Collections : [Rare Book & Manuscript Library]

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library is Columbia University’s principal repository for special collections. We collect, preserve, describe, promote, and provide access to the material evidence of diverse individuals and activities in alignment with the University’s research and teaching mission. We build and steward deep collections in select subject areas and connect them to a global audience through reference, teaching, exhibitions, publications, and public programs.

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Popov Papers, 1920-1939

0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers consist of correspondence, documents, photographs, and printed materials. The materials relate to Popov's business, especially in the 1930s.

1 result in this collection

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Popov Papers, 1920-1939 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Obruchev Papers, 1914-1971

150 items (3 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The papers contain manuscripts by Obruchev about his family, and photographs of Russian generals Rennenkampf and Samsonov. Printed materials consist of issues of the periodical "Voennyĭ Sbornik."

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchinskii Papers, 1912-1963

44 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Manuscripts include notes taken on a speechby General Lavr Kornilov in August 1917; Kolchinskiĭ's writings on the history of the Pavlovsk Military Academy (including a published book by him); and his diaries from the early 1950s. Also included are Kolchinskiĭ's Russian army documents; items relating to his work in the Belgian Congo during World War II; and several photographs of army officers during World War I.

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchinskii Papers, 1912-1963 44 items (1 box)

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Bestuzhev Poem, 1828

1 item (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Autograph signed manuscript of A. A. Bestuzhev (Marlinskii) poem "V den' imenin", Ikautiia, May 18, 182[?].

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Bestuzhev Poem, 1828 1 item (1 folder)

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich and Mariia Nikolaevna Bashmakov Papers, 1830; 1910-1958

5000 items (5000 items)
Abstract Or Scope

These papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files, photographs, and printed materials. Most of the collection concerns Bashmakov's ethnographical work in France in the 1920s and 1930s, including correspondence, many manuscripts, lectures, notes, and copies of his publications. Subject files concern emigre monarchism in France, and the death of Father Georgiĭ Spasskiĭ. There are copies of the Russian version of Bashmakova's memoirs, "Perezhitoe." Cataloged correspondence in the collection consists of letters from Petr Krasnov and one or two items each from Henry Field, Evgeniĭ Miller, Petr Wrangel, and Boris Zaĭt︠s︡ev. There are also photographic slides representing ethnographical types from the Caucasus.

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Aleksandra Iakovlevna Efimenko Letter, 1903

20 pages (20 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

Autobiographical letter written from Kharḱov in 1903 addressed to an unidentified woman requesting biographical information. The letter discusses her childhood, father, and limited formal education; her years teaching school and studying on her own; her husband, and the beginnings of her historical-ethnographical research; and her later life and studies. Appended to the text of the letter is a list of her publications which is apparently in another hand.

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Aleksandra Iakovlevna Efimenko Letter, 1903 20 pages (20 pages)

Aleksandra Gol'shtein Papers, 1876-1937

4500 items (12 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Most of the collection consists of letters to Golśteĭn; there are some as well to her second husband, Vladimir A. Gol'shtein. The materials reflect Gol'shtein ties to Russian liberalism and populism and also to both French and Russian art and literature. There are groups of cataloged letters from Renʹe Arcos (15), Mykhailo Drahomaniv (52), Andrʹe Fontainas (31), Renʹe Ghil (32), Viacheslav Ivanov (17), Petr Lavrov (49), Vladimir Vernadskii (20), and Maksimilian Voloshin (29). There are also items by Jurgis Baltrušaitis, Henri Martin Barzun, Henri Bergson, Ivan Bunin, Sergei Diagilev, Paul Fort, Vladislav Khodasevich, Aristide Maillol, and Odilon Redon. Manuscripts are chiefly by Golśhteĭn, and include her memoirs on Drahomaniv. There are also poems by Voloshin and by Konstantin Bal'mont. Subject files deal with such topics as the Russian famine of 1891-92 and the Russian Liberation Committee at the time of the Civil War. There is a copy of Gol'shtein's book, "Serf Life in Russia."

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Aleksandr Abramovich Poliakov Correspondence, 1931-1969

459 items (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

There are letters from Mark Aldanov, Konstantin Balḿont, Aleksandr Benois, Pavel Mili︠u︡kov, Alekseĭ Remizov, Marina T︠S︡vetaeva, and many others. Also included are two poems by Aminad Shpoli︠a︡nskiĭ (Dom-Aminado; one of the poems is incomplete), and poems by Konstantin Balḿont and Georgiĭ Adamovich; the latter two both concern "Poslednie Novosti.".

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Aleksandra A. Smugge Memoirs, 1959

250 pages (250 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs of Smugge, nʹee Gori︠a︡chkina, which cover the 1880-1955 period, begin with a vivid description of her early life in Irkut︠s︡k. She then chronicles the years she lived and studied in Geneva and Paris before returning to Siberia and thence moving to Harbin, Port Arthur and, in 1902, to Vladivostok. The next section of the manuscript deals with her marriage to Evgeniĭ M. Smugge, a railroad engineer, and their life and work in Turkestan (1907-1910) and Odessa (1910-1911 and 1916-1920). The memoirs then turn to the Civil War period and the Smugges' evacuation via Constantinople to Yugoslavia where they lived until 1925. Following a description of the 1926-1944 period, when the Smugges lived in Riga, the memoirs end with the evacuation to Germany and their life there. A few revised sections are appended to the very end of the manuscript. The memoirs are in 5 notebooks and total ca. 250 pages.

