Collections : [Rare Book & Manuscript Library]

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Rare Book & Manuscript Library

6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library is Columbia University’s principal repository for special collections. We collect, preserve, describe, promote, and provide access to the material evidence of diverse individuals and activities in alignment with the University’s research and teaching mission. We build and steward deep collections in select subject areas and connect them to a global audience through reference, teaching, exhibitions, publications, and public programs.

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Joseph Urban papers, 1893-1998

135 linear feet ca. 11,530 items in 42 boxes; 86 flat boxes; 147 board-portfolios; 12 map case drawers; 45 boxes of glass plates and acetate negatives; 328 set models
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Collection contains watercolor renderings, sketches, technical drawings (ground plans, elevations and details), photographs, glass plate and acetate negatives, scrapbooks, set models and some related papers covering Urban's career in Vienna and New York as an architect, set designer, decorator and illustrator. There is a thorough representation of his New York career including his set designs for Florenz Ziegfeld (1915-1932) and the Metropolitan Opera (1917-1933). The collection also contains information on Urban's work for William Randolph Hearst as art director for Cosmopolitan Studios, his exhibitions including his 1921 Wiener Werkstätte store, and his many architectural projects. Biographical information and research gathered by Richard Cole and Randolph Carter including contributions from his daughter,Gretl Urban, and biographical notes and some letters from his widow, Mary Urban, are also present.

2891 results in this collection view all

John B. Oakes papers, 1912-2005

53 linear feet 117 manuscript boxes 10 flat boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, speeches, scrapbooks, and printed materials of John B. Oakes, a prominent journalist and editor, who for many years editied the New York Times editorial page.

1518 results in this collection view all

Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Virginia Mattern Papers, 1978-2003, bulk 1989-2000

12.5 linear feet 10 record cartons
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This collection documents the work of AIUSA human rights activist Virginia Mattern, especially related issues in the Caribbean and Southeast Asia.
162 results in this collection view all

Human Service Employees Registration and Voter Education Fund (Human SERVE) Records, 1982-2000

63 linear feet 47 boxes
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Organizational records of the nonprofit Human Service Employees Registration and Voter Education Fund (Human SERVE), which advocated for Americans to have the opportunity to register to vote at government-run social services agencies. The collection includes records of Human SERVE's funding sources, organizational partnerships, and campaigns. There are also records of Human SERVE's involvement in the passage and implementation of laws on both the state and federal levels that resulted from the organization's advocacy work. The bulk of the state-level records are from New York State. Finally, there are internal records related to the organization's staffing, Board, and legal compliance.

2172 results in this collection view all

Publishers Weekly records, 1909-2007

35.28 linear feet 84 manuscript boxes
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This collection contains of Publishers Weekly's reference files on publishing houses. Most of the records consist of clippings from Publishers Weekly, but the files also include clippings from other sources, as well as advertisements, annual reports, brochures, catalogs, commemoratives, correspondence, histories, legal records, obituaries, programs, prospectuses, and survey responses.
620 results in this collection view all

Russian Newspapers and Emigre Periodicals, 1904-1980

165 linear feet 110 boxes
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Collection of Russian and Eastern European emigre newspapers and periodicals published in Europe, North America, South America and Australia in the 20th century, also includes a number of newspapers published in Russia and the Soviet Union.

7514 results in this collection view all

Louis Johnson papers, 1930-2020, bulk 1950-2020

29 Linear Feet 47 boxes (26 document boxes (Boxes 1-17, 20, 22-24, 28-32), 14 record boxes (Boxes 25-27, 35-45), 5 flat boxes (Boxes 18-19, 21, 33-34), 2 poster tubes (Boxes 46-47), and 3 items in mapcase
Abstract Or Scope
Louis Johnson (1930 - 2020) was an African American dancer, choreographer, director, and teacher. This collection includes address books, administrative records, autobiographical writing, correspondence, costume designs, notes, notebooks, photographs, posters, programs, publicity, and audio and visual recordings.
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Alexander Sumerkin Papers, 1977-2006

