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Fedor Tkachenko Memoirs, 1957-1958
5 items (1 box)- Abstract Or Scope
Typescript memoirs, in two volumes, of Tkachenko. The memoirs are written under the pseudonym St. Chemer, and are entitled: "Dvadt︠s︡at ́pi︠a︡t ́let pod serpom i molotom" (429 p.), and "Dva lata pod znakom svastiki" (76 p.). There are also clippings of three memoiristic articles by Tkachenko.
Galina Leonidovna Vigand Papers, 1925-1937
500 items (1 box)- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence and memoirs of Vigand. The correspondence dates from 1925 to 1937 and primarily consists of letters from her daughter and other relatives and friends in the Soviet Union. The memoirs describe Vigand's life in the Soviet Union from 1920-1925 during which time she lived in the Northern Caucasus and in Novorossiĭsk. The memoirs end with her emigration to France in 1925.
Galina Leonidovna Vigand Papers, 1925-1937 500 items (1 box)
- Creator
- Vigand, Galina Leonidovna
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence and memoirs of Vigand. The correspondence dates from 1925 to 1937 and primarily consists of letters from her daughter and other relatives and friends in the Soviet Union. The memoirs describe Vigand's life in the Soviet Union from 1920-1925 during which time she lived in the Northern Caucasus and in Novorossiĭsk. The memoirs end with her emigration to France in 1925.
- Collection Context
Ivan Nikolaevich Shumilin Papers, 1927-1965
6.5 linear feet (13 boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes correspondence (1940-1960), manuscripts by Shumilin, photographs, subject files, drawings and printed materials. Shumilin's major manuscripts concern the history of the Soviet educational system and include: "Kratkiĭ ocherk narodnogo obrazovanii︠a︡ v Rossii do olti︠a︡brśkoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii," "O politekhnicheskom obrazovanii v SSSR," and "Vysshai︠a︡ sovet︠s︡kai︠a︡ shkola." Among the shorter manuscripts are: "Dve ti︠u︡rḿy," "Iz vospominaniĭ o sovet︠s︡kom teatre," "Obzor literatury O Chekhove," "O dukhovnom oblike russkoĭ zhenschiny," "Starai︠a︡ Varshava" and "Tragedi︠a︡ sovet︠s︡koĭ molodezhi." There are photographs of Shumilin taken in 1960. The subject files reflect Shumilin's major interests during the years he lived in Germany and the United States: church affairs, organizing recitals of religious music and music therapy. There are several folders of clippings, a number of pamphlets containing articles written by Shumilin and a number of copies of Shumilin's "Polytechnic Education in the USSR." Several of the manuscripts in the collection were published during the 1950-1965 period. These include: "O dukhovnom oblike russkoĭ zhenshchiny" (New York, 1957), "Soviet Higher Education" (Munich, 1962) and "Tragedii︠a︡ sovet︠s︡koĭ molodezhi" (Munich, 1961).
Ivan Nikolaevich Shumilin Papers, 1927-1965 6.5 linear feet (13 boxes)
- Creator
- Schumilin, Johannes, 1895-
- Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes correspondence (1940-1960), manuscripts by Shumilin, photographs, subject files, drawings and printed materials. Shumilin's major manuscripts concern the history of the Soviet educational system and include: "Kratkiĭ ocherk narodnogo obrazovanii︠a︡ v Rossii do olti︠a︡brśkoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii," "O politekhnicheskom obrazovanii v SSSR," and "Vysshai︠a︡ sovet︠s︡kai︠a︡ shkola." Among the shorter manuscripts are: "Dve ti︠u︡rḿy," "Iz vospominaniĭ o sovet︠s︡kom teatre," "Obzor literatury O Chekhove," "O dukhovnom oblike russkoĭ zhenschiny," "Starai︠a︡ Varshava" and "Tragedi︠a︡ sovet︠s︡koĭ molodezhi." There are photographs of Shumilin taken in 1960. The subject files reflect Shumilin's major interests during the years he lived in Germany and the United States: church affairs, organizing recitals of religious music and music therapy. There are several folders of clippings, a number of pamphlets containing articles written by Shumilin and a number of copies of Shumilin's "Polytechnic Education in the USSR." Several of the manuscripts in the collection were published during the 1950-1965 period. These include: "O dukhovnom oblike russkoĭ zhenshchiny" (New York, 1957), "Soviet Higher Education" (Munich, 1962) and "Tragedii︠a︡ sovet︠s︡koĭ molodezhi" (Munich, 1961).