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Aleksandra A. Smugge Memoirs, 1959 250 pages (250 pages)

Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Ivanova-Soboleva Memoirs, 1958

20 pages (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoir "Ekskursiia 51-ogo vypuska Gelsingforskoi Aleksandrovskoi Gimnazii v Estoniiu, 1927 god" that concerns Russian education in Finland and Estonia in the interwar period.

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Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Ivanova-Soboleva Memoirs, 1958 20 pages (1 box)

Alec Waugh papers, 1957-1964

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters and manuscripts. The letters are addressed to Miss Rubinstein, an accountant for Waugh's literary agent, A. D. Peters, who also did private typing for him on the side. These letters are concerned with manuscripts he was sending her for that purpose. Also included are the manuscripts for two of Waugh's essays

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Alec Waugh papers, 1957-1964 0.5 linear feet (1 box)

Albums pertaining to Lermontov : [microform], 1808-1841

2 Reels (1 positive reel 2 copies) 1 master negative reel (master negative reel)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of three albums containing poetry and drawings, many by the Russian poet Mikhail I. Lermantov. Album 1, 1808-1822, belonged to Elizaveta Arkadievna Annenkova-Vereshchagina. It contains poems by Russian and French poets. Some of the verses by Russian poets are copies; others are autographs. Many poems have penciled annotations identifying the poets who wrote them. These notes were added at a later date and their accuracy can not be trusted. In addition to verses, this album contains numerous drawings, none of which have been attributed to or identified as works of Lermontov. Other poets whose works are identified include N. Vakhrameev, Ivan Dmitriev, Dawidoff, A. Guselnikov, Zhukosky, Popov, Vasily Kapnist, Princess Nadzhda Golitsnya, and S. Martinoff.

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Albums pertaining to Lermontov : [microform], 1808-1841 2 Reels (1 positive reel 2 copies) 1 master negative reel (master negative reel)

Albums pertaining to Lermontov, 1808-1841

18 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of three albums containing poetry and drawings, many by the Russian poet Mikhail Iur'evich Lermontov.

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Albums pertaining to Lermontov, 1808-1841 18 items (1 box)

Albert Ulmann papers, 1888-1964

2 boxes (2 boxes 1 oversize folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, clippings, books, and a photograph of Ulmann. There are twenty books from his library, most of which are his copies of his own works. Among the correspondents are Donald Grant Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, and Francis Hopkinson Smith.

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Albert Rhys Williams Papers, circa 1910s-1990s

25 linear feet (16 record storage cartons and 1 flat box)
Abstract Or Scope

Collection includes material by and related to Albert Rhys Williams. The bulk of the materials in the collection appear to be Albert Rhys Williams' writings and published materials (in English and Russian). A small amount of correspondence, photographs, and other materials is also present in the collection.

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Albert Rhys Williams Papers, circa 1910s-1990s 25 linear feet (16 record storage cartons and 1 flat box)

Albert Maltz papers, 1940-1983

10.5 linear feet (22 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts of Maltz, including the notes, drafts, and typescripts for numerous short stories and for the novels, THE CROSS AND THE ARROW, THE UNDERGROUND STREAM, THE JOURNEY OF SIMON MCKEEVER, A LONG DAY IN A SHORT LIFE, and A TALE OF ONE JANUARY. Also, THE CITIZEN WRITER IN RETROSPECT, a two-volume oral history of Maltz done by the University of California, Los Angeles.

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Albert Lasker papers, 1928-1952, bulk 1946-1952

4.62 linear feet (11 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
Albert Lasker (1880-1952) is best known as an advertising executive and philanthropist. His papers contain personal and business correspondence, as well as material related to Lasker's activities and interests, particularly with regard to medicine and public health issues.
101 results in this collection view all

Albert Goldman papers, 1953-1994

225 linear feet (153 boxes; 77 cassette boxes; 2 mapcase drawers)
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist of correspondence, diaries, journals, interviews, manuscripts, transcripts, and printed material.

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Albert Gailord Hart papers, 1925-1980

34 linear feet (80 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

There are files of correspondence and papers of other economists and of his students, his research papers and professional publications, a group of published and unpublished papers dealing with the "Graham Plan" (Benjamin Graham, a securities analyst) for basing a monetary standard on a "basket" of primary commodities, and also the research notes of his work for the U.N. on Central America and tax reform in Chile. The teaching materials are accompanied by notes by Hart that describe the papers and relate them to the events of his life and thinking. The section headings in these notes correspond to the major divisions of the teaching materials.Among the correspondents are: Milton Friedman, J.K. Galbraith, A.B. Hart, J.M. Keynes, David Rockefeller, and F.W. Taussig.

