A collection of letters written to Frederick W. Dupee and George Stade in connection with their work as editors of THE SELECTED LETTERS OF E.E. CUMMINGS, published in 1969. There are letters from numerous friends and associates of Cummings, including Kenneth Burke, Malcolm Cowley, Marion Morehouse Cummings (Mrs. E.E. Cummings), John Dos Passos, Max Eastman, Marianne Moore, and Allen Tate. Also, 24 drawings by E.E. Cummings dating from the 1920 and 1930s.
Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, memorabilia, business records, book catalogs and other printed materials of Louis and Marguerite Cohn and their customers, associates and friends. Correspondents include Stephen Vincent Benʹet, Robert Frost, T.S. Eliot, and Marianne Moore, all among the authors represented in the Crown Octavos series published by the House of Books; there are also manuscripts, proofs and correspondence with printers for this series. Other correspondents include Cyril Connolly, W. Somerset Maugham and Tom Stoppard. Also in the collection are letters and manuscripts from the stock of the shop; notable among these are a series of Graham Greene letters and pages from an autograph book which contains entries from many turn of the century American Literary figures. The collection also include the personal memorabilia of the Cohn and Arnold families. Louis Cohn's participation in World War I as an officer in the French Army is recorded in photographs, documents and memorabilia. Marguerite's childhood collections, among them many early greeting cards, are also included.
Manuscripts and correspondence of Schneider, including numerous manuscripts of short stories and poems, many of which are unpublished, and several full-length manuscripts of unpublished critical works. The collection also contains an extensive file of typescript reports on books for The Book Find Club, clippings of reviews written by Schneider and about his books, photographs and drawings of Schneider, and a file of correspondence relating to his writings. The literary correspondence includes letters from many of the important novelists, poets, and literary critics from the 1920s to the 1950s. They include Conrad Aiken, Sherwood Anderson, Kenneth Burke, Malcolm Cowley, Theodore Dreiser, Waldo Frank, Lillian Hellman, Robert Hillyer, Alfred Kreymborg, Thomas Mann, Arthur Miller, Marianne Moore, Lewis Mumford, Laura Riding, Muriel Rukeyser, Karl Shapiro, Stephen Spender, Mark Van Doren, and Yvor Winters.
The collection documents the scholarship and writing of John Eugene Unterecker, a poet, biographer of the poet Hart Crane, and professor of English. The majority of the collection is composed of correspondence and manuscripts. Materials date from 1961 to 1987.
Correspondence and some printed ephemera and reviews pertaining to Kenneth Lohf's work on the INDEX TO LITTLE MAGAZINES, INDEX TO THE LITTLE REVIEW, and bibliographies of Yvor Winters, Sherwood Anderson, Frank Norris, Joseph Conrad, and Marianne Moore, which he compiled with Eugene P. Sheey. Included are 35 letters from Robert Greenwood, publisher and poet. There are also books inscribed to Lohf and books and articles by him. In addition, there are more than 300 autograph letters and manuscripts chiefly of ninteenth century English writers, artists, academics, statesmen and other historical figures collected by Lohf
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, memorabilia and printed materials. The correspondence deals with literary and political topics, from such people as Hayden Carruth, Irwin Edman, Lola Ridge and Norman Thomas; numerous manuscripts of Mrs. Marshall's writings, including the notes, drafts, manuscripts and proofs of her last novel THE HILL IS LEVEL and various manuscripts of the stories published in THE CONFRONTATION AND OTHER STORIES, and numerous manuscripts of poetry and short stories. Also included is material on the World War II draft of 19-year-olds, economic aid for Western Europe, the Vietnam War, the origin of SANE, the Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, the Amchitka Islands nuclear tests, the Task Force against Nuclear Pollution, and personal correspondence from her own and her husband's families
Correspondence, manuscripts, and books of Melville H. Cane. Among the correspondents are Van Wyck Brooks, Carl Jung, Lewis Mumford, William Saroyan, Upton Sinclair, Felix Frankfurter, Jessamyn West, and W.H.Auden. Included is a scrapbook of newspaper articles by Cane, written chiefly for the "New York Evening Post". He served as the Columbia University correspondent during 1901 and 1902, when he was studying for his degree at the School of Law
The editorial and production files of Pantheon Books from 1944 through 1968. The correspondence from authors, agents, and publishers is written to Kurt and Helen Wolff, Jacques Schiffrin, André Schiffrin, and the editors of the firm. The files document the publication of works by A. Alvarez, Georges Bernanos, Hermann Broch, Jacob Burckhardt, Albert Camus, William Demby, Eugene Ionesco, Karl Jaspers, Winifred Bryher, Jacques Maritain, Isamu Noguchi, José Ortega y Gasset, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Sir Herbert Read, Ben Shahn, and others.
Correspondence, documents and manuscripts from late seventeenth and eighteenth century France, especially from the French Revolution, collected by Sam Schaefler. Authors include J.B. Colbert Torcy and the Duchesse Du Lude. Many of the items from the French Revolution represent the work of the Committee of Public Safety and the Committee of General Security. French Revolutionary leaders represented in the collection include François-Antoine Boissy D'Anglas, Jean-Baptiste-Noel Bouchotte, Pierre Joseph Cambon, Lazare Carnot, Jean-Marie Collot D'Herbois, l'Abbʹe de Fauchet, Philippe-Antoine Merlin de Douai, Jean Victor Moreau. C.A. Prieur-Duvernois, and Antoine Joseph Santerre. In addition, the collection includes a letter from the Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted to Sir John Herschel, a letter by the French poet Romain Rolland, a document of the Philadelphia Artists' Fund Society of 1846 with signatures of its officers, and an autograph letter and a photograph of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Correspondence, manuscripts, audio cassettes, photographs, and printed materials. The correspondence covers the years 1934 through 1999 and consists mostly of letters to and from James L. Weil, whose Elizabeth Press was Bronk's publisher from 1969 to 1981, from Eugene Canadé, an artist who illustrated many of Bronk's books, from Bronk's sisters, and from many friends. There are also letters from W.H. Auden; Paul Auster, Cid Corman (Bronk's first publisher and founder of ORIGIN, the magazine in which many of Bronk's early poems first appeared), Robert Creeley, Samuel French Morse, Gilbert Sorrentino, and many other well-known authors. The manuscripts include notebooks and binders containing handwritten and typed drafts of poems and essays. They document nearly all of Bronk's published writings including the collection of essays he completed in the 1940s which was published in 1980 as THE BROTHER IN ELYSIUM as well as the collection of poems published in 1981 as LIFE SUPPORTS: NEW AND COLLECTED POEMS for which Bronk won the American Books Award in 1982. There are also page proofs, photographs of Bronk, many audio cassettes of Bronk reading his work in the 1970s and the 1980s and printed materials
Prof. Greet has presented Columbia with a collection of letters which he has received from numerous authors, including John Mason Brown, John Cheever, John Dos Passos, Marianne Moore, and 27 from H.L. Mencken. Of special interest is a notebook of letters concerning Greet's dictionary, WORLD WORDS, puiblished in 1944 by CBS as an aid in the understanding and pronunciation of new and foreign words. The notebook contains letters from Henry A. Wallace, George Marshall, Cordell Hull, J. Edgar Hoover, and more than 50 other public officials
Current results range from 1674 to 1999