Correspondence, memoranda, photoreproductions of manuscript excerpts by Kafka, publicity files, production records, and printed materials for the works of the Austrian author, Franz Kafka, in German and English translations, 1940-1977. These extant files were set aside by David Rome, the former president of Schocken Books, after the firm was purchased by Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, several years ago. The files consist mainly of production files for the first American editions of THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA (1946), LETTERS TO MILENA (1948), ERZAHLUNGEN UND KLEINE PROSA (1957), and FRANZ KAFKA: BRIEFE (l958). Also included is a publicity file aimed at American Jewish organizations and college and university German departments promoting SAMLICHE WERKE edited by Max Brod as well as his biography of Kafka, and a marked master galley proof for PARABLES AND PARADOXES (1958). Also included are photocopies and mimeograph copies of playscripts based on Kafka's DIARY and METAMORPHOSES and a script by Michael McClure, JOSEPHINE, based on a character of the same name in Kafka's story, THE MOUSE FOLK. There is correspondence with Professor Heinz Pollitzer concerning the promotion of publishing Kafka's writings in the early 1960s. The printed materials are chiefly book reviews of Kafka's publications and some scholarly articles on Kafka.