Collections : [Rare Book & Manuscript Library]

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library is Columbia University’s principal repository for special collections. We collect, preserve, describe, promote, and provide access to the material evidence of diverse individuals and activities in alignment with the University’s research and teaching mission. We build and steward deep collections in select subject areas and connect them to a global audience through reference, teaching, exhibitions, publications, and public programs.

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Aleksei Mikhailovich Iuzefovich Papers, 1895-1975

250 items (1 box; 1 oversized folder)
Abstract Or Scope

The papers include correspondence, photographs, and articles written by I︠U︡zefovich on the defense of Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese War. Also included are scrapbooks relating to his life and career; and printed material.

1 result in this collection

Aleksei Mikhailovich Iuzefovich Papers, 1895-1975 250 items (1 box; 1 oversized folder)

Aleksei Mikhailovich Remizov Manuscripts, 1930-1950

100 items (4 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Most of the manuscripts are from the late 1940s. They are chiefly organized into collections of memoirs, essays, and dreams. Many were published, albeit in somewhat different form and order, in Remizov's later books, such as "Pli︠a︡shuschiĭ demon" "Myshkina dudochka" and "Martyn Zadeka." Some of the manuscripts are in one or more handwritten drafts; some are in typescript, or consist of corrected clippings appended to pieces of paper; and some are rather chaotic notes and scraps. Also included are clippings and offprints of several of Remizov's shorter works.

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Aleksei Mikhailovich Remizov Manuscripts, 1930-1950 100 items (4 boxes)

Aleksei Nikolaevich Polianskii Memoirs, 1958-1971

3 items (3 items)
Abstract Or Scope

The larger part of Poli︠a︡nskiĭ's memoirs is entitled "Russkiĭ Korpus v Serbii, 1941-1945" (343 p.), and concerns the Russian Defense Corps in Yugoslavia. This body, in which Poli︠a︡nskiĭ served all through the war, fought on the German side. Two shorter manuscripts by Poli︠a︡nskiĭ are entitled: "Chto vspomnilos ́o passazhirskom parokhodstve po reke Volge" (17 p.), and "Chto sokhranilos ́v pami︠a︡ti o Nizhnem-Novgorode i ego zhizni, 1908-1917 gg." (38 p.).

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Aleksei Nikolaevich Polianskii Memoirs, 1958-1971 3 items (3 items)

Aleksei Petrovich Arkhangel'skii Papers, 1903-1959

2500 items (5 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of General Alekseĭ Petrovich Arkhangelśkiĭ, consisting of correspondence, manuscripts, financial records, membership lists, photographs and miscellaneous printed materials. Most of the documents in the collection pertain to the activities of ROVS and its divisions and member organizations, especially its Fifth Section (Belgium), in the late 1920s and the 1930s and 1940s. The correspondence (1924-1954) is primarily between Arkhangelśkiĭ and other military officers, including A.I. Denikin, P.P.N. Krasnov, E.K. Miller, P.N. Wrangel, V.K. Vitkovskiĭ, I.A. Kholḿsen, P.A. Kusonskiĭ, P.K. Kondzerovskiĭ, E.S. Imnadze, etc. The manuscripts encompass official orders and pronouncements, information bulletins, speeches, announcements, manifestos, emigre military course instruction manuals and reports. Many of the latter deal with Soviet internal affairs and foreign policy. The collection also includes photographs, chiefly of White Army personnel in Yugoslavia in the early 1920s, miscellaneous printed materials, ROVS financial records for the period 1924-1926, various membership lists as well as 24 separate subject files, including materials on the founding of ROVS Fifth Section, ROVS activities in North America, Australia, and the Far East, the ROVS Court of Honor, the Russian Defense Corps (Russkiĭ Okhranyĭ Korpus) in Yugoslavia in World War II, the "Vnutrenni︠a︡i︠a︡ Linii︠a︡" and others.

