Collections : [Rare Book & Manuscript Library]

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library is Columbia University’s principal repository for special collections. We collect, preserve, describe, promote, and provide access to the material evidence of diverse individuals and activities in alignment with the University’s research and teaching mission. We build and steward deep collections in select subject areas and connect them to a global audience through reference, teaching, exhibitions, publications, and public programs.

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Zhang, Fakui papers, 1912-1966, bulk 1935-1949

4 Linear Feet (10 manuscript boxes) 6 Reels (3 reels, 2 copies)
Abstract Or Scope
The Zhang Fakui papers emphasize General Zhang's military career as a Chinese Nationalist General during the important years of the Sino-Japanese War. The bulk of the papers consist of documents and maps relating to the history of the Fourth War Zone which he commanded during the Sino-Japanese War dating from 1940 to 1947. Also included are documents related to the governance and development of the Hainan dating from 1939 to 1949. Materials include correspondence, documents, maps, photographs, reports, manuscripts, and diaries.
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Chen Lifu Papers, 1926-1989, bulk 1926-1951

1.25 Linear Feet (3 manuscript boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The Chen Lifu papers (陳立夫檔案) mainly document his involvement in Chinese politics during the Republican era, dating from 1926 to 1989, with the bulk dates from 1926 to 1951. The papers consist of correspondence, portrait, meeting documents, reports, plans, speeches, writings, memoir, and printed materials. The papers focus on Chen Lifu's political career as the Head of the Central Bureau of Investigation and Statistics and the Minister of Education, as well as his general involvement in politics dating from 1926 to 1949.
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Sofia Ivanovna Vishnegradskaia papers, bulk 9999

1 Linear Feet (2 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, unpublished manuscripts, memoirs, and photographs of Russian émigré symbolists writer Sofia Vishnegradskaia

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Sofia Ivanovna Vishnegradskaia papers, bulk 9999 1 Linear Feet (2 document boxes)

Comics by Students from Tomas Vu-Daniel's Comics-Making class, 9999

0.42 Linear Feet (1 MS Box (2 items))
Abstract Or Scope

An artificial mini-collection from Karen Green.

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Edward ("Ted") Tayler papers, 1950-2018

3.25 Linear Feet (2 record cartons and 2 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, teaching materials, lectures, publications, writings and student work of Edward W. "Ted" Tayler.

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The Shakespeare Lectures - Spring Semester

Alan K. Young: My Brief Mystery-Writing Career, 1967-1980

1.25 Linear Feet (3 three-ring binders in one record carton)
Abstract Or Scope

Alan K. Young created these three 3-ring binders and entitled them "My Brief Mystery-Writing Career as recorded in documents collected, conserved, compiled, collated, captioned and clarified by Alan K. Young." In the spring of 1968, Mr. Young's first short story entitled "Letter from Mindoro" was published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine's series of "First Stories," being stories by authors who had never before had a short story published. As always, the story was prefaced by editor Frederic Dannay's introduction: "The author, Alan K. Young, is a former junior-college English instructor, with a B. A. in English from Harvard and an M. A. in the same subject from the University of California (impressive credentials, indeed). At the time Mr. Young wrote "Letter from Mindoro," he was 39, single, and living in California (though a native of Pennsylvania, born and raised in a suburb of Pittsburgh). He has tried his hand "at a goodly cross-section of those jobs in which English majors who don't write The Great American Novel so often wind up" ... How can this man miss if he but persist?" Thus began Mr. Young's 13-year mystery-writing career. In these three volumes, Alan Young has mounted the originals of his correspondence with Fred Dannay and others, tear sheets from EQMM, photographs, and all with a running commentary on the experience of being an Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine author.

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John Baxter Collection of Olympia Press manuscripts, 1979-1988

0.1 Linear Feet (1/2 document box)
Abstract Or Scope

A small folder of promotional materials for Olympia Press, as well as letters from Girodias to Nick Austin, Henry Miller, and Samuel Beckett. Includes a photocopy of "Une journée sur la terre" from L'Infini.

