Collections : [Rare Book & Manuscript Library]

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library is Columbia University’s principal repository for special collections. We collect, preserve, describe, promote, and provide access to the material evidence of diverse individuals and activities in alignment with the University’s research and teaching mission. We build and steward deep collections in select subject areas and connect them to a global audience through reference, teaching, exhibitions, publications, and public programs.

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Alice Montgomery Lawrence papers, 1874-1935

6.5 linear feet (1 document box 2 flat boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, programs, clippings, and other theatrical memorabilia relating the the careers of Alice and Rita Lawrence.

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Al Jaffee Papers, circa 1900-2019

56 linear feet (7 record cartons, 10 manuscript boxes, 27 flat boxes, 1 tube, and 9 map case folders)
Abstract Or Scope
Al Jaffee (1921-2023) was a comic artist best known for creating MAD magazine's iconic Fold-In feature. The collection contains extensive original artwork, including sketches, tracings, and proofs documenting Jaffee's creative process. Publishing and commission contracts, correspondence, clippings, and a small amount of programs and ephemera from fan conventions and other public appearances are also included.
493 results in this collection view all

Allan Nevins papers, 1912-1992

104 linear feet (205 boxes; ca.40700 items in oversize items; 207 record storage cartons of books)
Abstract Or Scope

Approximately 12,000 letters to Allan Nevins from various correspondents including James Truslow Adams, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Willa Cather, Frances Folsom Cleveland, Van Wyck Brooks, Robert Frost, Newton D. Baker, Archibald MacLeish, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Carl Sandburg, and Henry Wallace; notes and typescripts for Nevins' books including Emergence of Lincoln, The Ordeal of Democracy, Rockefeller, and History and Historians, with notes by editor Ray A. Billington; miscellaneous transcripts, clippings, newspapers, and photographs. Also, autograph letters and manuscripts by presidents, Civil War figures, financiers, politicians, and authors. There are also the Brand Whitlock World War I Diaries and letters to him by such people as Herbert Hoover, Gen. John J. Pershing, and others.

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Allen Ginsberg papers, 1943-1991, bulk 1945-1976

11.25 linear feet (26 boxes 1 oversized document box)
Abstract Or Scope
Papers of Allen Ginsberg, American poet and one of the founders of the beat generation. The collection contains correspondence, manuscripts, and publications created by Ginsberg and his associates. Note that the main body of Ginsberg's papers is found at Stanford University.
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Al. Lenkov Memoirs, 1956

13 pages (13 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

The memoir "Rol' chekho-slovakov v osvoboditel'nom belom dvizhenii v Rossii v 1918 godu" primarily discusses the Civil War in western Siberia in 1918, and touches upon cooperation between Czechoslovak forces and the Whites in early 1918.

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Al. Lenkov Memoirs, 1956 13 pages (13 pages)

Allen Lewis papers, 1925-1945

8 linear feet (17 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Woodblocks, linoleum blocks, wood and linoleum tools, wooden types, metal types, books, proofs, and special printings. Included are woodblocks and linoleum blocks of illustrations and decorations for Walt Whitman's SHORT STORIES (Columbia University Press, 1927), De La Motte Fouqué's UNDINE (Limited Editions Club, 1930), and Sir Walter Scott's IVANHOE (Limited Editions Club, 1940). There are several metal types designed and cast for Lewis; full or nearly full alphabets of special wooden types designed and cut by Lewis in both 216 pt. and 144 pt. sizes; specimens of his wood and linoleum tools, mainly of his own manufacture; books containing illustrations, decorations, and special types by Lewis; proofs of bookplates he designed; and proofs and special printings of various plates.

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Allen Lewis papers, 1925-1945 8 linear feet (17 boxes)

Allen Tobias collection on Allen Ginsberg, 1994

0.21 Linear Feet (1/2 document box)
Abstract Or Scope

This collection includes approximately 75 unique poems by Allen Tobias, including multiple drafts of some, which incorporate of Ginsberg's suggestions. Ginsberg's annotations include word changes, adjustments to line breaks, questions, suggestions about structure, additional lines, and general supportive comments. In addition, there is Tobias' research file on Ginsberg.

