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Benjamin N. Cardozo papers, 1885-1940
10 linear feetCorrespondence, manuscripts, notes, clippings, and photographs of or relating to Cardozo, including his lecture notes as a student at Columbia, 1885-1889, and his commonplace books. Also, four boxes of printed and manuscript material collected by George S. Hellman while writing BENJAMIN N. CARDOZO, AMERICAN JUDGE; and photocopies of letters, manuscripts, and notebooks of original Cardozo papers in the Cardozo School of Law Library. Materials re. his estate and will have been added.
Benjamin Stolberg papers, 1914-1951
24 boxesPapers of Stolberg include correspondence files, notes and manuscripts of his writings, and files of clippings and periodicals in which his articles appeared. His writings deal with the labor movement, economics, the Socialist Party, and other liberal causes of the period between the wars. The extensive correspondence in the collection includes letters from Lewis Corey, Herbert Hoover, Sinclair Lewis, H.L. Mencken, Ayn Rand, Norman Thomas, and Leon Trotsky.
Frederic C. Smedley papers, 1956-1976
8 boxesPapers of Smedley, including correspondence, memoranda, manuscripts, and printed materials about the United Nations, national politics and elections, and civic organizations in New York City and in Connecticut. Correspondents include Hubert Humphrey, John F. Kennedy, and Bertrand Russell.
Herbert Lionel Matthews papers, 1909-2002, bulk 1937-1976
18 linear feetJoseph Barnes papers, 1907-1970, bulk 1923-1970
18.5 linear feetCorrespondence, manuscripts, dispatches, documents, clippings and other printed materials concerning his career as an editor and correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune in Moscow, Berlin and New York, as a staff member of the Institute of Pacific Relations from 1932 to 1934, as deputy director in the Office of War Information overseas branch, 1941-44, as an owner and editor of the New York Star, 1948-49, as an instructor in communications at Sarah Lawrence College, 1950-1951, as a book editor at Simon and Schuster, Publishers, 1951-1970, and as an author and translator.
Lenore Marshall papers, 1887-1980
23.5 linear feetCorrespondence, manuscripts, documents, memorabilia and printed materials. The correspondence deals with literary and political topics, from such people as Hayden Carruth, Irwin Edman, Lola Ridge and Norman Thomas; numerous manuscripts of Mrs. Marshall's writings, including the notes, drafts, manuscripts and proofs of her last novel THE HILL IS LEVEL and various manuscripts of the stories published in THE CONFRONTATION AND OTHER STORIES, and numerous manuscripts of poetry and short stories. Also included is material on the World War II draft of 19-year-olds, economic aid for Western Europe, the Vietnam War, the origin of SANE, the Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, the Amchitka Islands nuclear tests, the Task Force against Nuclear Pollution, and personal correspondence from her own and her husband's families
Lillian D. Wald papers, 1895-1936
97 boxesPapers concerning both the administration of the Henry Street Settlement and Wald's involvement in numerous philanthropic and liberal causes. Her office files trace the foundation and growth of the Henry Street Settlement from 1895 until 1933. Her other activities include child welfare, civil liberties, immigration, public health, unemployment, and the peace movement during World War I. The correspondence files contain letters from public figures and writers including Jane Addams, Roger N. Baldwin, Van Wyck Brooks, Lavinia L. Dock, John Galsworthy, Samuel Gompers, William D. Howells, Charles Evans Hughes, Mabel Hyde Kittredge, Frances Perkins, Dorothy Thompson, Norman Thomas, Ida Tarbell, Margaret Sanger, and Jacob A. Riis.
Varian Fry papers, 1940-1967
9 linear feetThe collection includes the original manuscript of "Surrender on Demand", Mr. Fry's account of his wartime experiences, which was later rewritten for young readers as "Assignment Rescue" (New York, Four Winds Press, 1968). Among the correspondents represented in the collection are Marc Chagall, Jacques Lipchitz, Roger Baldwin, Norman Thomas, J. Edgar Hoover, and Herman Wouk. In addition to the material relating to the Emergency Relief Committee (later known as the International Rescue Committee), the collection includes correspondence and papers concerning Fry's work as a writer on foreign affairs as well as copies of his books.
W. A. Swanberg papers, 1927-1992
36 linear feetCorrespondence, manuscripts, notes, memoranda, notebooks, notecards, proofs, photographs, microfilms, and printed materials. The Papers include the manuscript research materials and correspondence for each of his books except his biography of Theodore Dreiser. Among the correspondents are William Benton, Bruce Catton, Carey McWilliams, Mrs. Fremont Older (Cora Miranda Baggerly Older), and Thornton Wilder.
William Christian Lehmann papers, 1916-1980
13 boxesCorrespondence, manuscripts, notes, research materials, microfilms, printed materials and books. Included among the correspondents are Eleanor Roosevelt, Henry A. Wallace, Norman Thomas, Wayne Morse, Reinhold Niebuhr and Franklin H. Giddings. Also included are the manuscript notes and research materials for Lehmann's book John Millar of Glasgow, 1735-1801 (1960); early drafts, notes and research materials for Henry Home, Lord Kames, and the Scottish Enlightenment (1971); and numerous papers and articles, many unpublished, dealing with the Scottish Enlightenment. The collection also includes some information relating to Lehmann's involvement in local and national politics, especially his participation in the Liberal Party and Americans for Democratic Action. A number of Lehmann's Scottish books, as well as his own writings are shelved at the end of the collection.