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Maurice Girodias Letter to Samuel Beckett, 1986

Al Hirschfeld "1945 Dramatic Prize Winners", 1945

1 drawings (Folder)
Abstract Or Scope

This drawing by Al Hirschfeld was made just as he was hitting his artistic stride. It features actors in both a Pulitzer Prize-winning play and a Tennessee Williams play, as well as an actor who co-founded the American Negro Theatre in Harlem.

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Columbia University Cuneiform Collection, circa 3100 BCE - 2018 CE, bulk circa 3100 BCE - 539 BCE

62.5 Linear Feet (30 artifact boxes, 3 half-document boxes, and one standard document box)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of 624 cuneiform tablets (dating from circa 3100-539 BCE), and some ancient clay objects. Accompanying these are some twentieth century casts, and a collection of catalogs of the collection, articles about various parts, especially Plimpton 322, and correspondence about the tablets, including a number of letters, mostly from Edgar J. Banks, to George A. Plimpton, and others about tablets now in the Columbia collection.
669 results in this collection view all

Agudath Israel Records, 1933-2008, bulk 1940-1947

0.25 Linear Feet (100 items (1 box))
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of autograph signed letters, typed signed letters, postcards, telegrams, printed material, programs, newspaper clippings, and written public announcements pertaining to the Agudath Israel movement in America, Eretz Israel/Palestine, and Lithuania. Most materials are dated during the 1940s (wake of WWII). Most letters are addressed to Rabbi Aaron Ben Zion Shurin. The materials are mainly in Hebrew and English with some in Yiddish. Most materials concern the role of Orthodox Jewry in the wake of the Holocaust.
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Correspondence, 1933-2008, bulk 1940s

Convention Programs and Materials, Public Announcements, 1940-1947

Maxine Greene Papers, 1960-2010

7 Linear Feet (7 record storage cartons)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers and VHS and other video and audio materials stemming from Greene's long career as an educational philosopher.

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Barnard notes

William Yukon Chang papers, 1920-2010

46 Linear Feet (27 record cartons, 5 flat boxes, and 2 small gray boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
William Yukon Chang was the founder and editor of "Chinese-American Times", a Chinese American paper that published completely in English from 1955 to 1972. While running the newspaper, Chang also served in local social and civic groups to address issues facing the New York Chinatown community, including poverty, juvenile delinquency, mental illness and lack of access to adult language programs. The William Yukon Chang papers document Chang's life and career, Chinese American life, and social service and activism scene in the Lower East Side from the 1950s to the 1970s.
474 results in this collection view all

Viktor Kholodkov Papers, 1940-2015

8.5 Linear Feet (20 manuscript boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Personal and professional correspondence, art exhibition catalogs, photographs, printed materials, bio-biographical materials on Russian artists including emigre artists based in the U.S. and Europe collected by Viktor Kholodkov (1948-2015), renowned art dealer and collector. This collection complements Bakhmeteff Archive's holdings on Russian emigre artists.

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Palestinian Political Poster collection, 1966-2009

1 Linear Feet (110 posters in one folder)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of 110 Palestinian political posters ranging in date from 1978 to the mid nineties (8 from the 70s; 67 from the 80s; 27 from the 90s and 4 from 2000), and issued by various Palestinian political fractions (e.g. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine PFLP, Palestinian Liberation Organization PLO, "Palestinian National Liberation Movement" Fatah, etc.). These posters were issued and printed in Beirut, Lebanon, and plastered the walls of the city streets during the years of the civil war, and thereafter. They represent a good window onto many aspects of Palestinian culture, history, politics, art, social anthropology, etc., during the crucial years spent by the PLO and other Palestinian resistance fractions in Beirut/Lebanon.

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Richard N. Gardner papers, 1927-2019

35.5 Linear Feet (25 record cartons and 4 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

This collection contains correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs, and subject files related to Richard N. Gardner's eminent career as a diplomat, political strategist, and professor at Columbia Law School. Of special interest are the files related to Gardiner's time as ambassador to Italy (1977-1981) and Spain (1993-1997), as well as files detailing his work with presidents from John F. Kennedy to Bill Clinton.