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"Allan Ginsberg: The Triumph of His Early Years (1926-1966): A Critical Biography" by Allen Tobias (105 leaves; red photocopied wrappers; hand-bound in black cloth spine)

Allen Tobias collection on Allen Ginsberg, 1994 0.21 Linear Feet (1/2 document box)

Allen Wardwell Papers, 1917-1941

5000 items (10 boxes; 1 oversized folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Wardwell. These papers chiefly concern the 1917-1918 American Red Cross Mission to Russia, in which Wardwell served, and his involvement in efforts to support trade with and aid to Russia in 1919-1924; he was chairman of the Russian Famine Fund in that period. There are a few items concerning the 1941 W.A. Harriman-Lord Beaverbrook mission to Russia, in which Wardwell participated. Materials on the Red Cross Mission are chiefly from May-October 1918, when Wardwell commanded it; they consist of correspondence, reports, documents, many photographs, and transcribed excerpts from Wardwell's diary and letters home. Major correspondents include Georgiĭ Chicherin, Lev Trot︠s︡kiĭ, and Raymond Robins. Records of Wardwell's efforts in regard to Russia in 1919-1924 consist of extensive correspondence files with prominent Americans, such as Robins and Herbert Hoover, manuscripts, related printed materials, and Wardwell's diary of his trip to Russia in the fall of 1922.

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Allen Wardwell Papers, 1917-1941 5000 items (10 boxes; 1 oversized folder)

Al'ma A. Krants Memoirs, 1960

23 pages (23 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

Krant︠s︡' memoirs discuss her experiences in Petrograd during the Civil War, including her arrest and imprisonment, and also her experiences in rural Novgorod and Pskov provinces.

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Al'ma A. Krants Memoirs, 1960 23 pages (23 pages)

Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Artists' Books Collection, 2007-2015

278 Volumes (approximately 278 artists' books)
Abstract Or Scope

Collection of artists' books created by artists participating in the Al-Mutanabbi Street Coalition; donated by the founder of the coalition Beau Beausoleil between December 2019 and March 2020. Each participating book artist was asked to complete three books over the course of a year that reflected both the strength and fragility of books, but also showed the endurance of the ideas within them.

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Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Artists' Books Collection, 2007-2015 278 Volumes (approximately 278 artists' books)

Al Mutanabbi Street Starts Here collection, 2007-2019

3 Linear Feet (7 boxes of various sizes)
Abstract Or Scope

Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here is an arts initiative and an archival collection conceived as a response to violence and directed at creating shared cultural spaces. The project and the collection were initiated by Beau Beausoleil in 2007 following the March 5 car bombing of al-Mutanabbi Street (the street of the booksellers) in Baghdad, Iraq. Beausoleil writes, "We are not a project of pity or healing; we are a project of Witness, Memory, and Solidarity," and "Free speech and the free exchange of ideas are at the core of what al-Mutanabbi Street represents to us. We do not attempt to speak for the Iraqi people, they have their own voice. Rather, we want them to know that we see them and hear them in their own struggle for a more just society, and that we will not let anyone in the West forget them." As of 2023, the archive holds approximately 260 artists' books, 200 prints, 100 letterpress broadsides, 57 photographs, and a collection of bookmarks, made by over 600 poets, writers, and artists from twenty countries. The artists' books are cataloged individually in CLIO, and are described as a group in the record The project also produced an anthology, Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here: Poets and Writers Respond to the March 5th, 2007, Bombing of Baghdad's "Street of the Booksellers," published by PM Press in 2012. Edited by Beau Beausoleil and Deema K. Shehabi, the anthology includes writing by Iraqis and an international group of poets and writers. Copies are cataloged in CLIO.

