope
Scientific, professional, and academic papers of Rautenstrauch, consisting chiefly of notes, outlines, charts, and memoranda assembled by him for his courses at Columbia, his lectures, articles, and professional consultations. There is also a group of blueprints, plans, charts, and graphs related to various American industries and a large group of miscellaneous unbound periodicals, pamphlets, reports, and other printed material.
- Collection Context
Walt Whitman documents, 1884-1890
22 items 1 volumes- Abstract Or Scope
Items written by or relating to the American poet Walt Whitman (1819-1892) as collected by Williams. There are three autograph letters signed from Whitman to Williams, 1884, 1887, n.d., regarding contributions by the poet to the PHILADELPHIA PRESS, as well as one postal card dated 1890. Also, two proofs of poems with corrections in Whitman's hand and four envelopes; a broadside containing lines from Whitman's poetry, five pages of manuscript notes on remarks made by Whitman on some occasion, two letters, one manuscript receipt, and three printed items concerned with a speech by Whitman, a testimonial, the choice of a speaker for his funeral, and the proposal to purchase the house in which he died, for a memorial. There are two prospectuses for books about the poet, and two placards advertising his books.
Walt Whitman documents, 1884-1890 22 items 1 volumes
- Creator
- Williams, Talcott, 1849-1928
- Abstract Or Scope
Items written by or relating to the American poet Walt Whitman (1819-1892) as collected by Williams. There are three autograph letters signed from Whitman to Williams, 1884, 1887, n.d., regarding contributions by the poet to the PHILADELPHIA PRESS, as well as one postal card dated 1890. Also, two proofs of poems with corrections in Whitman's hand and four envelopes; a broadside containing lines from Whitman's poetry, five pages of manuscript notes on remarks made by Whitman on some occasion, two letters, one manuscript receipt, and three printed items concerned with a speech by Whitman, a testimonial, the choice of a speaker for his funeral, and the proposal to purchase the house in which he died, for a memorial. There are two prospectuses for books about the poet, and two placards advertising his books.
- Collection Context
Walt Whitman papers, 1842-1969
0.5 linear feet 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
One letter from Walt Whitman to Alfred Lord Tennyson and three manuscripts by Whitman, one of which is a photostatic copy, several pieces of memorabilia and printed material by and about Whitman. The printed material includes newspaper clippings, pamphlets, periodical articles, illustrations, portraits of Whitman and publications of the Walt Whitman Birthplace Association
Walt Whitman papers, 1842-1969 0.5 linear feet 1 box
- Creator
- Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892
- Abstract Or Scope
One letter from Walt Whitman to Alfred Lord Tennyson and three manuscripts by Whitman, one of which is a photostatic copy, several pieces of memorabilia and printed material by and about Whitman. The printed material includes newspaper clippings, pamphlets, periodical articles, illustrations, portraits of Whitman and publications of the Walt Whitman Birthplace Association
- Collection Context
Ward family papers, 1800-1900
2 boxes 2 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
The papers supplement the diaries of John Dod Ward, vice president of the Morris Canal & Boat Company
Ward family papers, 1800-1900 2 boxes 2 boxes
- Creator
- Ward family
- Abstract Or Scope
The papers supplement the diaries of John Dod Ward, vice president of the Morris Canal & Boat Company
- Collection Context
Warner Mifflin Emancipation document, 1775
0.42 Linear Feet 1 document box- Abstract Or Scope
An extraordinary manumission document created by Warner Mifflin, of Delaware, in 1775. There are also two copies of the book "Life and Ancestry of Warner Mifflin" compiled by Hilda Justice, 1905
Warner Mifflin Emancipation document, 1775 0.42 Linear Feet 1 document box
- Creator
- Mifflin, Warner, 1745-1798
- Abstract Or Scope
An extraordinary manumission document created by Warner Mifflin, of Delaware, in 1775. There are also two copies of the book "Life and Ancestry of Warner Mifflin" compiled by Hilda Justice, 1905
- Collection Context
Warren Bernard collection of Willard Mullin art work and memorabilia, 1930 - 1970
15 Linear Feet 2 document boxes; 3 record boxes; 1 large flat box; 8 oversize folders- Abstract Or Scope
This collection includes original art as well as ephemera such as ephemera such as a Mullin-designed press pin for the 1952 World Series, spring training programs, advertisements, glassware, display cards, books, magazines, prints, and more.
