Collections : [Rare Book & Manuscript Library]

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library is Columbia University’s principal repository for special collections. We collect, preserve, describe, promote, and provide access to the material evidence of diverse individuals and activities in alignment with the University’s research and teaching mission. We build and steward deep collections in select subject areas and connect them to a global audience through reference, teaching, exhibitions, publications, and public programs.

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John Waite papers, 1743-1799

1 box 1 box (164 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers, including both personal and business communications. The bulk of the latter are from his term as Sheriff.

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John Waite papers, 1743-1799 1 box 1 box (164 items)

Gay-Otis family papers, 1740-1900

33 linear feet 66 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Personal, business, and legal letters; manuscripts including prose, poetry, and diaries; and documents including deeds, receipts, invoices, and account books. The 18th century materials focus on the personal and business correspondence of Calvin, Jotham, and Martin Gay, sons of Ebenezer Gay who were engaged in shipping between New England and the Maritime Provinces. There are occasional letters of Jotham and Martin referring to the American Revolution. The Otis family correspondence of the 18th century, likewise, is of a purely routine and personal nature. There are only four letters of Col. James Otis, and only two of his son, James. Gay and Otis family interests intertwine during the 19th century with the marriage of Mary Allyne Otis to Ebenezer Gay, who are among the chief correspondents of this century, along with their children including Sidney Howard Gay and Winckworth Allan Gay. The Otis correspondence centers around business, real estate, and personal interests of Mary A. Otis Gay's brothers John, Joseph, and William Otis.

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Gay-Otis family papers, 1740-1900 33 linear feet 66 boxes

Manuscript catalogs, 1739-2021

5000 Volumes 145 Voyager records as of 2021
Abstract Or Scope

The collection of circa 5,000 manuscript catalogs, mostly catalogs of Medieval and Renaissance Greek and Latin manuscripts in libraries around the world, as well as of archival collections in the United States. Regular-size materials are shelved as a browsable reference collection in public areas within RBML. The classification scheme largely arranges the catalogs by the country, city and library the catalog represents. Check both the card and the online catalogs for these works.

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Manuscript catalogs, 1739-2021 5000 Volumes 145 Voyager records as of 2021

Dmitriev Family Papers, 1739-1810

0.5 linear feet 1 flat box: 4 oversized folders
Abstract Or Scope

Collection consists of four imperial patents: by Anna I, promoting Cavril Dmitriev to the rank of major (1739); by Peter III, promoting Ivan Dmitriev to the rank of captain (1762); by Catherine II, appointing Ivan Dmitriev to the rank of ensign (1787); and by Alexander I, appointing Ivan Dmitriev to the rank of privy councillor (1810). The latter two may concern Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev (1760-1837), Minister of Justice under Alexander I.

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Dmitriev Family Papers, 1739-1810 0.5 linear feet 1 flat box: 4 oversized folders

Ellison family papers, 1733-1782

1 volume 1 volume (70 Items)
Abstract Or Scope

Fifty-four letters of and pertaining to members of the Ellison family, chiefly those of Colonel Robert Ellison to his brother Henry Ellison dealing with the former's military activities abroad and in America, 1733-1748, and the letters of Henry to his sons, Henry and Robert, mostly treating the political news of the day in England, 1759-1774. Also the diary of Robert, son of Henry, and various documents.

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Ellison family papers, 1733-1782 1 volume 1 volume (70 Items)

Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum collection of documents relating to actors and theatrical managers, 1732-1995

18 linear feet ca.4500 items in boxes 29 flat folders 2 cartons
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A collection of letters, manuscripts, and documents of prominent actors, actresses, and theatrical managers. Many of these are single, unrelated items. The largest body of correspondence is from the American actress, Charlotte Cushman (14 letters). Another figure of major interest is William Charles Macready, partly because of Miss Cushman's relationship to him (she toured with him for several years) and also as there are several of his letters. Sir Henry Irving, Edwin Forrest and James Mowatt are each represented by a few letters. A group of 8 unsigned letters may have been written by the famous singer, actress, and manager, Eliza Vestris. One box contains manuscripts of Samuel Coit, Charlotte Cushman, Clyde Fitch, Wallace Gould, Henry von Heiseler, E.H. Sothern, and Lester Wallack. Six boxes contain Augustin Daly's check stubs and bank books for Daly's Theatre, New York, for 1872-1899. (For additional Augustin Daly business records, see description sheets for Daly's Theatre Collection, X810.128/D15& the Dramatic Library Collection shelf list).