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Aleksei Petrovich Arkhangel'skii Papers, 1903-1959 2500 items (5 boxes)

Aleksei Sergeevich Bekhteev Memoirs, 1950

4 items (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs of Bekhteev consist of three stories which are apparently fictionalized history. The stories (ca.190 p.) deal with the period ca.1902-1917. The collection also includes an explanatory letter.

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Aleksei Sergeevich Bekhteev Memoirs, 1950 4 items (1 folder)

Aleksei Sergeevich Matveev Memoirs, 1917-1953

7 items (7 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Matveev's manuscript memoirs (16 p.) discuss the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and events relating to it. Also included are copies of related correspondence and documents and a brief biographical and explanatory note by Anatoliĭ Velḿin.

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Aleksei Sergeevich Matveev Memoirs, 1917-1953 7 items (7 items)

Aleksei Vasil'evich Obolenskii Photographs & Printed Materials, 1900-1961

0.5 Linear Feet (500 items (1 manuscript box))
Abstract Or Scope

The photographs, taken before 1917, belonged to the Obshchestvo Okhrany Pami︠a︡tnikov Iskusstva i Stariny, and are mostly of Georgian religious art and architecture. The printed materials consist of a map of the Caucasus region and of Obolenskiĭ's memoirs: "Moi vospominanii︠a︡" (1953), and "Moi vospominanii︠a︡ i razmyshlenii︠a︡" (1961). Memoirs were cataloged and transfered to SEEC: see SEEC 1641gb (1953 edition) and SEEC 1642gb (1961 edtition).

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Aleksei Vasil'evich Obolenskii Photographs & Printed Materials, 1900-1961 0.5 Linear Feet (500 items (1 manuscript box))

Aleksei Vladimirovich Shvarts Papers, 1914-1960

.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, a photograph (Trabzon, 1914-1915) and clippings. The correspondence dates from 1914-1915 and includes letters both to and from Shvart︠s︡, mostly dealing with World War I campaigns in the Trabzon region. There are military telegrams from 1914-1915 concerning events in Ivangorod, Kars and Stalʹt︠s︣ev. Shvart︠s︡' biography of Alexander III is the first volume of a planned two-volume work. It chronicles the 1845-1881 period and includes excerpts from a variety of contemporary sources, (approximently 200 pages of uncollated text) primarily describe World War I events on the Baltic, Belorussian and Caucasian fronts. "Na fronte i v tynu" is an excerpt from the memoirs of Antonina V. Shvart︠s︡, his wife. The clippings concern events in the Trabzon region during 1916.

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Aleksei Vladimirovich Shvarts Papers, 1914-1960 .5 linear feet (1 box)

Aleksei V. Laptev Papers, 1921-1971

17 items (17 items)
Abstract Or Scope

The papers include Laptev's typescript memoirs (23 p.); two letters to Walter L. Bell, who headed the American Relief Administration's office in Ufa, and one from Bell to Laptev; reports of A.R.A. activities, in tabular form; and photographs.

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Aleksei V. Laptev Papers, 1921-1971 17 items (17 items)

Alexander Anderson Diary, 1793-1799

0.42 linear feet (3 volumes)
Abstract Or Scope

Anderson's connections to Columbia are many. He received an M.D. from Columbia's College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1796, engraved Columbia's commencement ticket in 1794, and a bookplate for the College Library. As noted in his diary, he began sketching the design for the bookplate on March 14, 1795, delivered the finished work to President Johnson on March 25th, and was, after some effort on his part, paid £2, 8s on May 7th.

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Alexander Anderson Diary, 1793-1799 0.42 linear feet (3 volumes)

Alexander Dallin Papers, 1934-1955

63 items (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Almost all the materials concern World War II in the Soviet Union. Materials include reports, two diaries, documents, and printed materials. There are photocopies of reports concerning the German occuation of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, written by German military staff, and a mimeographed research report by Alexander Dallin entitled "Kaminsky: The History of an Experiment (1941-1945)." One diary is by Otto Bräutigam, a German Foreign Ministry official who worked in the Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories; the other diary is by one Linge, apparently a secretary to Hitler, for his diary is a record of Hitler's daily appointments from 1934-1943. Both diaries are photocopies. The printed materials include issues of a number of titles published mostly in the German-occupied parts of the Soviet Union; they are mostly single issues. Two pamphlets published by the Russian Liberation Army (ROA). There are photocopies of documents, cartoons, and leaflets concerning the partisan movement in the Soviet Union.