Warren Bernard collection of Willard Mullin art work and memorabilia, 1930 - 1970 15 Linear Feet 2 document boxes; 3 record boxes; 1 large flat box; 8 oversize folders
- Creator
- Bernard, Warren
- Abstract Or Scope
This collection includes original art as well as ephemera such as ephemera such as a Mullin-designed press pin for the 1952 World Series, spring training programs, advertisements, glassware, display cards, books, magazines, prints, and more.
- Collection Context
Warren Chappell papers, 1931-1978
1 linear feet 2 folio folders- Abstract Or Scope
A collection pf drawings, original and proof book illustrations, type designs and specimens, publisher's dummies and dust jackets by Chappell.
Warren Chappell papers, 1931-1978 1 linear feet 2 folio folders
- Creator
- Chappell, Warren, 1904-1991
- Abstract Or Scope
A collection pf drawings, original and proof book illustrations, type designs and specimens, publisher's dummies and dust jackets by Chappell.
- Collection Context
Weldon Kees papers, 1941-1986
0.5 linear feet 1 box 3 folders- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscript, and printed materials of Kees. There are fourteen letters from Kees to Herbert Cahoon, twelve letters from James T. Farrell to Kees, the manuscript of Kees' THE LAST MAN, and announcements and clippings by and about Kees.
Weldon Kees papers, 1941-1986 0.5 linear feet 1 box 3 folders
- Creator
- Kees, Weldon, 1914-1955
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscript, and printed materials of Kees. There are fourteen letters from Kees to Herbert Cahoon, twelve letters from James T. Farrell to Kees, the manuscript of Kees' THE LAST MAN, and announcements and clippings by and about Kees.
- Collection Context
W. H. Auden Letters [microform], 9999
1 positive reel 1 master negative reel #912095W. H. Auden Letters [microform], 9999 1 positive reel 1 master negative reel #912095
- Creator
- Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973
- Collection Context
Wilfred Stark papers, 1947-1949
4 linear feet 7 document boxes; 1 flat box- Abstract Or Scope
Materials from the American administration of post-WW2 Germany.
Wilfred Stark papers, 1947-1949 4 linear feet 7 document boxes; 1 flat box
- Creator
- Stark, Wilfred
- Abstract Or Scope
Materials from the American administration of post-WW2 Germany.
- Collection Context
William Allen White letters, 1909-1939
1 box 1 box (73 items)- Abstract Or Scope
Letters of White to his friend D.A. "Gus" Ellsworth. The letters are chiefly personal in tone although there are scattered references to White's books and articles.
William Allen White letters, 1909-1939 1 box 1 box (73 items)
- Creator
- White, William Allen, 1868-1944
- Abstract Or Scope
Letters of White to his friend D.A. "Gus" Ellsworth. The letters are chiefly personal in tone although there are scattered references to White's books and articles.
- Collection Context
William Ambrose Prendergast Catholic Charities Case papers : [microform], 1898-1917
3 Reels positive reels 3 master negative reels master negative reels- Abstract Or Scope
Papers concerning the Catholic Charities Investigation.
William Ambrose Prendergast Catholic Charities Case papers : [microform], 1898-1917 3 Reels positive reels 3 master negative reels master negative reels
- Creator
- Prendergast, William A., 1867-1954
- Abstract Or Scope
Papers concerning the Catholic Charities Investigation.
- Collection Context
William Ambrose Prendergast papers, 1904-1909
3 boxes 3 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Speeches and writings of Prendergast, chiefly political in nature. Also, three microfilm reels of papers concerning the Catholic Charities Case.
William Ambrose Prendergast papers, 1904-1909 3 boxes 3 boxes
- Creator
- Prendergast, William A., 1867-1954
- Abstract Or Scope
Speeches and writings of Prendergast, chiefly political in nature. Also, three microfilm reels of papers concerning the Catholic Charities Case.
- Collection Context
William Averell Harriman papers on Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 1941-1974, bulk 1941-1946
2.5 linear feet 5 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Working files for the book SPECIAL ENVOY TO CHURCHILL AND STALIN, 1914-1946 by William Averell Harriman and Elie Abel, containing typescript drafts with handwritten corrections of Harriman's recollections; typescript notes; photocopies of American, British, and Soviet (in translation) diplomatic correspondence, memoranda, and reports; speeches and other writings by Harriman; and related background materials. The period covered is 1941-1946 and 1951-1954. Among the photocopies are letters from Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Edward Stettinius, Harry Hopkins, Dean Acheson, Charles Bohlen, Joseph Stalin, Vyacheslav Molotov, Andrei Vyshinsky, Winston Churchill, and Anthony Eden. Also, five letters from Harriman to Abel written in 1973-1974, concerning the details of writing this book (these are the only letters cataloged in this collection).
