Polivanov's memoirs concern higher education in the Soviet Union. An untitled essay concerns Yaroslavl ́University, founded in 1919 and replaced by the Yaroslavl ́Pedagogical Institute in 1924. The main theme of the essay is the growth of government pressure on the University and on academic freedom in general. There is also a discussion of the All-Union Congress of Workers in Higher Education and Academic Institutions (Sʺezd Rabotnikov Vyssheĭ Shkoly i Nauchnykh Uchrezhdeniĭ), Moscow, 1923. The second essay is entitled "Vospominanii︠a︡ o Krymskom Pedagogicheskom Institute." In 1927 Polivanov became academic secretary of that Institute, in Simferopol;́ in 1933-39 he was director of its library, and he taught Latin in 1939-41. The main themes he deals with are government pressure, conflicts between old and new staff and academic values, experiments in programs, and the purges. He continues the story up to the German occupation. Both essays are in manuscript and typescript form. Publications based on the Mikhail Pavlovich POLIVANOV Memoirs: Polivanov M.P. "Nauka v plenu u bolshevikov..." lAroslavskaia starina, vyp. 3, 1996: pp. 57-62.