1 result in this collection

Alexander Dallin Papers, 1934-1955 63 items (2 boxes)

Alexander Erlich papers, 1953-1985

0.42 linear feet (1 document box)
Abstract Or Scope
Regarded by his peers as an expert in the field, Professor Alexander Erlich devoted more than three decades to the study of the economic conditions and policies of the Soviet Union. This collection consists primarily of correspondence, manuscripts, and research notes relating to his work and his career at Columbia University.
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Alexander Erlich papers, 1953-1985 0.42 linear feet (1 document box)

Alexander Hamilton letters and documents, 1789-1804

2 linear feet (4 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters and documents of Alexander Hamilton dealing chiefly with political subjects and Hamilton's activities as Secretary of the Treasury.

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Alexander Hamilton letters and documents, 1789-1804 2 linear feet (4 boxes)

Alexander Hamilton Papers Publication Project records, 1700-1981

160 linear feet (321 boxes including 282 microfilm reels, 32 card file drawers in a black filing cabinet on stack 14 near 53e.)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, typescripts, photocopies, microfilms, card files, and notes of the Alexander Hamilton Papers Publication Project, 1955-1981. The correspondence files of the editor, Harold C. Syrett, and his staff concerning the operations, activities, gathering of data, photocopies, and microfilm reproductions of letters, manuscripts, and documents by, to, and about Alexander Hamilton and selected and edited for publication by Columbia University Press as THE PAPERS OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON (New York, 1961-1970). Also, the corrected typescript copies of texts to be published, photocopies of letters, manuscripts, and documents by, to, and about Alexander Hamilton; microfilms of manuscript materials in a variety of repositories; and photocopies of newspaper articles relating to Hamilton.

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Alexander II Letters to A. I. Bariatinskii, 1857-1864

2 folders (1 bound manuscript, 1 typescript)
Abstract Or Scope

Copies of letters from Alexander II to Prince Aleksandr Ivanovich Bariatinskii, Russian viceroy in the Caucasus and boyhood friend of Alexander II. The letters are written in an unknown, but apparently contemporary hand, and are in a single letterbook (with typed copies).

1 result in this collection

Alexander II Letters to A. I. Bariatinskii, 1857-1864 2 folders (1 bound manuscript, 1 typescript)

Alexander I Manuscripts, 1826

100 pages bound (100 pages bound)
Abstract Or Scope

Volume with handwritten text signed "M." (ca.100 pp.) Title:"Sovremennaia istoriia o konchine Gosudaria Imperatora Aleksandra I-ogo" Also included are printed annexes with documents concerning the succession question under Alexander I and the accession of Nicholas I.

1 result in this collection

Alexander I Manuscripts, 1826 100 pages bound (100 pages bound)

Alexander Krondauz Collection, 1918-1922

0.1 linear feet (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Printed materials related to the Russian Civil War.

1 result in this collection

Alexander Krondauz Collection, 1918-1922 0.1 linear feet (1 folder)

Alexander McMillan Welch bookplate collection, 1700-1930

2 linear feet (4 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

American, English and French bookplates from private and institutional libraries. Box four contains some related correspondence concerning Welch's collecting and exchanging of bookplates. Four letters are from the English painter-etcher, Charles William Sherborn, who designed a bookplate for Welch's wife, Fanny Fredericka Dyckman Welch. The original etched plate is also enclosed.

