Collections : [Rare Book & Manuscript Library]

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library is Columbia University’s principal repository for special collections. We collect, preserve, describe, promote, and provide access to the material evidence of diverse individuals and activities in alignment with the University’s research and teaching mission. We build and steward deep collections in select subject areas and connect them to a global audience through reference, teaching, exhibitions, publications, and public programs.

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Jason Rogers papers, 1825-1971

6 linear feet 12 archival document boxes, 1 slide box, 1 small box
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains records related to the career of Jason Rogers, a journalist and publicist who contributed to the field of newspaper advertising. It features correspondence between Rogers and many important figures in the industry during the early twentieth century, and will be useful for researchers interested in journalism and advertising from this period.
117 results in this collection view all

William T. Golden papers, 1946-2008

33 linear feet 30 record cartons; 6 document boxes; 2 cassette boxes; 1 folder in a mapcase 15-H-11
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, articles, clippings, reports and memos related to William T. Golden's professional career.
991 results in this collection view all

Frederick Fried Coney Island collection, 1847-2001

32.62 linear feet 15 document boxes 7 flat boxes 36 oversized folders 7 tubes
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The collection consists of materials used by Frederick Fried in his research and writing about folk art and material culture, especially related to Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York. A significant portion of the collection consists of the personal archive of William F. Mangels, which was purchased by Fried in 1955. Mangels was a designer and manufacturer of amusement rides and founder of the American Museum of Public Recreation at Coney Island. Subjects include amusement parks, amusement rides, architecture, bathing pavilions, beaches, beauty contests, carousels, carousel animals, Brooklyn, coin-operated machines, Coney Island, exhibitions, games of chance and skill, hotels, mechanical rides, mechanization, parades, pleasure railways, recreation, roller coasters, sideshows, transportation, and other subjects related to American material culture and popular amusement.
980 results in this collection view all

Linguistics Dialects records, 1938-1939

1 Linear Feet (five 12" vinyl and nine 10" aluminum disks)
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The collection itself consists of 9 metal plate discs with phonetics recordings of grad students, professors, and the aforementioned businessmen and date between 1938 and 1939 with the exception of one which claims to be from 1959.

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Robert Minor papers, 1907-1952

15000 items 65 boxes
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Manuscripts comprising notes, speeches, and articles, covering a wide range of social and political subjects and giving an extensive history of the Communist Party. Many of the manuscripts relate to his work as a theoretical writer for the Communist Party and the DAILY WORKER (New York). Subjects covered include the Garvey movement in 1924 and the League of Struggle for Negro Rights in the early 1930s; the re-orientation of the Communist Party in 1945-1947 with respect to the South and the Negro question generally (Minor became the Party's Southern representative in that period); the Party's general policies in the early 1930s and 1941-1942 when Minor was acting secretary in the absence of Earl Browder, and relating to the Party's policy toward the war following the German attack on the Soviet Union; postwar changes in the Party; the "Agrarian Movement;" and the Communist trials of 1949-1953. The extensive clipping file covers the entire domestic political scene and reflects the whole of Minor's career. These date from 1907 to his death, and contain considerable material on the Russian Revolution and the Spanish Civil War. Also, numerous pamphlets and ephemera relating to the Communist Party.

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Mirra Ginsburg papers, 1910-1999

20 linear feet 38 document boxes
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Collection consists of correspondence, writings, research notes, notebooks, printed material, books, photographs and one audiotape.

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American documents collection, 1700-1851

3 linear feet 850 items in 8 boxes
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The collection is principally of New Hampshire documents, dated 1745-1760 and numbering 240 items, of which all but one are deeds. The remainder of the material consists of twelve South Carolina items for dates from 1709 to 1836, being grants, deeds, bonds, and other legal and business papers; and two North Carolina documents - a will of 1779 and a land grant of 1787.

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Mary Frances Dunham papers, 1964-2002

11.5 linear feet 16 document boxes; 7 cassette boxes; 1 oversize folder in mapcase
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The research files of Mary Frances Dunham relating to her study and recording of Bangladeshi and Bengali folk songs.
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Press kits collection, 1988-2002

5 linear feet 4 record cartons
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Information in press kits includes press releases, credit and cast lists, production information, cast biographies, plot summaries, position papers, photographs, both of the film and of behind-the-scenes, Cds, slides.

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Robert Bone papers, 1975-2009

11.25 linear feet 9 record cartons
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The collection is primarily made up of notes for lectures that he gave and classes that he taught, drafts of essays and books he was working on, some books and literary journals, and some correspondence.