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Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum collection of documents relating to actors and theatrical managers, 1732-1995 18 linear feet ca.4500 items in boxes 29 flat folders 2 cartons

Van Wagenen Family Documents, 1730-1839

0.42 linear feet 1 document box
Abstract Or Scope

A small but interesting collection of family documents that relate to the history of slavery and Columbia.

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Van Wagenen Family Documents, 1730-1839 0.42 linear feet 1 document box

Maria A. and Nikolai V. Sviatopolk-Mirskii Papers, 1729-1980

1000 items 5 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, printed materials, and coins of Marii︠a︡ A. Svi︠a︡topolk-Mirskai︠a︡ and her son Nikolaĭ V. Svi︠a︡topolk Mirskiĭ. The correspondence is primarily from members of the Imperial family (such as Grand Duke Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich and dowager Empress Marii︠a︡ Fedorovna) to Marii︠a︡ Svi︠a︡topolk-Mirskai︠a︡. Most of it dates from the 1920's and 1930's and much of it is mounted in scrapbooks. The manuscripts include Basil Strandman's "Balkan Reminiscences." Among the documents are diplomas, certificates, passports and Imperial decrees dating back to 1832. The photographs include a photograph of Metropolitan Evlogiĭ and several dozen copies of Imperial family photographs. There are also many photographs of paintings, icons and architecture. The subject files consist of materials relating to the Notbek family, the Mariĭnskoe Sestrichestvo (to which Marii︠a︡ Svi︠a︡topolk-Mirskai︠a︡ belonged), and the Iverskai︠a︡ Church in Belgrade. Among the printed materials are 12 issues of "Khudozhestvennye Sokrovishcha Rossii" (1901)"Mʹemoires du regne de Catherine.."(Amsterdam, 1729), and "Thʹeâtre de l'Hermitage de Catherine II.."(Paris, 1799?).

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Maria A. and Nikolai V. Sviatopolk-Mirskii Papers, 1729-1980 1000 items 5 boxes

Elena Antonovna Popandopulo Collection, 1728-1906

6 items 6 items
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Documents and a letter collected by Elena A. Popandopulo: a 1728 Italian military commission signed by Salvator, Duke of Sforza; a 1729 petition signed by Aleksandr Stroganov; a blank sheet of official document paper from the time of Tsar Nicholas I; an 1861 Russian document; an 1879 document signed by Tsar Alexander II; and a 1906 letter to a Countess Ekaterina Aleksandrovna concerning an art exhibit in the Tauride Palace.

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Elena Antonovna Popandopulo Collection, 1728-1906 6 items 6 items

Alfred Jeanroy Papers, 1727-1950

21.5 linear feet 46 manuscript boxes
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Professional and personal papers, as well as materials collected by, Sorbonne professor Alfred Jeanroy. Material in Professor Jeanroy's handwriting includes lengthy as well as brief manuscripts, lectures, preparatory notes for works planned, and material for new editions of published writings. Forty-one notebooks also comprise texts of lectures in his handwriting. Many of these deal with French poetry of the Middle Ages, some with linguistic subjects. There are manuscript notes showing continuous revision of these lectures. Boxes of personal papers include documents dating from 1727, marriage contracts, wills, military and legal parchments, and old family letters. Also, many manuscripts, some of them never published, by Madame B.A. Jeanroy; and several hundred pamphlets and seven books by Professor Jeanroy and his colleagues and contemporaries.

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Alfred Jeanroy Papers, 1727-1950 21.5 linear feet 46 manuscript boxes

Seymour Adelman collection, 1724-1956

1 linear feet 2 boxes
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Letters, documents, accounts, papers, broadsides, pamphlets, and other printed and manuscript materials assembled by Seymour Adelman and presented to the Libraries in a series of gifts. The material ranges in date from 1724-1945 and is largely American, having to do with banking business, the arts and sciences, agriculture, the free press and commerce in the 18th and 19th centuries. Included are a number of autograph letters by Joseph J. Henry, William Henry, Jr., and Joel Roberts Poinsett. There are a number of letters addressed to Joseph Story and John B. Jervis. There is a group of letters from the immediate family of John Jay concerning references to him and another group of documents and letters by and concerning Matthew Clarkson

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Seymour Adelman collection, 1724-1956 1 linear feet 2 boxes