538 results in this collection view all

Albert Ford Hinrichs Papers, 1930-1978

2 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist of an autobiography and photocopies of letters, in two loose-leaf binders. The letters, which are often very detailed, concern his visits to the Soviet Union in 1930 and 1932.

3 results in this collection

Albert Ford Hinrichs Papers, 1930-1978 2 items (1 box)

Albert Field Collection of Playing Cards, 16th - 20th centuries

6300 items (6300 individual decks of playing cards, plus extensive ephemera and a library of reference books)
Abstract Or Scope

The Albert Field Collection of Playing Cards contains more than 6300 individual decks of playing cards as well as extensive ephemera and a library of reference books. The decks, ranging from the 16th through the 20th centuries, and across the world, are a rich vein of primary source material in popular imagery, costume, advertising, propaganda, as well as elite culture. Holdings are especially strong from early modern England, revolutionary France, the early American Republic, across a broad range of nineteenth-century national styles, and especially in transformation cards.

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Albert Field Collection of Playing Cards, 16th - 20th centuries 6300 items (6300 individual decks of playing cards, plus extensive ephemera and a library of reference books)

Albert Ellis papers, 1920-2007, bulk 1965-1997

218 linear feet 215 record cartons 1 document box 6 oversize document boxes
Abstract Or Scope
This collection encompasses the professional and personal life of psychologist and pioneer of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Albert Ellis.
3715 results in this collection view all

Albert and David Maysles papers, 1948-2018

185 linear feet 148 Boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, memoranada, agreements, notes, contracts, posters, clippings, financial files covering the entire career of the Maysles brothers.

2803 results in this collection view all

Alan Sillitoe letters, 1959-1974

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of 32 letters from Alan Sillitoe to his friends, the noted calligrapher John Charles Tarr and his wife, Dorothy, which concern Sillitoe's life, work, and interests during his most creative years.

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Alan Levy Papers, 1950-2007

26 linear feet (33 manuscript boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, writings, photographs, posters of Alan Levy, founder of the Prague Post newspaper.

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Alan Levy Papers, 1950-2007 26 linear feet (33 manuscript boxes)

Alan K. Young: My Brief Mystery-Writing Career, 1967-1980

1.25 Linear Feet (3 three-ring binders in one record carton)
Abstract Or Scope

Alan K. Young created these three 3-ring binders and entitled them "My Brief Mystery-Writing Career as recorded in documents collected, conserved, compiled, collated, captioned and clarified by Alan K. Young." In the spring of 1968, Mr. Young's first short story entitled "Letter from Mindoro" was published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine's series of "First Stories," being stories by authors who had never before had a short story published. As always, the story was prefaced by editor Frederic Dannay's introduction: "The author, Alan K. Young, is a former junior-college English instructor, with a B. A. in English from Harvard and an M. A. in the same subject from the University of California (impressive credentials, indeed). At the time Mr. Young wrote "Letter from Mindoro," he was 39, single, and living in California (though a native of Pennsylvania, born and raised in a suburb of Pittsburgh). He has tried his hand "at a goodly cross-section of those jobs in which English majors who don't write The Great American Novel so often wind up" ... How can this man miss if he but persist?" Thus began Mr. Young's 13-year mystery-writing career. In these three volumes, Alan Young has mounted the originals of his correspondence with Fred Dannay and others, tear sheets from EQMM, photographs, and all with a running commentary on the experience of being an Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine author.

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Alan H. Kempner papers, 1809-1981

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of letters and manuscripts of English and American authors, including one item from each of the following: Pearl S. Buck, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Thomas De Quincey, Thomas Frognall Dibden, Charles Dickens, William Ewart Gladstone, Edmund Gosse, Hester Thackeray Ritchie Fuller, Rockwell Kent, Charles Kingsley, Edward George Bulwer Lytton, John Masefield, Clinton Scollard, William Wordsworth and Walt Whitman. In addition, there are 8 letters from Samuel Rogers (1763-1855) to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Twiss (Annie Sterky Greenwood Twiss), photographs of Alan and Margaret Kempner and miscellaneous Kempner items.

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Alan Cameron papers, 1959-2020

6 Linear Feet (14 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Classics professor, Alan Cameron who taught at Columbia University between 1977 and his retirement in 2008. At the time of his death (July 31, 2017) he was the Charles Anthon Professor Emeritus of Latin and Literature at Columbia University. Materials in this collection include extensive correspondence files (including many with distinguished classicists), scholarly lectures, lectures given on cruise ships, course lectures, research files, unfinished and unpublished work, manuscripts for a book about Constantinople, CVs, memoirs and memorial materials.

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Alan Brinkley papers on Henry R. Luce, 1910-2009, bulk 1922-1965

13.34 Linear Feet (12 boxes (10 record storage cartons and 2 document boxes))
Abstract Or Scope

Alan Brinkley (1949-2019) was the Allan Nevins Professor of History at Columbia University. He specialized in the political history of the twentieth-century United States.

