The Leslie H. Dingyan Chen's Collection of Historiographic Materials for a Biography of Chen Chiung-Ming is a typescript publication published in 1988 documenting the life of Chen Jiongming as a revolutionary figure in the Guangdong province before and during the Republican period in China.
The William Henry Donald letters primarily consist of correspondence between William Henry Donald (1875- 1946) and his friend, Harold K. Hochschild (1892-1981) where he described about his work in China, his involvement in the Xi'an Incident, and his life later in the Pacific Islands and return to China. Other materials in the collection include biographical information, a sketch of Donald, and news clippings about Donald.
The Shih-hui Hsiung (Shihui Xiong) papers consist of materials documenting Hsiung's life and political career from 1907 to 1974. The highlights of the papers are the manuscripts, which include six volumes of Hsiung's memoir, seven volumes of diaries over 43 years, and approximately 440 original handwritten speech scripts. The photographs and political and military affairs related documents focus on Hsiung's active involvement in the northeast region and abroad from 1930 to 1948. The papers overall consist of correspondence, calligraphy scrolls, diaries, a diploma, documents, letter books, manuscripts of published and unpublished works, maps, newspaper clippings, notes, oversize military notices, poems, photographs, photograph albums, reports, and other materials.
The Zhang Fakui papers emphasize General Zhang's military career as a Chinese Nationalist General during the important years of the Sino-Japanese War. The bulk of the papers consist of documents and maps relating to the history of the Fourth War Zone which he commanded during the Sino-Japanese War dating from 1940 to 1947. Also included are documents related to the governance and development of the Hainan dating from 1939 to 1949. Materials include correspondence, documents, maps, photographs, reports, manuscripts, and diaries.