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Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams Papers, 1897-1961 14 Linear Feet 33 manuscript boxes
- Creator
- Tyrkova-Williams, Ariadna, 1869-1962
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files and printed material of Russian émigré writer, journalist, and Kadet Party leader Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams. The collection also contains material by her husband, Harold Williams, and her son, Arkadiĭ Borman.
- Collection Context
Evgenii Aleksandrovich Vechorin Papers, 1900-1971 3500 items 11 manuscript boxes
- Creator
- Vechorin, E. A. (Evgenīĭ Aleksandrovich), 1884-1969
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, subject files, and printed materials of Evgenii Aleksandrovich Vechorin, chiefly concerning alumni of the St. Petersburg Polytechnical Institute. The catalogued correspondence includes letters from Nikolai Andreev, Petr Savitskii, Igor ́Sikorskii, Gleb Struve, and Alfred Swann, and other prominent figures. Much of the arranged correspondence is from fellow graduates of the Institute, and concerns alumni affairs. Most of the manuscripts are likewise by fellow graduates; many are memoirs, such as those by Vechorin himself, while others concern technical subjects. Among the subject files are biographical sketches of Institute graduates and files on such individuals as Petr Savitskii, Igor ́Sikorskii, and Alfred Swann. There are several photographs taken at the Institute ca. 1900 as well as photographs of Vechorin and his colleagues after emigration. The printed materials include clippings and excerpts, miscellaneous journals, and books by Vechorin and S. P. Timoshenko.
- Collection Context
Pavel Pavlovich Mendeleev Papers, 1900-1951 8 linear feet 12 manuscript boxes; 2 oversize boxes
- Creator
- Mendeleev, Pavel Pavlovich, 1863-1951
- Abstract Or Scope
The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files, photographs, and printed materials. Correspondence in the collection includes 1 item from Ivan Bunin, 2 from Vladimir Davydov, and many from G. A. Alekseev. Mendeleev's extensive memoirs, "Svet i teni v moei zhizni," discuss his childhood and youth, government service, World War I, the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War, and life in the emigration up to 1933. Subject files in this collection concern the Prague Russian Archive, the Union of the Russian Nobility, the Russian Imperial family in the emigration, and other topics. Printed materials include an almost complete set of the weekly "Parizhskii Vestnik" (1942-1944).
- Collection Context
Sergei Grigor'evich Svatikov Papers, 1860-1950 40000 items 101 manuscript boxes; 1 oversized folder
- Creator
- Svatikov, S. G., 1880-1942
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, documents, subject files and printed materials of Sergei Grigor'evich Svatikov (1878/1880?-1942), Russian lawyer, historian, publicist, and public figure. The correspondence includes letters from Mark Aldanov, Vladimir Burtsev, Ivan Efremov, Georgii Grebenshchikov, Grigorii Lozinskii, Sergei Mel'gunov, Nikolai Rubakin, George Vernadsky and Mark Vishniak. There is a notebook that belonged to Vera Zasulich. Among the photographs are pictures of Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, Sergei Mel'gunov, and Aleksander Wielopolski. The manuscripts include several by Svatikov as well as many notes, lists and bibliographical compendia relating to his oeuvre. The subject files cover such areas as the Russian Reading Hall in Heidelberg, the Turgenev Library in Paris, and the Russkii akademicheskii soiuz (Groupe academique russe), also in Paris. The printed materials include clippings, materials from the Institute d'ʹetudes slaves, and a number of books by Svatikov.
- Collection Context
Soiuz russkikh pisatelei i zhurnalistov v Parizhe Records, 1917-1952 3000 items 7 boxes
- Creator
- Soi︠u︡z russkikh pisateleĭ i zhurnalistov v Parizhe
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, organizational records, and accounts of the Soi︠u︡z Russkikh Pisateleĭ i Zhurnalistov v Parizhe (Union of Russian Writers and Journalists in Paris). The correspondence (ca. 1920-1951) primarily deals with organizational subsidies and events, and includes letters from such writers as Mark Aldanov, Ivan Bunin, Mikhail Fedorov, Mikhail Osorgin, Alekseĭ Remizov, Nadezhda Teffi, Marina T︠S︡vetaeva and Boris Zaĭt︠s︡ev (the president of the organization) among others. There are manuscripts by Vladimir Zeeler and Sofii︠a︡ Anichkova-Taube as well as photographs of several members of the organization. The financial records include receipts for subsidies and general financial statements covering the 1920-1950 period. The organizational records concern Union balls, publications, and other activities. There are also folders of miscellaneous notes and clippings.
- Collection Context
Tikhon Ivanovich Polner Papers, 1850-1934 450 items 2 boxes
- Creator
- Polner, T. I. (Tikhon Ivanovich), 1864-1935
- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files and printed material. The correspondence is primarily from the 1920s and includes letters from G. E. Lv́ov and S. P. Mel'gunov and one or two items each from M. A. Aldanov, I. A. Bunin, N. V. Chaikovskii, A. L. Tolstaiia, V. F. Zeeler and others. The manuscripts are primarily in the form of notes in Polner's hand and include Polner's diary from the years 1919-1925. The documents belong to Tikhon Polner's brother, Sergei, and deal with the latter's expulsion from the USSR in 1921. There is extensive material in the subject files on the writings of Lev Tolstoĭ, including typescript copies of several Tolstoi manuscripts and clippings of the reviews of Polner's book on Tolstoi. Also included is a photograph of A. I. Herzen from the 1850s.
- Collection Context
Vladimir Feofilovich Zeeler Papers, 1870-1950 4.5 Linear Feet 11 manuscript boxes
- Creator
- Zeeler, Vladimir Feofilovich, 1874-1954
- Abstract Or Scope
Vladimir Feofilovich Zeeler (Владимир Феофилович Зеелер; 1874-1954) was a Russian lawyer, state official and political activist; the Interior Minister in the South Russian Government; a pivotal figure of the Russian emigration; and a journalist, editor, memoirist and philanthropist. The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, and photographs of many prominent cultural figures in the Russian emigration. A sizable part of the collection also concerns the painter Il'ia Repin (1844-1930).
- Collection Context
Vserossiiskii Zemskii Soiuz Records, 1916-1945 3000 items 9 manuscript boxes
- Creator
- Vserossīĭskīĭ zemskīĭ soi︠u︡z pomoshchi bolʹnym i ranenym voinam
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, drawings and printed material of the Vserossiiskii zemskii soiuz (All Russian Zemstvo Union). The correspondence, spanning the years 1920-1944, is for the most part addressed to Porfirii N. Sorokin, Executive Secretary of the organization's Vremennyi glavnyi komitet (Temporary Executive Committee), the coordinating unit for all the institutions of the Zemstvo Union. The manuscripts include writings by N. I. Astrov, V. D. Kuz'min-Karavaev, and others. The documents are almost exclusively minutes of the Temporary Executive Committee's meetings from the period 1919-1924. The photographs, for the most part unidentified, are of Russian refugee settlements and White Army encampments in the area of Constantinople and Gallipoli, ca. 1921. The subject files include some financial records, and the printed material include the Vserossiiskii zemskii soiuz bulletin from 1916-1921 as well as publications about the Rossiiskii Zemsko-gorodskoi komitet and the Vserossiiskii soiuz gorodov.
- Collection Context