428 results in this collection view all

Alan Alexander Milne letters, 1918-1919

1 box (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters of Milne to his agent Curtis Brown, relating largely to Milne's plays, particularly MR. PIM PASSES BY and BROXOPP.

3 results in this collection

Milne, Alan Alexander To Curtis Brown, 1918-1919

Alan Alexander Milne letters, 1918-1919 1 box (1 box)

A.I. Ievreinov Memoirs, 1950

27 pages (27 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoir ""Poezdka v Tobolsk" that discusses Ievreĭnov's travel to Tobolśk in 1918 as part of a conspiracy to free the Imperial family.

1 result in this collection

A.I. Ievreinov Memoirs, 1950 27 pages (27 pages)

Ahmed Zeki Velidi Togan Manuscripts, 1956

2 items (2 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Two typescripts by Togan. The longer manuscript (88 p.) surveys the geography, ethnography, and history of Azerbaĭjan into the interwar period. The shorter (3 p.) discusses the derivation of the word "Azeri.".

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Ahmed Zeki Velidi Togan Manuscripts, 1956 2 items (2 items)

Agudath Israel Records, 1933-2008, bulk 1940-1947

0.25 Linear Feet (100 items (1 box))
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of autograph signed letters, typed signed letters, postcards, telegrams, printed material, programs, newspaper clippings, and written public announcements pertaining to the Agudath Israel movement in America, Eretz Israel/Palestine, and Lithuania. Most materials are dated during the 1940s (wake of WWII). Most letters are addressed to Rabbi Aaron Ben Zion Shurin. The materials are mainly in Hebrew and English with some in Yiddish. Most materials concern the role of Orthodox Jewry in the wake of the Holocaust.
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Correspondence, 1933-2008, bulk 1940s

Convention Programs and Materials, Public Announcements, 1940-1947

Agnes Kun and Antal Hidas Papers, 1915-1987

4 linear feet 5 archival document boxes and 1 flat box
Abstract Or Scope
The papers comprise the correspondence of Agnes Kun (1915-1990), translator, and Antal Hidas (1899-1980), Hungarian poet, with prominent Russian poets and writers; Antal Hidas's memoirs; and manuscripts of translations from Hungarian and original poetry by famous Russian authors.
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Agatha Young manuscripts, 1960-1965

3.5 Linear Feet (7 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts of three books by Agatha Young. The Town And Dr. Moore, 1965, includes the original manuscript in Mrs. Young's hand, the typescript copy which was used by the printer, a carbon copy of the final typescript bearing the editorial comments of Henry W. Simon of Simon and Schuster, and a large number of preliminary drafts and other material which Mrs. Young did not use in the final book. There are also two different editions of the published book. The Women And The Crisis: Women Of The North In The Civil War, 1960 include the final typescript which was used by the printer, and the complete set of marked galley proofs. I Sward By Apollo, undated, includes a photocopy of corrected typescript, and an original illustration. There are also a few miscellaneous letters which concern her writing.

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Afrikan Petrovich Bogaevskii Papers, 1918-1934

800 items (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, and printed materials of Afrikan P. Bogaevskiĭ. The bulk of the collection concerns emigre Cossacks in Europe, but there are also materials from the Civil War. There are letters from such White Generals as Petr Krasnov, Aleksandr Kutepov, and Petr Wrangel, and many letters from various persons to Bogaevskiĭ's widow after his death. Manuscripts include Bogaevskiĭ's addresses ("obrashchenii︠a︡") to the emigre Cossacks and his memoirs about the Cuban campaign of 1918. Subject files concern the Civil War, emigre Cossacks and related matters. Printed materials touch on Bogaevskiĭ's death and funeral.

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A. E. Ussakovskii Memoirs, 1962

8 pages (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs of Ussakovskiĭ. The collection consists of a typed memoir concerning the years 1916-1917, and a meeting in Samara in 1916 with V.N. Lv́ov, Procurator of the Holy Synod in the Provisional Government.

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A. E. Ussakovskii Memoirs, 1962 8 pages (1 folder)

A. E. Housman letters, 1922-1958

2 boxes (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence by and relating to Housman and to his brother, Laurence Housman. Nearly all of the letters were written to Cyril Clemens, who was working on a proposed biography of A.E. Housman. The collection includes six letters from A.E. Housman and an important group of 94 letters from Laurence Housman, which contain comments on his brother's life and activities, religious beliefs, reading, and manuscripts. There are 45 letters from relatives and persons closely related to A.E. Housman, among them his sisters, Clemence Housman and Katharine E. Symons, his publisher, Grant Richards, and his associates at Oxford University, James T. Nance and Alfred W. Pollard. Also included in the collection are twelve manuscripts, the most noteworthy of which are two signed poems by Laurence Housman and a 4-line verse in Lord Dunsany's holograph entitled "A. E. Housman.".

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A. Efremov Manuscript, 1950

19 pages (19 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

Untitled mimeographed typescript by one A. Efremov, discussing Russian agrarian problems at the end of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century.

1 result in this collection

A. Efremov Manuscript, 1950 19 pages (19 pages)

Advanced Papyrological Information System records, 1996-2014

1.42 linear feet (3 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Records of the organization.

