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Brander Matthews papers, 1827-1967

65 boxes 65 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, memorabilia, scrapbooks, and printed material. Among his correspondents represented in the collection by at least 75 items are: William Archer, Hobart C. Chatfield-Taylor, Augustin Daly, Austin Dobson, Hamlin Garland, Bronson Howard, William Dean Howells, Henry Arthur Jones, Henry Cabot Lodge and Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury. There are bound volumes of letters from Henry C. Bunner, Andrew Lang, Rudyard Kipling, Theodore Roosevelt, miscellaneous letters to Matthews, and Matthews' editorial correspondence with the North American Review. There are three boxes of manuscripts, including poems by 21 authors; essays on drama; and plays by Henry Arthur Jones, Don Marquis, and Matthews; bound volumes of manuscripts of Matthews' plays and his book, "Development for the Drama." Also included are 17 boxes of his manuscript notes for his many lectures, articles, and books; and memorabilia, primarily from the theatre and from his life at Columbia. Material on the Dunlap Society, which was devoted to printing works relating to the theater, of which Matthews was co-founder with Laurence Hutton, includes documents and correspondence, much of which is between then secretary Evert J. Wendell and members on meetings and other Society business around 1914. In addition, there are notes and correspondence of Herbert Kleinfield relating to his research on Matthews.

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Brander Matthews papers, 1827-1967 65 boxes 65 boxes

Charles Evans Hughes papers, 1914-1930

57 boxes 57 boxes 1 oversize folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, reports, and printed material of Hughes. The papers cover primarily the period following Hughes' defeat in the 1916 presidential election up to his appointment as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1930; in most files there is a gap from March 1921 to March 1925, when Hughes was Secretary of State. Some materials relate to the law firm of Hughes, Rounds, Schurman and Dwight (later Hughes, Schurman and Dwight), but primarily concern Hughes' philanthropies and activities in professional organizations. Among these latter associations are the American Bar Association, the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, the Legal Aid Society, and the New York State Bar Association. Records for a number of Hughes' cultural, educational, and international philanthropies, such as the Armenian National Union of America and the George Washington Memorial Association, are included as are materials on his participation in the 1918-1924 aircraft investigation, the Sixth Pan American Conference (Havana, 1928), and the Permanent Court of International Justice, the Hague.

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Charles Evans Hughes papers, 1914-1930 57 boxes 57 boxes 1 oversize folder

Columbia University English Department correspondence, 1896-1961

1.67 linear feet 4 document boxes
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A collection of letters from authors, critics, and scholars, primarily relating to lectureships and courses given under the auspices of the English Department. Some of the correspondence, notably the ten letters from Amy Lowell, deal with essays written for the revised edition of C.D. Warner's LIBRARY OF THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE. The letters are written to Ashley H. Thorndike, John W. Cunliffe, George R. Carpenter, Ernest H. Wright, and Marjorie Nicolson. The correspondents include John Mason Brown, Marchette Chute, Robert P. Tristram Coffin, Padraic Colum, Bernard DeVoto, T.S. Eliot, John Erskine, Robert Frost, Otto Jespersen, Howard Mumford Jones, Joyce Kilmer, Ludwig Lewishon, Amy Lowell, Archibald MacLeish, Thomas Mann, Brander Matthews, H.L. Mencken, Christopher Morley, Ezra Pound, Theodore Roosevelt, Charles P. Snow, Allen Tate, Robert Penn Warren, and Edmund Wilson. Two boxes of miscellaneous uncataloged correspondence cover the years, 1896-1917, and a folder for the 1935 Mark Twain Centennial sponsored by the English Department. The correspondence is chiefly with Ernest Hunter Wright.

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Columbia University English Department correspondence, 1896-1961 1.67 linear feet 4 document boxes

Eleanor Belmont Papers, 1851-1979

33 linear feet 37 boxes 159 volumes 1
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Belmont (1878-1979) was an American actress and a prominent public figure. The collection includes correspondence, subject files, and personal materials.
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Eleanor Belmont Papers, 1851-1979 33 linear feet 37 boxes 159 volumes 1

Electus D. Litchfield architectural drawings and photographs, 1912-1940

14 cubic feet
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Architectural drawings and photographs of Litchfield's designs for Yorkship village (housing for ship workers during World War I near Camden, N.J.); Public Library, St. Paul, Minn.; memorial to Theodore Roosevelt at Oyster Bay, Long Island, N.Y.; 800 Park Avenue and other New York City apartment houses; Albany Post Office, Albany, N.Y. (designed by Gander, Gander & Gander, with Litchfield as consulting architect); and other projects.

