Ivan Nikolaevich Shumilin Papers, 1927-1965 6.5 linear feet (13 boxes)
- Creator
- Schumilin, Johannes, 1895-
- Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes correspondence (1940-1960), manuscripts by Shumilin, photographs, subject files, drawings and printed materials. Shumilin's major manuscripts concern the history of the Soviet educational system and include: "Kratkiĭ ocherk narodnogo obrazovanii︠a︡ v Rossii do olti︠a︡brśkoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii," "O politekhnicheskom obrazovanii v SSSR," and "Vysshai︠a︡ sovet︠s︡kai︠a︡ shkola." Among the shorter manuscripts are: "Dve ti︠u︡rḿy," "Iz vospominaniĭ o sovet︠s︡kom teatre," "Obzor literatury O Chekhove," "O dukhovnom oblike russkoĭ zhenschiny," "Starai︠a︡ Varshava" and "Tragedi︠a︡ sovet︠s︡koĭ molodezhi." There are photographs of Shumilin taken in 1960. The subject files reflect Shumilin's major interests during the years he lived in Germany and the United States: church affairs, organizing recitals of religious music and music therapy. There are several folders of clippings, a number of pamphlets containing articles written by Shumilin and a number of copies of Shumilin's "Polytechnic Education in the USSR." Several of the manuscripts in the collection were published during the 1950-1965 period. These include: "O dukhovnom oblike russkoĭ zhenshchiny" (New York, 1957), "Soviet Higher Education" (Munich, 1962) and "Tragedii︠a︡ sovet︠s︡koĭ molodezhi" (Munich, 1961).
- Collection Context