- Collection Context
Kuz'ma Aleksandrovich Vikulov Papers, 1918-1939
91 items (1 box)- Abstract Or Scope
Papers of Vikulov. The collection contains correspondence and documents. The correspondence consists of letters written to Vikulov from relatives in the Soviet Union. The documents consist mostly of receipts for money orders sent by Vikulov to his relatives.
Kuz'ma Aleksandrovich Vikulov Papers, 1918-1939 91 items (1 box)
- Creator
- Vikulov, Kuzʹma Aleksandrovich
- Abstract Or Scope
Papers of Vikulov. The collection contains correspondence and documents. The correspondence consists of letters written to Vikulov from relatives in the Soviet Union. The documents consist mostly of receipts for money orders sent by Vikulov to his relatives.
- Collection Context
Lev Stepanovich Rubanov Papers, 1945-1970
16 items (16 items)- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of arranged correspondence (two items relating to the "Komitet za vozvrashchenie na rodinu") and manuscripts. Among the manuscripts are brief essays about the Russian Revolution, the Civil War and the cities Odessa, Simferopol ́and Komsomolśk na Amure before World War II. There is also an untitled manuscript by an unidentified author describing the blockade of Leningrad.
Lev Stepanovich Rubanov Papers, 1945-1970 16 items (16 items)
- Creator
- Rubanov, Lev Stepanovich, b. 1890
- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of arranged correspondence (two items relating to the "Komitet za vozvrashchenie na rodinu") and manuscripts. Among the manuscripts are brief essays about the Russian Revolution, the Civil War and the cities Odessa, Simferopol ́and Komsomolśk na Amure before World War II. There is also an untitled manuscript by an unidentified author describing the blockade of Leningrad.
- Collection Context
Mikhail Ivanovich Nil'skii Manuscripts, 1950-1954
41 items (41 items)- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts of Mikhail I. Nilśkiĭ (probably a pseudonym), include a typescript memoir"Pobeg" (266 p.), which describes the author's experiences in Soviet labor camps. Also included are 40 short sketches, paginated consecutively, covering political prisons and camps and episodes from the lives of Soviet citizens, such as encounters with the NKVD, escape from the Nazis during World War II, and court trials.
Mikhail Ivanovich Nil'skii Manuscripts, 1950-1954 41 items (41 items)
- Creator
- Nilśkiĭ, Mikhail Ivanovich
- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts of Mikhail I. Nilśkiĭ (probably a pseudonym), include a typescript memoir"Pobeg" (266 p.), which describes the author's experiences in Soviet labor camps. Also included are 40 short sketches, paginated consecutively, covering political prisons and camps and episodes from the lives of Soviet citizens, such as encounters with the NKVD, escape from the Nazis during World War II, and court trials.
- Collection Context
Polenovskii Dom Manuscript, 1927
1 item (6 pages)- Abstract Or Scope
The report "Tezisy otchetnogo doklada Polenovskogo Doma Kollegii Narkomprosa za vremia s 1-go Oktiabria 1925 g. po 1-e Aprelia 1927 goda za 1 god i 6 mesiatsev: Khudozhestvennaia samodeiatel'nost derevni po R.S.F.S'.R. v tsifrakh" includes statistics, text, and comments, and is signed by V. Ignatov, the head of the Polenovskii Dom, which was part of "Narodnyi Komissariat Prosveshcheniia" (People's Commissariat of Education) of the Russian Republic.
Polenovskii Dom Manuscript, 1927 1 item (6 pages)
- Creator
- Gosudarstvennyĭ muzeĭ-usadʹba V.D. Polenova
- Abstract Or Scope
The report "Tezisy otchetnogo doklada Polenovskogo Doma Kollegii Narkomprosa za vremia s 1-go Oktiabria 1925 g. po 1-e Aprelia 1927 goda za 1 god i 6 mesiatsev: Khudozhestvennaia samodeiatel'nost derevni po R.S.F.S'.R. v tsifrakh" includes statistics, text, and comments, and is signed by V. Ignatov, the head of the Polenovskii Dom, which was part of "Narodnyi Komissariat Prosveshcheniia" (People's Commissariat of Education) of the Russian Republic.