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Adrian Ksenofontovich Kharkevich Memoirs, 1927-1956, 1927-1956

7 items (7 items) 7 items (7 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoirs that cover especially 1903-1941. Also included are copies of letters and manuscripts mostly on religious themes.

1 result in this collection

Adrian Ksenofontovich Kharkevich Memoirs, 1927-1956, 1927-1956 7 items (7 items) 7 items (7 items)

Adriaan Jacob Barnouw papers, 1895-1967

6 linear feet (12 boxes and 1 CMI Box #13)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, speeches, and articles of Barnouw. There is little correspondence in the collection and only a few manuscripts, but a large file of Barnouw's published articles and reviews is included in the papers. In addition, there are incomplete sets of two publications that Barnouw edited, WEEKLY REVIEW (1919-1921) and the NETHERLAND-AMERICA FOUNDATION MONTHLY LETTER (1924-1948, 1954-1961). Several old Dutch documents which had been collected by Barnouw are also in the collection. There is one folder of letters and documents relating to the Frisian Freedom movement during the later years of World War II. Also, Barnouw's manuscript of THE PAGEANT OF NETHERLANDS HISTORY transferred from Authors' Manuscripts Collection.

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Adolph Oko collection of Spinoza materials, 1610-1958, bulk 1914-1958

14 linear feet (16 manuscript boxes (boxes 1-16), 6 record storage cartons (boxes 17-22))
Abstract Or Scope
The Adolph Oko collection of Spinoza materials contains correspondence surrounding the Domus Spinoza and Spinoza-related findings. Also included are Oko's personal notes on Spinoza, his collected Spinoza ephemera, and Spinoza-related clippings, as well as some of Oko's personal photographs, primarily of himself and Dr. Carl Gebhardt. It also contains the card files belonging to Oko, Gebhardt, and the Spinoza Bibliography.
969 results in this collection view all

Adol'f Markovich Lazarev Manuscript, 1964

250 pages (250 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

This bound manuscript "Adol'f Lazarev: Zhizn' i Poznanie" begins with an introduction by Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev, and then presents copies of articles by Lazarev on such topics as the philosophy of William James and on Lev Shestov. There are also copies of several letters exchanged by Lazarev and Shestov in the period 1926-1936. The name of the compiler of this manuscript is not given.

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Adol'f Markovich Lazarev Manuscript, 1964 250 pages (250 pages)

Adolf K. Placzek papers, 1932-2000

1 Linear Feet (2 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

8 plays, 8 poems and a semi-autobiographical novel published in 1999. Included are excerpts from the book The Real Mrs. Miniver, a biography of Dolt's first wife the renowned author Jan Struther, written by her granddaughter Ysenda Maxtone Graham. A chapter in the book about Dolt's stay in London after he left Vienna makes reference to his poetry. Dolt's play Henry V as well as his short novel Traumfardt Mit Der Familie ("Dream-Journey With The Family") are translated from their original German by my father Paul Stern, Dolt's lifelong friend and brother-in-law; (in 1951,Dolt's sister Susan and Paul were married). Paul's career as a translator included working with Pulitzer Prize winning poet W.D. Snodgrass on Gallows Songs as well as with Maurice Sendak and Lore Segal on their book The Juniper Tree and other Tales From Grimm.

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Two German documents (photocopies)

A. Doak Barnett papers, 1929-2010, bulk 1940-1999

92 linear feet (182 manuscript boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The Arthur Doak Barnett Papers consist of personal and professional documents created and amassed by a leading scholar and government advisor on United States-China policy and relations in the 20th century. Barnett wrote, co-authored, or edited more than 20 books on China and Asia. His papers chronicle his academic, reporting, and government careers, plus his writings and travels throughout Asia and China from the 1940s through the 1990s.
1763 results in this collection view all

Adál Maldonado papers, 1972-2020

13 Linear Feet (15 ms boxes, 1 tall ms box, 2 oversize boxes, one mapcase folder, 3 record storage cartons)
Abstract Or Scope

The Adál Maldonado collection contains letters, manuscripts, sketches, photographs, hand-made books, films, music, audio tapes, and other materials produced by (and in relation to) multidisciplinary artist Adál Maldonado (1948-2020).

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Adál Maldonado papers, 1972-2020 13 Linear Feet (15 ms boxes, 1 tall ms box, 2 oversize boxes, one mapcase folder, 3 record storage cartons)

A.D. Golitsyn Memoirs, 1950

19 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs are in two series: Golit︠s︡yn's typescript "Vospominanii︠a︡" (453 p. in 17 notebooks), which cover his childhood and youth, his "period of social and political service (1900-1917)", in World War I, and the Revolution and Civil War; and a manuscript in two notebooks entitled "Vtoroĭ god Russkoĭ Revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii: Bolśhevizm na Ukraine; Getmanskiĭ perevot; Petli︠u︡rovshchina" (410 p.), which discusses the Civil War in the Ukraine.