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Boris Doudoroff collection, 1905-1965

1 Linear Feet ()
Abstract Or Scope

Russo-Japanese war - correspondence, photographs, diaries, journals which belonged to Boris Doudoroff (1882-1965).

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Boris Doudoroff collection, 1905-1965 1 Linear Feet ()

Vladimir Ivanov papers, 1921-1964

1 Linear Feet (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

This collection consists of correspondence, personal documents, sketches and diaries of the Russian emigre avant-garde artist Vladimir Ivanov (1885-1964).

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Vladimir Ivanov papers, 1921-1964 1 Linear Feet (2 boxes)

Paul Levitz papers, 1974-2017

9 Linear Feet (20 document boxes; 1 mapcase drawer)
Abstract Or Scope
Over 40 years of comics scripts and Fanzines from the 1960s and 1970s.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collection, 1981-1998

4.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box (box 1), 3 record storage cartons (boxes 2-4), one oversize flat box (box 5))
Abstract Or Scope

This collection belonged to an award-winning horror writer who worked for Mirage Studios (the TMNT studio) in the early 1990s, writing the TMNT newspaper strip. There is original art for never-reprinted newspaper strips (1993) complete with thumbnails, comic book manuscripts with editorial notation, story idea notebooks, minicomics produced by Mirage Studios, and manuscript materials for a host of secondary TMNT materials, including The Official TMNT Treasury. Many of the secondary materials are autographed by TMNT creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

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Steven Marcus papers, 1977-2001

17 Linear Feet (13 record cartons, 2 document boxes)
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Goodie Publications records, 1999-2009

17.5 Linear Feet (14 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

38 issues published from 1999-2009; designed, printed, collated, folded and staple-bound at the Goodie office in Brooklyn, NY; most issues were printed for subscribers, with extras being printed for special events of a given subject, and later by online orders; average between 200-500 copies per issue; readers were notified of new issues by postcard in the mail at first and later by email

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Lawrence K. Grossman papers, 1931-2018

60 Linear Feet (47 boxes (41 record cartons; 6 flatboxes; 1 mapcase folder))
Abstract Or Scope

Contain first drafts of his writings, correspondence related to his personal and professional life (including exchanges with Tom Wolfe and Edward R. Murrow, among others), as well as posters, original arwork, multiple binders of CBS advertisements, and other visually interesting documentation of his career.

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PS 152 Glenwood Rd School

Soviet Newspapers, 1912-1964

1.5 Linear Feet (1 large flat box)
Abstract Or Scope

Russian Newspapers of the 20th Century: The birth of "Pravda" in Russia (1912); The Death and Funeral of Stalin (1953); and Khrushchev's Visit to North Africa (1964)

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Pravda, 22 April, 1912

Pravda, March 7-10, 1953

Bella Abzug papers, 1937-1996, bulk 1970-1986

605 linear feet (185 volumes, 1117 boxes, 1 oversize folder, 2 tube boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Congressional papers consisting of correspondence memoranda, speeches, reports, photographs and printed materials relating to her terms in Congress. The collection contains general correspondence and administrative files, as well as extensive subject files on a wide variety of topics with which Abzug was involved while in Congress. Also included are Legislative files, being the chronological files of background material for legislation considered on the House floor, and printed versions of legislation by Abzug and others. The Casework Files, relating to Abzug's advocacy on behalf of constituents involved in civil rights, housing, military, employment and related cases, are closed. Among the major correspondents are Carl Albert, Abraham D. Beame, Hugh L. Carey, Gerald R. Ford, Edward I. Koch, John V. Lindsay, Nelson A. Rockefeller, and Gloria Steinem. Materials added in 1981 include: draft transcripts of an oral history, appointment books, speeches and subject files (particularly on privacy and freedom of information) all interfiled in the collection and campaign materials press releases and newspaper clippings.

