This collection consists of materials from the African Students Association at Columbia University from 1978-1997. The collection includes letters, notes, membership rosters, meeting minutes, speeches, reports, photographs, booklets, pamphlets, brochures, fliers, memorabilia, newspaper clippings, the association's constitution, as well as archived ASA affiliated websites, including a Tumblr blog and the association's public website from 2016 to present.
Bill Weinberg is a journalist, political writer, activist, and radio personality. His work and activism has focused on human rights, indigenous movements, drug policy, the environment, the Middle East, and opposition to war and authoritarianism. The Bill Weinberg sound recordings feature 57 episodes of the show Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade (MORC), which was broadcast on WBAI radio from 1988 to 2011. The collection's recordings date from Bill Weinberg's period as part of the show's collective from 1992 to 2011. Throughout its run, MORC covered a wide range of political, cultural, and spiritual topics. Some major themes addressed in the collection's episodes include ecology, indigenous movements, anarchism, the War on Drugs, United States imperialism, Latin America, North Africa, religion, New York City political and social movements, sustainable transportation, and gardening. The collection also contains an oral history interview with Weinberg that was taken by the curator when the collection was donated to the Oral History Archives at Columbia.
This collection consists of correspondence, business records, and appraisal drafts relating to the University Place Book Shop and its owner and proprietor, Walter Goldwater. The collection also includes material pertaining to Goldwater's involvement in the Marshall Chess Club.