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Louis Johnson papers, 1930-2020, bulk 1950-2020

29 Linear Feet 47 boxes (26 document boxes (Boxes 1-17, 20, 22-24, 28-32), 14 record boxes (Boxes 25-27, 35-45), 5 flat boxes (Boxes 18-19, 21, 33-34), 2 poster tubes (Boxes 46-47), and 3 items in mapcase
Abstract Or Scope
Louis Johnson (1930 - 2020) was an African American dancer, choreographer, director, and teacher. This collection includes address books, administrative records, autobiographical writing, correspondence, costume designs, notes, notebooks, photographs, posters, programs, publicity, and audio and visual recordings.
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Erich Hertzmann papers, 1938-1958

9 linear feet 17 boxes and 1 flat box
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This collection contains manuscripts, notes, musical scores, photocopies, student papers, microfilms, glass plate images, and other related materials about diverse musical subjects.

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Maurice Peress papers, 1898-1923, 1950s-2017

55 linear feet 67 document boxes (Boxes 1-58, 63-70, 79), 2 half-document boxes (Boxes 71-72), 23 tall document boxes (Boxes 59-62, 73-78, 80-97), 3 card file boxes (Boxes 98-99, 131), 25 flat boxes (Boxes 100-124), 6 record cartons (Boxes 125-130), 4 phonograph record boxes (Boxes 132-135), 5 book boxes (Boxes 136-140) for oversized scores
Abstract Or Scope
Maurice Peress (1930-2017) was an American orchestra conductor, arranger, author, and educator. The papers include audio and video recordings, clippings, contracts, correspondence, diaries, memorabilia, notebooks, photographs, posters, programs, research materials, reviews, scores, scrapbooks, and working files, sketches, and other materials.
548 results in this collection view all

Fred Berl papers, 1913-1981, bulk 1944-1981

6 linear feet 14 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, biographical and printed materials. The first series contains a small amount of personal and professional correspondence from the 1940s to 1970s, manuscripts of poetry and of theses and research papers from Berl's graduate studies at Leipzig and Columbia, biographical materials including photographs, reminiscences by and about Berl, and a few documents from his early years in Germany. The second and larger series includes papers which were posthumously arranged for publication by Susan Leibtag. The bulk of these writings are on topics related to psychology and social welfare, with a small number on philosophy and on Jewish identity as it relates to social work.

681 results in this collection view all

Jerome Moross papers, 1924-2018

70.25 linear feet 57 boxes, 42 oversize folders
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Correspondence, manuscript music scores, copies of scores, playscripts, scenarios, watercolor drawings and other stage designs, contracts, legal papers, programs, clippings and other printed materials, microfilms, records, tape recordings, and photographs. Among Moross's work are the musical play, "The Golden Apple"(1954), dance music for "Ballet Ballads"(1945) and for "Frankie and Johnny"(1938), the film score for "The Big Country"(1958) and for "The Cardinal"(1963), and his Symphony No. 1 (1943). There are some financial papers and production records for the staging of his works. Among the cataloged correspondents are Aaron Copland, Agnes George De Mille, Ned Rorem, Virgil Thomson, and Thornton Wilder.

775 results in this collection view all

Marie Mattingly Meloney papers, 1891-1943

22 Linear Feet 40 manuscript boxes, 3 oversize flat boxes, 1 map case folder
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, art works, memorabilia, and printed material created by and belonging to journalist, magazine editor, socialite, and social reformer Marie Mattingly Meloney (1878-1943). Meloney edited The Delineator, 1920-1926; the New York Herald Tribune Sunday Magazine, 1926-1934; and This Week magazine, 1934-1943.
803 results in this collection view all

Molly Crabapple drawings for "A Message from the Future with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez", 2019-2020

0.42 Linear Feet 1 flat box
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22 gouache, acrylic, and ink drawings on 12"xl6" sheets of Arches watercolor paper. Drawings were originally used in the animation "A Message from the Future with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez". Originally presented by Naomi Klein and The Intercept, the short film is illustrated by Molly Crabapple, produced by Sharp As Knives, and was released April 17th 2019 in promotion of the Green New Deal. The set also includes a printout of the storyboard, and 4 additional rough sketches.