1 result in this collection

Alexander McMillan Welch bookplate collection, 1700-1930 2 linear feet (4 boxes)

Alexander M. Goren Collection of Tallone materials, 1930-1999

0.42 linear feet (1 MS box)
Abstract Or Scope

Collection of materials related to Tallone family of printers (Stemperia di Alberto Tallone; Tallone, Alberto (1898-1968); Tallone, Enrico. These materials came with the book collection in 2015 and includes articles, correspondence, invoices, exhibition materials and Tallone ephemera.

1 result in this collection

Alexander M. Goren Collection of Tallone materials, 1930-1999 0.42 linear feet (1 MS box)

Alexander Pope poem, undated

1 folder ((1 page, autograph manuscript signed))
Abstract Or Scope

Autograph manuscript poem "An Inscription On A Groto of Shells".

2 results in this collection

Alexander Pope poem, undated 1 folder ((1 page, autograph manuscript signed))

Alexander Sumerkin Papers, 1977-2006

27.5 linear feet (31 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection is comprised of books, correspondence, documents, drafts, manuscripts, periodicals, photographs and printed material. These papers document the life and work of Alexander Sumerkin (1943-2006), a noted member of the Russian émigré literary community in New York City.
553 results in this collection view all

Alexander von Freedericksz Papers, 1936-1965

56 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, and printed materials. There are letters and telegrams from Field Marshal Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim of Finland; two brief memoirs, one by E.L. Miller about Freederichsz and his wife, the other by the wife, entitled"Le salon de ma tante, la Baronne de Witte;" Freedericksz's diaries from 1938-40; and newspaper clippings about Mannerheim.

1 result in this collection

Alexander von Freedericksz Papers, 1936-1965 56 items (1 box)

Alexander W. Greiner Papers, 1918-1958

250 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, documents and photographs primarily relating to Greiner's years spent as a secretary for the American YMCA in the Soviet Union. There are numerous photographs of Greiner's family and friends in the U.S., and his summerhouse in Claverock, N.Y.

1 result in this collection

Alexander W. Greiner Papers, 1918-1958 250 items (1 box)

Alex Goldfarb collection, 1990-2006

13.75 Linear Feet (11 record cartons)
Abstract Or Scope

Alex Goldfarb Collection consists of correspondence, records, printed matters, and photos related to the Boris Berezovsky foundation. Just a brief descriprion of two programs reflected in these records: From 1998 to 2001 an epidemic of drug-resistant TB ravaged the Russian prison system. Goldfarb directed a program by the Public Health Research Institute (PHRI) in New York to combat TB in Russian prisons. The program was funded by a $13 million grant from George Soros. The Archive includes documents and correspondence between Goldfarb and PHRI Moscow office, officials of the Soros Foundation, the Russian Federal Prison Administration, Dr. Paul Farmer of Harvard Medical School and Jim Yong Kim of the World Bank, among others.

1 result in this collection

Alex Goldfarb collection, 1990-2006 13.75 Linear Feet (11 record cartons)

Alexis Goldenweiser Papers, 1900-1974

36000 items (36000 items 114 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection chiefly consists of Goldenweiser's American legal case files. There are also case files from his German years, and substantial materials on his research into the condition of Russian refugees and refugee problems in general in the 1930s. Much of the correspondence from the late 1930s and early 1940s concerns Jews in Germany and occupied Europe. Correspondents in the collection include Mark Aldanov, Abraham Cahan, Antal Dorati, Georgiĭ Florovskiĭ, Tatʹi︠a︡na Frank, Vladimir and Vera Nabokov, and Mikhail Karpovich; there are 1 or 2 items each from Dwight D. Eisenhower, Eleanor Roosevelt, Herbert Lehman, and Nikolaĭ Losskiĭ. Letters, manuscripts, and documents by Vera Nabokova contain considerable information on her and her husband's lives in Germany and in the United States. Many of the American case files concern (as does much of the Nabokova material) individual claims for reparations from Germany after World War II.

