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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchinskii Papers, 1912-1963
44 itemsThe papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Manuscripts include notes taken on a speechby General Lavr Kornilov in August 1917; Kolchinskiĭ's writings on the history of the Pavlovsk Military Academy (including a published book by him); and his diaries from the early 1950s. Also included are Kolchinskiĭ's Russian army documents; items relating to his work in the Belgian Congo during World War II; and several photographs of army officers during World War I.
Aleksei Alekseevich Gering Manuscripts, 1930-1975
340 itemsThe collection is composed almost exclusively of manuscripts submitted to Gering for publication in "Voennai︠a︡ Byl"́. These are mostly short memoirs of battles and campaigns, of life in military school, or of peacetime garrison life, by former tsarist officers. These naturally relate chiefly to the last few decades of the tsarist regime, and to the period of the Revolution and Civil War. Some contributions are more scholarly in tone; these include articles on the earlier history of the Russian army and of individual regiments, etc. Few of the manuscripts are more than 40 pages long; most are 1-20 pages. Not all of these manuscripts were published in "Voennai︠a︡ Byl"́; those that were not formed part of Gering's "archive" and have been arranged separately.
Boris Ol'shanskii Manuscripts, 1949-1951
3 itemsThree typescripts by Olśhanskiĭ chiefly concerning the Soviet army during World War II: "How it is Happened" [sic], covering the whole course of the Soviet-German war and its immediate aftermath in Germany; "Perekhod reki Oder v operat︠s︡ii︠a︡kh sovet︠s︡koĭ armii;" and "Skorost ́i metody postroĭki dorog v sovet︠s︡koĭ armii.".
Dmitrii L. De-Vitt Manuscripts, 1938-1957
6 itemsTypescript memoirs are "Chechenskai︠a︡ konnai︠a︡ divizii︠a︡ 1919 god;" "Mini︠a︡ti︠u︡ry proshlago: Leĭb-Draguny;" "Tridt︠s︡at ́piat ́let tomu nazad;" and translations into French of two poems by Aleksandr Pushkin. Also included is a mimeographed collection of pieces on the history of the Pskov Corps of Cadets, entitled "Dosug kadeta pskovicha.".
Pavel Nikolaevich Chizhov Papers, 1910-1959
21 itemsThe bulk of the collection consists of memoirs and manuscripts on historical military themes by Pavel Nikolaevich Chizhov. The memoirs deal with such topics as Chizhov's military education, his military service (garrison duty in Warsaw, the Far East, World War I, and the Civil War in the south), and his life in the emigration.
Semenovskii Polk Records, 1720-1967
7500 itemsThe bulk of the collection concerns the last three decades of the Regiment's existence and the emigration. Cataloged items consist of 3 photographs of Tsar Nicholas II and a receipt signed by one Captain Lanta, dated 1720. The correspondence is almost all after 1917. The manuscripts include a history of the Regiment from its formation and some other historical pieces by Viktor I. Meshchaninov. Most of the other manuscripts -- chiefly officers' memoirs -- concern the period of WWI, the Revolution, and the Civil War. Of other materials relating to the Imperial epoch, mention may be made of the lists of members of the Regiment since its formation compiled by some regimental historian; biographical sketches of many officers; field orders, topographical maps, certificates awarding medals, etc. The Association of former officers generated much material: accounts, minutes, souvenirs of commemorative dinners, etc. A rich store of photographs forms part of the collection. These include both individual and group portraits of members of the Regiment and of the Imperial family. Especially fine photos of the last 2 tsars, their families, and various urban landscapes are found in the album "Photographies du comte Nostitz.".