27.5 linear feet 31 boxes
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This collection is comprised of books, correspondence, documents, drafts, manuscripts, periodicals, photographs and printed material. These papers document the life and work of Alexander Sumerkin (1943-2006), a noted member of the Russian émigré literary community in New York City.
553 results in this collection view all

Earl I. Sponable papers, 1928-1968

125 boxes 125 boxes, 4 oversize folders, 1 pkg. nitrate film (missing as of 2018)
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Earl I. Sponable was a chemist, Chief Engineer and Director of Research for Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation and its subsidiaries, 1926-1962. He was active in many aspects of research and development in broadcast and movie media, particularly in early sound film.
1496 results in this collection view all

Hanhun Li and Chu Fang Wu papers, 1926-1998

19 linear feet 13 record storage cartons and 8 volumes
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The Hanhun Li and Chu Fang Wu papers consist of diaries, writings, publications and incoming correspondence of Hanhun Li and his wife Chu Fang Wu, dating from 1926 to 1998.

122 results in this collection view all

Hanhun Li and Chu Fang Wu papers, 1926-1998 19 linear feet 13 record storage cartons and 8 volumes

American Bureau for Medical Aid to China Records, 1937-2005

331 Linear Feet 271 boxes; 2 tube boxes; 1 flat box
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of the American Bureau for Medical Aid to China consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, committee files, membership records, financial records, fund raising records, motion pictures, audio tapes, phonograph records, photographs, posters, publications of ABMAC and other printed materials. Also included are the files of related Chinese relief organizations: Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals, 1954-1969; American Emergency Relief, 1941-1946; United Services to China, 1941-1977. Of particular interest are approximately 6,000 photographs of Chinese medical colleges, hospitals, laboratories and personnel and 45 phonograph records including speeches by such ABMAC supporters as Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek, Pearl S. Buck, Wendell Willkie, Fiorello LaGuardia and a number of movie stars

1546 results in this collection view all

Alan Cameron papers, 1959-2020

6 Linear Feet 14 document boxes
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Papers of Classics professor, Alan Cameron who taught at Columbia University between 1977 and his retirement in 2008. At the time of his death (July 31, 2017) he was the Charles Anthon Professor Emeritus of Latin and Literature at Columbia University. Materials in this collection include extensive correspondence files (including many with distinguished classicists), scholarly lectures, lectures given on cruise ships, course lectures, research files, unfinished and unpublished work, manuscripts for a book about Constantinople, CVs, memoirs and memorial materials.

637 results in this collection view all

Columbia University Manuscripts Collection, 1655-1912

4.59 Linear Feet 11 document boxes
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Autograph letters, official and private documents, and accounts, which were previously mounted in eleven volumes. Most of these relate to Columbia University or people associated with the University.

1642 results in this collection view all

John Howard Griffin papers, 1920-2004

28 linear feet 47 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials by and about John Howard Griffin. The correspondence is extensive and includes letter from Jacques Maritain; Thomas Merton; Maxwell Geismar; Eldridge Cleaver; Robert Casadeus; Abraham Rattner; P.D. East; Joseph Noonan; Sarah Patton Boyle; Lillian Smith; Father August Thompson; Nell Dorr; and Brother Patrick Hart. All of his major works are represented in manuscript form (usually typescript, carbon). In addition there are many original photographs by Griffin, which he pasted throughout his extensive journal, 1950-1980. This journal is a remarkable account of his life and thoughts, extending to over 3,000 pages.