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Al Mutanabbi Street Starts Here collection, 2007-2019 3 Linear Feet (7 boxes of various sizes)

Al. Rakhalov Memoirs, 1952

88 pages (88 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs "Zhemchuzhina zapoliaria" concern the Vorkuta concentration camp in the 1930s, discussing in particular prisoners whom the author met. Among the prisoners he discusses were 1,300 "Trotskii-ite" prisoners who arrived at the camp in 1936. They went on a mass hunger strike, and in 1938 were massacred by the authorities. (Page 54 of the manuscript is missing.).

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Al. Rakhalov Memoirs, 1952 88 pages (88 pages)

Altman K. Swihart papers, 1898-1930

2 boxes (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, notes, and printed material of Swihart, relating to research for his book, SINCE MRS. EDDY. Most of the material relates to Augusta Stetson and Annie C. Bill and the churches they founded as off-shoots of Christian Science. In addition to the box of manuscript material there is one box of printed religious tracts and publications relating to the Christian Science and related religions.

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Altman K. Swihart papers, 1898-1930 2 boxes (2 boxes)

Alvah Cecil Bessie letters, 1976-1984

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of 38 letters from Bessie to his friend, Loretta Frances Fokes Lish, about his life, political views, current writing, and Gordon Lish.

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Alvah Cecil Bessie letters, 1976-1984 0.5 linear feet (1 box)

Alvin and Heidi Toffler papers, 1955-1984

110 linear feet (263 boxes 1 oversize folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, telephone logs, lecture/administrative files, manuscripts, research files, personal papers, reviews, press clippings, tearsheets, and memorabilia relating to the many projects Toffler and his wife worked on from 1950 to 1985. The collection is divided into closed and open series. Closed files include all correspondence; telephone logs; administrative files pertaining to lectures, contracts, and business memos; and personal papers. Open files consist of clippings, notes, manuscripts, publishers' "dead matter," tearsheets of articles and books, press clippings, interviews, and galleys. The correspondence includes letters from a great variety of people, such as Betty Friedan, Jonas Salk, Newt Gingrich, Ed Koch, and many other politicians and celebrities. There are research files for virtually every project that Toffler was involved with, including his books "Future Shock" and "The Third Wave." The press clippings files are extensive and range from research topics to reviews, and cover countries from Australia to Switzerland. Lecture files also from Toffler's television/video production compnay, Triwave Productions, Inc., which include scripts, contracts, and materials relating to all stages of production. The many manuscripts, proofs, and galleys are in various stages of revision and include Toffler's extensive corrections and notes.

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Alvin Singleton papers, 1952-2021

9.22 Linear Feet (10 document boxes (Boxes 1-3, 14-20), 6 tall document boxes (Boxes 4-7, 21-22), 6 flat boxes (Boxes 8-13), 1 compact disk box (Box 23))
Abstract Or Scope
Composer Alvin Singleton was born on December 28, 1940 in Brooklyn, New York. He has composed music for theatre, orchestra, solo instruments, and a variety of chamber ensembles. The collection includes primarily musical scores, as well as audio recordings, clippings and other biographical materials, correspondence, photographs, programs, scrapbooks.
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Amadeo Peter Giannini papers, 1943-1955

.21 linear feet (1 half-size document box)
Abstract Or Scope
Papers contain unpublished and unknown correspondence from A.P. Giannini to Secretary of the Treasury, John W. Snyder. A.P. Giannini was known as "the father of modern consumer banking" and was founder and president of Bank of America. The letters demonstrate his influence on the financial policies of the US government. The materials in the collection date from 1943-1955.
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Amadeo Peter Giannini papers, 1943-1955 .21 linear feet (1 half-size document box)

Amadeus W. Grabau papers, 1909-1940

5 linear feet (10 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts, galley proofs, and books by Amadeus Grabau. The manuscripts drafts are autograph and typed, occasionally accompanied by notes, correspondence, and related materials.