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M. Moran Weston Papers, 1824-1994

75 linear feet 180 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, oral histories, photographs, audio cassettes, and printed material. Family and personal correspondence; materials related to his secondary, college, and university education; materials related to his tenure at the National Council of the Protestant Church; business correspondence of St. Philip's Episcopal Church and the St. Philip's Community Service Council; bulletins of church services; drafts of sermons and speeches, as well as numerous audio-tapes; manuscripts and publications; correspondence related to the construction and on-going maintenance of several senior-citizen and other community housing; correspondence related to various community redevelopment initives and campaigns for affordable housing; materials related to college courses including oral histories for his Black Family Research project; photographs of St. Philip's Church and of activities of the St. Philip's Community Service Council.

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Leon Davidson's flying saucer collection, 1950-1980

65 linear feet 52 boxes
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Books, magazines, newsletters, reports, pamphlets, and clippings documenting the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) or flying saucer phenomenon. Mr Davidson used this material in connection with his study for the United States Air Force, entitled "Flying Saucers: Special Report No. 14." (Oct. 1957 & July 1966)

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Kōji Nakanishi papers, 1949-2010

34 linear feet 34 record storage cartons
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The collection consists of the professional papers of Koji Nakanishi. The files contain correspondence with collaborators, graduate students, and others in the scientific community; files related to patents owned by Nakanishi; and subject files highlighting Nakanishi's scholarly interests and scientific pursuits throughout his career.

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Zhang, Fakui papers, 1912-1966, bulk 1935-1949

4 Linear Feet 10 manuscript boxes 6 Reels 3 reels, 2 copies
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The Zhang Fakui papers emphasize General Zhang's military career as a Chinese Nationalist General during the important years of the Sino-Japanese War. The bulk of the papers consist of documents and maps relating to the history of the Fourth War Zone which he commanded during the Sino-Japanese War dating from 1940 to 1947. Also included are documents related to the governance and development of the Hainan dating from 1939 to 1949. Materials include correspondence, documents, maps, photographs, reports, manuscripts, and diaries.
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Moncure Daniel Conway papers, 1847-1907

21 linear feet 47 boxes; 7 bound volumes; 1 flat box
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, memorabilia, pictures, portraits, and printed material. Included are about 800 letters from outstanding literary figures of Mr. Conway's lifetime, manuscripts of his sermons, lectures and other writings and photostats of Conway material in Dickinson College Library. Among the cataloged correspondents are: Thomas Carlyle, S.L. Clemens, Arthur Conan Doyle, R.W. Emerson, O.W. Holmes, and Walt Whitman

1033 results in this collection view all

James Woodman Thompson papers, 1909-1955

109 boxes 109 boxes, 5 pkgs, 12 map case drawers
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Correspondence, documents, memorabilia, photographs, original drawings, sketches and studies, and printed materials of Thompson. Correspondence, mostly uncataloged, relating to purchases made in Spain, France, and Italy during 1928; documents; memorabilia; photographs; printed material including publicity, books, engravings, and reproductions; an illustration file containing source illustrations for architectural details, costumes -- subdivided by century, country, societal role, sex, age, and by countries, crafts, painting, styles, etc., and including some original Thompson drawings; a production file containing related correspondence and documents; miscellaneous commissioned projects; and Thompson Studies, including studies done by Thompson, his work as a student, and materials pertaining to his activities as a teacher.

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George Bogin papers, 1938-1997, bulk 1953-1988

4.62 linear feet 11 boxes 1 oversized musical score
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The papers of George Bogin consist primarily of drafts and typescripts of his poetry and translations. Also included is correspondence, biographical material, and a copy of the musical score for Lloyd Ultan's Pitchipoi, The Children of Drancy, which incorporated Bogin's poem, "Pitchipoi."
216 results in this collection view all

Mary Ellen Richmond papers, 1861-1955, undated

85 boxes 85 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, and records relating to the career of Mary E. Richmond. The papers cover Miss Richmond's social work career in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York where whe served as Director of the Charity Organization Dept. of the Russell Sage Foundation. Her efforts were directed toward the reorganization and introduction of new methods, including the case method. Also contains childhood memorabilia and an 1821 genealogy.

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Albert Goldman papers, 1953-1994

225 linear feet 153 boxes; 77 cassette boxes; 2 mapcase drawers
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The papers consist of correspondence, diaries, journals, interviews, manuscripts, transcripts, and printed material.

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Harriet Zuckerman papers, 1887-2014, bulk 1963-1992

71.52 linear feet 47 record cartons and 31 manuscript boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, research files, drafts, memoranda, etc.

