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Franz Boas Chinook language materials, 1880s-1942

0.75 Linear Feet (One wide manuscript box (six volumes and one folder))
Abstract Or Scope

This collection consists of six volumes of manuscript notes that contain Franz Boas's work on the Chinook language, which was spoken by Chinookans in the Pacific Northwest. It also includes one folder of 1942 correspondence concerning placement of the materials at Columbia.

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Franz Boas Chinook language materials, 1880s-1942 0.75 Linear Feet (One wide manuscript box (six volumes and one folder))

Garal'd Karlovich Graf Manuscripts, 1933-1953

4 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Three typescripts by Graf: one is entitled"Imperator bez trona: Zapiski nachalńika kant︠s︡eli︠a︡rii (nabli︠u︡denii︠a︡ i mysli)" (596 p.), describes the history of the Monarchist movement. The other two manuscripts deal with the Imperial Navy. One is entitled "Na baltiĭskom flote: Period vozrozhdeni︠a︡ flota posle I︠A︡ponskoĭ voĭny, s 1906 g. do 1914 g." (359 p., 2 drafts); the other is entitled "Russkiĭ flot: Materi︠a︡ly dli︠a︡ izuchenii︠a︡ Russkoĭ voenno-morskoĭ frazeologii" (203 p.). It contains a glossary of naval terms.

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Garal'd Karlovich Graf Manuscripts, 1933-1953 4 items (1 box)

L. Carrington Goodrich papers, 1890-1991

11 linear feet (25 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, notes, notecards, journals, diaries, photographs, slides, memorabilia and printed materials documenting Goodrich's career in the field of Chinese language and history, as well as materials on the cultural affairs of twentieth century China. Among the cataloged correspondence are Joseph Alsop, Pearl S. Buck, Norman Cousins, Philip C. Jessup, H.H. Kung, Owen Lattimore, and Nathan Pusey. Part of the collection is arranged in Goodrich's alphabetical subject/name file and the remainder is arranged alphabetically. The correspondence is from colleagues, students, business associates, friends, etc. The subject files are on a variety of topics concerning China, the Far East, printing, medicine, the arts, and technology; material on the Chinese Civil Service Examination; associations, schools, foundations, missions and their work in the Far East.

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L. Carrington Goodrich papers, 1890-1991 11 linear feet (25 boxes)

Mario Emilio Cosenza papers, bulk 1960-1966

24 linear feet (86500 items in 43 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Files and records of Professor Cosenza, for his monumental work, BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF THE ITALIAN HUMANISTS AND OF THE WORLD OF CLASSICAL SCHOLARSHIP IN ITALY, 1300-1800. Also, his notes on Petrarch, the Italian Renaissance, and the Italian Humanists.

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Mario Emilio Cosenza papers, bulk 1960-1966 24 linear feet (86500 items in 43 boxes)

World War II underground publications, 1939-1945

1 linear feet (3 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of underground publications, in many cases illegal, representative of presses operating in German-occupied Europe during World War II. Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Italian, French, and Portugese items are included. There are 8 pieces of sheet music, publications of the United States based organization, France Forever, and an unusual German-English dictionary, without a title-page, that was printed by a German POW

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World War II underground publications, 1939-1945 1 linear feet (3 boxes)