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Bennett Cerf papers, 1898-1977

52 linear feet (71 boxes 45 volumes 22 oversized items)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, memorabilia, photographs, phonograph and tape recordings, and printed files. Included are Cerf's personal correspondence files, 1929-1945, and the diaries and scrapbooks which he maintained from his school days throughout his active career. The diaries, in date-book format, contain terse notes on Cerf's meetings with authors and friends, on his travels and publishing activities; the scrapbooks contain correspondence and photographs, as well as memorabilia and printed items, and were annotated by Cerf and his wife, Phyllis Fraser Cerf Wagner. Also in the collection are manuscripts and proofs for Cerf's books including "The Laugh's on Me""Treasury of Atrocious Puns""The Sound of Laughter""Stories to Make You Feel Better", and "At Random: the Reminiscences of Bennett Cerf", which was edited by Phyllis Cerf Wagner and Albert Erskine, 1977. The papers also include condolence letters written at the time of Cerf's death, photographs and photo albums,certificates and awards, and miscellaneous printed material, including Random House and Modern Library catalogues. Among the major correspondents are: Truman Capote, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Edna Ferber, Moss Hart, J. Edgar Hoover, Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon B. Johnson, John Lindsay, Joshua Logan, John O'Hara, Jacqueline Onassis, Richard Rodgers, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Gertrude Stein, Adlai Stevenson, Harry Truman, and Robert Penn Warren

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Bennett Cerf papers, 1898-1977 52 linear feet (71 boxes 45 volumes 22 oversized items)

Christopher Morley papers, 1916-1954

1 box (1 box (20 items))
Abstract Or Scope

A group of letters and manuscripts of Morley. The five letters are to various persons. Among the manuscripts are an early poem"The Flags on Fifth Avenue" (1916); an essay entitled "In the Steerage of the Lusitania;" a one-act play entitled "On the Shelf;" and a 1941 revision of Shakespeare's TEMPEST.

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Christopher Morley papers, 1916-1954 1 box (1 box (20 items))

Columbia University English Department correspondence, 1896-1961

1.67 linear feet (4 document boxes)
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A collection of letters from authors, critics, and scholars, primarily relating to lectureships and courses given under the auspices of the English Department. Some of the correspondence, notably the ten letters from Amy Lowell, deal with essays written for the revised edition of C.D. Warner's LIBRARY OF THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE. The letters are written to Ashley H. Thorndike, John W. Cunliffe, George R. Carpenter, Ernest H. Wright, and Marjorie Nicolson. The correspondents include John Mason Brown, Marchette Chute, Robert P. Tristram Coffin, Padraic Colum, Bernard DeVoto, T.S. Eliot, John Erskine, Robert Frost, Otto Jespersen, Howard Mumford Jones, Joyce Kilmer, Ludwig Lewishon, Amy Lowell, Archibald MacLeish, Thomas Mann, Brander Matthews, H.L. Mencken, Christopher Morley, Ezra Pound, Theodore Roosevelt, Charles P. Snow, Allen Tate, Robert Penn Warren, and Edmund Wilson. Two boxes of miscellaneous uncataloged correspondence cover the years, 1896-1917, and a folder for the 1935 Mark Twain Centennial sponsored by the English Department. The correspondence is chiefly with Ernest Hunter Wright.

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Columbia University English Department correspondence, 1896-1961 1.67 linear feet (4 document boxes)

Daniel Longwell papers, circa 1920-1974

90 boxes (circa 24,750 items (90 boxes))
Abstract Or Scope

Papers documenting Longwell's influential career in publishing and journalism. There are files of correspondence with such notables as Sir Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway, Thomas Hart Benton, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Christopher Morley, and H.L. Mencken as well as artists such as Tom Lea and Peter Hurd. Also, correspondence and memoranda dealing with the Time-Life organization, among them an extensive series of letters from Henry R. Luce and various editors of the magazines.

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Daniel Longwell papers, circa 1920-1974 90 boxes (circa 24,750 items (90 boxes))

Donald C. Brace Papers, 1839-1991, bulk 1901-1955

3 linear feet (1 record carton; 3 document boxes; 1 flat box; 1 Portrait of Brace)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the papers of Donald C. Brace, one of the founders of the New York publishing house Harcourt, Brace & Company. Materials include correspondence, business records, and proofs of the U.S. editions of Virginia Woolf's works Orlando, The Waves, and The Second Common Reader; the latter two proofs include the author's corrections.
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Donald C. Brace Papers, 1839-1991, bulk 1901-1955 3 linear feet (1 record carton; 3 document boxes; 1 flat box; 1 Portrait of Brace)

Don Marquis papers, 1894-1944

10 linear feet (24 Ms boxes, 1 flat box)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, proofs, photographs, and printed and miscellaneous material relating to the life and writings of Don Marquis. Among the more important works included are MASTER OF THE REVELS, CHAPTERS FOR THE ORTHODOX, JACK (published as SONS OF THE PURITANS), THE EGO BIOGRAPHY, the "Old Soak" and "O'Meara" and stories, works related to archy and mehitabel, and THE DARK HOURS. Also, letters by Marquis, Joseph B. Gilder, Marjorie Vonnegut Marquis, Christopher Morley, and others, and manuscripts by Benjamin DeCasseres, Joseph B. Gilder, and Rodman Gilder.