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Il'ia Grigor'evich Savchenko Papers, 1920-1955

9 Linear Feet (22 manuscript boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The papers of Il'ia Grigor'evich Savchenko (1889-1961). The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, caricatures, and materials relating to a number of Russian émigré organizations. The materials relating to émigré organizations include correspondence, financial records, and mimeographed textbooks prepared by the professors of the Russkii iuridicheskii fakul'tet v Prage (Russian Juridical Institute in Prague), and correspondence and printed materials of the Soiuz ob"edinenii russkikh okonchivshikh vysshie uchebnye asvedeniia (OROVUZ; Union of Societies of Russians Who Have Graduated from Institutes of Higher Education), which Savchenko headed. In addition, there are materials relating to other émigré groups in Europe and the United States with which Savchenko was associated.

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Aminad Petrovich Shpolianskii Papers, 1917-1957

1 linear foot (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The papers include correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. Correspondence consists of letters from a number of important cultural figures in the emigration, including: Ivan Bunin, Zinaida Guppius, Aleksandr Kuprin, Pavel Mili︠u︡kov, Alekseĭ Remizov, Nadezhda Teffi, and Alekseĭ Tolstoĭ; there are also one or two letters each from Konstantin Balḿont, Dmitriĭ Merezhkovskiĭ, Ili︠́a︡ Repin, Fedor Shali︠a︡pin, and Marina T︠S︡vetaeva. There are manuscripts of several works by Shpoli︠a︡nskiĭ, including his memoirs, "Poezd na tretém puti" (New York, 1954).

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Konstantin Feodos'evich Shteppa Papers, 1945-1959

1200 items (6 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Nearly all the manuscripts in the collection deal with 20th century Russian and Soviet politics. These include "Chekizm i chekisty," "The Cult of Stalin," "Marks-Lenin-Stalin," "Russkiĭ blankizm" and "Tekushchai︠a︡ sovet︠s︡kai︠a︡ propaganda o revizionizme i dialektike." There is a book-length manuscript entitled "V plenu -- Velikai︠a︡ chistka 1936-1939" and a transcript of a Radio Liberty interview with Shteppa in 1953. There is a lengthy curriculum vitae of Shteppa accompanied by several lists of his major publications. The printed materials include clippings, a number of published articles and booklets by Shteppa as well as a few other journals.

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Sergei Romanovich Shishmarev Papers, 1921-1955

.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The manuscripts are autobiographical and fictional in character.

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Ol'ga Ivanovna Subbotina Papers, 1846-1954

6.5 linear feet (8 manuscript boxes; 1 half manuscript box; 6 flat boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, documents, diaries and notebooks, photographs, printed materials and memorabilia of Olga Ivanovna Subbotina (or Soubbotine, 1886-1963), her grandmother, Mariia Sergeevna Benckendorff, and her sister, Elizaveta Ivanovna Taube (Mrs. Harold Roberts). The correspondence includes letters and telegrams of Aleksandra Fedorovna, Empress of Russia. The letters of Mariia Benckendorff's son, Vasilii Dolgorukov, provide information about the Imperial family in 1916-1918. There are diaries and notebooks of Marii Benckendorff, Pavel Konstantinovich Benkendorff, Ol'ga Subbotina and Elizaveta Taube. Among the documents are IDs, birth and marriage certificates, passports, wills, etc. Financial and legal documents include a file entitled "Claim against the National Bank of New York", which contains material about the exile of the Imperial family to Tobolsk and Ekaterinburg, as do other folders. There are photographs of immediate and extended family members, Nicholas II and his family and European royalty. There is also family and Alexandra Fedorovna's, Empress of Russia, memorabilia.