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Alex Rabinovich collection, 9999

1.5 linear feet (3 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Materials related to Russian history and culture donated by Alex Rabinovich.

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Alex Rabinovich collection, 9999 1.5 linear feet (3 boxes)

Alfred Austin letters, 1892-1911

0.5 linear feet (1 volume)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters written by command of members of the British Royal family to Alfred Austin both before and during his service as Poet Laureate of England. The greatest number of letters is from Sir Arthur John Bigge, Equerry and briefly secretary to Queen Victoria, but there are also letters on behalf of Edward VII, Queen Alexandra, and George V written by members of their staffs. All but 5 of the 33 letters are of the period following the appointment of Austin as Poet Laureate, January 1896. Although it is almost entirely made up of brief notes thanking the poet for gifts of printings of his poems, the correspondence as a whole is interesting as a vignette of life within the royal household.

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Alfred Austin letters, 1892-1911 0.5 linear feet (1 volume)

Alfred Bruce Douglas papers, 1888-1947

0.5 linear feet (1 box, 1 oversize photograph)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials of Lord Alfred Douglas. There are 6 autograph letters and 4 manuscripts sent to R. N. Green-Armytage by Lord Alfred Douglas about his poetry and the Oscar Wilde circle and 8 autograph letters from Douglas to T.W.H. Crosland. Also included are 3 related clippings and a photograph of Douglas with his co-editors of the "Winchester College Pentagram" in 1888.

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Alfred Bruce Douglas papers, 1888-1947 0.5 linear feet (1 box, 1 oversize photograph)

Alfred C. Berol collection of American Revolution documents, 1650-1830

1.5 linear feet (3 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of letters and documents pertaining to the American Revolution, or to personages who figured in it. Among the persons represented in the collection are John Adams, Edmund Burke, Aaron Burr, Lord Cornwallis, Benjamin Franklin, Nathanael Greene, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, John Paul Jones, Marquis de Lafayette, Henry Brockholst Livingston, Robert Morris, William Pitt, Benjamin Rush, Baron von Steuben, and George Washington. The largest group of manuscripts in the collection is the sixteen letters of Henry Laurens, the South Carolina planter, and his son, John Laurens, among which is a "manumission letter" written by Henry Laurens to his son on 14 August 1776, shortly after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. For the text of this letter see: A LETTER FROM HENRY LAURENS TO HIS SON JOHN LAURENS, AUGUST 14, 1776.

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Alfred C. Berol collection of American Revolution documents : [microform], 1650-1830

1 positive reel (1 positive reel) 1 master negative reel (1 master negative reel)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of letters and documents pertaining to the American Revolution, or to personages who figured in it. Among the persons represented in the collection are John Adams, Edmund Burke, Aaron Burr, Lord Cornwallis, Benjamin Franklin, Nathanael Greene, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, John Paul Jones, Marquis de Lafayette, Henry Brockholst Livingston, Robert Morris, William Pitt, Benjamin Rush, Baron von Steuben, and George Washington. The largest group of manuscripts in the collection is the sixteen letters of Henry Laurens, the South Carolina planter, and his son, John Laurens, among which is a magnificent "manumission letter" written by Henry Laurens to his son on 14 August 1776, barely a month after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. For the text of this letter see: A LETTER FROM HENRY LAURENS TO HIS SON JOHN LAURENS, AUGUST 14, 1776.

1 result in this collection

Alfred C. Berol collection of American Revolution documents : [microform], 1650-1830 1 positive reel (1 positive reel) 1 master negative reel (1 master negative reel)

Alfred de Jonge papers, 1832-1929

2.5 linear feet (5 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains Alfred de Jonge's doctoral thesis, "Gottfried Kinkel as a political and social thinker", previous thesis material by Agnes Beveridge Ferguson and correspondence of Johan Gottfried Kinkel.
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Alfred de Jonge papers, 1832-1929 2.5 linear feet (5 boxes)

Alfred Edgar Coppard letters, 1928-1956

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of seventeen letters and one manuscript of Coppard. The letters were written to Cyril Clemens and deal with short story writing, poetry, contemporary writers, and political figures. The holograph manuscript in the collection is of Coppard's poem "Rascal Song." Also, nineteen letters and postcards to Coppard's brother, George A. Coppard.