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Michèle C. Cone collection of Artists under Vichy, 1920s-1990s

14 linear feet 9 record cartons; 1 document box; 1 cassette box (37 cassettes); 2 flat boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, article, essays, exhibition catalogs, printed material, and 9 floppy disks of her research on artsits and art in Vichy France, as well as Max Jacob, the French poet, painter, writer, and critic.

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Tony Kushner papers, 1920, 1961-2018

84 linear feet 153 document boxes, 6 ½ document boxes, 9 record storage cartons, 16 flat boxes, 3 card file boxes, 1 phonograph record box, 8 tube boxes, 8 oversized folders, 1 oversized item
Abstract Or Scope
Tony Kushner (b. 1956) is an American author, playwright, and screenwriter. He received a Pulitzer Prize for Drama for his play Angels in America: Millennium Approaches in 1993. The papers include address books, awards, certificates, correspondence, drafts and revisions, notebooks and notes, outlines, photographs, posters, press clippings, programs, production materials, promotional materials, proofs, props, research materials, scores, screenplays, scripts, speeches, and translations.
1633 results in this collection view all

Columbia University Cuneiform Collection, circa 3100 BCE - 2018 CE, bulk circa 3100 BCE - 539 BCE

62.5 Linear Feet 30 artifact boxes, 3 half-document boxes, and one standard document box
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The collection consists of 624 cuneiform tablets (dating from circa 3100-539 BCE), and some ancient clay objects. Accompanying these are some twentieth century casts, and a collection of catalogs of the collection, articles about various parts, especially Plimpton 322, and correspondence about the tablets, including a number of letters, mostly from Edgar J. Banks, to George A. Plimpton, and others about tablets now in the Columbia collection.
669 results in this collection view all

Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Hilary Naylor Papers, 1977-2006, bulk 1985-1997

14 linear feet 14 record cartons
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This collection documents the work of AIUSA human rights activist Hilary Naylor, especially on her efforts to abolish the death penalty in the United States. It also includes information on several other AIUSA campaigns, regional and national conferences, training, student activism, and many other topics.
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Rochelle Owens papers, 1900-2022

10.5 linear feet 24 boxes and 1 folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, documents, photographs, audio tapes, and printed materials of Rochelle Owens. Included are: correspondence with other writers, publishers, and friends; scripts and production files of her plays; and, manuscripts and drafts of her books and other poems, along with other related materials. Boxes 1-3: Cataloged correspondence; Boxes 4-12: Owens' writings by title (Manuscripts, notes, photographs& printed materials); Box 13-14: General file (Audio tape cassettes, Biographical materials, Misc., Photographs& Misc. printed materials); Oversize folder: Record album & Photographs.

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Lafcadio Hearn letters, 1893-1894

0.4 Linear Feet 1 manuscript box (15 items)
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A group of fifteen letters from Hearn to Basil Hall Chamberlain (1850-1935), professor of Japanese and Philology at the Imperial University in Tokyo and Hearn's closest Western friend in Japan. The letters cover a tremendously varied range of subjects including Hearn's opinion of his own writing, his methods of work and use of language; his discontent as a teacher at the government college at Kumamoto; his views on religion, philosophy, and music; Japanese customs, mythology, art, and language; the Oriental character vs. the Occidental; and critical opinion of Paul Boerget's LE DISCIPLE and of Lewis Carroll.

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William Brown Meloney collection of John Mitchel and John Purroy Mitchel materials, 1830-1942

9 linear feet 20 manuscript boxes, 5 oversized boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, memorabilia and printed materials of John Mitchel, John Purroy Mitchel, and other members of the Mitchel and Purroy families. The collection concerns Irish nationalism, family matters, Purroy family business interests in Central America, the John Purroy Mitchel Memorial and William Brown Meloney's files relating to his research and writing of "The Story of John Purroy Mitchel" along with the manuscript and typescript drafts for this unpublished biography.

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Whitney M. Young Jr. Memorial Foundation records, 1971-1991

38 linear feet 99 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, financial records, photographs, memorabilia, and printed materials. The Foundation's correspondence files consist of letters from different organizations and foundations, including the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Social Change, The NAACP, the United Negro College Fund, the Studio Museum in Harlem, and the YWCA. Also included in this collection are community dialogues on race relations (1974-1975); proposed dialogues (1979) on such subjects as the Boy Scouts of America, Columbia University, and the National Council of Christians and Jews; and files on the Whitney M. Young Fellows Retreat Conferences (1980-1984). The collection contains many files on Ed Wilson's bust of Young (1991), including contracts and agreements, records of payments to Wilson, documents concerning the bust's placement in various locations, correspondence with Wilson (1983-1991), and miscellaneous photographs and pictures. The contributions files contain annual listings of contributions and records of contributions from the National Urban League, assorted organizations, corporations, individuals, foundations, and Philip Morris.