- Collection Context
Rodichev Family Papers, 1700-1970
12000 items (38 boxes; 1 oversized tube)- Abstract Or Scope
The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files, photographs, and printed materials, and chiefly concern the post-1917 emigration; the Rodichevs settled in Switzerland. There is a great deal of family correspondence, including letters from Fedor I. Rodichev to his wife and daughter, letters from their niece Nina Vernadsky (Mrs. George), and from relatives in Soviet Russia in the 1920s and 1930s. There are many letters by Fedor I. Rodichev to Ivan and Anastasii︠a︡ Petrunkevich, and to Natalii︠a︡ Herzen fille. There are also letters to the Rodichevs from such Kadet leaders as Nikolaĭ Astrov, I︠O︡sif Gessen, Vasiliĭ Maklakov, Pavel Mili︠u︡kov, Sofii︠a︡ Panina, and Ivan Petrunkevich, and items by Aleksandr I. Herzen, Nikolaĭ Ogarev, and Ignacy Jan Paderewski. Manuscripts include memoirs and other writings, with many notes and fragments, written by Fedor Rodichev while in exile. There is also Aleksandra Rodicheva's biography of her father, and materials used by Kermit McKenzie to prepare his edition of Fedor Rodichev's memoirs. Subject files concern such topics as the Russian Civil War, the emigration, and the Rodichev and Herzen families. Among the photographs, which are chiefly of the Rodichevs and their friends and relatives, are two portraits of Giuseppe Garibaldi. Printed materials include clippings and offprints of works by Fedor Rodichev, and some books by, or relating to, members of the Herzen family.
Rodichev Family Papers, 1700-1970 12000 items (38 boxes; 1 oversized tube)
- Creator
- Rodichev family
- Abstract Or Scope
The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files, photographs, and printed materials, and chiefly concern the post-1917 emigration; the Rodichevs settled in Switzerland. There is a great deal of family correspondence, including letters from Fedor I. Rodichev to his wife and daughter, letters from their niece Nina Vernadsky (Mrs. George), and from relatives in Soviet Russia in the 1920s and 1930s. There are many letters by Fedor I. Rodichev to Ivan and Anastasii︠a︡ Petrunkevich, and to Natalii︠a︡ Herzen fille. There are also letters to the Rodichevs from such Kadet leaders as Nikolaĭ Astrov, I︠O︡sif Gessen, Vasiliĭ Maklakov, Pavel Mili︠u︡kov, Sofii︠a︡ Panina, and Ivan Petrunkevich, and items by Aleksandr I. Herzen, Nikolaĭ Ogarev, and Ignacy Jan Paderewski. Manuscripts include memoirs and other writings, with many notes and fragments, written by Fedor Rodichev while in exile. There is also Aleksandra Rodicheva's biography of her father, and materials used by Kermit McKenzie to prepare his edition of Fedor Rodichev's memoirs. Subject files concern such topics as the Russian Civil War, the emigration, and the Rodichev and Herzen families. Among the photographs, which are chiefly of the Rodichevs and their friends and relatives, are two portraits of Giuseppe Garibaldi. Printed materials include clippings and offprints of works by Fedor Rodichev, and some books by, or relating to, members of the Herzen family.
- Collection Context
Russian Religious News Service Translations, 1921-1933
100 items (1 manuscript box)- Abstract Or Scope
The collection of the Russian Religious News Service (New York) consists of carbons of translations from the Soviet press, issued by the Service chiefly in the period 1927-1933. Many of the translations concern the decadence of Soviet youth, but most deal with religion in the USSR. A few items concern Russian Orthodoxy in the emigration.
Russian Religious News Service Translations, 1921-1933 100 items (1 manuscript box)
- Creator
- Russian Religious News Service (New York, N.Y.)
- Abstract Or Scope
The collection of the Russian Religious News Service (New York) consists of carbons of translations from the Soviet press, issued by the Service chiefly in the period 1927-1933. Many of the translations concern the decadence of Soviet youth, but most deal with religion in the USSR. A few items concern Russian Orthodoxy in the emigration.
- Collection Context