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A.D. Golitsyn Memoirs, 1950 19 items (1 box)

Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence including twenty letters from Helen Keller and her companion Polly Thomson, letters from Pauline Hemingway and her son Patrick M. Hemingway, from Patricia Nixon, Nancy Reagan, and from Harry Emerson Fosdick. These are all of a personal nature. There are also several books by and about Helen Keller and by Ernest Hemingway, some of which are first editions and some inscribed by the author.

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Adam P. and Feofaniia V. Benningsen Papers, 1919-1957

110 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Adam Pavlovich Benningsen and his wife Feofanii︠a︡ Vladimirovna Benningsen. This collection contains a substantial number of letters which Adam Benningsen wrote to his wife while serving with the White armies in South Russia during 1919-1921. The bulk of the collection consists of manuscripts by Adam Benningsen: a lengthy memoir of his service in the Tsar's army in World War I and in the White armies in the Civil War; diaries and draft memoirs relating to the same period; memoirs of the fall of France in 1940 and of his own imprisonment, apparently by the Germans, during World War II; and two short manuscripts containing theological reflections. A short memoir of the Revolution by Feofanii︠a︡ Benningsen ("Iz zapisok grafini F. V. Benningsen," 1917)., a collection of White Army poems and songs, and a hand-produced satirical journal emanating from the White Army's camp at Gallipoli (1921) complete the collection. Correspondence: Series of letters from A. P. Benningsen to F. V. Benningsen (1919-1920) and other letters from A. P. Benningsen to F. V. Benningsen (1919-1921). Manuscripts: Diary of Adam P. Benningsen (22 July-4 September, 1914; "Iz zapisok grafini F. V. Benningsen" (1917); Prison diary of A. P. Benningsen (1943); "Razvei gore v golom pole", No. 15, (Gallipoli, 16 June, 1921); Religious reflections of Adam P. Benningsen. Notebooks: Memoirs of Adam P. Benningsen (1914-1921?), 4 notebooks, continuous pagination; Drafts of memoirs and diaries by Adam P. Benningsen; Memoirs of the fall of France by Adam P. Benningsen ("May 1940"); Theological reflections by Adam P. Benningsen. Songs and poems of the White army

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Adam P. and Feofaniia V. Benningsen Papers, 1919-1957 110 items (1 box)

Acton Griscom collection of Jeanne d'Arc manuscripts, 1400-1943

32 Volumes (32 volumes)
Abstract Or Scope

This is a heterogeneous collection of manuscript typescript material which relates to Joan of Arc. The material ranges in date and character from a 15th-century manuscript, CHRONIQUE DES ROIS CHARLES VI ET VII par Gilles Le Bouvier, on 241 paper leaves, which contains a long account of the life and exploits of Joan, to the 12 page typescript of Ambassador William C. Bullitt's address, LE FETE DE JEANNE D'ARC A PHILADELPHIA, broadcast on the Voice of America, May 9, 1943. The collection includes a number of manuscripts and typescripts of literary and scholarly works on Joan of Arc by Guy Endore, Andrew Lang, Charles Maurras, Pearl Mahaffey, Wilfred P. Barrett, Thomas Jones, and others. There are also letters from scholars and writers on the subject including Anatole France, Robert Southey, Samuel L. Clemens, Cardinal Manning, and Andrew Land. There are also a few original documents contemporary to and relating to Joan and her associates. Six such documents are bound into Gabrial Hanotaux's JEANNE D'ARC, Paris Hachette, 1911, as extra-illustrations.

1 result in this collection

Acton Griscom collection of Jeanne d'Arc manuscripts, 1400-1943 32 Volumes (32 volumes)

Academy of Political Science letters, 1923-1970

0.5 linear feet (1 document box)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters from Dean Rusk, Jean Monnet, Lyndon Johnson, Dwight Eisenhower, David Ben-Gurion, Earl Warren, and others concerning their being made honorary members of the Academy of Political Science.

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Abram S. Hewitt papers, 1839-1852

0.83 linear feet (2 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The material is an elaborately calligraphic 19th century script and extends to one file box and 14 bound volumes. Professor Allan Nevins used this material for his work on Abram S. Hewitt.

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Student papers


Abrams ComicArts records, 2009-2017

77 linear feet (24 RSC and 45 flatboxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Most of the materials are related to a particular book project: drafts, proofs, edits, fouls, markups, correspondence, etc. Note that most projects include both regular size and oversize materials.

180 results in this collection view all

Abram Saulovich Kagan Papers, 1909-1952

190 items (6 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers include Kagan's correspondence, photographs, printed materials and audio tapes. All letters in the collection date from 1938-39, when he had moved his Petropolis operations to Brussels; there are items by Vladislav Khodasevich, Vladimir Nabokov, and Mikhail Osorgin, and others. Among the photographs are pictures of Ivan Bunin, Konstantin Fedin, and Evgeniĭ Zami︠a︡tin. Printed materials consist chiefly of books published by his firms; some of the books are inscribed, for example by Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev and Lev Karsavin. Included is a lengthy taped interview of Kagan by Marc Raeff in which Kagan discuses his life and publishing activities.