Catherine S. Crary papers, 1724-1826

1 linear feet 2 boxes 3 oversize folders
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Letters, manuscripts, and documents collected by Crary primarily for use in the writing of her book on American Tories, THE PRICE OF LOYALTY (1973). Many of the items relate to the Continental Army, and especially to the Company of Captain Nathan Peirce in the Green Mountain Boys Regiment of Seth Warner (1743-1784). Also included are letters from John Quincy Adams (1767-1848), Indian agent Israel Chapin, William Harris Crawford (1772-1834), Charleston merchant and loyalist John Cruden, Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834), Woodbury Langdon (1738/9-1805); and others. Also, documents relating to the commands of Benedict Arnold, John Burgoyne, Lord Cornwallis, David Wooster, and many others; deeds to land in Montgomery County, N.Y. signed by Jeremiah Van Rensselaer (1738-1810), and others; an orderly book belonging to Ichabod Norton; and a journal kept on Gibralter, apparently by the governor, George Augustus Eliott (1717-1790). A volume of muster rolls and troop encampment data of the Army of Great Britain contains copies of letters intercepted from Alexander Hamilton and Gouverneur Morris.

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Catherine S. Crary papers, 1724-1826 1 linear feet 2 boxes 3 oversize folders

Jeanne d'Arc collection - Part II, 1724-1754

0.5 linear feet 24 items in one box
Abstract Or Scope

This is a collection of twenty letters addressed to Daniel Polluche "de la Societe Literaire et Historien d'Orleans." The letters are from Etienne de Foncemagne, Louis Lemerault, Nicholas Lenglet Dufresnoy, the Duc de Luynes, Antoine-Joseph Pernety, and Daniel Secousse, and are requests for information and discussions of publishing projects related to work on Joan of Arc. There are also manuscript notes taken from books in the Jeanne d'Arc book collection"Remarques sur une Médaille de Philippe second.." by Polluche, and notes and a battle plan drawn for Samuel L. Clemens book about Joan of Arc.

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Jeanne d'Arc collection - Part II, 1724-1754 0.5 linear feet 24 items in one box

Semenovskii Polk Records, 1720-1967

7500 items 28 boxes; 7 oversized packages
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The bulk of the collection concerns the last three decades of the Regiment's existence and the emigration. Cataloged items consist of 3 photographs of Tsar Nicholas II and a receipt signed by one Captain Lanta, dated 1720. The correspondence is almost all after 1917. The manuscripts include a history of the Regiment from its formation and some other historical pieces by Viktor I. Meshchaninov. Most of the other manuscripts -- chiefly officers' memoirs -- concern the period of WWI, the Revolution, and the Civil War. Of other materials relating to the Imperial epoch, mention may be made of the lists of members of the Regiment since its formation compiled by some regimental historian; biographical sketches of many officers; field orders, topographical maps, certificates awarding medals, etc. The Association of former officers generated much material: accounts, minutes, souvenirs of commemorative dinners, etc. A rich store of photographs forms part of the collection. These include both individual and group portraits of members of the Regiment and of the Imperial family. Especially fine photos of the last 2 tsars, their families, and various urban landscapes are found in the album "Photographies du comte Nostitz.".

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Semenovskii Polk Records, 1720-1967 7500 items 28 boxes; 7 oversized packages

George Dunlop papers, 1716-1908

4 boxes 4 boxes (275 Items)
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This collection of letters, manuscripts, autographs, and illustrations of English and American authors and statesmen was assembled by George Dunlop. Many of the letters relate to Robert Burns and to the Burns country of Ayrshire. Among the early items are letters from Robert Burns, Samuel Johnson, Hester Thrale Piozzi, Edgar Allan Poe, and Abraham Lincoln.

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George Dunlop papers, 1716-1908 4 boxes 4 boxes (275 Items)

Historical Single-Issue Newspapers Collection, 1715-1974

1 Linear Feet 3 mapcase drawers
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Nichols family papers, 1713-1874

11 boxes 11 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, and documents relating to the printing firm of John Nichols and Son, covering a period from 1713, when the original firm of William Bowyer, the Elder (1663-1737), was burned, until the death of John Gough Nichols in 1873. The correspondence concerns primarily the social and domestic affairs of John Nichols (1745-1826) and of his family from 1766 to 1812. Scattered letters from business associates and minor authors are included, among them a group of letters from John Pridden (1758-1825), author and antiquary. The correspondence of John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863) concerns the Nichols firm from 1799 to 1855. There are also several letters of, and relating to, William Bowyer (1699-1777), the senior partner of John Nichols. The collection also contains a volume of letters of condolence written at the time of John Nichols' death. The manuscripts in the collection consist primarily of the poetry of John Nichols, much of which was published in newspapers of the late 18th century. The manuscripts of John Bowyer Nichols concern his father and family. There are also contracts, bills, receipts, accounts, pamphlets, broadsides, engravings, and a group of 277 portraits.