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V. K. Wellington Koo papers, 1906-1992, bulk 1931-1966

120.5 Linear Feet 266 full manuscript boxes, 34 half manuscript boxes, 3 record cartons, 4 flat boxes (Box 291-294), 1 index card box, 2 tall manuscript boxes
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The V. K. Wellington Koo papers document the diplomatic legacy of Wellington Koo as a Chinese statesman and diplomat of the 20th Century. The papers primarily consist of materials collected during Koo's diplomatic career, relating to the Lytton Commission, 1932-1933; the League of Nations, 1931-1940; the United Nations, 1944-1946; his ambassadorships to France, 1932-1941; to Britain, 1941-1946; to the United States, 1946-1956; as the Senior Advisor to the Republic of China from 1956; and as the Judge on the International Court of Justice, 1957-1966. The materials include correspondence, diaries, memoranda, manuscripts, documents, notes, speeches, maps, photographs, printed material, and audio visual material. The bulk of the materials emphasizes China's domestic and foreign affairs, such as the Sino-Japanese conflict, World War II and the Cold War in the Far East region, as well as the League of Nations and the United Nations.
3804 results in this collection view all

New Leader records, 1895-2011, bulk 1924-2006

180 linear feet 103 document boxes 75 custom boxes 23 oversize boxes 18 record cartons 4 mapcase drawers
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These records contain correspondence, artwork, organizational records, and a full run of issues published by The New Leader, a liberal magazine of news and opinion that operated from 1924 until 2006.
6048 results in this collection view all

Finliandskii Leib Gvardii Polk Records, 1815-1974

1200 items 37 boxes; 6 volumes; 3 albums; and 1 framed picture
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Materials relating to the history of the Finland Regiment of the Imperial Russian Guards and to the activities of the emigre Finland Regiment Association (Obe̋dinenie Finli︠a︡ndskago Polka), an organization of former officers of the regiment, including correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Although the regiment was founded in 1806, almost all the materials date from the 20th century. The voluminous correspondence largely consists of letters to Dmitriĭ I. Khodnev and leaders of the regimental association in the emigration. Manuscripts include a long memoir by Khodnev concerning his service in the regiment

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Dwight D. Miner papers on the history of Columbia University, 1938-1978

19.6 Linear Feet 47 document boxes, 1 oversize folder
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Miner's correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts, manuscript and typescript notes, and printed materials relating to the history of Columbia University. Interfiled with Miner's papers are the correspondence, manuscripts, and notes of Columbia librarian Roger Howson (1882-1962) who had been writing a history of the University at the time of his retirement in 1948. Howson and Miner's correspondence is chiefly with Columbia University administrators, faculty, staff, and alumni and deals entirely with the history of the university. The two major Columbia correspondents are Provost Frank D. Fackenthal and Secretary Philip M. Hayden. There are manuscript and typescript drafts of chapters and parts of chapters by Howson and Miner, but neither's history was ever completed or published. These drafts along with the related correspondence, notes, and typescript copies of original manuscripts from Columbia's archives and manuscript collections are filed together under the appropriate headings in the Name and Subject Files. In addition there are two partially completed typescript drafts of each history.

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Volodymyr Levyt︠s︡ʹkyĭ papers, 1880s-1980

14 linear feet 22 document boxes; 2 flat boxes; 1 oversize folder
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The papers comprise correspondence, personal documents, organizational records and documents, financial statements and receipts, manuscripts, research notes, photographs, sheet music, Ukrainian song lyrics, printed materials, periodicals relating to the life and professional activities of Volodymyr Levyts'kyi, an editor, prominent political and social activist, and leader of the Ukrainian émigré community.
824 results in this collection view all

Henry Parker Willis papers, 1863-1937

37 boxes 37 boxes 134 volumes
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Correspondence, memoranda, manuscripts, speeches, documents, and subject files of Willis. Much of the collection deals with the formation and early development of the Federal Reserve System. The papers also deal with his work with the Philippine National Bank, the Irish Banking Commission, the Banking Inquiry of 1925 and the Banking Act of 1933, the New Zealand Monetary Commission, Australian Banking, and the Indian Currency Commission. Among the major correspondents are Charles Francis Adams, Irving Fisher, Carter Glass, Francis W. Hirst, William G. McAdoo, Christopher Morley, Manuel L. Quezon, and E.R.A. Seligman.