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Eduard Ivanovich Totleben Papers, 1850-1960, 1850-1960

125 items (1 manuscript box; 3 oversized folders)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents and photographs of Count Eduard Ivanovich Totleben, Russian Fortification Engineer, General of Imperial Russian Army. The correspondence includes one letter from Tsar ́Alexander II, two from Dmitrii Alekseevich Miliutin, a draft of a letter Totleben sent to the Tsar, several invitations to official functions and a bound volume containing Totleben's letters to his wife written during the Crimean War. The manuscripts comprise nine volumes of Totleben's diary entries from the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. Among the documents are diplomas and awards received by Totleben and a copy of his service record. There are several photographs of Totleben and other officers, including N. K. Shilder. Also included are the memoirs of Eduard Totleben's son, Nikolai Eduardovich Totleben, titled Vospominaniia Fligel'-Adiutanta. Al. Savelʹev's book Istoricheskīĭ ocherk Inzhenernago upravlenīi︠a︡ v Rossīi with author's inscription to ̇Eduard Ivanovich Totleben ("Ego siiatel'stvu Eduardu Ivanovichu Totlebenu. Gluboko priznatelʹnyi avtor") was removed from the collection and cataloged.

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Trotskyism in the U.S. Manuscripts, 1935

2 items (2 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Two typescripts, both entitled "Confidential Memorandum on Trotskyite Movement in U.S." (11 p.); the second is a supplement to the first. They concern Trotskyist groups in the United States in the 1930's. The author of the memoranda is not mentioned.

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Trotskyism in the U.S. Manuscripts, 1935 2 items (2 items)

Pavla Adnreevna Sokolova-Popova Manuscripts, 1940-1962

3 items (3 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Three notebooks of manuscripts by Sokolova-Popova. Most of the material consists of a manuscript of a novel entitled "Kazaki Ermakovy." Also in the notebooks are shorter pieces by Sokolova-Popova. Some of the novel chapters and shorter pieces appeared in emigre journals such as "Kazachiĭ Istoricheskiĭ Sbornik" (France, )"Obshchekazachiĭ Zhurnal (USA) and "Kazaché Edinstvo" (France).

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Pavla Adnreevna Sokolova-Popova Manuscripts, 1940-1962 3 items (3 items)

George Vernadsky Papers, circa 1500-1973, bulk circa 1918-1973

100 linear feet (234 boxes; 4 oversized folders; 1 box glass negatives)
Abstract Or Scope
Papers of George Vernadsky (Georgii Vladimirovich Vernadskii, 1887-1973), Yale University professor of Russian history. The collection also includes materials from the Vernadsky/Vernadskii family, especially George Vernadsky's wife, Nina Vernadsky, his parents, Vladimir Vernadskii and Nataliia Vernadskaia, and his sister, Nina Toll'.
1156 results in this collection view all

United States Information Agency Broadcast Service records, 1954-1956

950 items (19 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Mimeographed daily broadcast content reports of the U.S. Information Agency, Broadcast Service, Munich Radio Center, the "Voice of America." The reports are from the end of November 1954 through May 1956.

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Aleksandr Bakhrakh papers, 1922-1983

2500 items (8 manuscript boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters received by A. V. Bakhrakh which discuss 20th century Russian literature, contemporary Slavic studies, and Russian emigre publishing activities. Correspondents include Andrei Belyi (Boris Bugaev), Ivan Bunin, Kornei Chukovskii, Andre Gide and Boris Pilniak. There are over 300 letters by Gleb Struve wtitten from 1964 to 1983, which cover the above topics as well as Struve's personal and professional life. There are both letters and manuscripts by Vladislav Khodasevich, Aleksei Remizov and Marina Tsvetaeva.

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Nikolai Nikolaevich Chebyshev Papers, 1887-1937

3000 items (7 manuscript boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection contains correspondence from N. N. Evreinov, V. A. Maklakov, P. N. Shatilov, Petr Struve, and P. N. Vrangel'; manuscripts, primarily notes and drafts of articles; and photographs. Most of the collection consists of Chebyshev's articles from the period 1921-1936. These articles are on political, cultural, and human interest subjects. There are also books, booklets, and a scrapbook.

