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Aleksandr Feliksovich Meyendorff Papers on P. A. Stolypin, 1910-1950

100 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Meyendorff's papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, notes, and printed materials. The papers concern Russian statesman Petr Stolypin. The manuscripts (which are in English) are grouped under the title "A Brief Appreciation of P. Stolypin's Tenure of Office," and touch upon many different aspects of his career. Notes and correspondence are also on this topic. Among the correspondents is Vladimir Kokovt︠s︡ov.

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Aleksandr Feliksovich Meyendorff Papers on P. A. Stolypin, 1910-1950 100 items 1 box

Aleksandr Vasilievich Zen'kovskii Manuscripts, 1951-1966

17 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts, chiefly memoirs, of Zenḱovskiĭ. In these manuscripts are discussed, in particular, Petr Stolypin; the Kiev zemstvo; the 1917 revolution; the Ukraine in 1918, including a zemstvo congress in Kiev; and the Civil War in 1919-1920, when Zenḱovskiĭ worked provisioning the White Army and civilians in the Crimea.

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Aleksandr Vasilievich Zen'kovskii Manuscripts, 1951-1966 17 items 2 boxes

Aleksei Fedorovich and Liubov Aleksandrovna Girs Papers, 1913-1963

0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box
Abstract Or Scope

One letter, manuscripts, and printed materials of Aleksei Fedorovich Girs and of his wife, Liubov' Aleksandrovna Girs. The letter, dated 1914, when Girs was governor of Minsk, is addressed to N. A. Maklakov. Aleksei Gir's memoirs cover such topics as his service in Estland; Petr Stolypin; the "Jewish question;" Tsar Nicholas II; and independent Estonia, where he lived in 1918-1924. There are also two reports by Girs from the time of his service in Minsk. ́Liubov Girs is represented by diaries and memoirs from 1901-1918, particularly on Odessa in 1905-1906; Stolypin's murder in 1911; and Nizhny Novgorod in 1917.

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Aleksei Fedorovich and Liubov Aleksandrovna Girs Papers, 1913-1963 0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box

Dmitrii Grigor'evich Bogrov Letters, 1911

2 items 1 folder
Abstract Or Scope

Two letters written by Dmitrii Grigor'evich Bogrov, the assassin of Petr Stolypin, to his parents. One letter was written shortly before the assassination and another the day prior to his execution.

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Dmitrii Grigor'evich Bogrov Letters, 1911 2 items 1 folder

Mariia Petrovna Bok Memoirs, 1950

2 items 1 box
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Typescript (337 p.) by Marii︠a︡ P. Bok describing her father, the Russian statesman Petr Stolypin. There is also a photograph of him, dated 1909. These memoirs have been published: "Vospominanii︠a︡ o moem ott︠s︡e" P. A. Stolypine (New York, 1953).

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Mariia Petrovna Bok Memoirs, 1950 2 items 1 box

Nataliia Valerianovna Usacheva Papers, 1890-1950

1 box 22 items
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Materials by A. N. Skriabin include: a brief letter to Usacheva; a poem he wrote to her; his autograph; piano exercises; and a brief composition. (All these appear to be in Skribin's hand.) There are also clippings and book (Aleknsandr Nikolaevich Skriabin, 195-1940: Sbornik k 25-letiiu so dnq smerti. M., L., 1940)about Skriabin. Also in the collection is a memoir by Usacheva about Usacheva's second husband, Il'ia Gurliand, who was an assistant of Petr Stolypin and also a journalist. There are also two postcards from M. A. Maklakovoi to Usacheva, materials about V. A. Maklakov.

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Nataliia Valerianovna Usacheva Papers, 1890-1950 1 box 22 items

Nikolai Dmitrievich Semenov-Tian'-Shanskii Memoirs, 1938-1961

7 items 7 items
Abstract Or Scope

These typescript memoirs mainly concern the Imperial family and Petr A. Stolypin. Titles of the longer pieces are: "Moi vospominanii︠a︡ o E.I.V. Gosudare Imperatore Nikolae II;" "Svetloĭ pami︠a︡ti Imperatrit︠s︡y Aleksandry Fedorovny;" and "Pami︠a︡ti Petra Arkadévicha Stolypina." Also included is a letter by a French general, dated 1941, and a typescript by an unidentified woman, entitled"Nikolaĭ II kak i︠a︡ ego znala.".

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Nikolai Dmitrievich Semenov-Tian'-Shanskii Memoirs, 1938-1961 7 items 7 items

Vera Mitrofanovna Bogrova Papers, 1881-1972

0.5 Linear Feet 3 regular size folders; 1 oversize folder
Abstract Or Scope

Included are Bogrova's manuscript memoirs, which deal with such topics as her childhood, the Bogrov family, the Russian revolutionary movement, and the "Jewish Question" in Russia (the memoirs are also available on microfilm MN#: 2003-7005). There are also three documents relating to Grigorii Grigor'evich Bogrov, Bogrova's father-in-law and the father of Dmitrii Bogrov.

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Vera Mitrofanovna Bogrova Papers, 1881-1972 0.5 Linear Feet 3 regular size folders; 1 oversize folder

Vladimir Venediktovich Khoromanskii Papers, 1904-1971

56 items 56 items
Abstract Or Scope

Khoromanskiĭ's manuscripts and memoirs concern such topics as his childhood and his father's work as an official in Saratov; World War I; White attempts to combat Makhno's forces; and Russian refugees on Malta and Capri. There is a subject file on the Russkoe Trudovoe Khristi︠a︡nskoe Dvizhenie, and a photograph of Petr Stolypin in 1904. Printed materials include a decree by the Ukrainian government in 1918 and several by the White army in Elisavetgrad and Ekaterinoslav in 1919. In addition, there are the memoirs of Khoromanskiĭ's father, Venedikt M. Khoromanskiĭ, concerning 1918-22.

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Vladimir Venediktovich Khoromanskii Papers, 1904-1971 56 items 56 items