889 results in this collection view all

Fish family papers, 1739-1860

15.5 linear feet 35 manuscript boxes
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The papers relate chiefly to the business, financial, real estate, military, civic and personal activities of Nicholas Fish. There are letters from various military figures concerning army provisions during the Revolution, letters relating to lands given to Fish for his services during the war, twenty letters from various individuals to George Clinton (1739-1812), and ten letters to DeWitt Clinton. The Hamilton Fish letters deal with business matters of his father, Nicholas, after his death. There are a few personal letters from several family members and a diary of Nicholas Fish from 1784. The documents consist of real estate and financial matters of the family as well as various petitions on matters of a civic nature

718 results in this collection view all

Henry DeWitt Barnett papers, 1917-1982

13.5 linear feet 35 boxes
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This collection contains correspondence, manuscripts, reports, documents, notes, clippings, and other printed materials of Henry DeWitt Barnett, a missionary in China.
205 results in this collection view all

Creative Music Studio Tapes and Files, 1974-1980

56.25 linear feet 45 boxes
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Reel to reel tapes (599); cassettes (8); videotapes (3); and some files.
684 results in this collection view all

Maryse Condé papers, 1979-2012

2.5 linear feet 2 record cartons, 2 flat boxes
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Maryse Condé is a prominent contemporary Caribbean writer. She has published ten novels to date while continuing an academic career which brought her to UC Berkeley, the University of Virginia, the University of Maryland, and Harvard before coming to Columbia in 1995. The collection consists primarily of audio/visual material. Most items are labeled in French and it is presumed that the content consists of various lectures and interviews given by Condé.
68 results in this collection view all

John Boynton Kaiser papers, 1928-1971

4.5 linear feet 9 boxes
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Files dealing with many aspects of Kaiser's professional life.

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George D. Woods papers, 1935-1982

50 Linear Feet 95 document boxes; 7 flat boxes; 3 mapcase drawers
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Correspondence, speeches, articles, economic data, photographs, scrapbooks, appointment books, telephone logs, memorabilia, and printed materials dealing almost exclusively with Woods' presidency of the World Bank. The papers consist largely of volumes of speeches and articles by Woods, world economic briefs and scrapbooks of clippings and photographs. The collection includes a number of signed and inscribed photographs including Mohammad Ayub Khan, Hassan II of Morocco, Ferdinand E. and Imelda Marcos, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Gamal Abdul Nasser. Also in the collection are books from Woods' library, some of them inscribed; printed materials by and about Woods; and silver and other memorabilia.

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John Bartlet Brebner papers, 1937-1957

13 linear feet 29 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, and printed materials. This collection consists of his correspondence (1937-1957) in four boxes; manuscripts, notes, and printed copies of speeches and periodical articles and the manuscripts of "North Atlantic Triangle" and "Making of Modern Canada". Included also are the notes for a number of courses given by him at Columbia University as well as three boxes of student seminar papers. Most of the materials in the collection relate to some phase of Canadian life and history

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Edwin H. Armstrong papers, 1886-1982, bulk 1912-1954

295.7 linear feet 297 boxes, 2 flat folders, 30 phono discs, 10 tape reels
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Professional and personal files including Armstrong's correspondence with professional associations, other engineers, and friends, his research notes, circuit diagrams, lectures, articles, legal papers, and other related materials. Of his many inventions and developments, the most important are: 1) the regenerative or feedback circuit, 1912, the first amplified radio reception, 2) the superheterodyne circuit, 1918, the basis of modern radio and radar, 3) superregeneration, 1922, a very simple, high-power receiver now used in emergency mobile service, and 4) frequency modulation - FM, 1933, static-free radio reception of high fidelity. More than half the files concern his many lawsuits, primarily with Radio Corporation of America, over infringement of the Armstrong patents. Litigation continued until 1967. Other files deal with his work in the Marcellus Hartley Research Laboratory at Columbia University, 1913-1935, and with the American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I, his Air Force contracts for communications development, Army research during World War II, the Radio Club of America, the Institute of Radio Engineers, FM development at his radio station at Alpine, N.J., the use of FM in television, his involvement in Federal Communications Commission hearings and legislation, and his work with the Zenith Radio Corporation. Also, letters to H.J. Round

4463 results in this collection view all

Mark Tucker papers, 1939-2000, bulk 1980s

31 linear feet 24 boxes
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Musical scores, correspondence, sheet music, audio tapes of interviews with jazz musicians, and other materials from Tucker, jazz pianist and scholar.