William Averell Harriman papers on Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 1941-1974, bulk 1941-1946 2.5 linear feet 5 boxes
- Creator
- Harriman, W. Averell (William Averell), 1891-1986
- Abstract Or Scope
Working files for the book SPECIAL ENVOY TO CHURCHILL AND STALIN, 1914-1946 by William Averell Harriman and Elie Abel, containing typescript drafts with handwritten corrections of Harriman's recollections; typescript notes; photocopies of American, British, and Soviet (in translation) diplomatic correspondence, memoranda, and reports; speeches and other writings by Harriman; and related background materials. The period covered is 1941-1946 and 1951-1954. Among the photocopies are letters from Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Edward Stettinius, Harry Hopkins, Dean Acheson, Charles Bohlen, Joseph Stalin, Vyacheslav Molotov, Andrei Vyshinsky, Winston Churchill, and Anthony Eden. Also, five letters from Harriman to Abel written in 1973-1974, concerning the details of writing this book (these are the only letters cataloged in this collection).
- Collection Context
William Benham Snow papers, 1926
1 Volumes 1 volumes- Abstract Or Scope
Bound volume of 147 letters of congratulations and appreciation presented to Dr. William Benham Snow at the 1926 annual meeting of the American Electrotherapeutic Association. The letters are from medical colleagues and pupils; in addition, there are biographical accounts, clippings, and transcriptions of the speeches delivered at the testimonial banquet.
William Benham Snow papers, 1926 1 Volumes 1 volumes
- Creator
- Snow, William Benham, 1860-
- Abstract Or Scope
Bound volume of 147 letters of congratulations and appreciation presented to Dr. William Benham Snow at the 1926 annual meeting of the American Electrotherapeutic Association. The letters are from medical colleagues and pupils; in addition, there are biographical accounts, clippings, and transcriptions of the speeches delivered at the testimonial banquet.
- Collection Context
William "Bill" Gallo collection, 1960-2000
5 Linear Feet 2 flat boxes, 1 document box, 1 folder- Abstract Or Scope
Bill Gallo (1922-2011) was the sports cartoonist at the (NY) Daily News for over fifty years, in a newspaper career lasting 70 years. He collected numerous honors, including the Milton Caniff Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Cartoonists Society, the New York Newspaper Guild's Page One Journalism Award (twenty times), and the National Cartoonists Society's Sports Cartoon Award (ten times). He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame for both his cartooning, and his sports writing.
William "Bill" Gallo collection, 1960-2000 5 Linear Feet 2 flat boxes, 1 document box, 1 folder
- Creator
- Gallo, Bill
- Abstract Or Scope
Bill Gallo (1922-2011) was the sports cartoonist at the (NY) Daily News for over fifty years, in a newspaper career lasting 70 years. He collected numerous honors, including the Milton Caniff Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Cartoonists Society, the New York Newspaper Guild's Page One Journalism Award (twenty times), and the National Cartoonists Society's Sports Cartoon Award (ten times). He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame for both his cartooning, and his sports writing.
- Collection Context
William "Bill" Schelly papers, 1970-2019
35 Linear Feet 16 magazine boxes; 23 storage boxes- Abstract Or Scope
His fanzine collection is a collector's collection, representing the most important titles of the medium. His research materials provides substantive background to his books. There are taped interviews.
William "Bill" Schelly papers, 1970-2019 35 Linear Feet 16 magazine boxes; 23 storage boxes
- Creator
- Schelly, William, 1951-
- Abstract Or Scope
His fanzine collection is a collector's collection, representing the most important titles of the medium. His research materials provides substantive background to his books. There are taped interviews.
- Collection Context
William Dean Howells papers, 1883-1919
1 Linear Feet 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
Letters of a personal nature, manuscripts including a short story"The Critical Book Store" seven numbers from the "Editor's Easy Chair" a series written by Howells for "Harper's Monthly" from 1900 to 1920 which included book reviews and essays on poetry, capital punishment, Mark Twain, and the political campaign of 1912. Also included is a biographical sketch of George William Curtis from "Roundabout to Boston" in the form in which it was printed in "Literary Friends and Acquaintances" in 1900.