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Nichols family papers, 1713-1874 11 boxes 11 boxes

Nichols family papers : [microform], 1713-1874

6 Reels 3 positive reels 2 copies 3 master negative reels master negative reels
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, and documents relating to the printing firm of John Nichols and Son, covering a period from 1713, when the original firm of William Bowyer, the Elder (1663-1737), was burned, until the death of John Gough Nichols in 1873. The correspondence concerns primarily the social and domestic affairs of John Nichols (1745-1826) and of his family from 1766 to 1812. Scattered letters from business associates and minor authors are included, among them a group of letters from John Pridden (1758-1825), author and antiquary. The correspondence of John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863) concerns the Nichols firm from 1799 to 1855. There are also several letters of, and relating to, William Bowyer (1699-1777), the senior partner of John Nichols. The collection also contains a volume of letters of condolence written at the time of John Nichols' death. The manuscripts in the collection consist primarily of the poetry of John Nichols, much of which was published in newspapers of the late 18th century. The manuscripts of John Bowyer Nichols concern his father and family. There are also contracts, bills, receipts, accounts, pamphlets, broadsides, engravings, and a group of 277 portraits.

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Nichols family papers : [microform], 1713-1874 6 Reels 3 positive reels 2 copies 3 master negative reels master negative reels

Samuel Johnson papers, 1710-1971, bulk 1710-1772

6.5 linear feet 1 box 85 volumes 2 card file boxes
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Three volumes of correspondence, including some letterbook copies; many sermons, individually bound; prayers; and other manuscript materials. Correspondenbce is with many of his well known contemporaries and deals largely with matters pertaining to his church or to King's College. Shelved with the collection are two card file boxes containing an old handwritten calendar with abstracts, 1710-1914, a set of cross reference entries, and a calendar of material not at Columbia, 1715-1785. Additional letters have been added

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Samuel Johnson papers, 1710-1971, bulk 1710-1772 6.5 linear feet 1 box 85 volumes 2 card file boxes

Robert Halsband papers, 1708-1976

46 linear feet 95 document boxes; 3 record storage cartons; 5 flat boxes
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Personal and professional papers including correspondence, manuscripts, documents, diaries, journals, photographs, and printed materials relating to his teaching at various universities, his literary studies and writings, and his professional activities in such organizations as the Moder Language Association and P.E.N. His correspondents include contemporary authors such as Edmund Blunden, Christopher Hassall, Louis Kronenberger; scholars such as James P. Clifford, Leon Edel, and A.L. Rowse. There are also some letters collected by Halsband, including those by Mrs Piozzi, John Wilkes (1727-1797) and John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute (1713-1792). Among the manuscripts are notes, drafts, typescripts, and proofs of his LIFE OF LADY WORTLEY MONTAGU (Oxford, 1956) and COMPLETE LETTERS OF LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGU (Oxford, 1965-1967). Also, manuscripts and typescripts of Halsband's diaries, journals, lectures, articles, book reviews, and essays. The printed materials include ephemera, books, and offprints by Halsband and books by other authors inscribed to him. There is a watercolor portrait of Halsband by Stephen Andrews, London, ca. 1966.

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Robert Halsband papers, 1708-1976 46 linear feet 95 document boxes; 3 record storage cartons; 5 flat boxes

Samuel Vetch papers, 1708-1712

1 portfolio 1 portfolio (92 leaves)
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Copies of letters and documents relating to Samuel Vetch's plan for the expulsion of the French from North America. The collection contains photostats of communications from Queen Anne through her minister Sunderland; letters and reports from Vetch and Nicholson detailing the progress of their plans for the expedition; and documents relating to Vetch's governorship of Acadia after the British conquest.

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Samuel Vetch papers, 1708-1712 1 portfolio 1 portfolio (92 leaves)

Aleksandr Pavlovich Iordanov Collection, 1707-1929

10 items 1 box
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The collection consists of 8 photographs of documents and 2 books. The documents, which include patents (gramoty) and decrees (ukazy), date from 1707-1812. There is also an almanac"Pami︠a︡tnai︠a︡ knizhka" dated 1855; and "Pami︠a︡tnai︠a︡ knizhka Lit︠s︡eĭstov za rubezhom" (Paris, 1929).