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Amadeus W. Grabau papers, 1909-1940 5 linear feet (10 document boxes)

American Bar Association records, 1970-1984

23 linear feet (55 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, memoranda, manuscripts, typescripts, manuscript notes, proofs, photocopies of original letters, manuscripts, documents, and other supporting materials used in the research, writing and publication of the American Bar Association's "War Powers Study." The correspondence and memoranda include applications for research positions with the project and communications among the project staff. By far the majority of the papers consist of heavily corrected manuscripts and typescript drafts of each chapter for the multi-volume series entitled: WAR, FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS (Cambridge, Mass., Ballinger, 1976-). Each chapter's drafts are followed by extensive working papers which include research papers written by the staff, photocopies and transcripts of original letters, manuscripts and documents, inventories and calendars of historical documents, and excerpts from printed sources.

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American Booksellers Association records, 1910s-2010s

100 Linear Feet (74 RSC; 2 Transfiles; 7 oversize folders)
Abstract Or Scope

The records include administrative documents, minutes, clippings, marketing materials, scrapbooks, posters, photographs, and audiovisual material that reflect the ABA's and its membership's many activities in the last 124 years, from annual conferences and training events, to specific marketing campaigns and intiatives such as Indie Next and the White House library.

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American Booksellers Association records, 1910s-2010s 100 Linear Feet (74 RSC; 2 Transfiles; 7 oversize folders)

American Bureau for Medical Aid to China Records, 1937-2005

331 Linear Feet (271 boxes; 2 tube boxes; 1 flat box)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of the American Bureau for Medical Aid to China consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, committee files, membership records, financial records, fund raising records, motion pictures, audio tapes, phonograph records, photographs, posters, publications of ABMAC and other printed materials. Also included are the files of related Chinese relief organizations: Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals, 1954-1969; American Emergency Relief, 1941-1946; United Services to China, 1941-1977. Of particular interest are approximately 6,000 photographs of Chinese medical colleges, hospitals, laboratories and personnel and 45 phonograph records including speeches by such ABMAC supporters as Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek, Pearl S. Buck, Wendell Willkie, Fiorello LaGuardia and a number of movie stars

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American College for Girls records, 1880s-1979

18 linear feet (38 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
These records contain information related to the formation of the American College for Girls. They document the founders' attempts to define the mission of a Christian women's college within the Ottoman Empire.
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American documents collection, 1700-1851

3 linear feet (850 items in 8 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection is principally of New Hampshire documents, dated 1745-1760 and numbering 240 items, of which all but one are deeds. The remainder of the material consists of twelve South Carolina items for dates from 1709 to 1836, being grants, deeds, bonds, and other legal and business papers; and two North Carolina documents - a will of 1779 and a land grant of 1787.

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American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) book collection, 1923-2020

approximately 5100 Volumes
Abstract Or Scope

The winners of the American Institute of Graphic Artists awards known as "The Fifty Books of the Year" from 1923 to the present. RBML also has some of the cover award winners.

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American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) ephemera, 1923-2023

11 Linear Feet (22 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Posters, catalogs, book covers, printed materials and ephemera related to the AIGA book collection (winners of the American Institute of Graphic Artists awards known as "The Fifty Books of the Year" from 1923 to the present)

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American Library Association International Relations Committee records, 1941-1967

13 linear feet (9.000 items in boxes and 1 25 scrapbook)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports, agenda, and related printed matter concerning the programs of the American Library Association's (ALA) International Relations Committee, 1941-1967. These were the working files of Jack Dalton who was Director of ALA's International Relations Office, 1956-1959. The internal office files of the Board and Committee are also included.

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American Library Association Training Class Section records, 1917-1931

0.42 linear feet (600 items in 1 document box)
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence and related files of the Training Class Section.
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American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996

1.68 Linear Feet (4 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
Poets Corner is an ongoing cultural tradition important to the Morningside neighborhood as well as the commemoration of a range of American writers, not limited to NYC, but brought together under the aegis of a national cultural canon.
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American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996 1.68 Linear Feet (4 document boxes)

American Printing History Association records, 1972-2018

24.4 linear feet (23 document boxes, 14 flat boxes, 5 record storage cartons, and 1 card file box)
Abstract Or Scope
The American Printing History Association (APHA) was founded in 1974 to foster and to promote interest in the history of printing, especially American printing, and in the preservation of its artifacts. The records document the activities of both the national organization and its local chapters, and include material on the board of directors, bylaws, chapters, committees, conferences, finance, meetings, membership, publications, and special projects.
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American Relief Administration Records, 1921-1939