William Dean Howells papers, 1883-1919 1 Linear Feet 1 box
- Creator
- Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920
- Abstract Or Scope
Letters of a personal nature, manuscripts including a short story"The Critical Book Store" seven numbers from the "Editor's Easy Chair" a series written by Howells for "Harper's Monthly" from 1900 to 1920 which included book reviews and essays on poetry, capital punishment, Mark Twain, and the political campaign of 1912. Also included is a biographical sketch of George William Curtis from "Roundabout to Boston" in the form in which it was printed in "Literary Friends and Acquaintances" in 1900.
- Collection Context
William Eleroy Curtis letters, 1888-1892
0.5 linear feet 1 volume- Abstract Or Scope
The letters are largely from persons prominent in public affairs, politics and/or Pan American Relations, including many members of Congress. The material is mounted in a single volume.
William Eleroy Curtis letters, 1888-1892 0.5 linear feet 1 volume
- Creator
- Curtis, William Eleroy, 1850-1911
- Abstract Or Scope
The letters are largely from persons prominent in public affairs, politics and/or Pan American Relations, including many members of Congress. The material is mounted in a single volume.
- Collection Context
William Harkins Plate, 9999
0.01 linear feet 1 item- Abstract Or Scope
Copper printing plate, undated.
William Harkins Plate, 9999 0.01 linear feet 1 item
- Creator
- Harkins, William
- Abstract Or Scope
Copper printing plate, undated.
- Collection Context
William Harvey Reeves papers, 1919-1977
1 box 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, and printed material by and about Reeves. Included are single letters from Justice William O. Douglas and Jesus De Galindez, printed articles by Reeves on law and his manuscript article on the U.S. treatment of enemy property after World War II, printed works by others on international law and international reparations in 1945.
William Harvey Reeves papers, 1919-1977 1 box 1 box
- Creator
- Reeves, William Harvey, 1895-1970
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, and printed material by and about Reeves. Included are single letters from Justice William O. Douglas and Jesus De Galindez, printed articles by Reeves on law and his manuscript article on the U.S. treatment of enemy property after World War II, printed works by others on international law and international reparations in 1945.
- Collection Context
William Hawkins Ferris letters, 1850-1875
4 Volumes 4 volumes (314 Items)- Abstract Or Scope
Forty-eight autograph letters signed from William Gilmore Simms to Ferris, 1859-1870, and one manuscript poem; eight letters from Paul Hamilton Hayne to William Gilmore Simms and one letter to Ferris, 1867-1870. The letters are chiefly personal dealing with contemporary events, personal matters, and literary interests. Ninety-nine autograph letters signed to Ferris and one manuscript poem, 1850-1875. A great many of these letters are from literary figures of the day in response to requests from Ferris for manuscript poems and photographs to be reproduced in a volume he was planning. Some of the letters here present were to Simms and some to W. G. Cordray. 155 autograph letters to William Gilmore Simms, 1854-1870, chiefly personal in nature and from Simms' literary friends and others concerned with his literary activity and publication of his work.
William Hawkins Ferris letters, 1850-1875 4 Volumes 4 volumes (314 Items)
- Creator
- Ferris, William Hawkins, 1828-1880
- Abstract Or Scope
Forty-eight autograph letters signed from William Gilmore Simms to Ferris, 1859-1870, and one manuscript poem; eight letters from Paul Hamilton Hayne to William Gilmore Simms and one letter to Ferris, 1867-1870. The letters are chiefly personal dealing with contemporary events, personal matters, and literary interests. Ninety-nine autograph letters signed to Ferris and one manuscript poem, 1850-1875. A great many of these letters are from literary figures of the day in response to requests from Ferris for manuscript poems and photographs to be reproduced in a volume he was planning. Some of the letters here present were to Simms and some to W. G. Cordray. 155 autograph letters to William Gilmore Simms, 1854-1870, chiefly personal in nature and from Simms' literary friends and others concerned with his literary activity and publication of his work.
- Collection Context
William J. Wilgus papers, 1935-1937
3 boxes (3 record cartons)- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence of Wilgus with officials of various railroads in the United States and Canada regarding a study undertaken by Wilgus at the instance of Dr. James T. Shotwell and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The study was of "the railway interrelations of the United States and Canada with a view to setting forth the extent to which they play a part in the comity and well-being of the two nations." Also, various statistical and other reports submitted to Wilgus, correspondence with Shotwell and others, notes taken while working on the project, and galley and page proof of the published work RAILWAY INTERRELATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA (Yale University Press, 1937).