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Aleksandr Pavlovich Iordanov Collection, 1707-1929 10 items 1 box

Documents relating to a promissory note in Albany, NY and the funding of the Garrison of Gibraltar, 1700s

0.1 Linear Feet In 1 folder
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Two 18th century documents re. Albany, NY and Gibraltar

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Sergei Sergeevich Belosel'skii-Belozerskii Papers, 1700-1968

34 linear feet 47 boxes; 6 oversized folders; 1 rolled painting; 1 framed poster; 3 albums 5 record cartons
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in 1792-1793. There are documents relating to several members of the Beloselśkiĭ-Belozerskiĭ family. The part of the collection concerning the Horse Guards primarily relates to emigre activities in Europe and America during the 1930s. The materials include manuscripts for a history of the Guards, biographical sketches, minutes, newsletters, orders and several hundred photographs, many of which date back to the mid 19th century. Among the printed materials are journals, illustrations and a number of scrapbooks. The collection also contains several dozen oversized albums, illustrations, documents and photographs.

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Sergei Sergeevich Belosel'skii-Belozerskii Papers, 1700-1968 34 linear feet 47 boxes; 6 oversized folders; 1 rolled painting; 1 framed poster; 3 albums 5 record cartons

Alexander McMillan Welch bookplate collection, 1700-1930

2 linear feet 4 boxes
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American, English and French bookplates from private and institutional libraries. Box four contains some related correspondence concerning Welch's collecting and exchanging of bookplates. Four letters are from the English painter-etcher, Charles William Sherborn, who designed a bookplate for Welch's wife, Fanny Fredericka Dyckman Welch. The original etched plate is also enclosed.

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Alexander McMillan Welch bookplate collection, 1700-1930 2 linear feet 4 boxes

John Yardley Collection of materials related to the Dutch Reformed Church of NYC, 1700-1900

84.5 linear feet 64 record cartons, 2 document boxes; 1 flat box; 1 smaller document box
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This collection consists of primary source material.

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James Mark Baldwin Bookplate Collection, 1700-1900

0.5 linear feet 1 box
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The collection, containing nearly 800 bookplates, includes exemplars of American and English plates of the 18th through the early 20th century. The collection was formed by Dr Baldwin and his wife, Helen Hayes Baldwin. Of special interest is a plate done for Dr Baldwin by the English painter-etcher Charles William Sherborn. The collection contains proofs, prints with remarques on various sizes and types of paper, and correspondence relating to the designing and production of the plate.

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James Mark Baldwin Bookplate Collection, 1700-1900 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Bevier family papers, 1700-1850

2.5 linear feet 5 boxes
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Two account books for merchandise received, ca. 1721-33; Two 18th century copybooks of land surveys and deeds for lands held in Ulster Co.; a manuscript book with some poems written in Flemish; and Catharine Bevier Stillwell's manuscript book of recipes, ca. 1845. In addition there are books formerly owned by Bevier family members. These are chiefly Bibles, psalters and other protestant religious works in Flemish and French. Most of the books are in poor condition, having many torn and missing pages and almost all lacking title-pages. Their chief interest is the family autographs and other manuscript notes they contain. Included with the collection is a copy of Katherine Bevier's "The Bevier family : a history of the descendants of Louis Bevier." -- New York, Tobias A. Wright, 1916.

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Bevier family papers, 1700-1850 2.5 linear feet 5 boxes

Samuel and William Samuel Johnson Libraries, 1700-1820

2854 Volumes 2854 volumes
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Sarvanand Kaul collection of Indian Manuscripts and Art, 1700-1800

0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box
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The collection consists of 11 books (manuscripts) and 4 paintings. The paintings are not distinguished, but could be important for historians of regional styles. Two of them are pretty clearly from the Ramayana." Risha Lee, Jane Emison Assistant Curator of South and Southeast Asian Art at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, comments on the paintings: "As for the paintings, the first two are almost certainly 19th century, Pahari style, and the first might be an artistic study. The woman (perhaps a court lady or ragini) is seated against a large bolster. The second painting depicts two noblemen seated in conversation outdoors, while underneath them an older nobleman rides an elephant and carries a trident, possibly a symbol of Shiva. The other two fragmentary paintings are very nicely executed: the first depicts Hanuman attended by his monkey entourage paying homage to some individual, if it is not Rama, perhaps it is the seated Krishna who appears in the second fragment, which depicts a blue skinned male wearing a yellow dhoti, with sages seated underneath him.".

