Posters and scrolls produced as visual aids to education and proselytization by Protestant missionaries working in China. Most scrolls include Chinese text and use images specifically designed for the Chinese mission field.
James Whitford Bashford was a resident Methodist bishop in Shanghai and Peking, China, and former president of Ohio Wesleyan University. The collection contains diaries which include notes on religion, lands, people, and history of China; and index to the diaries; as well as photographs and collection notes.
Miner Searle Bates taught history at Nanking University 南京大學, was a member of the International Committee for Nanking Safety Zone in the Second Sino-Japanese War, and Professor of Missions at Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1950-1965. The collection contains papers, meeting minutes, articles, reports, and other publications collected or created by Bates regarding missions in 20th century China.
Samuel Dodd was an American United Presbyterian missionary in Ningbo, China and Hangzhou, China; Samuel Thompson Carter Dodd was his eldest son, born in Ningbo, China. The collection contains a copy of Samuel Dodd's 1861-1877 journal typed and with notes by his son, as well as correspondence and photographs.
Two copies of a book, titled 基督教聖蹟圖 (Christian Sacred Pictures), of 13 photographs of ink paintings produced by students in the Art Department of the Catholic University of Beiping, and exhibited at the California College in China in February 1937. Paintings depict Christian scenes using traditional Chinese artistic motifs and techniques.
Edward Hicks Hume was a Protestant medical missionary in China and the founder of the Yale-Hunan Medical College. The collection contains monographs, a memorial pamphet for son T.C. Hume, correspondence and notes regarding T. C. Hume's appointment to a World Council of Churches post in Stockholm, a book list, and Chinese paper coins.
This collection contains a commemorative album presented to Presbyterian missionary Edwin Carlyle Lobenstine and his wife, Susan Clark Lobenstine, on the occasion of his retirement from the National Christian Council of China.
This collection largely consists of reports and writings related to the work of the YCMA in China, although other missionary enterprises are represented as well. It also contains unpublished material on Lyon's study of Confucianism.
This collection contains a 1967 typewritten manuscript history of the ABCFM missions in North China from 1935 to 1960, compiled by Harold Shepherd Matthews, an American Board missionary in China and China secretary at the ABCFM.
This collection contains a printed copy of a stone tablet at Sianfu, Shensi, China, reporting the introduction of Christianity into China in 634 A.D (showing only the Chinese text), and the envelope in which it was received by the Missionary Research Library from China.