Subseries III.8: Miki Shigeru/三木茂, 1905-1978
- Abstract Or Scope
This subseries contains items Makino received from Miki Shigeru's family after Miki's death in 1978 along with materials Makino gathered about Miki from used bookstores. The items include Miki Shigeru's press passes from the Navy and Army (1939-1941) as well as Home Ministry certificates, film production company termination and hiring certificates with monthly salaries (Tōhō, Nippon Eigasha), and correspondence (letters and postcards to Miki). The subseries also includes materials from his post-war film production company, Miki Film Company/Miki Eigasha/三木映画社, including published screenplays (scenarios) for documentary, social education, short film (PR eiga/PR映画), and propaganda films, as well as company documents mainly related to tax payments. Miki's hospital admission records and bills from 1977 are also included here. There are also Makino's manuscripts, fliers, and exhibition related material for the 2001 event on Miki held at The Museum of Art, Kōchi. These materials contain a filmography and biographical information.
- Collection Context