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Sarvanand Kaul collection of Indian Manuscripts and Art, 1700-1800 0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box

Mary, Queen of Scots, memorabilia, 16th century

1 Linear Feet 2 document boxes
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Leather Gloves and a silver filigree box

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Albert Field Collection of Playing Cards, 16th - 20th centuries

6300 items 6300 individual decks of playing cards, plus extensive ephemera and a library of reference books
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The Albert Field Collection of Playing Cards contains more than 6300 individual decks of playing cards as well as extensive ephemera and a library of reference books. The decks, ranging from the 16th through the 20th centuries, and across the world, are a rich vein of primary source material in popular imagery, costume, advertising, propaganda, as well as elite culture. Holdings are especially strong from early modern England, revolutionary France, the early American Republic, across a broad range of nineteenth-century national styles, and especially in transformation cards.

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Albert Field Collection of Playing Cards, 16th - 20th centuries 6300 items 6300 individual decks of playing cards, plus extensive ephemera and a library of reference books

Edwin P. Kilroe Collection of Tammaniana Books, 1698-1962

2500 Volumes
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In 1942 Edwin Patrick Kilroe gave the Library his collection of 104,338 items on the history and activities of the Society of Tammany, or Columbian Order in the City of New York (popularly known as Tammany Hall). This record describes the book and periodical part of this collection, which consists of about 2,500 volumes. A special Kilroe classification scheme organizes the books by date of publication.

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Edwin P. Kilroe Collection of Tammaniana Books, 1698-1962 2500 Volumes

Dallas Pratt documents collection, 1695-1990

2 linear feet 2 boxes (35 items)
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Eighteen letters of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, friend of Queen Anne, wife of the great English military commander, and ancestress of Sir Winston Churchill. The letters contain comments on the political events of the day, particularly the Jacobite cause, the building of Blenheim Palace, and family affairs. The letters were the subject of an article"The Duchess Speaks Her Mind" by Dallas Pratt in the "Columbia Library Columns" May 1965, pp. 27-42. There are also letters by Jonathan Swift, 13 May 1740; John Constable, 14 Dec. 1833 and 18 Dec. 1834; George W. Wales, 22 Jan. 1859; and a document signed by Louis XIV, 13 Oct. 1705. In addition, there are nine original photographs of Rupert Brooke, taken in London, 1913, by the American photographer Sherril Schell, as well as a photostatic copy of poems from the Rugby notebook of Rupert Brooke. A printed poem by Dallas Pratt has been added

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Dallas Pratt documents collection, 1695-1990 2 linear feet 2 boxes (35 items)

Bernard L. Pacella Medici family papers, 1548-1704

0.42 Linear Feet 1 box (24 items)
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Letters and documents from eight members of the Medici family. All are from members of the younger branch of the family, most were written from Florence, and most are accompanied by English translations.

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Otis family papers, 1687-1868

4 boxes 4 boxes
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The collection is equally divided between letters written by members of the Otis family and letters and documents relating to them. The earlist item is a 17th century marriage settlement and there are a few letters written in the 19th century. The bulk of the collection, however is from the second half of the 18th century. The largest number of letters were written by Joseph Otis (1726-1810), his brother Samuel Allyne Otis (1740-1814), and their father, James Otis (1702-1778). There are a few letters from and relating to Joseph's more famous brother, James Otis of Boston (1725-1783) who was one of the more colorful and incendiary figures in pre-revolutionary New England. Also, letters and documents of George Washington, John Bradford, Josiah Quincy, and Edward Wigglesworth. The letters deal largely with legal and business matters, but there is some comment on events of contemporary interest.

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Otis family papers, 1687-1868 4 boxes 4 boxes

Rare Book and Manuscript Library Reference Collection, 1672-2020

3000 Volumes
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Over 3,000 volumes of non-circulating reference books, cataloged online and classed in the Library of Congress system preceded by REF sublocation

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Pierre Bayle Letters, 1670-1706

0.5 linear feet 152 items in box
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Most of the letters were written by Bayle to members of his family. Many of the letters are quite lengthy. Approximately 20 of these letters have been published by Professor John L. Gerig of Columbia University. In addition to the letters there is a list of Bayle's writings with the dates of early editions, and a list of manuscripts which were found after Bayle's death.