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Alfred Edgar Coppard letters, 1928-1956 0.5 linear feet (1 box)

Alfred Frueh woodcuts : cartoons, 1905-1925

1 folder (1 folder (22 items))
Abstract Or Scope

Woodcuts, part colored, of cartoons drawn by Alfred Frueh (1880-1968) of theatrical personalities: Maude Adams, George Arliss, Ethel Barrymore, George M. Cohan, Katharine Cornell, John Drew, Robert Edson, Lionel Erroll, Lew Fields, Yvette Gilbert, William Gillette, Nat Goodwin, Annette Kellerman, Wilton Lackaye, Julia Marlowe, Nazimova, Olga Petrova, Will Rogers, Fritzi Schiff, Fred Stone, Sophie Tucker, and unidentified.

1 result in this collection

Alfred Frueh woodcuts : cartoons, 1905-1925 1 folder (1 folder (22 items))

Alfred I. Gudeman manuscripts, 1880-1940

1 linear feet (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript copies and copyrights to seven of Gudeman's scholarly publications. These are MANUAL OF THE HISTORY OF CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY (which has had eight editions), typescript with six large envelopes of illustrative material, photographs, etchings, and various other types of reproductions; IMAGINES PHILOLOGORUM, a new edition of a biographic, bibliographic index to the field of philology; bibliography of Aristotle's DE POETICA; a manuscript in Greek of the text of Aristotle's DE POETICA; Sallust CATALINE, 4th ed., numbers 1-5 "ready for publication;" English translation of Gudeman's own work containing HISTORY OF LATIN LITERATURE; and COLLECTION OF CRITICAL ESSAYS and THE WORLD'S LITERATURE, 30 volumes. Also, various letters, lecture notes, club membership lists, and Gudeman's own lists of and notes about his works.

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Alfred I. Gudeman manuscripts, 1880-1940 1 linear feet (2 boxes)

Alfred Jeanroy Papers, 1727-1950

21.5 linear feet (46 manuscript boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Professional and personal papers, as well as materials collected by, Sorbonne professor Alfred Jeanroy. Material in Professor Jeanroy's handwriting includes lengthy as well as brief manuscripts, lectures, preparatory notes for works planned, and material for new editions of published writings. Forty-one notebooks also comprise texts of lectures in his handwriting. Many of these deal with French poetry of the Middle Ages, some with linguistic subjects. There are manuscript notes showing continuous revision of these lectures. Boxes of personal papers include documents dating from 1727, marriage contracts, wills, military and legal parchments, and old family letters. Also, many manuscripts, some of them never published, by Madame B.A. Jeanroy; and several hundred pamphlets and seven books by Professor Jeanroy and his colleagues and contemporaries.

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Alfred Jeanroy Papers, 1727-1950 21.5 linear feet (46 manuscript boxes)

Alfred J. Kahn Papers, 1919-2009

11.76 linear feet (28 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of papers relating to the personal life, military service, and academic career of Columbia University professor Alfred J. Kahn.
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Al'fred Karlovich Bentkovskii Papers, 1905-1930

150 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Alf́red K. Bentkovskiĭ that consist of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. These items chiefly concern the monarchist group associated with the Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich in France in the 1920s. Bentkovskiĭ was chairman of the commission of foreign affairs of Grand Duke Kirill's "state council" (gosudarevo soveshchanie) in France in 1930. Files of printed materials concern the Mladorossy and the Russo-Japanese War.