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Abram J. Jaffe papers, 1950s-2015

31.25 linear feet (23 record cartons)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, research files, teaching materials, memoranda, etc.

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Abram J. Jaffe papers, 1950s-2015 31.25 linear feet (23 record cartons)

Abraham M. Sirkin papers, 9999

14 linear feet 7 boxes of various sizes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, essays, articles, clippings, etc.

1 result in this collection

Abraham M. Sirkin papers, 9999 14 linear feet 7 boxes of various sizes

Abraham Lincoln collection, 1860s

2 Linear Feet (2 document boxes & 1 mapcase drawer)
Abstract Or Scope

This is an artificial collection comprising letters, document, portraits, and object for various RBML manuscript collections. The source of each item is noted after its description.

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Abraham H. Sarasohn papers, 1902-1943

1 box (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, photographs, clippings, and miscellaneous materials of Sarasohn. The correspondence pertains primarily to family and legal affairs. A few letters from his father, William Gillette, Rose Pastor Stokes, and Will Durant are included.

3 results in this collection

Abraham H. Sarasohn papers, 1902-1943 1 box (1 box)

Abraham Epstein papers, 1918-1945

80 boxes (80 boxes 1 flat box)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, minutes, lists, reports, financial records, and printed materials of Abraham Epstein. The personal and business papers relate to his fight on behalf of Social Security and old age pensions.

509 results in this collection view all

Abraham Anderson interviews with Diana Trilling, 1987-1988

0.5 linear feet 1 index card box
Abstract Or Scope

Audiocassettes of oral history interviews conducted with Diana Trilling.

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Abraham Alstyne Slover papers, 1812-1877

2 boxes (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Abraham Alstyne Slover, consisting mostly of his undergraduate writings and memorabilia. Included in this material are one volume of notes on Prof. John McVickar's lectures on "The History of Literature" March-July 1825, seven notebooks of Slover's verse and prose, and the manuscripts of several public lectures with newspaper accounts of them. There is also a family Bible containing genealogical records, chiefly births, marriages, and deaths in the 18th and 19th centuries.

1 result in this collection

Abraham Alstyne Slover papers, 1812-1877 2 boxes (2 boxes)

Abe Raskin Papers, 9999

57.546 Linear Feet (138 boxes)
1 result in this collection

Abe Raskin Papers, 9999 57.546 Linear Feet (138 boxes)

Abby E. Underwood papers, 1888- 1930

3 boxes (3 boxes 3 oversize folders)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists primarily of Underwood's pen-and-ink designs for these articles, with manuscript captions and notes to the printer; and illustrations for children's stories which appeared in THE SUN, ca. 1905-1910, together with typescripts, proofs, and printed copies of the stories, several of which are by Underwood. The collection also includes correspondence relating to a projected series of costume designs for THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL, a manuscript of a work on geography, and scrapbooks and clippings relating to these projects.

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A. Barton Hepburn papers, 1886-1920

6 boxes (6 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, letter books, manuscripts, typescripts, notes, galley proofs, reports, banking records, pamphlets, and other printed materials. The so-called "private" letter books contain copies of outgoing personal and business letters, April 1914-Jan. 1918. The remaining correspondence files relate to the writing of Hepburn's two books HISTORY OF COINAGE AND CURRENCY IN THE UNITED STATES.. (New York, 1903) and A HISTORY OF CURRENCY IN THE UNITED STATES..(New York, 1915); to his activities in the fields of finance and money, such as the Pan-American Finance Commission (1915), the New York State Governor's Securities Commission (1920), and the Federal Milk Commission (1917); and his files regarding the establishment of the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, 1918. Also, manuscripts, typescripts, notes, and galley proofs for the two books that he wrote; and six bank examiner's books used by Hepburn while he was U.S. Bank Examiner for New York, 1888-1892.

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A. A. Sollogub-Dovoino Memoirs, 1920-1926

196 pages (196 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

Memoirs of Sollogub-Dovoĭno. The memoirs are entitled "Russkai︠a︡ emigrat︠s︡ii︠a︡ i russkoe menśhestvo v Polśhe, 1920-1926" and describe his life in Chelm Province in the early twenties.

1 result in this collection

A. A. Sollogub-Dovoino Memoirs, 1920-1926 196 pages (196 pages)

A. Arthur Schiller papers, 1897-1977

64 boxes (64 boxes 21 card file boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, notebooks, photographs, printed materials, computer print-outs and tapes, key-punched cards, and card files of Schiller. The collection includes correspondence with his professional colleagues, foundations, and learned societies, and some personal correspondence. There are manuscripts and drafts of his books, articles, book reviews, lectures, and abstracts, his papers as a student, notebooks of readings and drafts, appointment books, mimeographed course materials, photostats, photographs, and materials relating to his computer studies of Roman law texts. Correspondents include Sir Harold Idris Bell, W.W. Buckland, W.E. Crum, Gilbert Highet, H.F. Jolowicz, Owen Lattimore, and Harold Medina.