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House of Books Ltd. records, 1875-1984

86 boxes (86 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, memorabilia, business records, book catalogs and other printed materials of Louis and Marguerite Cohn and their customers, associates and friends. Correspondents include Stephen Vincent Benʹet, Robert Frost, T.S. Eliot, and Marianne Moore, all among the authors represented in the Crown Octavos series published by the House of Books; there are also manuscripts, proofs and correspondence with printers for this series. Other correspondents include Cyril Connolly, W. Somerset Maugham and Tom Stoppard. Also in the collection are letters and manuscripts from the stock of the shop; notable among these are a series of Graham Greene letters and pages from an autograph book which contains entries from many turn of the century American Literary figures. The collection also include the personal memorabilia of the Cohn and Arnold families. Louis Cohn's participation in World War I as an officer in the French Army is recorded in photographs, documents and memorabilia. Marguerite's childhood collections, among them many early greeting cards, are also included.

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Fred Berl papers, 1913-1981, bulk 1944-1981

6 linear feet (14 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, biographical and printed materials. The first series contains a small amount of personal and professional correspondence from the 1940s to 1970s, manuscripts of poetry and of theses and research papers from Berl's graduate studies at Leipzig and Columbia, biographical materials including photographs, reminiscences by and about Berl, and a few documents from his early years in Germany. The second and larger series includes papers which were posthumously arranged for publication by Susan Leibtag. The bulk of these writings are on topics related to psychology and social welfare, with a small number on philosophy and on Jewish identity as it relates to social work.

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George D. Woods papers, 1935-1982

50 Linear Feet (95 document boxes; 7 flat boxes; 3 mapcase drawers)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, speeches, articles, economic data, photographs, scrapbooks, appointment books, telephone logs, memorabilia, and printed materials dealing almost exclusively with Woods' presidency of the World Bank. The papers consist largely of volumes of speeches and articles by Woods, world economic briefs and scrapbooks of clippings and photographs. The collection includes a number of signed and inscribed photographs including Mohammad Ayub Khan, Hassan II of Morocco, Ferdinand E. and Imelda Marcos, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Gamal Abdul Nasser. Also in the collection are books from Woods' library, some of them inscribed; printed materials by and about Woods; and silver and other memorabilia.

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Jessie Taft papers, 1888-1961, bulk 1920-1961

1.5 linear feet (3 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence with friends and patients, manuscripts and printed copies of Taft's many scholarly articles, notes for the courses which she taught, and case histories of some of her patients. Correspondents include James R. Angell, Ruth Benedict, and Karen Horney.

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Edward Abbott papers, 1899

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The diary is a detailed account of Abbott's trip from Sydney, Australia to the Philippines, Hong Kong, Macao, China and Japan. There are numerous pen-and-ink sketches of landscape, architecture, historical sites, and inhabitants, and maps, some in water color. Pasted in the volume are memorabilia such as menus, hotel brochures, postcards, photographs, clippings, calling cards, etc. Of special interest are his accounts of the various native Christian communities he visited. Following the text there is a name index. In addition to the volume there are some related letters, documents, memorabilia and published maps.

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Association of American Publishers records, 1975-1982

2 linear feet (4 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, minutes, memoranda, reports, catalogs, clippings, course plans, photographs, and printed materials.

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Mary Bradley Fitt papers, 1941-1942, bulk 1941-01-01-1942-01-01

1 box (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence between Mary Bradley Fitt (later Mrs. Gerald McCarthy), (Columbia M.A., 1942), and her parents Harriet Bradley Fitt (Columbia M.A. 1915; Ph.D., 1917) and Frank Fitt (Columbia M.A., 1915). The letters were written while Mary Fitt was studying for her masters degree in economics from September 1941 to June 1942. These long newsy letters deal with her course work, her thesis research, an off-campus job, life in New York City, World War II and family and friends. Also included is the original corrected typescript of her 1942 masters essay, "Argentina's Trade with the Western Hemisphere".

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Mary Bradley Fitt papers, 1941-1942, bulk 1941-01-01-1942-01-01 1 box (1 box)

Valerii Petrovich Semenov-Tian'-Shanskii Papers, 1868-1961

3 linear feet (6 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, photographs and printed materials, primarily booklets and clippings. The correspondents include Ivan and Vera Bunin, Mark Slonim and Petr Struve. Also included are photocopies of letters by Ivan A. Goncharov. By far the largest part of the collection is in the form of memoirs written by Valeriĭ P. Semenov-Ti︠a︡nʹ-Shanskiĭ, in which he dwells in detail on his ancestors, on the social and political life in Russian during the second half of the 19th century and on his public life in the emigration. The subject files deal primarily with Russian emigre organizations in Finland.