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Erica Jong papers, 1955-2018, bulk 1965-2004

94 linear feet 102 boxes: 84 record storage cartons 16 document boxes 2 oversize boxes
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Erica Jong (b. 1942) is an American writer and teacher whose works are often associated with sexuality and feminism. The Erica Jong Papers consist of drafts of Jong's works of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. The collection also includes project and research files, correspondence, personal memorabilia, photographs, audio-visual materials and printed matter.
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Gay Humphrey Matthaei and Francis B. Randall Collection of Photographs, Films, and Clippings, 1954-2010

3.15 linear feet 6 boxes
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Twelve reel of 16mm film and two cans of edited out footage, as well as article, clippings, letters, photographs, ephemera, and a thesis.

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George Economou papers, 1954-2017

12.5 linear feet 24 boxes, 1 map case drawer
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This collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, video and tape recordings, and printed materials relating to Economou's poetry manuscripts, to publications and performances to which he contributed, and to his teaching career as a professor of medieval literature.
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Viktor Kholodkov Papers, 1940-2015

8.5 Linear Feet 20 manuscript boxes
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Personal and professional correspondence, art exhibition catalogs, photographs, printed materials, bio-biographical materials on Russian artists including emigre artists based in the U.S. and Europe collected by Viktor Kholodkov (1948-2015), renowned art dealer and collector. This collection complements Bakhmeteff Archive's holdings on Russian emigre artists.

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Stanley Myer Isaacs papers, 1938-1989

6 linear feet 11 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, biographical material, photograph, personal property, audio cassettes, and memorabilia. Among the cataloged correspondence are letters from John Haynes Holmes, Fiorello Henry LaGuardia, Edith Kermit Roosevelt, and Eleanor Roosevelt. The arranged correspondence is filed chronologically with annual folders for materials from Isaacs' terms as Manhattan Borough President and bulk date folders for general, personal and topical correspondence. There is a file of correspondence with Mrs. Edith S. Isaacs concerning her biography of Stanley M. Isaacs"Love Affair with a City." Also includes manuscripts by her, and other material relating to her and her charitable work. Addresses, essays and lectures are included in the manuscript files. Among the subject files are campaign materials for the City Councilman elections, 1937, 1941, 1957, etc. There is a brochure from the Dedication of the East River Drive (June 18, 1940) and the New Municipal Asphalt Plant (May 24, 1944), as well as newspaper clippings and other printed political pamphlets and reports. The biographical materials include facts for speakers, personal legal papers and memorial statements. There are three photographs. A leather portfolio and a collection of memorabilia including awards, certificates, plaques, and medals

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Hubert H. Harrison papers, 1893-1927

23.5 linear feet 20 document boxes; 7 record storage cartons; 1 flat box
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The papers of Hubert Harrison, the brilliant and influential writer, orator, educator, critic, and political activist in Harlem during the early decades of the 20th century.
1097 results in this collection view all

Hannibal Hamlin papers, 1828-1891

4 positive reels 1 box 9 Reels 9 print master reels 30851 to 30859
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Letters to Hamlin and to Charles Hamlin and Elijah L. Hamlin, letters of condolence, speeches, and newspapers clippings. Correspondents include James G. Blaine, Salmon P. Chase, Neal Dow, William Pitt Fessenden, Thaomas B. Reed, and William H. Seward.

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Angelika Balabanova Sound Tapes, 1958

1.25 Linear Feet 3 boxes
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Magnetic sound tapes of interviews with Angelika Balabanoff. The tapes were made in 1958, apparently for Radio Liberty. They are labeled as follows: "Korolestvo lzhi" (two reels); "Ob internatsionale" (two reels); "O Lenine" (three reels); "O Mussolini i Zinov'eve" (two reels); "O Staline" (two reels); "Serrati, Reed" (two reels).

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Angelika Balabanova Sound Tapes, 1958 1.25 Linear Feet 3 boxes

Yosef Yerushalmi papers, 1957-2006, 1957-2006

40 linear feet 39 record storage cartons, one flat box
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Yosef Yerushalmi was a Jewish historian and a professor of Jewish history, primarily at Harvard University and Columbia University. This collection includes most of his academic records and many of his personal records as well. This includes research, correspondence, and notes.
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