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Pierre Bayle Letters, 1670-1706 0.5 linear feet 152 items in box

John Jay publication project, 1668-2021

291 boxes Approximately 291 boxes + 16 card file boxes located at 13,S
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Office records for the publication project, and photocopies and microfilm copies of Jay letters and related documents.

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John Jay publication project, 1668-2021 291 boxes Approximately 291 boxes + 16 card file boxes located at 13,S

Van Cortlandt family papers, 1664-1870

1 linear feet 1 box, 3 oversize folders (mapcase)
Abstract Or Scope

Five manuscripts, one map, and four books formerly belonging to various members of the Van Cortlandt family: New York (Colony) Laws, Statutes, etc. Lawes Establish'd by the Authority of his Majesties Letters Patents.. By virtue of a Commission from.. James Duke of Yorke.. 1664. This first set of laws for New York, commonly known as the "Duke's Laws" were promulgated by Governor Richard Nicolls, after a meeting with representatives in Hempstead, Long Island, on March 1, 1664. Bound with this code are nine additions most of which are "Orders made at the Generall Court of Assizes held in New York" 1664-1672. The texts are written in several different hands and signed variously by Richard Nicolls (1624-1672), first governor of New York, 1664-1668; Matthias Nicolls (1630?-1687), Richard's brother and secretary to the province during the period covered; and Francis Lovelace (1618?-1675?), brother of the poet Richard Lovelace and governor of New York, 1668-1673. Written copies of this code were prepared for all the towns on Long Island. Of these copies only four are apparently extant, including this one and one in the New York Historical Society.

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Van Cortlandt family papers, 1664-1870 1 linear feet 1 box, 3 oversize folders (mapcase)

Georgii Mitrofanovich Kiselevskii Papers, 1652-1966

74 items 1 box; 1 folder in BAR Gen MS, 2 oversized folders
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Manuscripts of, and historical documents collected by, Georgiĭ M. Kiselevskiĭ. Kiselevskiĭ's brief typed memoirs discuss his youth, service in the Imperial Ministry of Communications before World War I, and life as an emigre in Europe and Latin America. His diary from 1919-1920 covers the period when he served in the White Northwestern Army. Also included is a photograph and membership lists relating to emigre engineers' associations. Among the historical documents which Kiselevskiĭ collected are patents and edicts issued by the following Russian rulers: Alekseĭ Mikhaĭlovich (ruled 1645-76); Peter I (1682-1725); Catherine I (1725-27); Anna Ivanovna (1730-40); Ivan VI (1740-41); Catherine II (1762-96); and Alexander I (1801-25). Co-signers of certain of these documents are A.A. Arakcheev, V.V. Dolgorukiĭ, B.C. von Minikh, and A.D. Menshikov. Also included are over 50 miscellaneous receipts and other documents from the period 1732-1872. In addition there is a printed roll (stolbet︠s︡) depicting the order of march at Alexander I's funeral (1825).

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Georgii Mitrofanovich Kiselevskii Papers, 1652-1966 74 items 1 box; 1 folder in BAR Gen MS, 2 oversized folders

Alfred C. Berol collection of American Revolution documents : [microform], 1650-1830

1 positive reel 1 positive reel 1 master negative reel 1 master negative reel
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of letters and documents pertaining to the American Revolution, or to personages who figured in it. Among the persons represented in the collection are John Adams, Edmund Burke, Aaron Burr, Lord Cornwallis, Benjamin Franklin, Nathanael Greene, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, John Paul Jones, Marquis de Lafayette, Henry Brockholst Livingston, Robert Morris, William Pitt, Benjamin Rush, Baron von Steuben, and George Washington. The largest group of manuscripts in the collection is the sixteen letters of Henry Laurens, the South Carolina planter, and his son, John Laurens, among which is a magnificent "manumission letter" written by Henry Laurens to his son on 14 August 1776, barely a month after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. For the text of this letter see: A LETTER FROM HENRY LAURENS TO HIS SON JOHN LAURENS, AUGUST 14, 1776.