350 results in this collection view all

David Eugene Smith collection of historical documents, 1050-1883

2000 items
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Primarily medieval French and English financial documents including bills of sale, receipts, mortgages, wills, gift of properties, tax rolls, quittances, and so on, collected by Professor David E. Smith.

1 result in this collection

David Eugene Smith collection of historical documents, 1050-1883 2000 items

Albert and David Maysles papers, 1948-2018

185 linear feet 148 Boxes
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Correspondence, memoranada, agreements, notes, contracts, posters, clippings, financial files covering the entire career of the Maysles brothers.

2803 results in this collection view all

Leon Fraser papers, 1897-1945, bulk 1924-1943

28 linear feet 7 document boxes 21 record containers 2 flat boxes
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Leon Fraser held a variety of administrative positions in both government and private industry, and he served as a director, trustee, chairman, and treasurer for a number of prominent businesses and charitable organizations. He earned his PhD from Columbia University and taught public law there as well. Fraser committed suicide in 1945 at his summer home in North Granville, New York. The Papers consist of business and personal correspondence, materials related to his professional activities, and a small section of personal papers. The bulk of the materials range in date from 1924-1943.
645 results in this collection view all

Francis Steegmuller papers, 1877-2012

102.5 linear feet 122 manuscript boxes; 32 record cartons, 2 flat boxes; 2 tube boxes
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Francis Steegmuller (1906-1994) was a novelist, biographer, and translator. He was the author of many works about French culture and literary figures, and a translator of Gustave Flaubert. The papers include correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, printed materials, research materials, and scrapbooks.
1803 results in this collection view all

Bureau of Applied Social Research records, 1938-1977

168 Linear Feet 168 record cartons
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Project materials, including reports, monographs, books, articles, Masters essays, Doctoral dissertations, foreign publications, administrative records, correspondence, minutes and audio-visual materials.

3151 results in this collection view all

Lawrence E. Walsh Papers, 1919-2008

125 linear feet 114 boxes
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An extensive collection of correspondence, reports, briefs, speeches, drafts, photographs, audio and visual tapes, and printed matter.

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George Y. Shevelov Papers, 1922-2001

15 linear feet 30 document boxes
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The papers comprise correspondence, writings, memoirs, personal documents, research notes, printed materials, photographs of Iurii Shevel'ov, prominent scholar, Slavic linguist, philologist, literary historian, and literary critic, longtime professor of Slavic philology at Columbia University.
1210 results in this collection view all

Robert Wilson papers, 1969-2000

148 linear feet 318 boxes in ReCAP (1-59, 60a,b,c,d, 61-74, 75a,b,c, 76-81, 82a,b, 83-99, 100a,b, 101-294; 1 cataloged box (CC1), 4 flat boxes, 1 mapcase drawer, 1 oversize folder
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Correspondence, outlines, scripts, production notes, technical materials, story boards, contracts, posters, programs, announcements, recordings, reviews, and other printed materials relating to all aspects of Robert Wilson's theater works, opera, films, artwork and video productions. There are files for all of Wilson's theatrical performances, the most extensive of which is the CIVIL warS. Also included are the files of the Byrd Hoffman Foundation.

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Gouverneur Morris papers, 1768-1816

1374 items 23 boxes
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Letters written to Gouverneur Morris from many of his contemporaries including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, John Paul Jones, Nathaniel Greene, Philip Schuyler, Robert Morris, George Plater, William Short, William T. Franklin, and Thomas Pinckney. Letters from Gouverneur Morris to George Washington, John Jay, Lafayette, Philip Schuyler, Nathaniel Greene, and others. Personal correspondence from Madame Foucault, John Parish, and others. Manuscripts and documents relating to events in which Morris was a participant or interested party such as the Genet Affair and the "Lost Million" Affair; diplomatic correspondence with French ministers of foreign affairs, 1792-1794, and miscellaneous articles and reports by Morris, many on public finance and economics.

