Search Results
Joseph Barnes papers, 1907-1970, bulk 1923-1970 18.5 linear feet 40 boxes
- Creator
- Barnes, Joseph, 1907-1970
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, dispatches, documents, clippings and other printed materials concerning his career as an editor and correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune in Moscow, Berlin and New York, as a staff member of the Institute of Pacific Relations from 1932 to 1934, as deputy director in the Office of War Information overseas branch, 1941-44, as an owner and editor of the New York Star, 1948-49, as an instructor in communications at Sarah Lawrence College, 1950-1951, as a book editor at Simon and Schuster, Publishers, 1951-1970, and as an author and translator.
- Collection Context
William J. McGill papers, 1929-1979 23.35 linear feet (56 document boxes and 1 oversize folder)
- Creator
- McGill, William J. (William James), 1922-1997
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, memoranda, notes, speeches, scientific data, photographs and printed material. Half of the collection relates to McGill's research and writing in the fields of experimental and mathematical psychology, particularly in the psychology of perception, and contains drafts of papers, notes, class materials and works by others. Also included are files relating to McGill's chairmanship of the Carnegie Commission on the Future of Public Broadcasting, files pertaining to his participation on the New York State Special Advisory Panel on Medical Malpractice, and some papers from his chairmanship of the psychology department, and later chancellorship, of the University of California, San Diego. Some personal correspondence and documents are also included. Among the cataloged correspondence are John W. Gardiner, Edward M. Kennedy, Margaret Mead, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Jonas Salk, and Beverly Sills
- Collection Context
Ruth Nanda Anshen papers, 1938-1986 16.8 linear feet 40 document boxes
- Creator
- Anshen, Ruth Nanda
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence with many well known authors and scientists, correspondence with publishers, contracts, and other materials dealing with the many series of books which she has organized. Dr Anshen has edited over one hundred works in fields ranging from physics and biology to philosophy, education, psychology, and esthetics. Her series - WORLD PERSPECTIVES (Harper), RELIGIOUS PERSPECTIVES (Harper), CREDO PERSPECTIVES (Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster), THE SCIENCE OF CULTURE SERIES (Harcourt, Brace), PERSPECTIVES IN HUMANISM (World Pub. Co.), and THE TREE OF LIFE SERIES - have been concerned with new trends in scientific thought and the mutual intelligibility of the various arts and sciences. A new series, CONVERGENCE (Columbia University Press), was started in 1981 dealing with ideas that changed, or that are changing the world. Books from the various series are also included. There is also personal material of Dr Anshen and her family.
- Collection Context
Alvin and Heidi Toffler papers, 1955-1984 110 linear feet 263 boxes 1 oversize folder
- Creator
- Toffler, Alvin
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, telephone logs, lecture/administrative files, manuscripts, research files, personal papers, reviews, press clippings, tearsheets, and memorabilia relating to the many projects Toffler and his wife worked on from 1950 to 1985. The collection is divided into closed and open series. Closed files include all correspondence; telephone logs; administrative files pertaining to lectures, contracts, and business memos; and personal papers. Open files consist of clippings, notes, manuscripts, publishers' "dead matter," tearsheets of articles and books, press clippings, interviews, and galleys. The correspondence includes letters from a great variety of people, such as Betty Friedan, Jonas Salk, Newt Gingrich, Ed Koch, and many other politicians and celebrities. There are research files for virtually every project that Toffler was involved with, including his books "Future Shock" and "The Third Wave." The press clippings files are extensive and range from research topics to reviews, and cover countries from Australia to Switzerland. Lecture files also from Toffler's television/video production compnay, Triwave Productions, Inc., which include scripts, contracts, and materials relating to all stages of production. The many manuscripts, proofs, and galleys are in various stages of revision and include Toffler's extensive corrections and notes.
- Collection Context