Search Results
Giles Cooper Papers, 1945-1984 16.5 linear feet 34 document boxes
- Creator
- Cooper, Giles
- Abstract Or Scope
Playscripts, correspondence about his scripts, poems, notebooks and other manuscripts including drafts, typescripts, notes, photographs, mimeographed scripts and printed materials, re. Cooper's plays, radio and television scripts, short stories, and novels.
- Collection Context
H. R. Knickerbocker papers, 1914-1950 12 boxes 12 boxes, scrapbooks
- Creator
- Knickerbocker, H. R. (Hubert Renfro), 1898-1949
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, clippings, notebooks, and photographs. The principal files are not complete. The correspondence covers the years 1920 to 1941, and the scrapbooks of clippings begin in 1927 and end in 1945. Nevertheless, many of Knickerbocker's reports, cables, and interviews, some unpublished, are present and provide information concerning news events, primarily in Europe, and the operations of his office. Correspondence with fellow members of the press is extensive and interesting. There are a few original manuscripts in the collection, but none pertain to Knickerbocker's seven books. Also, photographs relating to Knickerbocker's works on Russian trade and the Five Year Plan, and of Knickerbocker himself. The correspondence includes letters from Winston Churchill, Randolph Churchill, Evelyn Waugh, Leon Trotsky, Sir Josiah Stamp, Ernestine Evans, Walter Duranty, and John W. Wheeler-Bennett.
- Collection Context
Jack Harris Samuels English and American literary manuscripts and letters collection, [1630]-1964 6.5 linear feet 6 boxes 27 volumes
- Creator
- Samuels, Jack Harris, 1915-1966
- Abstract Or Scope
A collection of letters, manuscripts, proofs, and drawings of English and American authors, including 33 letters from Alan Gabriel Barnsley (Gabriel Fielding) to Derek Stanford; a letter from James Boswell to George Colman the younger; a letter from Wilkie Collins; a letter from James Fenimore Cooper to William Buell Sprague; a letter from Dinah Maria Mulock Craik; letters from E.M. Forster; letters from Sarah Grand to James B. Pond; letters from T.B. Macauley; a letter from Hester Lynch Piozzi to James Robson; letters and cards from G.B. Shaw; letters from R.B. Sheridan to Thomas Grenville and to C. Ward, and a letter from Elizabeth Ann Linley Sheridan to R.B. Sheridan; a letter from William Wordsworth to F.W. Faber; a letter to Alfred, Lord Tennyson to Benjamin Disraeli; letters from Anthony Trollope written to Frederic Chapman, Mary Christie, J.T. Fields, Frederic Harrison, and others; letters from Ellen Terry and Rhoda Broughton, and postcards from Evelyn Waugh to Graham Ackroyd. The manuscripts include examples by Max Beerbohm, Arnold Bennett, Elizabeth Bowen, John Burroughs, Ivy Compton-Burnett, A.E. Coppard, Baron Corvo, Cecil Day Lewis, Ronald Firbank, E.M. Forster, George Gissing, Sarah Grand, A.P. Herbert, Rudyard Kipling, Edward Lear, Henry W. Longfellow, Amy Lowell, John Wilmot 2nd Earl of Rochester, G.B. Shaw, Edith Sitwell, and Logan Pearsall Smith.
- Collection Context
John Herbert Maxse letters, 1917-1936 2 boxes 2 boxes
- Creator
- Maxse, John Herbert, 1901-1978
- Abstract Or Scope
Letters written to Maxse from his family, friends, and military colleagues. These depict social life in England and British Army life from 1920 to 1935. The letters from Pansy Lamb and Margaret Wyndham concern the first marriage of Evelyn Waugh. Among the correspondents are Helen Hardinge, Henry and Pansy Lamb, Violet Milner, Edward Sackville-West, and Henry Yorke ("Henry Green").
- Collection Context
Thomas Merton papers, 1923-2014 21 linear feet 43 boxes
- Creator
- Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, art work, audio cassette, printed materials by and about Thomas Merton. The correspondence covers the years from his study at Columbia to his death in Bangkok. Among the cataloged correspondence are: Daniel Berrigan, Mark Van Doren, Luis Somoza, Jacque Maritain, Aldous Huxley, James Laughlin, Robert Lax, Grover Cleveland Smith, John Howard Griffin, William Henry Shannon and Victoria Ocampo. The extensive manuscript collection was assembled primarily by Sister Thérèse Lentfoehr, Mark Van Doren, and Robert Shepherd. Among the more significant manuscripts are: corrected typescript of THE SEVEN STOREY MOUNTAIN; fragments of his NOVITIATE JOURNAL; notebooks and journals used in THE SIGN OF JONAS; numerous draft of poems; most of his lecture and conference notes which he used while serving as master of scholastics and, later, master of novices. There is an extensive collection of mimeographed articles, many inscribed to Sister Thérèse Lentfoehr; four watercolors by his father, Owen Merton, and many humorous and devotional drawings by Merton; many photographs of Merton, as well as photographs taken by Merton. There is an audio cassette of the radio play by Bruce Stewart entitled ME AND MY SHADOW, produced by the BBC in 1989. The printed material consists of numerous clippings and some offprints, pamphlets, and books
- Collection Context
Vladimir K. and Aleksandra K. Korostovets Papers, 1898-1953 1300 items 10 boxes
- Creator
- Korostovet︠s︡, Vladimir Konstantinovich, ca. 1898-1953
- Abstract Or Scope
The papers consist primarily of the manuscripts of books (including "Witte"), articles, and lectures by V.K. Korostovet︠s︡. There are one or two letters each from Dmitriĭ Mendeleev, Maksim Gorḱiĭ, Pavel Skoropadskiĭ, Boris Pilńi︠a︡k, Konstantin Pobedonost︠s︡ev, Hilaire Belloc, Evelyn Waugh, Rudyard Kipling, John Maynard Keynes, Pavel Mili︠u︡kov, and Lewis Mumford.
- Collection Context