1470 results in this collection view all

Harrison E. Salisbury papers, 1927-1999

290 linear feet 677 boxes; 1 mapcase drawer; 4 flat boxes; 3 tube boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, notes, inteviews, articles, newspapers, clippings, and press releases of Harrison Evans Salisbury, a prominent journalist and editor.

5462 results in this collection view all

Kaye Brinker papers, 1939-1972

2 Linear Feet 4 manuscript boxes
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Collection contains manuscripts, radio scripts, fan mail, and ephemera. Includes a large number of scripts for the "Everywoman" and "True to Life" radio programs.

137 results in this collection view all

Thomas de Waal Interviews, 1994-2001

32.5 Gigabytes 86 digital audio files, 67 digital transcripts
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Audio interviews by Thomas de Waal and their transcripts relating to the conflicts in Chechnia and Nagorno-Karabakh
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Alexander Hamilton Papers Publication Project records, 1700-1981

160 linear feet 321 boxes including 282 microfilm reels, 32 card file drawers in a black filing cabinet on stack 14 near 53e.
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Correspondence, typescripts, photocopies, microfilms, card files, and notes of the Alexander Hamilton Papers Publication Project, 1955-1981. The correspondence files of the editor, Harold C. Syrett, and his staff concerning the operations, activities, gathering of data, photocopies, and microfilm reproductions of letters, manuscripts, and documents by, to, and about Alexander Hamilton and selected and edited for publication by Columbia University Press as THE PAPERS OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON (New York, 1961-1970). Also, the corrected typescript copies of texts to be published, photocopies of letters, manuscripts, and documents by, to, and about Alexander Hamilton; microfilms of manuscript materials in a variety of repositories; and photocopies of newspaper articles relating to Hamilton.

577 results in this collection view all

Edwin Patrick Kilroe papers, 1776-1959

15000 items 41 boxes; 3 cmi boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, original political cartoons, printed and photostatic materials relating to the political and social activities of the Society of Tammany, or Columbian order. Most of the correspondence is concerned with the formation of the Kilroe Tammaniana Collection, Kilroe's collection of books, documents, manuscripts, posters, cartoons, etc. relating to Tammany Hall. Also, letters from various members of the Tammany organization. The manuscripts include typescripts of Kilroe's works such as A COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SAINT TAMMANY and TAMMANY HALL AND THE TAMMANY SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED STATES. In addition there are manuscript and typescript records of various Tammany Societies with particular emphasis on the New York City Society and the New York County Democratic Party organization. Among the cartoons are 22 by John Tinney McCutcheon (1870-1949), over half of which deals with Tammany and New York politics while the remainder concerns national politics with an emphasis on presidential campaigns.

1552 results in this collection view all

Anton Seidl collection of musical papers, 1870-1943

30 Linear Feet 49 boxes
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Papers, letters, memoranda, memorabilia, and manuscript music scores assembled by and related to the life and musical activities of Anton Seidl. The collection includes many letters from Cosima Wagner and her children addressed to Anton Seidl and his wife, the opera singer Auguste Kraus Seidl. There are also letters from Lilli Lehman, Edvard Grieg, Antonin Dvorak, Bronislaw Hubermann, Carl Goldmark, Maud Powell, Marianne Brandt, Felix Weingartner, Lyman Abbott, and many others. The letters are chiefly concerned with musical performances, composition, and related affairs. There are journals, diaries, and memoranda in Seidl's hand, as well as photographs and clippings relating to his conducting career. Also, twenty-seven manuscript scores of Seidl's orchestrations of various works.

851 results in this collection view all

Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie Papers, 1885-1916

0.5 linear feet 25 files in 1 box
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The collection includes incoming and outgoing correspondence and the holograph manuscript for the novel, The Serious Wooing, published in 1901.