400 items (1 manuscript box; glass negatives in shared box)
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts, photographs, drawings, watercolors, and printed materials relating to the mission of the American Relief Administration in Soviet Russia in the early 1920s, during the famine of those years. There are manuscripts by William N. Haskell (chief of the mission) and Alvin E. Blomquist based on their experiences. There are many photographs concerning the mission's work, and the famine; there are also photographs of Communist Party leaders Lev Kamenev, Maksim Litvinov, and Nikolai Semashko. The drawings and watercolors, which are by an undentified artist, are of Simbirsk.

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American Relief Administration Records, 1921-1939 400 items (1 manuscript box; glass negatives in shared box)

Americans United for Separation of Church and State Subject Files, 1953-2018

43.83 linear feet (43 record cartons, 2 document cases)
Abstract Or Scope
Americans United for Separation of Church and State, founded in 1947, is a non-profit and non-partisan organization dedicated to church-state separation. The Americans United Subject files are approximately 44 linear feet of secondary research material relating to the religious right and religion in government and schools. Over 300 organizations are represented, with most of the material consisting of clippings, mass mailings, and newsletters.
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American Type Founders Company Typographic Museum Collection, bulk 1400-1940

100 Linear Feet (Arbitrary size, should be replaced with item count once we have it.)
Abstract Or Scope

Art and realia from the American Type Founders Company Typographic Museum includes the type specimen, paper molds, Goudy stuff, printing presses, the Schiller pictures made from type ornaments, the printing blocks, glass slides, the stained glass windows, woodblocks and framed artworks. Partial lists available upon request. Many items purchased from the American Type Founders Company were included into the Book Arts Ephemera collection, while books on the history of printing and printing processes from the 15th to the 20th century are being cataloged individually for the RBML Book Arts collection.

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American Type Founders Company Typographic Museum Collection, bulk 1400-1940 100 Linear Feet (Arbitrary size, should be replaced with item count once we have it.)

Aminad Petrovich Shpolianskii Papers, 1917-1957

1 linear foot (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The papers include correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. Correspondence consists of letters from a number of important cultural figures in the emigration, including: Ivan Bunin, Zinaida Guppius, Aleksandr Kuprin, Pavel Mili︠u︡kov, Alekseĭ Remizov, Nadezhda Teffi, and Alekseĭ Tolstoĭ; there are also one or two letters each from Konstantin Balḿont, Dmitriĭ Merezhkovskiĭ, Ili︠́a︡ Repin, Fedor Shali︠a︡pin, and Marina T︠S︡vetaeva. There are manuscripts of several works by Shpoli︠a︡nskiĭ, including his memoirs, "Poezd na tretém puti" (New York, 1954).

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Amiri Baraka papers, 1945-2015, bulk 1970s-2000s

219.5 linear feet (219.5 linear feet)
Abstract Or Scope
The Amiri Baraka Papers contains correspondence, writings, and the personal, political activism and teaching materials related to Amiri Baraka's career as a poet, writer, editor, activist, and teacher in the New York City Beat, Downtown, and Black Arts literary scenes from the 1960s through the 2000s. Included are manuscripts from Baraka's numerous books of poetry, non-fiction, fiction, plays, editorial work, and screenplays. The collection also features organizational and documentary materials relating to Baraka's university teaching and Newark, NJ-based Black radical activism, as well as audio/visual material, photographs, and printed material collected and created by Baraka.
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A. M. Mikhailov Memoirs, 1921-1932

2 items (2 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Two typescript memoirs (in all 14 p.) - "Poezdka Grafa Palena..v Amu-Darínskiĭ otdel i Khivinskoe Khanstvo" and "Vremennoe Pravitelśtvo i ego vysochestvo Emir Seid-Alim Bukhary Blagorodnoĭ" (concerns a visit by representatives of the Provisonal government to the Emir of Bukhara in April 1917).