1 result in this collection

Alfred C. Berol collection of American Revolution documents : [microform], 1650-1830 1 positive reel 1 positive reel 1 master negative reel 1 master negative reel

John Milton letters, 1649-1659 (MS#0880), 1649-1659

0.25 Linear Feet 1 volume
Abstract Or Scope

A volume containing copies, probably in a secretary's hand, of 156 letters written by Milton when he was secretary to Oliver Cromwell. These are addressed to the various reigning monarchs of Europe, to Cardinal Mazarin, the Duke of Muscovy, Duke of Brandenburg, etc. The letters, with the exception of ten, are written in Latin. The first 20 pages of the manuscript contain a series of essays, some of which have been ascribed to Milton, others of which seem to be materials he used in his official duties.

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John Milton letters, 1649-1659 (MS#0880), 1649-1659 0.25 Linear Feet 1 volume

George Villiers Buckingham papers, 1647-1690

0.5 linear feet 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Letters and documents relating to the financial affairs of George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham. Addressed to Sir Robert Clayton, the letters and documents are from Edward Christian, Edward Bellamy, Anne Berington, Robert Chapman, the Marquis of Halifax, William Hardwick, John Morris, Thomas Redshawe, and Tobye Thurscros. They relate to mortgages, and lands and manors in Burton, Helmsley, and Burleigh, and mention Thomas Browne, Sir Thomas Hartopp, Lord Byron, Lord Belasyse, the Duke of Albemarle, and Lord Rutland.

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George Villiers Buckingham papers, 1647-1690 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Christian Archibald Herter letters, 1646-1904

0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box
Abstract Or Scope

Letters from men outstanding in the scientific field, including Berzelius, Darwin, Faraday, Guericke, Helmholtz, Jenner, and Leibnitz. Some were presented to Dr. Herter by Henrietta Darwin Litchfield, daughter of Charles Darwin, and some by Paul Ehrlich to whome a number of the letters are addressed. Included in the collection is one page of the autograph manuscript of Darwin's ORIGIN OF SPECIES, authenticated by his daughter.

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Christian Archibald Herter letters, 1646-1904 0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box

Franklin Sciacca Collection of Russian Imperial artifacts, 1629-2000

5 Linear Feet 1 document box; 3 record cartons; 1 shoe box; 1 tube; 1 oversize folder
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of approximately 100 items. This includes twenty five authentic 18th century imprints from the Lavra's famous printing house (1734-1794); rare Old Believer imprints; 19th century reprints of 18th century Pochaev imprints; 11 late 19th/early 20th century Pochaev imprints; and two 17th century Muscovite imprints, a Mineia sluzhebnaia (1629), and a Psaltyr' (1646). Also included are 19th and early 20th century minor graphics, lacking serial issues (including issues of USSR in Construction designed by El Lissitsky), color lithographs, original drawings, and stereopticon slides.

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Franklin Sciacca Collection of Russian Imperial artifacts, 1629-2000 5 Linear Feet 1 document box; 3 record cartons; 1 shoe box; 1 tube; 1 oversize folder

Charles Haywood papers, 1629-1895

1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Letters, manuscripts and documents, primarily from Germany, Austria and Hungary of the 17th-19th centuries; most are 19th century German. Included are materials about music, theatre and contemporary events; documents from the German aristocracy; and 18th and 19th century business and military records; passports and manuscripts of poems.

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Charles Haywood papers, 1629-1895 1 box

Slavery papers, 1600s-1860s

0.5 linear feet 1 box (118 items)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection contains various documents relating to the practice of enslavement in the Americas. It includes three documents related to the case of Joseph Pochin and John Milner who were accused of murder on the island of Jamaica, ca. 1681; a group of police reports for the city of New Orleans, August-November 1833, listing all arrests, mainly concerned with Afro-Americans sentenced to the chain gang; and other documents.

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Slavery papers, 1600s-1860s 0.5 linear feet 1 box (118 items)

Robert Hiester Montgomery papers, 1600-1945

13 boxes 13 boxes 1 flat item
Abstract Or Scope

Letters and documents, the majority written between 1700 and 1900, dealing with both personal and corporate business and financial matters, assembled by Montgomery. The letters are chiefly by American and English writers. Many of the American letters are to and from various United States Treasury officials, usually the Secretary of the Treasury. Of the 107 letters by Joseph Anderson (1757-1835), U.S. Senator and jurist, the majority are written to Samuel Swartwout (1783-1856) when he was Comptroller of the United States and Collector of the Port of New York. Most of the documents are American with New York City firms predominating.

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Robert Hiester Montgomery papers, 1600-1945 13 boxes 13 boxes 1 flat item