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Don Marquis papers, 1894-1944 10 linear feet (24 Ms boxes, 1 flat box)

Frederic Dannay papers, 1920-1982

85 linear feet (190 boxes, 1 flat box, 1 mapcase folder)
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Correspondence, outlines and drafts, manuscripts, letters of agreement, contracts, photographs, artwork, and memorabilia. The collection is divided into two parts: the Frederic Dannay papers and the files of ELLERY QUEEN'S MYSTERY MAGAZINE (EQMM). The Dannay papers consist of extensive correspondence with most of the notable mystery writers of this century, as well as well-known authors who sometimes wrote in that genre: Isaac Asimov; Lawrence Block; Ray Bradbury; Pearl S Buck; Edgar Rice Burroughs; James M. Cain; Raymond Chandler; Agatha Christie, etc. Most of the novels and short stories written by Dannay and Lee are represented in manuscript form: "The Roman Hat Mystery;" "Ten Day's Wonder;" "Cat of Many Tails;" "The Scarlet Letters;" "The Glass Village;" "The Player on the Other Side;" "And on the Eighth Day" etc. In addition, there are the manuscripts of books edited by Ellery Queen; manuscripts by Ellery Queen Jr.; scripts by Ellery Queen; poetry by Dannay; contracts between Dannay and Lee, as well as between them both as Ellery Queen and numerous parties. There are also manuscripts by such notables as Jorge Luis Borges; Erskine Caldwell; Raymond Chandler; Agatha Christie; Stanley Ellin; William Faulkner; Dashiell Hammett; O Henry; Nigel Morland; Georges Simenon; Muriel Spark; Julian Symons; Roy Vickers; and Cornell Woolrich.

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Frederic Dannay papers, 1920-1982 85 linear feet (190 boxes, 1 flat box, 1 mapcase folder)

Gordon Norton Ray letters collection, 1661-1976

9 boxes (9 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters written to Frank Topham, ca. 1879; letters from various 19th century artists including Wyke Bayliss, G. Bowers Edwards, and Carl Haag; letters to Jerome Milkman, 1925-1958; letters to Howes Norris, 1908-1930; letters from various 20th century artists including Sir D.Y. Cameron, Sir John Collier, and Sir Gerald Kelley; and letters and a few manuscripts and documents of various American and British authors. Also, a group of French documents and letters from immediately following the French Revolution, 1793-1812, mostly dealing with military and governmental matters. Correspondents and signers include Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot, Jean Jacques Regis Cambacérès, Jean Etienne Championnet, and Jean Baptiste Michel Saladin. Letters, 1814-1832, written to United States ministers to France including William Harris Crawford, Albert Gallatin, William Cabell River, and Nathaniel Niles. The correspondents include Elie Decazes, Antoine René Charles Mathurin, comte de La Forest, and Armand Emmanuel du Plesis, duc de Richelieu. The letters deal with a variety of diplomatic matters such as the exchange of war prisoners and refuge for the ship DECATUR.

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Gordon Norton Ray letters collection, 1661-1976 9 boxes (9 boxes)

Harry Scherman papers, 1937-1969

49 boxes (49 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Large groups of correspondence with members of the editorial board including Henry Seidel Canby, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, John Marquand, Christopher Morley, and William Allen White, which contain insights into the Club's activities, organization, and literary policies. Also, material relating to Scherman's careers as writer, economist, and philanthropist. Mr. Scherman's economic activities are represented by files of correspondence and papers of the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Federal Union, and the Committee on Economic Development. Among the personal items in the collection are manuscripts of his publications, reviews of his writings, numerous awards he has received, photographs, and documents relating to his long and rich career. There are two particularly warm letters from Winston Churchill and Albert Einstein. Also, additional personal and professional correspondence files of Scherman with publishers, agents, authors, Book of the Month Club judges, and organizations with which he was affiliated.

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Harry Scherman papers, 1937-1969 49 boxes (49 boxes)

Henry Morton Robinson papers, 1915-1965

42 boxes (42 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers dealing with Robinson's activities as a student and instructor in English at Columbia University, editor of CONTEMPORARY VERSE, senior editor at THE READER'S DIGEST, poet and author of many books including THE CARDINAL. Among the correspondents are Melville Cane, Paul de Kruif, John Erskine, Merrill Moore, and Christopher Morley.

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Henry Morton Robinson papers, 1915-1965 42 boxes (42 boxes)