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A. M. Mikhailov Memoirs, 1921-1932 2 items (2 items)

Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Africa Advocacy Program Records, 1998-2006, bulk 1998-2004

9 linear feet (9 record storage cartons)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the AIUSA Africa Advocacy Program's work to study and address human rights violations in Africa.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Annual General Meeting (AGM) Records, 1997-2013

3 linear feet (2 record cartons, 1 document box, 1 flat box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains materials from and about the AIUSA Annual General Meeting, the annual national conference of AIUSA.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Arthur M. Michaelson Papers, 1978-1979

.42 linear feet (1 document box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains a small amount of minutes and correspondence from AIUSA Board of Directors Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings kept by Arthur M. Michaelson from 1978-1979.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Arthur M. Michaelson Papers, 1978-1979 .42 linear feet (1 document box)

Series I: Board of Directors and Executive Meetings, 1978-1979

Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Barbara Sproul Papers, 1970-1984, bulk 1975-1981

10 linear feet (8 record cartons)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the work of AIUSA human rights activist Barbara Sproul, particularly her work on Co-groups, opposition to the death penalty, and AIUSA policy and planning.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Boria Sax Papers, 1977-1991, bulk 1981-1989

1.42 linear feet (1 record carton, 1 document box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents Boria Sax's work with AIUSA, primarily relating to prisoners of conscience in East Germany (GDR) and Eastern European countries.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Carlos Salinas Papers, 1990-2001

1.22 linear feet (1 record carton, 1 half-size document box)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents the work of Carlos Miguel Salinas's work with AIUSA on human rights issues in Latin America and the Caribbean.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Carol Nagengast Papers, 1982-1994

8 linear feet (8 record cartons)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the work of AIUSA human rights activist Carole Nagengast on a large range of topics, such as the death penalty, women's rights, children's rights, and prisons, as well as a large amount of material on internal AIUSA actions and events, including meetings, policy decisions, and fundraising.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Charlotte Goldberg Papers, 1972-1978

.21 linear feet (1 half-size document box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the work of AIUSA human rights activist Charlotte Goldberg and concerns human rights violations and prisoners of conscience in Chile, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Vietnam.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Charlotte Goldberg Papers, 1972-1978 .21 linear feet (1 half-size document box)

Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Chicago Mobilization Records, 1983-2002, bulk 1991-2000

4.42 linear feet (4 record cartons, 1 document box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the work of the Chicago Mobilization Group and focuses on conferences, training programs, and the Special Initiatives Fund.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Country Dossiers, 1977-2009

31 linear feet (31 record storage cartons)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains AIUSA country dossiers -- packets of documents mailed weekly by the International Secretariat to every Amnesty International Section office.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Francita Schermann Papers, 1984-2006, bulk 1991-2000

3.75 linear feet (3 record cartons and 1 small box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents Francita Shermann's work with AIUSA, primarily on issues relating to the death penalty and police brutality in the United States and South America.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Ginetta Sagan Papers, 1944-2001, bulk 1989-1994

3.5 linear feet (3 record cartons, 1 manuscript box)
Abstract Or Scope

The papers include correspondence, articles, reports, meeting minutes, urgent action appeals, and publications.

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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Hilary Naylor Papers, 1977-2006, bulk 1985-1997

14 linear feet (14 record cartons)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the work of AIUSA human rights activist Hilary Naylor, especially on her efforts to abolish the death penalty in the United States. It also includes information on several other AIUSA campaigns, regional and national conferences, training, student activism, and many other topics.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Indexed Documents, 1978-2004, bulk 1984-1997

24 linear feet (24 record storage cartons)
Abstract Or Scope

Materials include indexed documents and reports created by Amnesty International.

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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Jane Jerome Papers, 1974-2001, bulk 1989-1991

8.2 linear feet (8 record cartons and 1 oversize flat box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains country files collected by Jane Jerome, AIUSA Area Coordinator for Mid-Peninsula, Palo Alto, CA, and a range of other materials related to refugees, women's rights, the Western Regional Conference, the Bay Area Development group, local groups, and other topics.
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