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Otto Rank papers, 1903-1988, bulk 1903-1940

21 linear feet 49 boxes, 9 flat boxes (flat 166 - flat 174), 2 mapcase folders
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The collection consists of (1) A group of early materials written between 1903-1905, before Rank met Freud. This includes 4 daybooks, a notebook of dreams, a notebook of poems, the manuscripts of "Der Kunstler;" (2) Correspondence between Freud and Rank between 1906-1924, including the controversy over THE TRAUMA OF BIRTH. 40 a.l.s. from Freud and typed copies from Rank, with a few letters to and from Ferenczi (3) Copies and some originals of the circular letters by members of the inner circle, Ernest Jones, Abraham, Eitingon, Ferenczi, Rank and Freud, 1920-1924 (4) Original handwritten manuscripts, typed copies, notes and corrections of Rank's major works (5) Rank's own listing and comments on his writings and publications (to 1930) (6) Rank's published works--20 titles.

823 results in this collection view all

Isidor Schneider Papers, 1925-1975

8 linear feet 5,000 items in 20 manuscript boxes
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Manuscripts and correspondence of Schneider, including numerous manuscripts of short stories and poems, many of which are unpublished, and several full-length manuscripts of unpublished critical works. The collection also contains an extensive file of typescript reports on books for The Book Find Club, clippings of reviews written by Schneider and about his books, photographs and drawings of Schneider, and a file of correspondence relating to his writings. The literary correspondence includes letters from many of the important novelists, poets, and literary critics from the 1920s to the 1950s. They include Conrad Aiken, Sherwood Anderson, Kenneth Burke, Malcolm Cowley, Theodore Dreiser, Waldo Frank, Lillian Hellman, Robert Hillyer, Alfred Kreymborg, Thomas Mann, Arthur Miller, Marianne Moore, Lewis Mumford, Laura Riding, Muriel Rukeyser, Karl Shapiro, Stephen Spender, Mark Van Doren, and Yvor Winters.

295 results in this collection view all

Tennessee Williams papers, 1920-1983

160 linear feet 84 manuscript boxes, 2 custom boxes (69A and 72A), 1 mapcase (13-4G-13), 119 record storage cartons (library)
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A large and important collection of the correspondence, memoirs, and plays of Tennessee Williams. The collection is especially strong in the later works.
3160 results in this collection view all

Charles Austin Beard collection, 1911-1976

3 Linear Feet 7 document boxes
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A significant and sizeable archive of primary materials relating to the career of Charles A. Beard, compiled in the 1970s by Miriam (Beard) Vagts and William Beard. The collection includes more than 300 original letters, manuscripts, and printed material.

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Melville Cane papers, 1901-1979

22 linear feet 46 boxes 5 volumes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, and books of Melville H. Cane. Among the correspondents are Van Wyck Brooks, Carl Jung, Lewis Mumford, William Saroyan, Upton Sinclair, Felix Frankfurter, Jessamyn West, and W.H.Auden. Included is a scrapbook of newspaper articles by Cane, written chiefly for the "New York Evening Post". He served as the Columbia University correspondent during 1901 and 1902, when he was studying for his degree at the School of Law

1644 results in this collection view all

D. B. Steinman Papers, 1907-1959, bulk circa 1950-1955

0.25 linear feet 1 box
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A small collection of correspondence, awards, and ephemera related to the engineer David B. Steinman. The bulk of the material dates from the first half of the 1950s.

132 results in this collection view all

Phoebe Jacobs papers, 1951-2002

11 linear feet 23 boxes; 1 flat box; 1 tube box
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Correspondence, manuscripts, articles, documents, photographs, posters, clippings relating to the professional career of Phoebe Jacobs and notable jazz musicians, especially Louis Armstrong.