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Al'fred Karlovich Bentkovskii Papers, 1905-1930 150 items (1 box)

Alfred Korzybski papers, 1917-1950

11 linear feet (23 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers and correspondence including letters from leading intellectuals of the United States and Europe. Much of this correspondence pertains to the publication and critical discussion of his two influential works, MANHOOD OF HUMANITY : THE SCIENCE AND ART OF HUMAN ENGINEERING (1921) and SCIENCE AND SANITY : AN INTRODUCTION TO NON-ARISTOTELIAN SYSTEMS AND GENERAL SEMANTICS (1933).

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Alfred Korzybski papers, 1917-1950 11 linear feet (23 boxes)

Alfred M. and Clarisse B. Hellman - D.H. Lawrence collection, 1850-1952

14 boxes (14 boxes 1 oversized folder)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection of D.H. Lawrence material contains two book-length manuscripts, the typescripts of Sea and Sardinia and The Boy in the Bush, both with manuscript corrections in Lawrence's hand. The typescript for The Boy In The Bush is probably the manuscript from which the book was printed. Other Lawrence manuscripts include "The Future of the Novel," and Chapter 13 of Aaron's Rod. Correspondents include Thomas Seltzer, Johathan Cape, Mrs. Nancy Henry, and Lady Ottoline Morrell. The collection also contains three watercolor drawings made by Lawrence for the jacket of the English edition of The Plumed Serpent. Related printed material is also included. The John Steinbeck material is comprised of one letter, and proofs for thirteen of Steinbeck's works, including East Of Eden and Of Mice and Men. Also included are a printed biography and photographs, and printed ephemera relating to many of Steinbeck's works. There are books inscribed to Alfred and Clarisse Hellman. This collection also contains some correspondence of Alfred Hellman and some letters collected by Dr. Morton Pepper.

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Alfred M. and Clarisse B. Hellman - D.H. Lawrence collection, 1850-1952 14 boxes (14 boxes 1 oversized folder)

Alfred Maurice Galpin papers : [on Hart Crane & Samuel Loveman], 1922-1981

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, printed materials, and a photograph concerning his friendship with and scholarly interest in Hart Crane, H.P. Lovecraft, and Samuel Loveman. There are 55 letters from Samuel Loveman, 3 from John Unterecker, and 4 from Brom Weber, and other correspondence about Crane. There are also several Loveman poetry manuscrip]ts and his photograph, as well as printed articles and interviews about Crane

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Alfred Maurice Galpin papers : [on Hart Crane & Samuel Loveman], 1922-1981 0.5 linear feet (1 box)

Alfred M. Bingham Manuscript, 1962

1 item (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript by Alfred M. Bingham entitled "Soviet Experiments in Democracy: Report of a trip to the USSR in 1962." It concerns interviews he and his wife had with Soviet legal and educational personnel. In the report written following Bihgam's trip to the Soviet Union, he "attempted to evaluate those parts of the new Communist Party program which deal with democracy, in the light of conversations his wife and himself had with a number of Soviet citizens of professional standing in the fields of law, local government and education."

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Alfred M. Bingham Manuscript, 1962 1 item (1 folder)

Alfred Noroton Phillips papers, 1879-1883

0.42 linear feet (1 document box)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of ephemera relating to Dr. Phillips' school years at the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Included are commencement invitations, class schedules, examinations, receipts, his inaugural thesis (1882), and four items of correspondence.

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Alfred Noroton Phillips papers, 1879-1883 0.42 linear feet (1 document box)

Alfred Seidemann manuscripts, 1926-1943

1 box (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Notes and notebooks from lectures given by Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), at Marburg, Germany (1926-1927). The notes are attributed to Alfred Seidemann (1895-1976) (University of Freiburg, PhD (1935)), who studied under Heidegger. The four subject groupings of materials are "Geschichte der Philosophie von Thomas von Aquino bis Kant" ["History of Philosophy from Thomas Aquinas to Kant"], "Grundbegriffe der antiken Philosophie" ["Basic Concepts of Ancient Philosophy"], "Die Philosophie des Aristoteles" ["The Philosophy of Aristotle "], and "Die Sprache" ["The Language"]. An addition to the collection consists of several mimeograph copies of Heidegger's "Bauen, Wohnen, Denken" ["Building, Dwelling, Thinking"] in English, "Descartes", 1926-1927;; "Vom Ursprung des Kunstwerks" ["From the origin of the work of art"], 1935,; "Vom Wesen der Wahrheit" ["On the essence of truth"], 1943,