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Aaron W. Berg papers, 1848-1977

2 linear feet (4 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, memorabilia, and printed materials concerning Berg's lifelong interest in and work for his alma mater. Berg served the University in many capacities such as vice-president and president of the Alumni Association of Columbia College, 1954-1958, and member of the board of directors of the Alumni Federation of Columbia University, 1946-1958. The correspondence deals chiefly with alumni affairs; some of the major correspondents include Harry J. Carman, Lawrence Chamberlain, Frank S. Hogan, Mr & Mrs Richard Rodgers, and Arthur Hays Sulzberger. Among the photographs are two signed by Dwight D. Eisenhower. Also included is a typescript memoir of Berg's three years as a student in the Columbia School of Law (1927). Berg collaborated with three other students on this memoir. Aaron Berg's correspondence with Dwight D. Eisenhower is at the Eisenhower Library. Also included are literary autographs and manuscripts purchased on the Aaron Berg Fund.

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Aaron Louis Fessler papers, 1959-1978

1 box (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, memoranda, manuscripts, manuscript notes, typescripts, and printed materials. Most of the papers concern the bibliographical control of scientific literature with particular emphasis on the development of an information storage and retrieval system for the Olin Mathiessen Chemical Corporation Library. There are letters from librarians and scientists, Olin Mathiessen inter-office memoranda, Fessler's manuscripts, manuscript notes and typescripts, and supporting printed materials published by IBM. There are also mimeograph copies of papers by several other information scientists. Also, Fessler's file of approximately 200 typescripts of his book, record, and cassette reviews on a variety of fiction and non-fiction titles chiefly for LIBRARY JOURNAL. In addition there are some course-related materials for the library science classes Fessler taught at Southern Connecticut State College, 1961-1965, including one of his syllabi and some correspondence relating to education for special librarianship. The printed materials include several articles by Fessler and two items inscribed by colleagues to him.

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Aaron J. Vanderpoel papers, 1837-1885

1 box (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The incoming correspondence of Vanderpoel, containing letters from friends, clients, and colleagues and dealing with personal and legal matters. Correspondents include Henry M. Alexander, William Allen Butler, John P. and William V. S. Beekman, G. W. Bulkey, Joseph H. Choate, Frederic R. Coudert, Lewis L. Delafield, Jay Gould, William D. F. Maurice, Edward Pierpont, J. Bryce Smith, John Van Alen, John and Thomas Van Buren, and Henry Vanorden. Letters of a personal and business nature from various family members include several from Aaron and John Vanderpoel and Lewis Oakley, his uncles, and from Henry C. Van Schaack, his father-in-law. There are approximately twelve manuscripts of essays and speeches by A. J. Vanderpoel while he attended Kinderhook Academy and New York University, as well as a few by other family members. Various documents including mortgages, deeds, indentures, agreements, and court records relate to Vanderpoel's law practice and to family property.

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Aaron Frankel papers, 1948-1977

3 linear feet (8 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents and printed materials documenting the career of Aaron Frankel. The correspondence is by Lynn Fontanne, Greer Garson, Lorne Greene, Alfred Lunt, Frederick Marshall, Robert Penn Warren and others. The manuscripts include l4 drafts of Frankel's "Writing the Broadway Musical" as well as manuscripts by Robert Penn Warren and Myron Galewski for two plays"Willie Stark: His Rise and Fall" and "Brother to Dragons". One of the documents is a collaboration agreement signed by Warren and Frankel. The printed materials include galleys of "Writing the Broadway Musical" and items relating to Frankel's productions of Warren's plays.

1 result in this collection

Aaron Frankel papers, 1948-1977 3 linear feet (8 boxes)

Aaron Burr papers, 1779-1817

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

A miscellaneous collection of Aaron Burr letters and documents including twelve letters to Timothy Green; one letter each to Peter Colt, Colonel Sargent, and Mr. Terhune; photostatic copies of one letter to William Van Ness and David Hosack; a bill for New York court fees issued by Robert Benson; and a check issued by the Bank of the United States endorsed on the verso by Burr.

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Aaron Burr papers, 1779-1817 0.5 linear feet (1 box)

A.A. Levitskii Memoirs, 1958

155 pages (155 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscript memoirs that discuss Levitskiĭ's experiences during the Russo-Japanese War and as a staff officer in St. Petersburg before the First World War.

1 result in this collection

A.A. Levitskii Memoirs, 1958 155 pages (155 pages)

A.A. Govorov Memoir, 1941-1943

3 items (3 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscript memoir ""Otdelnaia turkestanskaia konnogornaia artilleriiskaia batareia"(with typescript copy) (98 p.) that describes the operations of Govorov's unit in Turkestan during the Pamir expeditions (1892-94) and especially during World War I. The memoir is accompanied by maps drawn by Govorov.

1 result in this collection

A.A. Govorov Memoir, 1941-1943 3 items (3 items)

1791 New York City Legal Deposition by Free African American Woman Nelley Mumpherd, 1791

1 item (1 document box)
Abstract Or Scope

Document signed. Approximately 12 x 8 inches. Laid paper with deckled edges. Watermarked "M C". Contemporary docketing. Folds with a short tear at the center.

2 results in this collection