447 results in this collection view all

M. Moran Weston Papers, 1824-1994

75 linear feet 180 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, oral histories, photographs, audio cassettes, and printed material. Family and personal correspondence; materials related to his secondary, college, and university education; materials related to his tenure at the National Council of the Protestant Church; business correspondence of St. Philip's Episcopal Church and the St. Philip's Community Service Council; bulletins of church services; drafts of sermons and speeches, as well as numerous audio-tapes; manuscripts and publications; correspondence related to the construction and on-going maintenance of several senior-citizen and other community housing; correspondence related to various community redevelopment initives and campaigns for affordable housing; materials related to college courses including oral histories for his Black Family Research project; photographs of St. Philip's Church and of activities of the St. Philip's Community Service Council.

948 results in this collection view all

Ignat Arkhipovich Bilyi Papers, 1918-1973

10000 items 51 manuscript boxes; 2 oversize folders
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The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files, newspaper clippings, printed materials, photographs, and drawings. Most of the correspondence concerns Bilyi's activities as Ataman, and the journal "Kazak"; other correspondence is personal or relates to the activities of anti-Communist groups (such as the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations - ABN). The manuscripts include articles, reminiscences, drafts of appeals and proclamations, and speeches mostly concerning the Cossack movement, Cossack history, and the anti-Communist movement. The documents mostly concern KNOD and related organizations for the period ca.1955-1970; a few relate to the Cossacks in 1919-1945. The subject files contain newspaper clippings, printed materials, notes, and correspondence relating to KNOD, ABN, "Kazak", Ukrainian-Cossack relations, and the Vlasov Movement. The newspaper clippings are mostly from Russian and Ukrainian emigre publications. Printed materials include a set of "Kazak" and ephemera of KNOD, ABN, and similar organizations. There are a few photographs showing Bilyi in Cossack dress and also various Cossack emigre organization activities. The paintings and drawings include portraits of Bilyi and his wife, Tatiana Iurievna Bilyi, in national dress (his Cossack, hers Czech), other Cossack leaders, Cossack heraldry, and a map of "Cossackia."

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Frederic Dannay papers, 1920-1982

85 linear feet 190 boxes, 1 flat box, 1 mapcase folder
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Correspondence, outlines and drafts, manuscripts, letters of agreement, contracts, photographs, artwork, and memorabilia. The collection is divided into two parts: the Frederic Dannay papers and the files of ELLERY QUEEN'S MYSTERY MAGAZINE (EQMM). The Dannay papers consist of extensive correspondence with most of the notable mystery writers of this century, as well as well-known authors who sometimes wrote in that genre: Isaac Asimov; Lawrence Block; Ray Bradbury; Pearl S Buck; Edgar Rice Burroughs; James M. Cain; Raymond Chandler; Agatha Christie, etc. Most of the novels and short stories written by Dannay and Lee are represented in manuscript form: "The Roman Hat Mystery;" "Ten Day's Wonder;" "Cat of Many Tails;" "The Scarlet Letters;" "The Glass Village;" "The Player on the Other Side;" "And on the Eighth Day" etc. In addition, there are the manuscripts of books edited by Ellery Queen; manuscripts by Ellery Queen Jr.; scripts by Ellery Queen; poetry by Dannay; contracts between Dannay and Lee, as well as between them both as Ellery Queen and numerous parties. There are also manuscripts by such notables as Jorge Luis Borges; Erskine Caldwell; Raymond Chandler; Agatha Christie; Stanley Ellin; William Faulkner; Dashiell Hammett; O Henry; Nigel Morland; Georges Simenon; Muriel Spark; Julian Symons; Roy Vickers; and Cornell Woolrich.

7346 results in this collection view all

Adolph Oko collection of Spinoza materials, 1610-1958, bulk 1914-1958

14 linear feet 16 manuscript boxes (boxes 1-16), 6 record storage cartons (boxes 17-22)
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The Adolph Oko collection of Spinoza materials contains correspondence surrounding the Domus Spinoza and Spinoza-related findings. Also included are Oko's personal notes on Spinoza, his collected Spinoza ephemera, and Spinoza-related clippings, as well as some of Oko's personal photographs, primarily of himself and Dr. Carl Gebhardt. It also contains the card files belonging to Oko, Gebhardt, and the Spinoza Bibliography.
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