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Aleksandra Vil'gel'movna Linden Memoirs, 1961
56 pagesLinden's typescript memoirs "Vospominaniia o davno proshedshem" discuss life in the Crimea during the Civil War and the early years of Soviet rule, up to 1924.
Fiodor Gorb Memoir, 1955
172 pagesTypescript memoirs "Chernyi Uragan" describe experiences of Gorb and his family in the Soviet Union before and during the Second World War.
Inna Konstantinovna Buttler Memoirs, 1970
3 itemsThree typescript memoiristic essays (112 p.) by Inna Konstantinovna Buttler, describing primarily her experiences in the Soviet Union during World War II, and to a lesser extent life in the Soviet Union during the 1930s.
Mariia Kirillovna Shevich Memoirs, 1956
113 pagesThese typescript memoirs discuss her childhood at diplomatic posts (Japan, Washington, Netherlands), and in France and Russia; and her adult life up to 1920. A great deal of attention is devoted to life in the Imperial court and aristocratic social circles.
Nikolai Dmitrievich Khomutov Memoir, 1930
89 pagesThe manuscript "Iz dalekoso proshlogo" concerns Khomutov's trip to the USSR in the 1920s.
Sinclair Hatch Diary, 1931
120 pagesBound typescript copy of Hatch's travel diary "The USSR in 1931: Leningrad to Odessa, July 18 to August 17"