This collection contains the papers of Donald C. Brace, one of the founders of the New York publishing house Harcourt, Brace & Company. Materials include correspondence, business records, and proofs of the U.S. editions of Virginia Woolf's works Orlando, The Waves, and The Second Common Reader; the latter two proofs include the author's corrections.
Papers dealing with Robinson's activities as a student and instructor in English at Columbia University, editor of CONTEMPORARY VERSE, senior editor at THE READER'S DIGEST, poet and author of many books including THE CARDINAL. Among the correspondents are Melville Cane, Paul de Kruif, John Erskine, Merrill Moore, and Christopher Morley.
Correspondence of Knickerbocker. Correspondents are Kenneth Burke, Oscar Cargill, Irwin Edman, Ben Ray Redman, Austin Warren, Morrie Ryskind, Bonamy Dobrée, Helen Keller, Compton Mackenzie, Merrill Moore, and Allen Tate.