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Alfred Seidemann manuscripts, 1926-1943 1 box (1 box)

Alfred T. White papers, 1884-1910

1 box (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Printed material and some correspondence related to low rental housing and tenements in New York City. Included are business records concerning the rental and maintenance of tenements.

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Alfred T. White papers, 1884-1910 1 box (1 box)

Algernon D. Black papers, 1932-1981

12 linear feet (27 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, speeches, memoranda, minutes, and publications, including radio talks and platform addresses given at the Society, the papers of several housing committees on which Black served, and autobiographical subject files compiled by Black and documenting his participation in many organizations and social causes.

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Al Hirschfeld "1945 Dramatic Prize Winners", 1945

1 drawings (Folder)
Abstract Or Scope

This drawing by Al Hirschfeld was made just as he was hitting his artistic stride. It features actors in both a Pulitzer Prize-winning play and a Tennessee Williams play, as well as an actor who co-founded the American Negro Theatre in Harlem.

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Al Hirschfeld "1945 Dramatic Prize Winners", 1945 1 drawings (Folder)

Alice Dahle papers, 1992-2024

2.5 Linear Feet (2 RSC)
Abstract Or Scope

This collection documents the work of Alice Dahle, an AI-USA volunteer who was a founding advocate for and member of the organization's women's rights programs. Dahle began working with AI-USA in 1982. By the early 1990s, Dahle was promoting a greater role for women's rights in AI-USA's agenda. In the 1990s, she served as the Midwest representative to the first AI-USA Committee on Women's Human Rights, and attended the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995 in Beijing, China as part of Amnesty International's delegation. Dahle's papers document campaigns such as Chains of Hope, Urgent Action appeals for women, Maternal Health is a Human Right, Maze of Injustice, which focused Native American women's rights, and the Stop Violence Against Women (SVAW) program, which ran from 2004 to 2010 and was one of AIUSA's major women's rights initiatives. In 2010 Dahle began co-chairing the Women's Human Rights Coordination Group, along with Tara Demant; Dahle currently serves as Chair. The collection is especially strong in visual materials (brochures, flyers), newsletters, and reports produced by AI-USA in their women's rights campaigns and includes handbooks and manuals for the practice of advocacy.

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Alice Dahle papers, 1992-2024 2.5 Linear Feet (2 RSC)

Alice Hanson Jones papers, 1700-1982

156 boxes (156 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence; manuscripts by Jones and others; subject files; reserach materials including inventories of deceased persons' estates, probate records arranged by state, microfilm of state and country financial records, and colonial maps; research data on file cards, punch cards, and computer printouts; teaching materials; and printed material. There is correspondence with Stuart Bruchey of the Columbia University Department of History. The collection includes 92 volumes from Jones' Library.

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Alice Isabel Hazeltine papers, 1890-1935

0.83 linear feet (2 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of the papers and photographs of the former Columbia University School of Library Service professor Alice I. Hazeltine.
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Alice Isabel Hazeltine papers, 1890-1935 0.83 linear feet (2 document boxes)

Alice M. Ditson Fund Records, 1940-2009

42.2 linear feet (35 document boxes and 22 record cartons)
Abstract Or Scope

The Alice M. Ditson Fund was established at Columbia University in 1940 and is still active in its primary function of providing financial support to composers, performances, and recordings of contemporary American music. The fund also gives out the annual Ditson Conductor's Award, established in 1945, which honors conductors who have a distinguished record of championing American music. The collection includes files regarding the selection of this prize across several decades, as well as financial records, meeting minutes, applicant files, and subject files for the general Fund since its creation.

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