William J. Wilgus papers, 1935-1937 3 boxes (3 record cartons)
- Creator
- Wilgus, William J (William John), 1865-1949
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence of Wilgus with officials of various railroads in the United States and Canada regarding a study undertaken by Wilgus at the instance of Dr. James T. Shotwell and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The study was of "the railway interrelations of the United States and Canada with a view to setting forth the extent to which they play a part in the comity and well-being of the two nations." Also, various statistical and other reports submitted to Wilgus, correspondence with Shotwell and others, notes taken while working on the project, and galley and page proof of the published work RAILWAY INTERRELATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA (Yale University Press, 1937).
- Collection Context
William Lee letters, 1810-1861
1 Volumes 1 volumes (25 items)- Abstract Or Scope
Letters written to William Lee from prominent Frenchmen of the early 19th century. Some of these relate to a scheme regarding Napoleon. Letters to William Barlow Lee from Oliver Wendell Holmes, Anthony Trollope, and J.K. Lothrop. These letters are personal in nature.
William Lee letters, 1810-1861 1 Volumes 1 volumes (25 items)
- Creator
- Lee, William, 1772-1840
- Abstract Or Scope
Letters written to William Lee from prominent Frenchmen of the early 19th century. Some of these relate to a scheme regarding Napoleon. Letters to William Barlow Lee from Oliver Wendell Holmes, Anthony Trollope, and J.K. Lothrop. These letters are personal in nature.
- Collection Context
William Meredith collection of John Berryman papers and library, 1952-1972
8.5 linear feet 2 boxes, 28 volumes- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, and proofs of writings by and about John Berryman collected by his friend and critic, William Meredith. The collection also contains 28 volumes from Berryman's library containing his notes, inscriptions, etc. (loose notes are filed with the manuscripts) and 43 books, mostly inscribed to Berryman's mother. Correspondence of the following people are cataloged: Van Meter Ames, Saul Bellow, John Berryman, Robert Giroux, William Meredith, and William Phillips.
William Meredith collection of John Berryman papers and library, 1952-1972 8.5 linear feet 2 boxes, 28 volumes
- Creator
- Berryman, John, 1914-1972
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, and proofs of writings by and about John Berryman collected by his friend and critic, William Meredith. The collection also contains 28 volumes from Berryman's library containing his notes, inscriptions, etc. (loose notes are filed with the manuscripts) and 43 books, mostly inscribed to Berryman's mother. Correspondence of the following people are cataloged: Van Meter Ames, Saul Bellow, John Berryman, Robert Giroux, William Meredith, and William Phillips.
- Collection Context
William Michael Rossetti letters, 1879-1887
31 items 1 volume- Abstract Or Scope
Copies of Rossetti's letters to Mrs. Anne Gilchrist and her son, Herbert, regarding Walt Whitman and the Whitman Testimonial Fund.
William Michael Rossetti letters, 1879-1887 31 items 1 volume
- Creator
- Rossetti, William Michael, 1829-1919
- Abstract Or Scope
Copies of Rossetti's letters to Mrs. Anne Gilchrist and her son, Herbert, regarding Walt Whitman and the Whitman Testimonial Fund.
- Collection Context
William Samuel Johnson Papers, 1753-1802
1 linear feet 61 items in box- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence between William Samuel Johnson, 1727-1819, and his son Robert Charles Johnson, 1766-1806, concerning personal business in Connecticut and a father's advice to a young man entering his law career. Some of the father's letters of special interest were written during his term as U.S. Senator (1791), and some concern British-French trade relations, 1793. There are also copies of letters to Johnson from Cadwallader Colden, Silas Deane, James Duane, John Fitch, Jonathan Trumbull, and William Williams. Other letters have been added
William Samuel Johnson Papers, 1753-1802 1 linear feet 61 items in box
- Creator
- Johnson, William Samuel, 1727-1819
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence between William Samuel Johnson, 1727-1819, and his son Robert Charles Johnson, 1766-1806, concerning personal business in Connecticut and a father's advice to a young man entering his law career. Some of the father's letters of special interest were written during his term as U.S. Senator (1791), and some concern British-French trade relations, 1793. There are also copies of letters to Johnson from Cadwallader Colden, Silas Deane, James Duane, John Fitch, Jonathan Trumbull, and William Williams. Other letters have been added
- Collection Context