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Iulii Fedorovich Semenov Printed Materials, 1919-1941

3.5 linear feet (7 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of nearly three thousand newspaper clippings as well as several dozen complete issues of various French newspapers. The clippings date from 1919 to 1941 and mainly deal with international affairs, French politics and events in the Russian emigre community. There are also a few issues of French news journals from the 1920s and 1930s and a few pages of notes and comments by Semenov.

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Vladimir Ivanovich Shaiditskii Papers, 1953-1976

.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of the organization's newsletter for the period 1953-1976, Shaĭdit︠s︡skiĭ's typescript memoirs regarding the Academy, and a manuscript on the Academy by a Colonel Serebri︠a︡kov.

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Viacheslav Georgievich Seniutovich Papers, 1919-1975

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of approximately 100 articles by Seni︠u︡tovich (often signed Seni︠u︡tovich-Berezhnyĭ) on topics including genealogy, heraldry, military history, the history of Russia and the Ukraine, and the Russian emigration. There is also correspondence both to and from Seni︠u︡tovich, newsletters from the Ukrainian Genealogical and Heraldic Society, an autobiographical essay by Seni︠u︡tovich, and three photographs.

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Aleksandr Vasil'evich Serapinin Collection, 1965-1968

23 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. There are drafts of letters from Serapinin to the "Novoye Russkoye Slovo." The manuscripts include essays by Serapinin about the 1917 Revolution, the Orthodox Church, the emigre press, the Zhdanov Cossack Choir, and "Doctor Zhivago." There is also a book-length manuscript entitled "Vozdushnai︠a︡ gvardii︠a︡" which describes early Russian aviation with particular reference to Igor ́Sikorskiĭ. The printed material consists of a copy of "Pervye Shagi," a children's magazine.

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Innokenti Nikolaevich Seryshev Papers, 1914-1970

10 linear feet (20 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, and printed materials. Seryshev carried on a voluminous correspondence in Esperanto, as well as Russian and English, with individuals in many countries. This material mostly dates from the late 1920s. Photographs of Seryshev's correspondents have been left with the letters to which these photos were attached. The main manuscript is a lengthy autobiography by Father Seryshev, illustrated with photos, postcards, and documents, called "V Zemnom plane moego vechnogo bytii︠a︡", describing in five volumes and appendices his life and travels in pre-revolutionary Siberia, in Japan (1919-1922), in China (1922-1925), and in Australia, where he settled after 1926. An earlier manuscript entitled "Peshkom po i︠a︡ponskim shkolam", also covers the Japanese period in Seryshev's life. Among materials relating to Seryshev's activities as a promoter of Esperanto, mention should be made of his manuscript "Esperanto v SSSR i ee satelitakh", to which much primary material is adjoined. Printed material includes "Siberio" (1914), a collection of articles on Siberia, translated into Esperanto and edited by Seryshev; various Russian-language periodicals brought out by Father Seryshev in Australia; and Esperanto textbooks in Russian, Polish, and Lithuanian.

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Aleksandr Konstantinovich Shervashidze Papers, 1918-1933

2.5 linear feet (5 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

These papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, art works, printed materials, and a photograph, and relate chiefly to Russian artists and ballet personalities active in France in the 1920s and 1930s. Records of the Parisian World of Art (Mir Iskusstva) group, of which Shervashidze was the president, includes correspondence, documents, an exhibit program, clippings and a photograph of the artists involved. There is correspondence from Lev Bakst, Ivan Bilibin, Sergei Diagilev, Mikhail Larionov, Georgii Lukomskii, and Joan Mirʹo, and one letter each from Nikolai Roerich, and Nataliia Goncharova. There are also many letters from Shervashidze's family in the Soviet Union from the 1920s and 1930s. Illustrative materials by Shervashidze include programs, prints and water colors.

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