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Electus D. Litchfield architectural drawings and photographs, 1912-1940 14 cubic feet

Frederick C. Tanner papers, 1911- 1928

17 boxes 17 boxes 18 volumes
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Files of political correspondence and papers of Tanner. The majority of the correspondence deals with city and state elections. The correspondents include Charles Evans Hughes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Fiorello La Guardia. Also, a collection of eighteen scrapbooks.

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Frederick C. Tanner papers, 1911- 1928 17 boxes 17 boxes 18 volumes

Frederick William Holls papers, 1880-1903

9 Linear Feet 22 boxes
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Letters to and copies of letters, letter books, and miscellaneous papers of (George) Frederick William Holls. There is also an amount of clippings and other miscellanea. The correspondence is with many persons important in the areas of politics and education. The subject content of the letters is international in scope, including such matters as the Suez Canal, the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, the Dreyfus affair, the Hague Peace Conference, Rhodes Scholarships, unification of education in New York State, the St. Louis Exposition, and tenement reform. Among the principal correspondents represented by groups of letters are John Barrett, Nicholas Murray Butler, Henry W. Diederick, Theodor Lange, Hugo Munsterburg, F.J. Odendahl, Theodore Roosevelt, and Carl Schurz.

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Frederick William Holls papers, 1880-1903 9 Linear Feet 22 boxes

Helen MacLachlan papers, 1880-1980

17 boxes 17 boxes, 6 oversize items
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and memorabilia of Helen May MacLachlan. There are 570 letters from John Masefield and his wife to James Alexander MacLachlan, his wife Mary, and their children Howard James and Helen, 1916-1966, autograph poetry manuscripts, drawings, clippings, and 43 books presented by Masefield to Helen MacLachlan. Also, correspondence about the Theodore Roosevelt Association from Horace Marden Albright, Ethel Roosevelt Derby, Hermann Hagedorn, and others as well as correspondence from personal friends; and photographs of the MacLachlan family and friends.

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Helen MacLachlan papers, 1880-1980 17 boxes 17 boxes, 6 oversize items

Jay family papers, 1828-1943

38.5 linear feet 84 boxes
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Papers of the Jay family and of those families related to the Jay family, including Bruen, Butterworth, Chapman, Clarkson, Dawson, Du Bois, Field, Iselin, McVickar, Mortimer, O'Kill, Pellew, Pierrepont, Prime, Robinson, Schieffelin, Von Schweinitz, Sedgwick, and Wurts. In addition to family and personal matters, the correspondence deals with anti-slavery, New York State civil service, repeal of the Missouri Compromise, the Civil War, the Blair Bill, international affairs, and New York City and State politics and government. There are letters from numerous prominent persons including George Bancroft, F.A.P. Barnard, Bismarck, William Cullen Bryant, Aaron Burr, James Fenimore Cooper, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Hamilton Fish, Albert Gallatin, Horace Greeley, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Washington Irving, Frances Anne Kemble, Jenny Lind, Henry W. Longfellow, Seth Low, James Russell Lowell, John Stuart Mill, Alice Duer Miller, Clement Clarke Moore, J.P. Morgan, Thomas Nast, Commodore Matthew Perry, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Elihu Root, Carl Schurz, William H. Seward, William T. Sherman, Charles Sumner, and John Greenleaf Whittier.

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Jay family papers, 1828-1943 38.5 linear feet 84 boxes

John N. Wheeler papers, 1915-1966

3 boxes 3 manuscript boxes
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Most of the material in this collection relates to the North American Newspaper Alliance, Inc. There are 204 letters from seventy different correspondents including Bernard Baruch, Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway, and George Bernard Shaw. Every U.S. President from Theodore Roosevelt to Lyndon Johnson (with the exception of John Kennedy) is represented in this collection. Also, 393 letters representing Mr. Wheeler's side of the correspondence; and a group of miscellaneous items including a collection of clipped autographs formed by Elizabeth Wheeler.

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John N. Wheeler papers, 1915-1966 3 boxes 3 manuscript boxes